Nov 4, 2023Liked by Karl.C

https://telestai.substack.com/p/sabrina-wallace You are watching Transhumanism in action. It's in all of us without our permission. The above post by Telestai contains an excellent summary of many people who know what is going on along with professional links of scientists in nano-technology.

Someone needs to connect the scientific research on nanotechnology with the excellent work of the microscope army. Please share widely and watch the videos.

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I would be interested to know what a solution of ‘EndoSan3’ advanced silver stabilised hydrogen peroxide 3%. would do to all these cultures? I bought 5 litres of this stuff a few weeks ago and have sanitised everything I own! I decided to see what would happen if I sprayed some into my mouth yesterday morning.... the results were interesting... my tongue felt like it had sherbet (a sweet sugary confectionary item from when I was a little girl!) popping on it and after about 40 seconds there was a thick white foam in my mouth. My tongue lost the thick discoloured coating it’s had for over a year, despite scrubbing at it with a brush, and my mouth felt really clean.

I think I might have inadvertently found something that kills this stuff!

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I've tried colloidal silver and that helped a small amount, not much. The hydrogen peroxide seems to clean my tongue well and then charcoal powder brushed after really helps too. Like hugely. I think the hydrogen peroxide in the endosan likely will be the main active ingredient since hydrogen peroxide is qouted in lab safety docs to even remove graphene 😉

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My research over the last 4 years has shown that this nano tech is communicating on a 24/7 basis with military/and governmental based specialised units, who sit behind computer screens gathering information on every single bodily function of the ‘host’. That person can then be ‘controlled’ at every conceivable level by altering chemical and hormonal reactions in the brain and body. This stuff is highly effective at giving these freaks total control of your life. They can flood your system with every hormone/chemical it produces to cause reactions in that person ..... the experimental phase ended years ago.... now they are just having fun with it all at our expense. I have an awful lot to post on this subject and a lot more besides. I’m just getting pieces ready to upload over the coming weeks. I’ll have to write them all out first then mass post on here and on my new Wordpress account as I’m expecting to get shut down on here once I start to post my findings. I have evidence, lots of it. My Wordpress. c3400235.wordpress.com. Television23. I’ll be posting soon so please keep an eye out.

Check out the endosan3 product it’s from a UK company. 🌺

Remember to keep Sharing everything people.... it’s the only way we can make sure the information gets to everybody as we are all being monitored and limited as to how many readers actually see our posts. ALL internet use now goes through military servers FIRST, before it gets posted.... all accounts are ghosted to limit publication of truth info. I have proof of it...lots!

Stay positive, stay safe, and stay away from police officers, they are dangerous.

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'Stay away from police officers'.., ha ha. When I was a kid and I was a NYC Taxi driver in the 1980s, that was the word on the street. 'Don't worry about the robbers, stay away from police officers.' Some thing's never change. LOL..

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Nice work. Worth pinching I reckon. ;)

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Thanks Matt, your funny buddy. 😉

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Well, given the times we are in and the critical nature of subject matter, the few brave souls willing to spend the time and resources, collaborative approach is the only thing that's gonna work. Pinching not as nice, but sharing with proper credit is the order of the day I think. Voluntary contributions to researchers and content creators, but with no mandatory paywalls is also necessary to get the info into more hearts minds and souls while there is still some time left, IMO.

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Karl.C

couldn't agree more

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Agreed, I like to give people the option to view and share, but also donate with KO-FI. I hate PayPal though. Lol. I may eventually have to turn to subscription based, I'd like to avoid it though or offer it separately.

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Karl.C

I think they are clarithin q dots or something . shawn paul melville substack for info...

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WILL CHECK IT OUT, If you find a link for moving dots please post here. Thank you so much

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Karl.C

do so. he calls in nazi genius- beyond me.

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Shawn does some good research but its worth a look at his "discussion" with John L in his chat to see a bit deeper. I respect him for not censoring it.

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Below is a small sample of Telestai's substack article. There are many other resources mentioned from other substack friends. https://divadrops.substack.com/p/cerebral-sabrina,


Internet of Bodies

“…connected devices that monitor the human body, collect physiological, biometric, or behavioral data, and exchange information over a wireless or hybrid network.”

