Karl - thank you for the excellent work you are doing. I am super interested to learn about how to use sodium citrate safely. I wish there were instructions about this. I would also like to say, based on my own personal experience, that Robert O. Young is definitely a plagiarist. He stole my article about COVID-19 being a cover-up for radiation sickness a few years ago, claiming it as his own work. (You can view the article here: https://radiationdangers.com/2020/01/31/is-covid-19-a-cover-up-for-radiation-sickness/). When I saw that, I called him on it and he rapidly took the article off his website. But he is very sleazy and not to be trusted.
Regarding the wireless issue, it seems to me that the wireless grid is the key to activating the assembly of this nano technology. In order to avoid having this technology replicating itself and assembling in our bodies, we need to avoid exposure to all wireless devices. I have none in my home and I drive an older car so that I am not being irradiated by pulsed microwaves as I drive. Going into town is always a problem so this is why it is important for us to all detox this noxious, alien filth. But we will be doing ourselves a huge favor getting rid of all wireless devices as well and switching back to wired technology. If we are constantly exposed to wireless frequencies, the technology will continue to expand and grow. We have to bring this entire grid down. All of life is at stake.
With you on that. I can't help but wonder if we were detoxing in the 60's while drinking Fizzies.. Can we just mix our own Baking soda and citric acid, 2 readily available ingredients?. Add water and just drink it. why not?? anybody....?
Go back to the article about possible cure. Links provide info on sodium citrate. I'm sorry your work was stolen, has been a lot of wealth created by peoples plagiarism.
Thank God there's people on Substack that want to help. They are in the same boat and want answers.
In the comments on the article I mentioned above many are have gone back and posted the dosage they take of sodium citrate and their results.
Thank you. I've had this internally deep fizzing/buzzing since a 2019 injection of lidocaine. Really weird alien feeling. I thought it was the nanotec. But sodium citrate is not eliminating it. EDTA neither.
How much wireless radiation are you surrounded by? THIS is the key to ridding yourself of this experience. Lidocaine may have set it off. But your ongoing reaction is an electrical reaction. Your body is likely responding to alien electricity in your environment. This needs to be corrected for full healing to occur.
The electrical reactions are much lower after reducing the content that gels with it. Many of us are now. Losing our tinnitus thank God after the Sodium C use.
Wow - I read from a few people on another substack that their tinnitus got worse, so I am happy to hear that the reverse is happening as well! That would be GREAT to get rid of hearing these sounds.
Oh yea it has been soooooo horrible with the tinnitus. I am so happy its going. Which other susbtack are people talking on. I hoped people would leave feedback here so others including myself could see. Please do encourage others to share here too.
I only have one question. Does the Sodium Citrate dissolve the rubbery clots in the blood as well as clear out the nanotech ? Have a blessed Christmas, Karl. You are a true gift to humanity.
Likely not.arge formed structures, even enzymes take a long time to do that. But it will reduce much of the materials forming all the new stuff so rapidly after a whike it seems
I would like the dust on furniture swabbed and looked at under the microscope... shouldn't this prove that this stuff is falling from the sky (chemtrails)? Every day it seems my furniture is coated with a whitish layer of fine dust. Sometimes there's a hair-like 'thing' in it too... While you're swabbing, common foods should be looked at too...especially ones they push heavily.
The fine white dust that you describe has been covering everything inside my house for the past 5 or 6 years. I clean it off and within a few days it's back again. I've heard people describe it as 'nano-dust' or 'smart-dust' whatever they are... 🤔
I should mention that I am a 'Targeted Individual' and have been for the past 11+ years... I get hit with Directed Energy Weapons on a daily and nightly basis, and I assume the fine white (nano/smart) dust is yet another 'weapon' intended to harm me.
