Sweet Jesus. Whenever I think I can't possibly be surprised by anything further. Amazing work. Disheartening, but vital. We are grateful for your diligence.
Karl this discovery is staggering. Thank you for your monumental efforts in uncovering this. Takes my breath away. Don't know whether to cry, scream or stare mutely. Praying for solutions so we're not all ending up Borg'd.
They want total control over us via our immune systems - this is evil beyond imagination - replacing our precious blood with their synthetic crap & selling it to us under the guise of curing that old favourite of theirs - Cancer, which they give you, so you think you need them & their vile crap to cure you.
As Renfield says in Dracula
'Blood is the life'
There must be something that can be done to dissolve this rubbish - no matter how terrible, there must be a solution to undo it - Good Humans are marvelous & clever & now we know more of what they've done to us, we can apply ourselves to undo it
Thank you Karl for all your hard work, we all owe you a tremendous debt - I'm so shocked by your post & horrified you found it in your blood, all us unvaxxed could have it but there must be something to get rid of it - it is not infallible
Part of the problem is synthetic proteins are not broken down with the protein proteases from the pancreas like they are with animal proteins.Micro plastics and synthetic proteins seem to cause a lot of problems.
Using the same protease enzyme of a silk worm that seems to help break down silk and polyester formations is the best we have so far… nattokinase and lumbrokinase seem to only work on fibrin type formations.
I had two nasal swabs(unvaccinated) jammed hard into my nasal cavity.. and developed a large clot.. about three months later a huge ping pong sized ball of goo came out and kept its circular shape almost like a rubber ball… not normal… but a the time I was rising on serrapeptase .. which I still do today.
I understand what you wrote, natural can't dissolve synthetic but maybe someone could design & create a short lived synthetic that attacks those fake Red or White Blood Cells & it has a rapid built in obsolescence & could just 'die off' after 24-48 hrs & render their rubbish void before it goes. Seems they can do anything.
So sorry to hear about your seriously unpleasant experiences after the swabs but glad to hear the worst is over 👍
All this comes from the Military - open warfare is no longer in vogue, now it's all about the -silent, quiet war' - attacking ppl without them knowing what your up to - we are at war with these crazies who'll use anything at their disposal to try to gain control
Anything synthetic is bad, the body cannot dissolve ingest or break down these polymers…
Inflammation follows then scar tissue ..
we have not mention zeta potential changes , positive ions overload, or string theory.. where antibody cleave to antigen to form long chain proteins.. which explain those long white rubbery clots.. this was done by design and any suggestion to use further synthetic solutions has to be proven to help .. and not hinder ….
In the meantime , clearance is key, using binders and chelator a… here is my list..
NAC… (Glutathione) … DRE… dandelion root extract…Melatonin plays a bigger part in the mitochondria.. than glutathione… Serrapeptase…Tocotrienols… astaxanthin… Chlorella… Spirulina… (feed mitochondria)
Keep inflammation under control with Olive leaf extract…Andrographis… Ashitaba… omega 3 oils.
Quercetin Zinc CL02… for flare ups…. Taurine is a biggy.
I'm no expert at all & I hear you about synthetics - I hate them with a passion but we are up against something monsterous thats out to get us.
A most excellent list that I have saved & I've taken some b4 like the NAC. Look into the prperties of Fenbendazole to fight Cancer.
It's belived Cancer is caused by a Micro Cellular Parasite & as Fenbendazole is a parasite killer, it gets rid of it. You must take the Fenbendazole with either butter as in a sandwich or with Ex Virgin Olive Oil to digest it.
Mel Gibson was on Joe Rogan 3 wks ago & said his 3 friends cured their Cancer with Fenbendazole, Ivermectin (exposes Cancer cells to the bodies Immune system which kills them) & Chlorine Dioxide
I already do use fenben and IVM… checkpoint inhibitors stop microtubule formation… which is a necessary part of cancer growth before it can divide… so no copy .. no replication.. goodbye tumour growth… thankyou for the links.. I am keeping a library on google drive on all things pertaining regards the gatekeepers clubs effort to snuff out humanity..and protocols that counter against such evil.
