As such I do not think there would be a benefit to hijacking a schuman field. It is an energy field not necessary a control link for your mind. Just because we resonate here doesn't mean you can achieve the control signals on the resonant frequency. Control signals will likely be on much higher frequency carrier waves in the Mhz to Ghz range. I have been pondering how the Ghz network could be sending 60+ channels of control data with many commands possible on each channel. This would make sense, but are they even doing that?

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The sci lit on manmade e-harm is immense. Just passed away, Paul Brodeur (age 92) was one of the leading journalists on the case, writing when mainstream media would still dare to carry such, but his book The Zapping of America in 1977, before mob/ kill phonery was available (altho' the project for it started in '73 in the face of already big evidence of harm, esp. see Warsaw WHO conference with occupational health research from eastern Europe, not to mention the Moscow US embassy incident that perps behind anglosupremacist hegemony, and thus covidiana, knew full well about) was an early milestone. Many others since. Some useful websites as well gathering the sci lit that escapes attention of regulators' eyes and consideration, as the latter take their cue only from industry private club ICNIRP which now advises the ultra-corrupted WHO. See bioinitiative dot org, e.g.

If anyone has a means of detecting what is coming off injectees in what must be ghz-plus range (even terahz?), that I believe is critical. Monitoring for e-exposures before as well, and best in an e-protected/attenuated chamber. My own uninjected symptoms are of clot-throbs from exposure to injies, and also to non-injies who have spent too much time close to injies. This is blocked by even 1/4 inch plywood. It is found to have the effect as far as 20 ft. At 15 ft there was a group of 4 injies gathered, that was my found limit until of late - 2nd hander non-injie was at 20 ft for a long time chatting with an injie and the effect was produced. No effect produced when even close but not stationary ie passing by as a moving target. Thus I early on concluded effect must be electromagnetic. What frequency/ies? And/or what modulation patterns, to evoke clots? This must be going on with intensity in many injies.

(Directed here from matt's microscopy.)


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Interesting, what I found is that the clots form from any frequency so far aslongbas their is enough current induced. 14v made it all happened in super time. 3 or 4 volts and low current was also fairlt quick but not as quick as 14v by a long shot. I suspect over longer periods less than this is bad too as the process seemed to still occur but fairly slowly. So I think clots are slowly forming by default in people with high enough amounts of this stuff present. But using phones, WiFi, etc are definitely speeding it up depending on exposure.

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Once I determined that what was coming off injies and 2nd handers to provoke clot-throbs was e-based, the danger that all ambient e-smog induces this was apparent. But what still is key is what the garbage rebroadcasts at, within injies and without. And how it gets out (Stuckelberger mentioned that graphene compounds can amplify 1000x incoming signal) if from within. Rouleaux is known from e-smog since the 80s at least (Frohlich). But I have a hunch the clot effects are akin to the effect of heart attack weaponry, if the latter at much greater intensity, apparently used by perp operatives to eliminate some inconvenient for perps (I can think of a likely number of them from various fields during covidiana and prior).

I also must figure that what's incident gets through skin via low resistance acupuncture "points" and propagates through channels as described in tcm - I feel throbs, except when touching the clot propagator where the clot-thorb occurs at touch spot due to relatively higher intensity I presume, I feel the effects in bloodstream narrowings usually adjacent to GB, LI, UB meridians.

Touch: at a laundromat I asked a guy if he had coins I lacked for the machine. We exchanged $1 for 4 quarters, he put them on a table, I picked up, held <1 min, put in machine, felt strongest throbs ever in palm that held coins. Twice then I asked wife after her socializing with injies, when home to right away hold metallic wrench, put on wooden table, I picked up, throbs (milder) as per laundromat. (After her taking edta cream plus mineral suppl. on and off for 2 months, the 2nd hand effect has gone down - another test was to put fingers to her forehead after injie encounters, and I used to but no longer feel it in my fingertips.)

Some research suggested that surprisingly terahertz frequencies are not necessarily impeded by water. A few years ago there was much talk about airport screening via Thz usage. Airports being chokepoints for enforced compliance, one wonders.

What is blocked by a mere 1/4 inch plywood?

Early on in covidiana a brave, persecuted but misguided medical pro was usefully touting D-dimer testing for blood clot indirect evidence. Typical attribution to "spikes" is off, but rad effects are not. What is coming off injies et al? Do dots pick up and then put out extremely high frequency signal recognizable to circuitry involving graphene compounds which in turn results in...?

When I led a charge against in early adopter Ontario "smart" utility meters, a couple of times i provoked dosimetry paid for by utilities oblivious to what their devices were ptting out (I was vindicated both times, corroborated by parallel citizen dosimetry, utilities kept their results private). But he equipment they used included eg a $50,000 Narda scanner. What other way might there be to indirectly test for what is coming off 9and going on in) injies?