I don't believe it's from chem-trails, I believe that my (covert) attackers illegally enter my home when I'm out and spread the white dust around, maybe with some kind of machine which distributes it all around my home on every single surface 😡
Some people, like myself, are singled out for 'special treatment' ie, no-touch torture, direct hits with Directed Energy Weapons (in my case to my head (temples) and eyes), plus psychological operations, character assassination, and 'gang-stalking.' In fact total sabotage of my life. It's a nightmare 😡.
That's a very good question, and one that all/most Targeted Individuals' ask... I have some theories which I will mention later.
From years of research, and talking on social media and in person with other TI's (for short) it seems that there's a (covert) experiment being conducted on non-consenting human beings to see how their DNA can be hacked and then manipulated, and the resulting effects on their body.
This is done (once a person has been singled out/put into 'the Program' for whatever reason) via an illegally implanted microchip during a scheduled operation, or by a dentist during a deep root canal treatment. Yes health workers are involved ☹️.
It's an updated version of 'Cointelpro' and 'MKUltra' (look them up on YTube). These 'programs' were exposed during Clinton's time in office, and he publicly vowed that there would never be a repeat of the like of it ever again, and the citizens who were experimented on without their consent were compensated. Huh! It never went away....'they' just tweaked it and made it more difficult/impossible for victims to prove.
There are millions of TI's around the world all experiencing the exact same treatment (look up 'Targeted Individual' and 'Gangstalking' on YouTube. Try and find one by ex-security company whistleblower, Bryan Kofron, where he exposes the whole evil 'Program' I can't recall the title of it).
Once TI's have been used as human guinea pigs for a few years, and observed via illegally planted surveillance devices in our homes, then 'they' want to dispose of us because we know too much about 'the Program' that's when the hits with Directed Energy (microwave) Weapons and the staged accidents, etc, etc start ...
So who are 'they'? That's hat's another good question... This is all covertly done, only the 'targeted individual' knows what's being done to them (just like bullies, so that the victim isn't believed). Some TI' say it is government, or deep state backed and funded, and carried out by the secret security services with the aid of the Military..
That's bizarre! I hear you say..., You're telling me it's bizarre! I wouldn't believe this could happen to anyone if it wasn't for the fact that it's happening to me ☹️.
As for my theories on why me? I have a few, here are just two...
1) I broke up with my partner, he was furious and threatened to "make me sorry..."
2) I reported a police officer for misconduct, which resulted in him being disciplined.
From my research I have discovered that if you offend someone who knows that this 'Program' exists and has the right 'connections' they can get you put into it, then basically your life becomes sabotaged in every way imaginable. Some people can't take it and, sadly, have taken their own lives, therefore doing the job of the 'Perpetrators' for them 😢. If it wasn't for my steadfast faith in Jesus I would have crumbled, without a doubt...
There's currently a lawsuit in the US on behalf of the first tranche of TI''s. The attorney (Ana Toledo) is a TI herself. It's been going on all year without much progress, due to the fact that the Government agencies involved have been caught lying. It's an uphill battle 😡.
Apologies for the lengthy. Reply,; this subject can't be explained in a few words or sentences.
I believe most of this tobe true from what i have researched also. And the whole testing torture this way is completely real and very horrifying to say the least.
That being said, I am chaotically curious. In my ramblings in the internet world, I have come across people, unrelated, who advocate that we, and/or God/deity/fill in the blank, can control/exert influence over the non-living.
Prayer, non-consent, commands, and other can/will have an effect on synthetic/non-living entities.
My best suggestion is to INTEND for the wireless grid to be shut down, permanently. I do believe that we can do this with our thought if enough people are willing to hold this intention.
I've no doubt the wireless grid WILL be shut down. If it is not, all of life will be destroyed.
Agreed, provided it's directed at the right source/person, ie Almighty God.
So many people praying to/asking for help from the universe and such like these days... That's a complete waste of time and an insult to the Creator of the universe.
When we start believing that we are more powerful than Almighty God, and that we can do everything in our own strength and therefore have no need of God, then we are asking for trouble.
I've noticed a huge rise in New Age beliefs of late, people promoting self over God.