Biofilm disrupters uncloak parasitic sacs , cysts and polyps.. NAC and serrapeptase.. can remove biofilm very effect in combination with Sweet worm Black walnut IVM and fenben.
Parasites are NOT the cause of cancer. Ignore dr Carrie madej. I have no idea where this came from but cancer is likely opertunistic fungal organisms which colonise in damaged cellular tissues. Carcinogens damage cells, weak bodies allow stuff to grow where it should not. All of the non western cures for cancers are first and foremost antifungal agents of huge power. Fenbendazole inhibits microtubulin formation which fungus needs to perform cell division and grow, and ivermectin likely has positive effects through multiple actions including cranking up the immune system. It is known that people who have jacked up immune systems are open to secondary infections and parasite load increases, not just cancer. Some strange folks just assumed cancer is parasites because many cancer patients have them and because ivermectin and fenbendazole are ALSO antiparasitics, forgetting that these drugs have effects on other pathogens and pathways. I cringe when I hear dr Carrie madej giving talks about how cancer is parasites. She seems nice, but it's wrong. Most tumours, not all, actually have what sometimes clearly looks like a fungus in those tissues. I had mycelium hanging off of a massive polyp I just dropped after taking fenbendazole and in other tumours you may see colourful veins or patterns. Others may be white. But, there were some science papers somewhere explaining that some teams had figured it out. God knows where to find those papers now, but I know they are right.
I just had a conversation with Grok about this. Here is a link to the conversation. I posted this article as one of the proofs that silicon-based biological organisms have been created already using bacteria. The answer I got kept saying there is no proof. Grok is clearly only basing it's replies on establishment-funded evidence. Roll on RFKjr's confirmation and planned investigation into these kinds of topics. Here is the link to my Grok conversation: https://x.com/i/grok/share/e7nQkxckgVdw5pDJZ9tJn3Tbs
What I have been suggesting is to bury the evidence in different formats for a hundred or a thousand years, whether it is humans, post humans or another intelligent life form from somewhere in the cosmos. Thankfully every keystroke is recorded by the government (lol) but we could be deleted in every which way. Yes, I don't sound very hopeful, but 'contingencies' are very important. Thinking forward.
Are you seeing this in unvaxxed people. I have had dental anaesthetics with shit in them. Hard to tell when thye have been in them for so long. I tried citinest but we know thats comprised too.
I am unvaccinated unfortunately. Did 5 swabs for flight 4 years ago. But now we see this in tap water too, so I only drink RO water and it's so clean I use it for sample work. Safer to drink, just ad salt
It appears he meant to put a period after “unvaccinated” then begin the next sentence “Unfortunately.” That often happens when I’m speaking into my phone and not double-checking before I send the comment.
Would you mind making a post on a few microscopes available to the general public, so as families or communities we can learn to look at our own blood, and at least watch what is happening to us? I've looked at some recs from others, but I don't want to buy a super scope and become a live blood analyst; I just want to watch the bots self-assemble. Thanks for your dedication to informing us.
I would say look at the $1200usd amscope dark field scopes. Comes as a package. Thats your best low end bet, my scope is retailing near the 50 to 60 spot with all the custom mods and added objectives.
Hey there Lionheart, the plot just gets thicker the more the deeper we look ! Absolutely fascinating to watch this activity all the same...it just is an abomination extreme.
I cant help but wonder why would they want an eqivalent version of our little soldiers (white blood cells) in their redesign of our template? Are we to suppose they are super-soldiers with more capabilities over ours? Like...why are they bothering to mimick any of our equipment at all? Is it a sick compliment of some sort? ..so why not build the model they want top to bottom, something completely different?....these Q's occurs to me.
I hate to be brutally honest here, but i cannot see their logic in any of this. In fact what did jump out at me was their, perhaps, failed attempt to replicate our leukocytes...as seen in your footage..but couldnt quite get it close enough to match ours...hoping no-one would notice the slight difference in appearance, all the while are wolves in sheeps clothing just sliding about doing what white cells do..yeah thats all, nothing to see here...when clearly as you've outlined Karl, they are cargo carriers capable of delivering anything!! Could be instructions to set off processes of any desire in the newly rewired 2.0 humanoid...or, simply to. " kill the host now" command postal workers?
