Download and share from the web-link: Original video link! Share with links to informative sites that provide insight in to this reality. Share my work, share Davids work, and anyone else who you beleive to be sharing in tangible and honest truth !
Pfizer by my good friend
Abbott Panbio COVID-19 swabs by me
Blown up image below: Complex hybridized lipid structures found on COVID-19 swabs with Hybridized nano-particles. This is not a vaccine, it is transhumanism by all evidence so far.
Thank you everyone who contributed around christmas time. You will never be forgotten as your support is as important to me as my work. I hope to have much better organization and catalogueing of the work on the way. The website is under construction still too. I hope to see support there and less shadow banning. A second lawyer has emailed me to inform that my substack has been restricted and many are not receiving their emails. If you fear this could be you then please check in on previous articles every now and then.
I am so desperately dying to get the RIGHT type of FTIR microscope and seperate analyzer. This will enable all proof required to assign chemical compositional names and ID’s to particular structures. If you are following then you are aware that I have mostly identified processes and structures using various techniques and observations that need confirmation. We know the bio-warfare is on swabs, injectables, in the water, and other places. There is no question that these structures are of the complex self assembling type and confidently we can recocgnize what these forms are. But if we dodnt find out EXACTLY which polymers and other materials are present then we may never know which enzymes or other compounds break this ever building and converting processes. These extraordinary images of the material in swabs and COVID shots have been aided by your support. Share, post, and buy Ko-Fi so we can bring solution and justice to the world. All the modifications and the scope itself which take these images only happened because of you and particularly because of a good friend known under the fake alias DEB, you know who you are! Thank you so much. I shall post some nicer images of the scope which just a part of what I have been helped with by all you kind supporters and reposters. I mean business with out the BS. If we can just get help with that Raman FTIR equipment you will be seeing me taking videos as i use it. Everyone deserves the truth and now its time to dial it in with the wavelengths.
I am going to name my scope DEB out of gratitude for my supporters so far.
You may notice the ATMEGA2560 Microprocessor strapped to DEB here and the spectral sensor attached to the left eyepiece. It is a prototype spectral imaging system I am testing. I cant afford all analytical tools so I occasional revert to using my technical skills to try tangible analysis models which can be improved if they work out well enough or accurately enough. The massive homemade cooler ensures far more accurate imaging data and reduced noise in dark samples. The cooler can actually FREEZE the camera covering it in ice, so i keep it controlled manually by the regaulating controllers I installed on the front of the scope down below.
I did talk about this in previous posts so i wont detail the whole scope aand its specs. It is rather just to say thank you and that you should know everything I do is eccentricated around just this work every day. Not only did i spend the money wisely but i have maximized performance by using my own custom designs and principals to bring you cutting edge imagery. Wait till you see what the 100X 1.40na objective shows us in a few days. Those are about $3,500 US used on ebay. I got mine for $1000 and so hope it is pristine and that it will further provide more detail on the sythetic material forming in blood cells. The images are pretty shockingly wow already. The image below is an older image on previous scope upgrades. More coming soon. But we are at a stage now where we can tell that we have all been lied to and that time is of the essence where freedom and humanity stand.
Love to everyone, best wishes to everyone, and thanks to all for keeping me going where I had thought id lost everything. We all must stick together in this giant 5 year shit show that these greedy pyscopaths have created! Help us win and support my efforts or anyone else who you can see might genuinely provide the news and info that we all are desperate to obtain. I recently sent
my spare Leica 50x Oil objective which is rather nice if you can get it setup right. I hope he shares some images from it some time soon. His crystal images are the worlds best, just as my images of blood and the components in blood and injectables are second to none. All thanks to members of the public like you!
Wonderful new year blessings. Thank u for all you are driven to explore.
Amazing work Karl, thank you. May you have peace and good health