I know that you are not exactly saying that because you do reference God and prayer, but I just wanted to mention that it's predicted in the Bible in
2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 1 'Know this also, that in the last days perilous times will come.' (Then it lists all of the nefarious characteristics of the types of people that will rise up in the last days) eg: verse 5 says 'They will have a form of godliness, but denying the power of God...'
I agree that we should explore and utilise our full potential as human beings, but not to the exclusion of God.
I think we are going to learn a great deal about the God of the Bible in the days ahead. I’m open to listening to different views/thought. Many Christians are not. Very concerning to me.
I am not denying God. I just want to know the truth. The full truth.
If much of what we believed to be true, is in fact, “not”, history not as it took place. As it has been altered, corrupted, written in order to enslave the masses and condemn them to life of lack, sickness, and fear.
Would the writing and translations of the Bible be impacted, corrupted as well? I think so. At least a strong consideration.
ie, Joe Dispenza’s story of tragic injury and healing, using thought and intention. My first introduction to such possibilities. He wrote the book awhile back but it was a great read.
We are more powerful than we know. They want us to believe we are helpless. Do not fall for it.
Claim your sovereignty.
For Christians, Psalm 91. Read it. Know it. Claim it. Believe it.
Karl, do you guys think you might be looking at "Bioengineered ExQor Clathrin" for the quantom nano dots/graphene oxide and "Triskelia" for the transporters?
I'm trying to link the evidence of the patents from Franco Vitaliano which might be the smoking gun at what you guys are looking at. Shawn Melville's substack has gone extensively down this rabbit hole and found that Franco Vitaliano holds the patents and company that was introduced to the White House in 2010.
Search for "Vitaliano" in the following long document to get a quick understanding of the NIH funded ExQor quantum bio nanotech and biolaser clathrin that was introduced to the WhiteHouse during Obama's turn.
Unfortunately the scope was used and he doesn't have another. It was a Leica DM2000 with an Amscope Dark Field condenser, i bought a BIGEYE 10.1mp USB3.0 Industrial camera with full size CCD for around $750. Very nice camera indeed. https://www.aliexpress.com/i/32915954278.html Very good spec for a camera anywhere near this price. Hope this helps ! The leica scope itself might be available for $1500 upwards without the pl infinity objectives used. The objectives are pricey at 900-3,500 each used. I am using non leica objectives for now. Could not afford the PL objectives unfortunately. maybe one day. Thanks Chris
Karl - thank you for the excellent work you are doing. I am super interested to learn about how to use sodium citrate safely. I wish there were instructions about this. I would also like to say, based on my own personal experience, that Robert O. Young is definitely a plagiarist. He stole my article about COVID-19 being a cover-up for radiation sickness a few years ago, claiming it as his own work. (You can view the article here: https://radiationdangers.com/2020/01/31/is-covid-19-a-cover-up-for-radiation-sickness/). When I saw that, I called him on it and he rapidly took the article off his website. But he is very sleazy and not to be trusted.
Regarding the wireless issue, it seems to me that the wireless grid is the key to activating the assembly of this nano technology. In order to avoid having this technology replicating itself and assembling in our bodies, we need to avoid exposure to all wireless devices. I have none in my home and I drive an older car so that I am not being irradiated by pulsed microwaves as I drive. Going into town is always a problem so this is why it is important for us to all detox this noxious, alien filth. But we will be doing ourselves a huge favor getting rid of all wireless devices as well and switching back to wired technology. If we are constantly exposed to wireless frequencies, the technology will continue to expand and grow. We have to bring this entire grid down. All of life is at stake.
With you on that. I can't help but wonder if we were detoxing in the 60's while drinking Fizzies.. Can we just mix our own Baking soda and citric acid, 2 readily available ingredients?. Add water and just drink it. why not?? anybody....?
There are recipes people have posted saying about cooking it up. It has to be the right strength. It's so cheap to buy in the interim. Happy Christmas
Recipes... on which post?
