Hello, my husband and I are not jabbed. Careful what we eat etc. I'm a retired RN. I purchased a darkfield microscope and have been checking our blood. Just RBC's in the beginning...Now QuatomDot...fibers/morgellons? and some shiny metal stuff. My husband had small procedure and got injected with lidocaine. I could have choked him! Now he has for the first time these tiny lights/nanobots. And yes they must have a job or many jobs they are programmed for. I watched 3 of them although very slowly go towards an RBC... they would blink and the cell would move back, they would blink again and the cell would come forward...Then they literally moved it to another area next to another cell. I took a video of it on my phone's camera. I've seen many crazy things in my lifetime, but this, well it's surely demonic. jt

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Well done and nice work following the dots on their way about town. Not easy to catch always. Sorry about the lidocaine incodent. Yes they blink allright. Not all but some do. There are different types of dots in the mix. Demonic is likely A good way to describe this horror.

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Hi! Can you post your video of this slow motion process? Best Regards.

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Sure, soon as I can find how to take from phone to you....My sweetie is working o n it. I'm a great nurse but this tech stuff...well, just never had time for computers, just people...Now I'll catch up!..There is also a video of an orange snake, yes it looks like a snake, it's coming up out of my RBC's as if it's using them to create itself? I surely don't know. Probably just a parasite!...I've been IVMing myself like mad, haven't seen another. Dear Lord help us right?...oh here is the first video, it's the snakey thing I'll send in a moment., pls disregard my chattering, I was shocked. jt

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Nov 5, 2023·edited Nov 5, 2023Liked by Karl.C

I long to see it! God Bless.

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Karl.C

It seems like the dots that are flying all around like little spaceships are seeking a certain element and when they find it the brighten and a stay put. What if each one is programmed for one thing like find aluminum. Or find iron. Once they do their job is complete and then once one that has connected enough together then it has a different job to assemble something. Once it has all the ingredients in one package.

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Who knows at this point. But I am sure we will find out in time. People's support really helps and we are always learning in these new fields of technology which have been forced upon us.

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Karl, despite less than optimal conditions and equipment, this is excellent and useful display of the particle / dots / thingy's, whatever they will turn out to be. Thanks for what you are doing. Because you have Morgellons, as I understand (as do I) you have the same abiding interest as I in both the who-dunnit as well as the what-dunnit. Well done sir, and if I can sqeak out a few bucks this month I will certainly donate a few. Gonna try. Thanks for your hard and surely expensive work, your time, and your service.

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Yes, I certainly did want to know who, what, why the cruelty, and how. It's been a long enough journey so far and I'm pleased I made it this far to know what I do now. Crimes against humanity must be exposed to the full degree and those people should be held responsible beyond any punishment we have ever invented so far. Masses were lied to, alienated, marked as delusional, experimented on, abused, tortured, and now all must suffer? We are the people, they are the manority. Thank you for your support. Stay strong, keep at it and don't let the bastards grind you down. ;)

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"Oh, that's just Brownian motion", the naysayers will say, or "Oh, that's metallic particles moving in a magnetic field" they will say, or "Hey that's just sloppy lab work and contamination" they will say. Well I say if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and it quacks, Occums razor says, it's anything other than what the naysayers say, even if we don't know what those particles are, and odds are it's a duck.

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I agree they will embarrass themselves by trying. But it's too late for that. Data is being recorded and behavior being observed. And from what I understand many others will be doing the same and pushing it all out there too. It is inevitable at this point that with all the scientific groups quietly working on this that the public will eventually know everything.

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Sorry so late. I'm having trouble sending... I did a test send and ended up sending it with a bunch/ton of my personal emails! Thankfully it was a friendly receiver...lol. I'll try again tomorrow. Hope all is well with you and your loved ones. The world is getting crazier by the minute. Thank God He created the world and has me in the safely in His hands. As I see more and more of this stuff in our blood, I try to remember a scripture that sys "No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper. I sleep better knowing that. jt.

