A look at GHZ, Schumann, and mains cycle waves via FFT analyzer.
Accidentally picked up carrier waves of GHz signals on an oscilloscope.
Above: screenshot from 200mhz DSO (Digital Sampling Oscilloscope).
Now this doesn’t mean much at all really. But while working with ideas here i noticed that there were many signals showing in the upper Ghz range while not having probes connected (open). This little DSO is not very responsive in this range since it isn’t really designed to measure signals above 200mhz linearly and even then its practical ability for useful measurement is closer to 5 x less than 200mhz.
As we can see there are huge fluctuations occurring around these GHz waves. The cursor (red line) above indicates a frequency of 6.22GHz where the red line is positioned next to 6GHz. Every 1GHZ we see there is a signal with side bands and harmonics. I assume these are each carrier waves at every GHz location. There should be a few at the .5GHz increment near 2.5G, all though these do not seem to show up with this setup. I would say that these signals seem as if they must be fairly high in power. The reasoning being that the oscilloscope being used is not particularly responsive in this range and while testing connected circuits being built for signal generation of RIFE generators you can see that these amplified signals are very comparable. Having understood the damage done to biological material caused by exposure makes one feel very uncomfortable seeing all this junk floating in the air. The signals are detected all the way up to 12GHz here and then the FFT drops off where it is even more so out of its depth. Without feeling the need to become a specialist in Ghz broadcast signals we can see they are present and just how much is out there. The DSO does not seem to pickup any other radio noise in ranges under the GHz spectrum except 50hz mains cycle and Schumann waves at 8.73hz (with the probes open). These GHz waves must be fairly strong by comparison.
Above: The schumann wave peaks at the left side (7.83Hz), and next to it on the right is the 50Hz mains cycle.
Our good friend, the giver of life and the signal of biological construction here the Schumann wave is alive and kicking. It is a very powerful wave which most are now aware charges biological life with harmless energy. It allows fractal patterns to form in capillaries, Alveoli in lungs, The shapes broccoli exhibit, the crystal patterns formed in drying salts, and more. Apparently, it was said that on space stations in orbit that people would get very ill over time, exhibiting the onset of disease. Something was missing ! It turned out to be that Mr Schumann waves forget to come with them. It is said that NASA now incorporate the broadcast of schumann waves on their space stations in the same way almost that a PEMF device might do for healing.
There are some articles on the 50/60Hz wave cycle which shows the damage these waves cause to animals and plants. Unfortunately it affects calcium channels, chemical functions, can cause slight internal bleeding, sleep issues, behavioral issues, and much more. Apes and other animals behavior was shown to be affected significantly at certain uT (Micro Tesla). The effects of all the above in one study was shown to cause some of these effects at very low field strengths indeed. Worst of all, very little exploration in to the broadened range of physiological effects has been done overall with most papers trying to disprove any damage done. Very difficult to disprove something based on avoidance of facts over studies that give great detail in reality though.
References for more detail:
(50hz and 60hz are very close, affects are similar for both frequencies but with many variable specific effects native to just those frequencies independently as well).
A 50 Hz magnetic field influences the viability of breast cancer cells 96 h after exposure
Natural ELF fields in the atmosphere and in living organisms
Just a few studies stating truth. One could search forever and find conformation of hazardous effects. One can also find many papers which will state that no FCC approved frequencies posses any harmful ability also. At this point we know that this just does not make sense given the sensitivity of animals, plants, and humans. These waves are part of the science of all functioning. Manipulating them and flooding the air waves with them has to have great effects on the finite scale. Where we see these effects for low power EMF is over time and within a short period. Some effects are greater but very difficult to isolate consciously as a living being subject to the intense distractions of everything in our lives. They may still however be effecting us significantly.
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As such I do not think there would be a benefit to hijacking a schuman field. It is an energy field not necessary a control link for your mind. Just because we resonate here doesn't mean you can achieve the control signals on the resonant frequency. Control signals will likely be on much higher frequency carrier waves in the Mhz to Ghz range. I have been pondering how the Ghz network could be sending 60+ channels of control data with many commands possible on each channel. This would make sense, but are they even doing that?
The sci lit on manmade e-harm is immense. Just passed away, Paul Brodeur (age 92) was one of the leading journalists on the case, writing when mainstream media would still dare to carry such, but his book The Zapping of America in 1977, before mob/ kill phonery was available (altho' the project for it started in '73 in the face of already big evidence of harm, esp. see Warsaw WHO conference with occupational health research from eastern Europe, not to mention the Moscow US embassy incident that perps behind anglosupremacist hegemony, and thus covidiana, knew full well about) was an early milestone. Many others since. Some useful websites as well gathering the sci lit that escapes attention of regulators' eyes and consideration, as the latter take their cue only from industry private club ICNIRP which now advises the ultra-corrupted WHO. See bioinitiative dot org, e.g.
If anyone has a means of detecting what is coming off injectees in what must be ghz-plus range (even terahz?), that I believe is critical. Monitoring for e-exposures before as well, and best in an e-protected/attenuated chamber. My own uninjected symptoms are of clot-throbs from exposure to injies, and also to non-injies who have spent too much time close to injies. This is blocked by even 1/4 inch plywood. It is found to have the effect as far as 20 ft. At 15 ft there was a group of 4 injies gathered, that was my found limit until of late - 2nd hander non-injie was at 20 ft for a long time chatting with an injie and the effect was produced. No effect produced when even close but not stationary ie passing by as a moving target. Thus I early on concluded effect must be electromagnetic. What frequency/ies? And/or what modulation patterns, to evoke clots? This must be going on with intensity in many injies.
(Directed here from matt's microscopy.)