Links to information and people reporting results in comments along with recipes to make your own sodium citrate.
Also dosages taken and water requirements
"I wish there were instructions about this."
Tbh its why everyone should be running protocols and highlighting what they find.
This is a global problem and a handful of people arent enough, just as only a handful of protocols aren't adequate.
What works for one may not for another
Yes 1000%
Happy Christmas
Sorry mate, I didn't mean to be rude. I was at work and forgot to reply.
Merry Christmas to you as well
People are stating dosage and amount of water in comments in Karl. C Substack about the possible cure.
Happy Christmas
Thank you, Lou.
Go back to the article about possible cure. Links provide info on sodium citrate. I'm sorry your work was stolen, has been a lot of wealth created by peoples plagiarism.
Thank God there's people on Substack that want to help. They are in the same boat and want answers.
In the comments on the article I mentioned above many are have gone back and posted the dosage they take of sodium citrate and their results.
Happy Christmas.
Thanks. I will follow this advice!
Thank you. I've had this internally deep fizzing/buzzing since a 2019 injection of lidocaine. Really weird alien feeling. I thought it was the nanotec. But sodium citrate is not eliminating it. EDTA neither.
How much wireless radiation are you surrounded by? THIS is the key to ridding yourself of this experience. Lidocaine may have set it off. But your ongoing reaction is an electrical reaction. Your body is likely responding to alien electricity in your environment. This needs to be corrected for full healing to occur.
The electrical reactions are much lower after reducing the content that gels with it. Many of us are now. Losing our tinnitus thank God after the Sodium C use.
Wow - I read from a few people on another substack that their tinnitus got worse, so I am happy to hear that the reverse is happening as well! That would be GREAT to get rid of hearing these sounds.
Oh yea it has been soooooo horrible with the tinnitus. I am so happy its going. Which other susbtack are people talking on. I hoped people would leave feedback here so others including myself could see. Please do encourage others to share here too.
I was checking out this substack: https://woodnstone820.substack.com/
I had an issue with his group as well.
I only have one question. Does the Sodium Citrate dissolve the rubbery clots in the blood as well as clear out the nanotech ? Have a blessed Christmas, Karl. You are a true gift to humanity.
Likely not.arge formed structures, even enzymes take a long time to do that. But it will reduce much of the materials forming all the new stuff so rapidly after a whike it seems
I have several of my own blood samples containing rubbery shapes and am waiting for my sodium citrate order to arrive next week (amazon-unfortunately)
I’m not sure exactly what to do with my samples as of yet so if anyone has a recommendation, I’d love to hear.
I would like the dust on furniture swabbed and looked at under the microscope... shouldn't this prove that this stuff is falling from the sky (chemtrails)? Every day it seems my furniture is coated with a whitish layer of fine dust. Sometimes there's a hair-like 'thing' in it too... While you're swabbing, common foods should be looked at too...especially ones they push heavily.
The fine white dust that you describe has been covering everything inside my house for the past 5 or 6 years. I clean it off and within a few days it's back again. I've heard people describe it as 'nano-dust' or 'smart-dust' whatever they are... 🤔
I should mention that I am a 'Targeted Individual' and have been for the past 11+ years... I get hit with Directed Energy Weapons on a daily and nightly basis, and I assume the fine white (nano/smart) dust is yet another 'weapon' intended to harm me.
I don't believe it's from chem-trails, I believe that my (covert) attackers illegally enter my home when I'm out and spread the white dust around, maybe with some kind of machine which distributes it all around my home on every single surface 😡
I was thinking just having to dust every other day was torture enough! LOL I think we are all targeted.
Some people, like myself, are singled out for 'special treatment' ie, no-touch torture, direct hits with Directed Energy Weapons (in my case to my head (temples) and eyes), plus psychological operations, character assassination, and 'gang-stalking.' In fact total sabotage of my life. It's a nightmare 😡.