I laugh in mock at Ai's suggestion the synthetic white cells possibly are using chemical signalling, attracting the natural white cells to it, so they can be carefully gathered up and ushered off to assist in immune function remedial service to the host?!!! Yeahhhh naaaahh i dont think so. What a joke!
Truth is folks, I hate all this shit with a passion....and so should all of you and be OUTRAGED at the very least.....well turn it to positive action, make a stand.
I strongly encourage EVERYONE to support the cause for vital diagnostic equipment funding urgently needed to rip the covers off of this crime against humanity, and be able to show proof. KK
PS I couldnt get any of the videos to play from your article post Karl a possible glitch? Ai?
Thank you for continuing to analyze and share these unnatural formations. How to counteract these attacks on our vital blood cells will be critical sooner than later. Whom to trust is another matter.
Karl, my heart goes out to you & Dr. Nixon -- for your genuine deep, deep desire to fight against this darkness on behalf of God's creation (my steadfast belief) while being chronically afflicted by it yourself (as am I so know what it feels like) & in the midst of such awful & disgusting accusations & tearing down of reputation & character. What's so obvious to those of us that have been given "eyes" to see this is still being so "blinded" for so many. Thank you.
Want to make sure that you've seen this, however, as these scientists strongly warn not to touch this tech w/o gloves.
I wonder about aerosol exposure as that seems an obvious & primary avenue being used to contaminate all of life. Am still working through this groups presentations so don't yet know if they address that. Please be careful. Your life is of precious value, too.:)
Sweet Jesus. Whenever I think I can't possibly be surprised by anything further. Amazing work. Disheartening, but vital. We are grateful for your diligence.
Wow, I love the kind and strong people. Stay strong!
Wow, this is shocking. We need to stand up, speak and act now.
Agreed buddy
Karl this discovery is staggering. Thank you for your monumental efforts in uncovering this. Takes my breath away. Don't know whether to cry, scream or stare mutely. Praying for solutions so we're not all ending up Borg'd.
Thanks Deidre. yea, it sucks doesn't it.
It's a new kind of frontiersman-ship you (and other colleagues) are doing.
Thank you Karl. Again and again. And again
Thanks, appreciated.
Be good to see one get isolated and put it in water
With some chlorine dioxide , 1 cc , then 2cc see what it can withstand,
They want total control over us via our immune systems - this is evil beyond imagination - replacing our precious blood with their synthetic crap & selling it to us under the guise of curing that old favourite of theirs - Cancer, which they give you, so you think you need them & their vile crap to cure you.
As Renfield says in Dracula
'Blood is the life'
There must be something that can be done to dissolve this rubbish - no matter how terrible, there must be a solution to undo it - Good Humans are marvelous & clever & now we know more of what they've done to us, we can apply ourselves to undo it
Thank you Karl for all your hard work, we all owe you a tremendous debt - I'm so shocked by your post & horrified you found it in your blood, all us unvaxxed could have it but there must be something to get rid of it - it is not infallible
Part of the problem is synthetic proteins are not broken down with the protein proteases from the pancreas like they are with animal proteins.Micro plastics and synthetic proteins seem to cause a lot of problems.
Using the same protease enzyme of a silk worm that seems to help break down silk and polyester formations is the best we have so far… nattokinase and lumbrokinase seem to only work on fibrin type formations.
I had two nasal swabs(unvaccinated) jammed hard into my nasal cavity.. and developed a large clot.. about three months later a huge ping pong sized ball of goo came out and kept its circular shape almost like a rubber ball… not normal… but a the time I was rising on serrapeptase .. which I still do today.
I understand what you wrote, natural can't dissolve synthetic but maybe someone could design & create a short lived synthetic that attacks those fake Red or White Blood Cells & it has a rapid built in obsolescence & could just 'die off' after 24-48 hrs & render their rubbish void before it goes. Seems they can do anything.
