Test Hydrogel swab analysis part 2
It is important to see the first part showing the cloning of genetic material. In this part i show you the delivery system, The Graphene like structures. In part 3 what i think is microbots.
The accidental realization of a delivery system.
ABOVE: Structures in swab Hydrogel solution changing states by temperature variations.
So while viewing slides containing the gels that were obtained from nasal swabs i accidentally began to notice at times fluctuations in the stability of the sample. Fractal patterns, gels, crystals all began to disappear or change state from crystalline into liquid gel simply by the warmth of my breath. As soon as the sample cooled down again everything would very quickly reappear but in different order to before.
I instantly became suspicious of this possibly being a sort of delivery system. In order to prove this i later tried applying the solution to my blood. My suspicions were beyond confirmed in doing so. again the results were shocking and varied greatly in what was going on. Lets look at the less exciting structures that were seen before continuing with the effects on blood .
ABOVE: watch very closely on a big screen device, not a phone or you will miss the Graphene like veins disassembling and reassembling themselves. these took a while to form on the slide and several small areas contained them. Each with a mothering bubble connected in the middle. Pay close attention to the part when the veins reassemble, can you see the wobble as they all connect ? It is exactly like the videos shown online of Graphene connecting via the presence of correct electrical charge. Also notice that when they dissolve they actually break into slightly more dense looking spherical balls. They move away but always come back upon cooling and restructuring. Some actually entire the dome and in other videos you can see highly excited movement inside.
This image shows bubbles within errrrr…. bubbles. The smaller droplets constantly join, unjoin, and morph into various arrangements randomly. One thing that catches the eye is the beautiful array of fantastic colors seen here. Something complex is going on inside these bubbles since there are so many varying wave lengths of light revealing themselves.
These are just odd, and similar stuff is being found in blood by live blood analysts, minus the colors so far though. Things these guys never used to see much in patients of course.
It wouldn’t be warfare without fibers would it ? Above, Here we can see one of the fibers using dark field.
The gel structures which resemble biofilms seem to also contain the round bodies suspected to be CDB or Quantum dots. These appear just as the artifacts found in blood by so many recently. I suspect that biofilm may be the wrong term to use when analyzing blood in most cases.
Time to unleash on live blood and see what happens.
High concentrations of the gel applied to blood showed formation of the pseudo fungus type crystal structures aligning into shape.
As time passes the pseudo fungus like formations now start to appear more like crystalline structures.
Fibers or ribbons take little to no time to appear this time.
Large gel structures fill the blood plasma. Inside often are brightly glowing details. actually not glowing or emitting light at all. Just extremely responsive to what ever light is present.
In not very long at all the blood has been severely damaged. Pleomorphic effects can be seen as the cells break down. The gel has compromised the RBC’s and is now causing them to also become extremely reactive with the light which is present.
In part 3 we will look at the possibly microbots that i did not notice at first because of how hard they are to focus in on using the microscope. Below is a sample of whats to see in part 3. Again, you will see nothing if you do not view on a big clear screen. keep watching.
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Excellent Work
The micro bots are micro quantum dots, or I like calling them micro trucks, under dark field they have different colours, usually red, yellow and blue. Those Micro bots is what constructs the bubbles and hydrogel filaments
The bubbles and the filaments is hydrogel, they most likely have graphene tubule's that act as a battery literally sucking the bio-electricity from the blood.
I need to get a better micro scope, I got $250 educational one, doesn't cut the mustard at all.