WHY are You singled out?
That's a very good question, and one that all/most Targeted Individuals' ask... I have some theories which I will mention later.
From years of research, and talking on social media and in person with other TI's (for short) it seems that there's a (covert) experiment being conducted on non-consenting human beings to see how their DNA can be hacked and then manipulated, and the resulting effects on their body.
This is done (once a person has been singled out/put into 'the Program' for whatever reason) via an illegally implanted microchip during a scheduled operation, or by a dentist during a deep root canal treatment. Yes health workers are involved ☹️.
It's an updated version of 'Cointelpro' and 'MKUltra' (look them up on YTube). These 'programs' were exposed during Clinton's time in office, and he publicly vowed that there would never be a repeat of the like of it ever again, and the citizens who were experimented on without their consent were compensated. Huh! It never went away....'they' just tweaked it and made it more difficult/impossible for victims to prove.
There are millions of TI's around the world all experiencing the exact same treatment (look up 'Targeted Individual' and 'Gangstalking' on YouTube. Try and find one by ex-security company whistleblower, Bryan Kofron, where he exposes the whole evil 'Program' I can't recall the title of it).
Once TI's have been used as human guinea pigs for a few years, and observed via illegally planted surveillance devices in our homes, then 'they' want to dispose of us because we know too much about 'the Program' that's when the hits with Directed Energy (microwave) Weapons and the staged accidents, etc, etc start ...
So who are 'they'? That's hat's another good question... This is all covertly done, only the 'targeted individual' knows what's being done to them (just like bullies, so that the victim isn't believed). Some TI' say it is government, or deep state backed and funded, and carried out by the secret security services with the aid of the Military..
That's bizarre! I hear you say..., You're telling me it's bizarre! I wouldn't believe this could happen to anyone if it wasn't for the fact that it's happening to me ☹️.
As for my theories on why me? I have a few, here are just two...
1) I broke up with my partner, he was furious and threatened to "make me sorry..."
2) I reported a police officer for misconduct, which resulted in him being disciplined.
From my research I have discovered that if you offend someone who knows that this 'Program' exists and has the right 'connections' they can get you put into it, then basically your life becomes sabotaged in every way imaginable. Some people can't take it and, sadly, have taken their own lives, therefore doing the job of the 'Perpetrators' for them 😢. If it wasn't for my steadfast faith in Jesus I would have crumbled, without a doubt...
There's currently a lawsuit in the US on behalf of the first tranche of TI''s. The attorney (Ana Toledo) is a TI herself. It's been going on all year without much progress, due to the fact that the Government agencies involved have been caught lying. It's an uphill battle 😡.
Apologies for the lengthy. Reply,; this subject can't be explained in a few words or sentences.
I believe most of this tobe true from what i have researched also. And the whole testing torture this way is completely real and very horrifying to say the least.
Yes, it absolutely is Karl.
This was so good. Keep on keeping, dear one. We have to know.
Thank you for this summary, Karl, and for all you are doing for humanity. Merry Christmas.
Firstly, I am not crazy.
That being said, I am chaotically curious. In my ramblings in the internet world, I have come across people, unrelated, who advocate that we, and/or God/deity/fill in the blank, can control/exert influence over the non-living.
Prayer, non-consent, commands, and other can/will have an effect on synthetic/non-living entities.
We are vastly more powerful than we know.
Especially, more powerful than we have been told.
We can shut down this nano. Anyone?
We can shut the nano down by shutting down the wireless grid that is triggering it to grow, expand, and assemble. This is what needs to happen.
First, enough people have to believe this is happening. Most don’t. M
How can we take down the grid? Ideas?
My best suggestion is to INTEND for the wireless grid to be shut down, permanently. I do believe that we can do this with our thought if enough people are willing to hold this intention.
I've no doubt the wireless grid WILL be shut down. If it is not, all of life will be destroyed.