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Good morning Danyele, yes I'll get this uploaded soon. I have video of some kind of orange snake looking thing as well. (specimen mine) It's a beauty. I'm not great at this tech stuff ...I'll try to get videos to y'all asap. jt

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Hi Karl!

I hope you are doing good. You looked a lot better on last Zoom…

Some QDs are slowing down while approaching a rectangle or what seems to be a 3 hexagones in a row layout (or clover-like pattern?) made out of non moving dots. Then, they seem to having found the place they were assigned and stop moving. I think that have seen these patterns in your August swabs videos series too.

Ouuuu! New material, how exciting! Congratulations! Computer analysis will be much better than manually connecting the dots! :)

Best wishes.

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Hey thanks, danyele you are correct. The extra data will be very useful. The new camera I got from donations will be to ;)

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Karl.C

It is hard on the eyes to read small white typeface on a black background. Most of us would prefer easier-on-the-eyes black typeface on a white background.

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I've done this for health purposes. Most of the light on the white page contains high amounts of blue light. The black really helps my eyes after being affected by the warfare and having suffered degradation. I actually struggle with white now and have even turned my phone to dark theme aswell as my computer. I love it and read far longer. But it does take one to get used to it first. I would advise everyone to get familiar with doing this to help mitigate the eye damage done staring at decides and televisions all day long. FYI, blue light may effect the spped or production of the tech growing. It also confuses chemical processes during certain hours of the day. Sorry you find it hard to read. If more people have this isuue in future I will consider changing it. Thank you for speaking openly about this.

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I have switched my phone to dark theme too. Much easier on the eyes

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Good stuff ;)

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Karl, while I do sympathize with Linda, I too prefer white text on black, especially at night after hours and hours on the computer. Don't use a cell phone enough for it to matter. My vote would be keep it like it is, but that's just me.

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Thanks, many are not used to it yet but should try going all out on the black themes so their eyes get used to it. It really helps long term.

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Hi Linda, I hear ya hon. But as I just said in reply to Karl, by this time in late evening, it's easier on my eyes too. But others may feel differently as do you....either way it's the content of Karl's work that makes it all good IMO.

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Can 'this shit' be detoxed?

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Yes, technically it can. How exactly All the materials are detoxes will require first identifying All materials present in the body relating to this technology.

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Hey Karl, me and you really should have a chat sir. For starters, I like the cut o' yer jib. mate. Secondly, my wife has been on me for several years to find a morgie (now sadly all of humanity) researcher to convo with. Hey maybe that's you hoss, I dunno, but I would like to speak with you at least for a short bit. My email is markspann@gmail.com

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Wow you seem like an awesome guy. I feel bad but I am struggling to keep up with all that's coming in at the moment and all the other meetings too. I'm a changing stuff at the moment to get more work done and that's involved travelling too. I haven't even been able to keep up with messages here lately. Im sure I will share more on the morgellons front given time and maybe end up doing some podcasts too on here. Thank you very much. Please stay active with us here!

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" I feel bad but I am struggling to keep up with all that's coming in at the moment and all the other meetings too ". Hey Karl, I totally get it. Same on my end - only so much energy I can expend on anything, or even one thing, due to pain levels and physical impact and risks etc. I most definitely wish to donate to your research efforts. More on that note shortly.

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Hey no worries about a personal chat; it's not necessary. So please spend the precious limited personal energy you still possess doing exactly what you've been doing on your research. However, if you ever need someone to assist in hosting or moderating a research funding support group, will do. Or perchance a morgie sub-group focusing on your findings. I do not make light commitments, but once I do, I'm all in. Feel free to call on me for any organizational need where you think I may be able to help. markspann@gmail.com

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i will send you an email. i like your attitude towards the situation. Doers are always needed. your help and others here is greatly appreciated. thank you for the contribution also !

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If the entire human condition, biosphere, & environment is detoxed, then Yes, likely we can detox from all this shite. Chances that would ever happen in a human lifetime is vanishingly small, IMO.

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Degradable diagnosis and treatment robot


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deletedNov 4, 2023Liked by Karl.C
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Thanks rod. Take cate

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