The Telecommunications Terrorists Building Your Digital Prisons: INT'L United Nations Telecommunications Union | SDG Digital Acceleration Agenda - Prof. Ian F. AKYILDIZ https://rumble.com/v3k5z0x-september-23-2023.htmlBio-Nanothings



Bio nano scale machines - these are for injecting into the body, always monitoring the health problems. And that is also going really well, like with these COVID vaccines:


Ian F. Akyildiz receives 2011 W. Wallace McDowell Award For His Contributions To Wireless Technologies:



Internet Of Bio-Nanothings: Science and Society Meetings - XI, Prof. Dr. İan F. Akyıldız, Georgia University (2020):



IAN F. AKYILDIZ: Nanonetworks: A New Frontier in Communications (2011):



Ian F. Akyıldız: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems (2020):



WINLAB Seminar - Josep Miguel Jornet "The Internet of Nano-Things (2021):



Ian F. Akyildiz : Intelligent Environments to Realize Communication in 6G Wireless Systems (2019):



lan F. Akyildiz A.U. anual forum of l'IOT TUNISIA (2017):



Ian F. Akyildiz presents "SoftAir: SDN Architecture for 5G Wireless Systems" @5TONIC" (2017):



Ian F. Akyildiz: Information and communication theory with biochemical and molecular Components For Biological SensingAndControl | ITU Journal | Webinar (2022):



IAN F. AKYILDIZ: Nanonetworks: A New Frontier in Communications (2011):



Internet of Space Things" by Ian F. Akyildiz - Keynote talk at ISWCS 2018, Lisbon, Portugal:


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Hello Karl, I too have recently found nanobots "working" very diligently in my and husbands blood. It's fascinating but disturbing. I watch them move what appears to be the best or normal RBC's to different areas. Hard to explain, it's a must see. I'm new at substack and at uploading these videos and images. I'm asking for help to do this. I have many photos and videos of some crazy creatures in our blood, including what appears to be a snakelike thing with all the markings of a snake? So hang on my fellow conquerors I'll get them up a soon as I figure out how .....jt

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Awesome stuff. Yes for sometime I have found it very amusing how single RBC's will start a unique journey on their own. It's is very odd. Even on the second day they still move. Very strange stuff.

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Karl.C

I have a confession to make Karl...These little F1 bots fascinate me ! I have to replay over and over to watch what they're all doing. I like the distinction Shimon makes "the aeroplanes"..but what about the more elongated rice-grain shape ones? their behaviour is similar, travel too fast to catch them and they bend, almost articulated in the mid-section as though looking over their shoulder back at something..as they zip along. Bright orange too. So what do we name these ones? "Sonic Subs" ?

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I still wonder if the dots can morph between shapes and forms. I hope to capture better images with the new temporary camera while on the move here. I'll have to fix my ring light to double check it is not a trick of the light. But if not then sonic subs could be funny Egh. I'm glad the fascinate you.

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Karl.C

a further observation on the speedy dots...When I watch them I swear they are being "driven" by someone at a console. It's a very human-like gait (their movement)

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Reverse Engineered ALIEN Tech. don't be scared to say it. https://truthcomestolight.com/they-are-introducing-nanotechnology-into-all-sorts-of-injectable-products/

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Yessir, it be so. Alien and evil, say I. It's certainly not what the creator of life intended, that's for damn sure.

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The first clue came from Dr. Franc .Zaleski . He did a full electron spectral analysis on the vaccine and found aluminum-based lifeforms. The only problem there are NO aluminum-based lifeforms from planet earth. Then all you got to do is add the fact, that ZERO doctors and ZERO scientist have EVER seen this nano tech nano organism before in HISTORY. well, it doesn't take a Rocket Scientist. Sometimes the SIMPLIEST answer is the right one. Observe ...... https://rumble.com/v18cqgo-dr.-franc-zalewski-graphenoxide-aluminumcarbon-based-life-form-find-in-covi.html

watch Dr. Young record a UNKNOWN life form moving inside of the body of a 17-year-old. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Dr0ZcAeEfaU