Yes. I believe is the power of prayer having an effect & causing positive vibrations. We need to have a global prayer day .
Agreed, provided it's directed at the right source/person, ie Almighty God.
So many people praying to/asking for help from the universe and such like these days... That's a complete waste of time and an insult to the Creator of the universe.
When we start believing that we are more powerful than Almighty God, and that we can do everything in our own strength and therefore have no need of God, then we are asking for trouble.
I've noticed a huge rise in New Age beliefs of late, people promoting self over God.
I know that you are not exactly saying that because you do reference God and prayer, but I just wanted to mention that it's predicted in the Bible in
2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 1 'Know this also, that in the last days perilous times will come.' (Then it lists all of the nefarious characteristics of the types of people that will rise up in the last days) eg: verse 5 says 'They will have a form of godliness, but denying the power of God...'
I agree that we should explore and utilise our full potential as human beings, but not to the exclusion of God.
I think we are going to learn a great deal about the God of the Bible in the days ahead. I’m open to listening to different views/thought. Many Christians are not. Very concerning to me.
I am not denying God. I just want to know the truth. The full truth.
If much of what we believed to be true, is in fact, “not”, history not as it took place. As it has been altered, corrupted, written in order to enslave the masses and condemn them to life of lack, sickness, and fear.
Would the writing and translations of the Bible be impacted, corrupted as well? I think so. At least a strong consideration.
Fair points.
Yes, we are power and together we are stupidly powerful. This is part of opening our eyes.
Happy Christmas
Ok, yes.
We are not powerless.
ie, Joe Dispenza’s story of tragic injury and healing, using thought and intention. My first introduction to such possibilities. He wrote the book awhile back but it was a great read.
We are more powerful than we know. They want us to believe we are helpless. Do not fall for it.
Claim your sovereignty.
For Christians, Psalm 91. Read it. Know it. Claim it. Believe it.
I have one big suggestion:
If you have a smart meter, get rid of it
determine way to protect yourself from it.
Agreed . Also disable WiFi.
Thoughts have measurable energy (power?)
Hard to believe but . . .
How can we harness the wisdom from this study?
If thoughts can attract, can thoughts repel, force out of the body?
Just thinkin’ out loud.
Merry Christmas to all !
And to you
Is this Ron D Norris here on substack too?
Ronald's Substack, it's called.
Thank you!
The slides don't lie.
Merry Christmas to you as well.
Thanks for all your hard work in exposing and studying what is being done not only to humanity but all living things that breathe and drink water.
Karl, do you guys think you might be looking at "Bioengineered ExQor Clathrin" for the quantom nano dots/graphene oxide and "Triskelia" for the transporters?
I'm trying to link the evidence of the patents from Franco Vitaliano which might be the smoking gun at what you guys are looking at. Shawn Melville's substack has gone extensively down this rabbit hole and found that Franco Vitaliano holds the patents and company that was introduced to the White House in 2010.
Search for "Vitaliano" in the following long document to get a quick understanding of the NIH funded ExQor quantum bio nanotech and biolaser clathrin that was introduced to the WhiteHouse during Obama's turn.
Thanks for this, I will look into it! Sorry so many messages to keep up with.
I'm still waiting to find out if I can just drink the liquid concoction that I get when you mix bicarbonate of soda and citric acid.
I mean... Why do I have to dry it out just to reconstitute it? Can anyone tell me a good reason?
Unfortunately the scope was used and he doesn't have another. It was a Leica DM2000 with an Amscope Dark Field condenser, i bought a BIGEYE 10.1mp USB3.0 Industrial camera with full size CCD for around $750. Very nice camera indeed. https://www.aliexpress.com/i/32915954278.html Very good spec for a camera anywhere near this price. Hope this helps ! The leica scope itself might be available for $1500 upwards without the pl infinity objectives used. The objectives are pricey at 900-3,500 each used. I am using non leica objectives for now. Could not afford the PL objectives unfortunately. maybe one day. Thanks Chris