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Karl, you may want to consider visiting spooky2 dot com and download the free software. Once you have the software downloaded take a close look at the settings tab. There you can manipulate wave forms. I have several generators and also one of their plasma units. The software package is extremely powerful and may be of use. I recently used the Spooky system to destroy prostate cancer, confirmed by recent biopsy.

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wow.... amazing ! I am so happy it worked for you. I don't need a spooky 2 because i am using programmable circuitry connected to AD9833 wave generator chips. I have ideas for new wave patterns which cannot be done with the spooky 2. I may have an idea for a pattern that will destroy organisms much faster. After i would like to make it saleable as a domestic and lab grade product which will be the worlds most advanced and most affordable device. It is all mouth until i get it working though. The cost of a RIFE machine for most is unrealistic, and not an option given the doubt most have over its abilities. There are only a few machines that work as they SHOULD on the market and the MOPA with GB4000 is one of them. Spooky may work over time but does not feature the same wave forms as RIFE Concluded himself.

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Karl, just curious whether the type of wave form (square vs sign wave, et.) at a specific Hz makes a difference?

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It likely will make SOME kind of difference. Further testing can be done once. I have finished designing instruments and circuitry to do so. Currently I have a Special kind of RIFE machine being designed here, instrumentation amplifiers, and some other stuff too. So I want to be able to send signals, and receive them. Once responses have been found then data may be able to be sent or received also if it is the case that some of this is responsive that way. However this will take a while since I can't afford high end equipment that may enable me to do it.

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FYI: Karl, you labeled the Schuman resonance at 7.8 gigahertz above when you meant hertz.

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Oops, thank you so much, yep meant 7.83hz

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There must be places on earth where the people live without the bombardment of un natural waves.

How is their health different from those that don't?

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Studies done using this geometric scenario might be very difficult indeed. since you have to isolate the cause and effect given the presence and non presence of these factors. But it is known that in simple cultures in far away places that some aspects of their health such as teeth, strength, age, etc are in certain cultures very impressive. I believe this has been dumbed down given that we should believe that our modern day advancements are superior. However much evidence suggests that being spoiled with tech, crap food, toxins, fake medicine, and more has done nothing but shrink our brains, cause disease, and shorten our lives.

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Many endeavors are difficult.

I don't know how else the damage can be proven to the satisfaction of the general public.


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The best way is in lab settings on humans and animals. They can see the oxidative stress, Chemical malfunctions, and other phenomena occurring. And...we already know what these problems cause when referencing research on disease anyway. So what we really need is not something else to convince people, but people to grow some common sense and curiosity beyond being spoon fed.

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Sounds like a losing proposition.

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I’m confident that the FCC, CIA, DARPA, DOD, HARP, FBI, NSA…all federal agencies, to be certain, are very aware of the harm electromagnetic energies and all broadcasting transmitters have been causing people going back 100 years, but especially since the rollout of 5G cell towers, WiFi and “smart” electric meters over the past few years. Once you also factor what’s being added into our atmosphere—such as “all” the ingredients in ChemTrails, food & medicines, the proof of self-arranging nanotechnology found in human blood, organs, neurological systems and brain, as well as Wi-Fi & low frequency radio signals reported “broadcasting signals coming out of living and the dead in gravesites”—how can anyone deny the extent of criminal activities by our governments?

People have been reported to be losing their minds, committing suicide and murder, along with a whole host of neuro-psychological disorders that have skyrocketed since the rollout of the militarized vaxxx program. But our top Federal and wealthy private media Investigators are all oblivious and innocent? I can say, without doubt, that if you consider what “they” have been saying, plus what they never say, the criminals have outed themselves, staring with the lawyers who sit in on every security-pre-briefing—just like 911. In fact, 911 and the Scamdemic have carbon copy similarities, especially on the financials and who’s profiting the most—many of whom are the same individuals and corporations.

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Karl, pls have a look at this...Can Schumann's freq be hijacked.....


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That was very interesting for me as a total amateur to frequencies. ,Thanks.

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I was pretty freaked out initially on trying to understand how voice/sound can be 'inserted' in pulsating frequencies.....

looks like this massive psyop-ing has opened us up to a lot of stuff .....

take care.

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Hello sir, I truly believe you will appreciate this substack- it is the most well researched substack for truth online https://open.substack.com/pub/xochipelli/p/mik-andersens-39-articles-in-english?r=zpm8l&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Oct 3, 2023Edited
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Oh yes the beached whales, ii used to follow that tears ago. There was always a US ship testing high power sonar at those locations as. I understand it. Frequency testing of harmful devices.

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