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There are papers showing some of the many criteria we see. And scientists wrote them. I don't see this as any proof at all still. Actually all the work we have done so far is in some way down on papers of time gone by. Except for the moving dot forms. Which of the papers is the correct is still in question. But our research team is not seeing what your saying as matching research so far. Just because a life form is new does not mean man can't make it. They absolutely can DESIGN life forms if you read the papers out there enough. They are and have been at a point for a while where they can frankenstein anything. These points of evidence you bring do not make any sense to me if I honest. The evidence a so far shows they can do all this stuff and have also had AI to help them. If only you knew how AI can almost design anything given enough data to work with. I used to be a fan of Dr O young until I read his non science papers and reclaimed theories. Not so much now unfortunately. Wish I never read his papers and seen some of the fake clot micrographs which are actually animated photoshop stock images sold every online. Reverse image search his clot photomicrograph on his site, it's a stock image. His baking soda theories weren't his either. Or pleomorphjc theories. That's just my take on what I know from medical studies of the past. I hoped Dr O young was natural healer as advertised. I feel he still helps people well through live blood analysis though and this is important. Other than that I feel he inflated beyond his badges if you follow his work and know anything about those topics from elsewhere and from time long gone.

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it's easy to criticize when you don't have hundreds of PEER REVIEWED scientifical papers behind your back? how many do you have again??? The Mexicans put the entire alien question to rest, when they produced two bodies and invited all scientist around the world to inspect them. Credible people have testified against penalty of perjury to the US Congress that they exist. Just because you don't want to bring it into normal conversation doesn't mean other people can't connect all dots. fyi only REPTILLIANS lay eggs.... Most people I find to resist the alien theory are religious, because they know in the back of their mind the entire story of the bible is a fraud if we came from aliens.....Q-

On December 8, 2021, the Japanese TBS program "World Extreme Mystery" aired "Is Peru's three-fingered mummy an alien? A new discovery that will shake up human history!"

A CT scan of the tiny mummy showed what appeared to be three eggs. The images (DICOM files) were brought back to Japan and had them diagnosed by Dr. Katsuyuki Uchino, he said that the eggs showed the same signal as the bones, and that it was assumed that calcium was the main component on the surface. It can be assumed that the egg contains some sort of internal organ-like tissue.


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You could also put material inside a puppet to make it come up under a scan so until it's sliced open and dna taken and read... In fact the locals in Mexico have been known to make alien artefacts and sell them to drum up tourism to gullible visitors. There was also the Atacama 'alien' and the star child skull and some others.. This is nothing really new.. But not related to covid or the vaxx..

I wouldn't read into 'peer review' it's a huge circle jerk of ass kissers who pat each other on the back and like each others papers so they can all agree on the same thing and keep the funding money pouring in.. It's a real cancer on genuine science.. Imagine Telsa being peer reviewed?

🤔 Three things you should NEVER say & the meaning of PEER REVIEWED


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Your argument is WEAK when you attack the messenger and NOT the message....Q-

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strange never before seen objects wash up on the beaches all of the time, doesn't mean they are aliens, things don't always bake the way the recipe reads...even in humans

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Check out Lord Thomas Merrylin's collection of creatures.. Zoologist.. He had the biggest collection of nasties worldwide including real lycans. Read the entire site it's pretty interesting http://www.merrylinmuseum.com/index#/the-yana-mayan-artifacts

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thankyou for the links

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I understand what he saw and it looked horrific, but given how many vials have now been inspected, maybe 20,000 or more I dunno, this should repeat, but it doesn't. Nothing would surprise me though.

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its been REPEATED, you just have to know where to look ....q

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Who found the same things?

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023

Thanks for posting the La Quinta Columna article / video. Del Gado et al where at this as early as 2020. They've done some excellent researching and reporting.

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I have one more piece of evidence to log in on this subject.

In the category of FUTURE PROVES PAST..... Notice the date Oct 2021 way before anyone else was reporting on the NANO TECH. its a must listen if not for anything else than entertainment value.


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After all I've discovered in recent years, it wouldn't surprise me if these "dots" turn out to be alien spaceships, or something even stranger than that. Pretty freaky stuff taken on the whole.

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