Aug 17, 2023Liked by Karl.C

A HUGE Thank You to YOU, Karl, for putting so much good effort into this work!

God Bless All the Good People and Animals.

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As you say, all the good people, animals, with added plants lol

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023Liked by Karl.C

I support you because I RELATE to you! There is a compassion that eminates from our own pain, lest we are as the song says 'An empty shell, a lonely cell in which an empty heart must dwell'. (Stop the World I Want to Get Off).. I think this is what makes me gravitate to other (than the US) countries- especially Russia - (No nation on earth lost the proportion of their people at the hands of the globalists than Russia did. How about 100,000,000 from 1917 to 1999.) Where people have suffered, they have been given the ability to empathize with the 'feelings of others'.. a 'gift' so bereft here. But there is a balm for all of our pain finally - and it is found in the Lord Jesus Christ who suffered 'more than any man'. How else would he be in a position to 'feel for us'.. as it is written, '15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.' For what it's worth, I have had tinnitus in my left ear since September 1986.. It's like having someone screaming in your ear, 24/7, 365 days - 36 years now. I'm planning a visit to a minister in Tennessee, who practices deliverance. I'll let you know... God bless you Karl! Stay in the good fight.. The end of this Hour of Darkness is near - and a whole new day is to dawn. Victoria

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Yes you are right, i hope your ventures bring you the power you need. I am not sure how it works with pledges, but if it is not a problem i am asking people to not use it and donate using https://ko-fi.com/kcresearch# link. I am not a fan of subscriptions at this point. I am asking anyone who pledged (which was not accepted) to go there and help. I want to buy a DIC microscope, Spectrometer (300 - 1600nm up to Graphene range), and more. Thank you so much !

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Perfect :D!

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