Q-Dots in blood suddenly from some source.
A recent view of my blood which i have mostly been keeping clean until now apparently.
I do all the detoxing, avoid the bad foods, drink the filtered water, etc. I felt very strange recently and that is when i decided to do a routine check-up. To my surprise the blood looked worse than at any other point than i have seen before. The spicules are insanely stacked in some images, gels are present, fibers growing big and long. The colored dots are everywhere and in another post i will show you them forming as the blood settles.
I am extremely mad at what i have seen, it seems to me that the situation in terms of contamination is getting worse. The air filters are getting thicker and dirtier, The blood seems to be harder to keep clean, and maybe its time to test my water filters again. They might need changing more often if they are getting blocked up by huge amounts of this stuff in the water.
Okay from here we have all seen what these items are known as given the current level of understanding at this point. I will just post the images now, and remain VERY angry.
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Vit C
Fast 3 days
Does not make must sense either mate if you've been taking care of yourself, this shit should not be in there at all.. so..