Bubbles in blood are not bubbles.
An update from some old and new work. A long time ago i realized morgellons blood bubbles were not bubbles. Same still applies to the general roll out scenario now.
As also suggested recently by Dr Ana Milhalcea,Bubbles in blood are not bubbles at all. In fact there seems to be something rather complicated going on inside these structures. I’ve had my eye on these for almost 3 years, blood analysts have been curious and suspicious of these ever increasing occurrences of odd bubbles in the blood. The above image uses polarized light techniques on a specialist microscope setup. The otherwise clear fibers are not clear using this technique and exhibit birefrigent light properties that may or may not be due to the properties associated with nano materials, or meta materials.

The green droplets are in fact moving most of the time. This effect can only be seen using sped up videos taken over time. The droplets appear to move like amoeba or mycoplasma at times, the behavior is not always fitting of this possibility though. Also seen moving are the long strands of snot looking material which are leeching in from the inside of the bubble edges. They move like cobwebs bouncing back and forth in the wind. The small bubbles have been seen behaving very oddly at times, they often seem to form strange crystals and sediments. There are odd lipids that sometimes form from the outer bubble itself and from gel structures.

In the above assortment of images we see various common modalities such as structures forming from the bubble edge, gels forming or being trapped inside the bubbles. There are scanning laser images that show contents to some bubbles which are not visible at all using bright or dark field microscopy. The laser reveals height and texture to these lipid bubble areas. A fiber is seen forming in the second laser image. When the general amount of artifacts in the blood is high, so too are the bubbles most of the time. Other very concerning stuff was found in the blood using scanning microscopy that is completely invisible using other techniques. This will be posted separately. A few different consistencies of gels and other gel like materials were detected and laser scanning techniques exposed there textural construction very differently. Staining has been done, revealing occasional details in bubbles depending on the materials and stages of morphology or construction process. More to come on this matter soon.
A pre-thanks to anyone helping myself or anyone else in researching these matters.
Thank you for caring about humanity and stepping out of the me, myself and I bubble- for a better life ... for all of us !
Here you will find the result of about 10000 h, 30 books, countless hours of avoiding traps and controlled opposition- the results of sober research (with notes) - amongst seemingly wild assumptions, mostly a solid plethora of truly courageous whistleblowers from the truthcore- who are not under the NDAs (like our shiny freedom doctors) or vile blackmail- a few courageous souls, who are simply brave enough, to speak the truth about "Covid", namely that it is in fact: A cyber - physical backbone.
Great Work!