
ABBOTT Panbio COVID-19 SWAB, using phase contrast dark field microscopy

A quick look at some of the work I have been doing for paper write ups. Some cool captures.

All the same components seen assemblingas they do from vaccines and anesthetics. Hybrid lipid nano-particles expanding into cell structures via rapid self-assembly. Other constucts also appear in tandem facilitating other constructive pathways.

This video was taken using Binning techniques to enhance frames per second and light sensitivity. This gives even more frames per second and a magnified view, I used ROI tools to shrink the target image area. Of course the 100W cooled and focused light source is essential and so is the high end imager in order to see this clarity of detail. It is not new information that all swabs show this phenomenon around the globe and I have still been doing just as much work every day on these products. I began noticing this material in 2021 and continued to compare it to other sources. Comparing the differences between vaccines, Aneasthetics, Blood, water, and COVID-19 swabs. What we understand about these processes has come a long way. There are absolutely no nano robots to report as some seem to keep on touting, but this material is highly complex and hugely altering to human or biological physiology.

One really most view these images on the big screen in full view to see all the processes occuring during the evaporative process. It is stunning to view but quite evil. Various cell constructs or membraneous domains where individual chemical reactions are happening. some are producing different lipids inside, others making complex molecules and particles. In the blue ocean towards the bottom particle aggrigations can be obsurved which form polymer substrates and masses around them. The unique colour in structures displays evidence of major chemical differences and complexity between structures, even if they appear alike. What we do know is that there is a variance of lipid constructs, particles, polymers, and other materials with far too much going on. Obviously morphology changes somewhat when viewed in the blood, but most features upto a point are there and show direct correlation without any doubt whatsoever.

Further detailed video is shown above, and below are some still images so the particle detail can be obsurved. These are the kind of materials that make slow alteration to biological life on a catostrphic scale. I can see no evidence still of device based structures forming, or nano-robots. It would seem if any computing or connective systems are to be achieved then it is possibly via cellular alteration and maybe by concepts similar to wet computing or other more biological/technology based principals. For all anybody knows it could simple be to continue self assembly of a product which damages health, immune systems, mental health, the nervous system, extending to regular illness and disease. Just food for thoughts, however it is clear that it is not on or in these products for our benefit and many unkown or excess deaths have occurred during this horrid pandemic.

Extremely sharp and accurate representation od bottoms up assembly is clealry visible in the video above at early stages of the product unpacking. I still beleive that these spherical structures are showing to be a colloidal lipid-nano-particle hybrid, they are definately not the simple LNP’s that pharma put on their patents for mRNA drug delivery. ALL of this material is definately way off the scope for that kind of simplicity. And………this is a RAT swab, not a vaccine.

Aftre the water content has evaporated and the material has unpacked and demixed we can see a variety of nano-particles, lipids and lamellar structures left in their partly assembled state. The coloaration, membrane thickness, refractive and reflective light features can tell us alot about the type of lipid structures seen in the image, and it can also show variance between the types seen at differing stages of assembly.

Another view of same perspectives as above and same for below image.

This is a quick peek at what ive been upto in my efforts writing peer papers. I needed to collect newer images of highest quality and so setup up everything for optimum results. I have a new website coming along and everything will be layed out in some detail, hopefully others will be collaberating and all analytical results shall be displayed there over time. It has been decided that we want an LCMS machine. Liquid Chromotography mass spectrometry can detect and identify material in coplex matrices. I have built a few spectrometry devices that needed extra lenses to finish them off. Everything was great except the light needed refocusing after the high resolution diffraction grating before it hit the high end imager face. This would of been awesome if it worked and wouldnt cost more to finish it off. However it would only be a very high resolution UV/VIS/NearIR spectrometer which is not able to define individual materials in a complex matrice. The LCMS device has unique optical sensors and seperates material before analysing it and quantifying to some degree. Ill show you how far i got in the next post, but its not productive to continue and all money must go to the device which will offer all answers and ultimately the evidence we all need.

Above image is an example of a Liquid Chromotography Mass Spectrometer (LCMS). This is what i am desperate to obtain.

Please help me buy an LCMS which turns out to be more expensive than a used HPLC. I promise to to display all results publicly with all my work, and thanks to those who help in the accomplishment. At the moment i have been torn between posting articles and sticking to my work on this ever day. It will all be worth it though and so much is in the works. We just need data now, and that will likely lead us to more solutions based on chemistry !

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