Aug 14, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Also, they are finding great results with “Carbonized Bamboo”. Look here for testimonies...Supreme Nutrition Takesumi Supreme, 90 Pure Activated Bamboo Charcoal Vegetarian Capsules https://a.co/d/b3IpGuC

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Very interesting, thank you !

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I like that you mention bamboo. There has been a surge of YouTube videos showing that bamboo can be medicinal as well as a super friendly way to manufacture bedding, brushes and so much more.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Have you tried CDS (Chlorine dioxide solution made from NaCl02 and HCl) for rouleaux? Heard it's a winner

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I have, i find it fairly aggressive for long term use. It helped a while back with various blood infections i had to remove after getting Lyme and Morgellons. However as i say i wouldn't recommend anyone taking CDS too regularly in my own opinion. I found the effects after clearing infection to be very hard to notice past this point and not offer me much relief compared to other supplements like Qeurcetin complex, NAC, Astaxanthin, etc. Even anti-oxidants can burn you out after hitting them hard for a while.

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Totally agree! The protocol is rather lengthy and I did it for two weeks and then stopped. Hard on the stomach and nauseating with long-term use. I now do it sporadically staggered in-between all my other detoxes vitamins and supplements. Maybe a better product when severely ill. Many testimonials of people bedridden and how after a week / 10 day use of CD they were up walking again and feeling alive. I did a year of Zeolite food grade micronized powder and have now switched to Diatomaceous Earth. The Zeolite lab technician on a video I watched said The LIQUID Zeolite is a waste of money and virtually did nothing as there is NOT enough Zeolite in the liquid form to do anything. Yet I see many doctors pushing the liquid as detox. The spray or drops bottle is like 1 tsp total amount. I was doing 2 teaspoons of powder in a glass twice a day. 2lb tub is 36.70$ on Amazon best seller and 1-1 oz bottle is like 70$ ...do the math on that one. Diatomaceous Earth I get 4lb bag for 11$ and it's Negative charged and also kills many PARASITES. I research and learn as I go. Now, Thanx to you Karl, I do the 3 day ACTIVATED CHARCOAL protocol

every other week. 👍 I have been pushing your Substack and the Activated Charcoal ever since. TY Karl. Now Ana did a Big push for you tonight.

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Just FEI: In 2021 my first trial with Chlorine Dioxide, was an 11 day fast, taking CD hourly (8x) and Kefir in between. 2 unexpected things happened: A years long bout of Chronic Fatigue disappeared (I no longer wake up tired and nap intermittenly through the day).. and a baseball sized lump on my butt, that started growing 20+ years before (and that the VA hospital (I'm a veteran) had offered to surgically remove. (I politely declined; won't do allopathic treatments).. went down 90%. I hate the taste, and spinning too many plates to redo the trial, but I plan to; I had covid (divoc in Hebrew) in 2022, and the symptoms re-appear from time to time.. I'm gunna hit the CD again soon with a vengeance. Bless you Karl.

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See my comment on also using DMSO above. It might help as iv'e been doing this for 20 years for almost everything with no ill effects and can be seen working under a good microscope.

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Karl, did you see any reduction in qdots after cds was taken?

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A little CDS with DMSO orally under the tongue and swallowed really gets to work and you don't need much. Probably a shot glass 3/4 full with a 50/50 mix. You only need to do this every other day or just one to two times a week depending on severity. No ill effects etc as using so little.

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Just remember DMSO is synthetic and as our chemistry scientist said the formular and properties are rather worrying. DMSO has multiple cell interactions and has lots of undesirable possibilities with it. I would only use if I absolutely had to after our meeting. He was shocked to see how complex the effects of DMSO can be.

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Agreed you have to be cautious if not used before and there is a lot to learn on the subject.

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Did CDS reduce the population of qdots?

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It can impact some of those kinds of particles depending on type.

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Supermarkets could have it in stock among the supplements. For example https://www.redseal.global/nz/our-products/supplements/activated-charcoal-300mg-45-capsules/

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I would definitely not use activated charcoal for more than a couple of days because it pulls all the good things out of you as well.

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Off course not, you are right. It will drain the good minerals and the bad metals. It will take some chemicals needed and take bad poisons too. I'd say twice a week is my limit.

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Glad you said that too b/c it appeared from some posts people planned to take that ongoing🤷‍♂️

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I read about a product for EMF protection that has Paramagnetic Elements in it.

The Elements were not listed on the website.

I did a search for Paramagnetic Elements; Magnesium, Molybdenum, Lithium, Sodium and Copper are the ones that I remembered now.

NOW brand has NAC with Molybdenum and Selenium.

I would like to know of other Paramagnetic Elements that help protect our bodies from EMF' S.

I read about Bamboo Salt for Nano Detox.

A Bamboo Hat would be less expensive than a Faraday Bennie.

Bamboo Sprouts are another possibility worth researching.

Please share info about Paramagnetic Elements, how Bamboo can help, and anything else that's helpful to us.

Thank you.

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Now maybe these things might help, at this stage I only know that many of the jewellery and wearable items that are not clothing absolutely do not work. Waves will not bend towards a device and get trapped in there as such. Some crystals can block energy, but only directly in the path of such waves and no more. So a reduction of maybe just a 1% or so coverage of your body is money wasted. Bamboo is very interesting and I would like to look into it. As you say it is cheap, grows very very fast, and is planet friendly. Nice work

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Moringa does. Turmeric another.

Cistus can take some radioactive compounds from the body. There's a lot more out there but that's my first thoughts for you

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Molybdenum is already showing up in vaccine analysis and in other samples. Not sure adding more would be helpful. But it is low amounts, who knows why that's in there but egh.

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Also the end clothing concentrates the end to the edges. So a hat means it'll just concentrate around your forehead. The EMF co's will protest otherwise but there's now a whole host of evidence to support this.

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Doctors/nurses have no business dancing around when they were poisoning people w/remdesivir/cyanide and ventilators for a profit.

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Maybe they were giving us a message as some said, who knows. But I guess that would make sense as my gf just said.

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I think it made us all mad. Nice to see people who got vacksinated now posting their anguish and all the videos they ignored at first.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Karl.C

I just discovered your and Matt's substacks. This is right up my alley.

Last year I gave a microscope to my niece's son. A dang decent one too.

I had one as a kid. I graduated UF (Gators) '79. In my day, by 8th grade every kid in the school had at least looked through a microscope. You had to take biology and chemistry. Even public schools had great labs. If you haven't dissected a frog or made your own gun powder, then you're too damn young. Get off my lawn. :)

Anyway, I'm scouring ebay and reading yall's posts. Thank you for inspiring me to take on yet another hobby.

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No worries! Glad your inspired to take a peak. The more of us and the less of them is the more you know and the less you don't.

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Remember with eBay you can email a seller an offer. You can get lots of money off. Good luck with your hunt. I love your humour.

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Dissection was taken out of UK schools many years a go. I was one of the first years not to do this.

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I passed out for my first dissection. Cambridge, UK. We did mice, fish eyes and so much more.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Karl.C

How can you be sure it's the charcoal and not the other supplements?

BTW I really like what you are doing. You are doing what is needed: testing protocols, looking at blood before and after, and trying to see what works and what does not work.

I'd like to see more of that, and trying to isolate each supplement to see if it works or not, and how much it works. Then it would be possible to chart the effectiveness of each one and work on building a working protocol.

Continue the good work!

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Thank you Louis. I have had high levels of this stuff in my blood before quite some time ago, back then I was using the other stuff too with separate glutathione and it didn't seem to be clearing up anywhere near this quick. In just a couple of days I was very impressed. However I do notice the slight glow in and around many of the RBC's a little still. I have given the charcoal a break after 2 doses and will do again in a few days so as not to exhaust myself by what might seem like the effects of malnutrition.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Were you able to compare activated charcoal to EDTA? Activated charcoal is probably easier to get and more natural. Would be nice if you could try it alone for a couple of days, just to tell if it's working by its own. :-)

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I haven't tried edta yet. For most a repeat visit to the clinic at 500 a time doesn't sound like anything but a wallet drain. So I will try the liquid oral edta at one point which is still about 130 but cheaper. The only real comparison for edta is Dr Ana's images and work.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Karl.C

I did a DIY suppository with approx 2/3 calcium disodium EDTA, 1/3 glutathione and a small quantity of Coq10, all in coconut oil.

From a book I read on chelation, IV bioavailability is close to 100%, while oral bioavailability is close to 5%. However, used as a suppository and doing it rectally, bioavailability is close to 35%. Basically, three nights worth of this simple and inexpensive recipe would be the same as one IV EDTA session.

I didn't invent the thing and it was suggested to me, but I'll try, and maybe this is something you could try too and check your blood after. From what I understand, the fact that it doesn't have to go through the whole digestive system is a major improvement and even if it's not as easy as taking it orally, it's not that hard either if you are used to. Maybe someone could even experiment with activated charcoal in it as well.

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Not a bad idea, I've been saying I will try the back door irrigation method for ages and still hage not. My new post shows reason to as well, lol. Interesting stuff.

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Thanks... I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you say "My new post shows reason to as well". Sorry, English isn't my first language. Anyway, it is worth trying IMO. At this point, what else can we do?

If you can, we'd need to find a way to investigate the rubbery clots (as shown in Died Suddenly) because IMO that's how people are mostly dying. Whatever is in the blood is not killing people directly, but reduced blood flow leads to a quicker death.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Exactly, same thing with edta. You need an edta cycle and a remineralization cycle.

Question Karl, do you think there is any collision possible between edta and activated charcoal when taken together?

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Personally (and I am just a person reading Substacks), I think the charcoal would probably zero out the EDTA. You must take charcoal way away from any supplements. Karen Kingston says it is in the Patents that EDTA will clear the white plastic clots; don't think she has seen anything else that will.

Recently, Dr. Ana has had need to test with her own blood, and has found Methylene Blue to be the best detox she has found so far. Unfortunately, I am stuck with the EDTA cream, or a new enteric coated system from MedFive that Dr. Ana recommends. I am allergic to all dyes, and also to Cobalt.

Good luck everybody.

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on the other hand many people who have been taking Methylene blue did not see the same results unfortunately. Activated charcoal can be taken the day after edta. EDTA has rapid effects and then everything is urinated out and removed in other ways. Charcoal is known to be very safe and very cheap. EDTA on its own is likely more powerful than EDTA. But many are not comfortable with seeing the pharma products all containing the very tech they are supposed to remove too. Another problem is the cost, most cannot afford EDTA once a week which is roughly how long before the blood becomes full again. So, natural and inexpensive ways like Sodium Citrate, Charcoal, Nattokinase are my go to. Too much is being exposed to us now to be able to keep up with it almost. so other options are also needed. regards and best wishes.

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I used the charcoal for a while, but had no way of knowing when to take it. I use the EDTA cream 4 times a day, every day. Can you suggest to me when and how to work in the activated coconut charcoal capsules that I have, without deleting EDTA or any of the other many supplements I have added, trying to detox?

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Wow, what a difference. Thanks for sharing. 💕🙏

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Activated charcoal is all I take. I probably take too much, too often, but I feel so much worse if I go too long without it. My arms and hair are covered in fibres (though much less so these days with regular ACV and peroxide), I'm still yet to figure out how to get my blood checked.

*Un-all-modern-medicined, never masked, never tested, limited contact with jabbed and hives.

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How much charcoal and pure water?

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1-3 capsules worth once or twice a day, on days where I feel really whacked. I don't know if pure water even exists anymore, certainly not currently accessible to me. We buy bottled spring water as its been tested and at the very least doesn't contain fluoride.

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Nice work Karl. Bought a heap of dead sea salt, bentonite clay, borax, al free bi carb and a big tub of activated charcoal. Left the bloody box in the car and forget it until last break. Got a spoon or two into me before heading to work lasylt week.

Seeing this I'll make sure I don't forget. Was your dosage once a day of multiple times please?

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I took about a desert spoon in a normal glass Of water mixed. I did it once on each of two days. It's best if you eat less when you do it so that it binds more to what's wanting out. Then enjoy fruits and nourishment again on day 3. I will do it gain after a 5 day break and see results after a month maybe.

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Be good to see, I fast quite a lot so that'll be easy.

I'm sharing both of your substacks on a Facebook group, someone tagged me and said I'm right so its safe to share nore now. Words getting out.

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Nice one buddy. Good work!

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Can I ask mate, any updates on the activated charcoal?

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Not yet, had to take a break. 8 shall in time. I'm still using it on occasions though.

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Is that the same Luciferin that is in the Q D Hydrogel?

If so would DMSO help eliminate it from the body?

The other link is to the Company that makes and sells 280 + SARS-CoV-2 Variants.

The website could have info that would help us learn how to stop the spread, ie Shedding.

Please share any helpful information.

Thank you.

Also I have three groups on MeWe.

Friends, type my name in the search field on MeWe, if you will, the links to my three groups are in my profile description.

Most of the info for health I post to Surviving The Global Reset.

May peace be with you,

Greg Eldefonso.

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Good work Greg, keep up the good fight. Thanks for sharing.

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Sur les nouvelles photos il n'y a plus de rouleaux !!! What did you add to your detox to obtain this great result ?

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Karl said he used "activated charcoal". The stuff he used came from "Spice Mart Activated Charcoal 50g." on Etsy or Ebay.

God Bless the Good People and Animals.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Amazing!! Thank you for your work & post. Can you tell me the brand of activated charcoal that you are taking?

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I'd like to know that as well...

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Spice Mart Activated Charcoal 50g. I think i got it last year off of ebay or Etsy maybe. As long as it is pure Activated charcoal powder you should be good.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Thank you Karl 🙏🙏

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Thank you! 👍🏽 I've been feeling a little more fatigued lately, with the feeling like my physical body is under a little more stress from something in the environment. I will give this a try.

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023Author

Maybe with fasting around that time, but drinking plenty of fluids might help the clean out process some what more.

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👍🏽 Okay. 🙏💕

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

Karl what is your dosage of this per session? I packed four 000 gelcaps full of micronized activated charcoal and it barely clocks in at 1 gram. Granted that's 1000mg but I have no idea about dosage on this

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Is charcoal not helping anymore?

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Hi, glad you mentioned that charcoal can lead to mineral deficiencies. It's been a long time since I researched this topic. I think there was a prime time to take it so as to avoid this happening. Maybe you have this info more available in your realm. Unsure how long it would take me to find this. So thought you might be quicker with your resources?

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My other doctor, dr Dietrich Klinghart, is a Lyme disease specialist. He’s actually the one that told me never take activated charcoal more than a couple of days at the most. If you don’t get his weekly podcast information, it’s usually very informative.

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I have a feeling I removed most but not all my Lyme. Stuff left in the brain...... Or is it actually this other stuff we all accumulated over time. Morgellons or the tech is common in Lyme patients these days. They used to see Lyme bacteria caused it, but now the cats out the bag and that doesn't make sense anymore.

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