So sorry to hear about your seriously unpleasant experiences after the swabs but glad to hear the worst is over 👍
All this comes from the Military - open warfare is no longer in vogue, now it's all about the -silent, quiet war' - attacking ppl without them knowing what your up to - we are at war with these crazies who'll use anything at their disposal to try to gain control
Anything synthetic is bad, the body cannot dissolve ingest or break down these polymers…
Inflammation follows then scar tissue ..
we have not mention zeta potential changes , positive ions overload, or string theory.. where antibody cleave to antigen to form long chain proteins.. which explain those long white rubbery clots.. this was done by design and any suggestion to use further synthetic solutions has to be proven to help .. and not hinder ….
In the meantime , clearance is key, using binders and chelator a… here is my list..
NAC… (Glutathione) … DRE… dandelion root extract…Melatonin plays a bigger part in the mitochondria.. than glutathione… Serrapeptase…Tocotrienols… astaxanthin… Chlorella… Spirulina… (feed mitochondria)
Keep inflammation under control with Olive leaf extract…Andrographis… Ashitaba… omega 3 oils.
Quercetin Zinc CL02… for flare ups…. Taurine is a biggy.
Calcium is often a culprit when inflammation becomes chronic.. I use IP6 … potassium citrate…and the stone breaker .. cloudy urine every time..
I'm no expert at all & I hear you about synthetics - I hate them with a passion but we are up against something monsterous thats out to get us.
A most excellent list that I have saved & I've taken some b4 like the NAC. Look into the prperties of Fenbendazole to fight Cancer.
It's belived Cancer is caused by a Micro Cellular Parasite & as Fenbendazole is a parasite killer, it gets rid of it. You must take the Fenbendazole with either butter as in a sandwich or with Ex Virgin Olive Oil to digest it.
Mel Gibson was on Joe Rogan 3 wks ago & said his 3 friends cured their Cancer with Fenbendazole, Ivermectin (exposes Cancer cells to the bodies Immune system which kills them) & Chlorine Dioxide
I already do use fenben and IVM… checkpoint inhibitors stop microtubule formation… which is a necessary part of cancer growth before it can divide… so no copy .. no replication.. goodbye tumour growth… thankyou for the links.. I am keeping a library on google drive on all things pertaining regards the gatekeepers clubs effort to snuff out humanity..and protocols that counter against such evil.
Good man, I have quite a few cancer cure papers in my telegram. ALL anti fungal agents. 😉
Yes, theres a lifetime dose of Fenben thats 3 days a week to stop the Cancer returning & to protect from Parasite re-infection.
You take the Fenben for 6 days as a dose to get rid of Cancer & when you get rid of it you go onto 3 days forever as a maintenance dose
Ladies usually take 225mg -250mg Fenben a day
Men are heavier & need more
If your in US, which I'm not, you can order ParaPurge which is Fenben & Ivermection in one capsule
Check it out on
Great list of lovely Supplements, will make a note of it all.
Biofilm disrupters uncloak parasitic sacs , cysts and polyps.. NAC and serrapeptase.. can remove biofilm very effect in combination with Sweet worm Black walnut IVM and fenben.
Parasites are NOT the cause of cancer. Ignore dr Carrie madej. I have no idea where this came from but cancer is likely opertunistic fungal organisms which colonise in damaged cellular tissues. Carcinogens damage cells, weak bodies allow stuff to grow where it should not. All of the non western cures for cancers are first and foremost antifungal agents of huge power. Fenbendazole inhibits microtubulin formation which fungus needs to perform cell division and grow, and ivermectin likely has positive effects through multiple actions including cranking up the immune system. It is known that people who have jacked up immune systems are open to secondary infections and parasite load increases, not just cancer. Some strange folks just assumed cancer is parasites because many cancer patients have them and because ivermectin and fenbendazole are ALSO antiparasitics, forgetting that these drugs have effects on other pathogens and pathways. I cringe when I hear dr Carrie madej giving talks about how cancer is parasites. She seems nice, but it's wrong. Most tumours, not all, actually have what sometimes clearly looks like a fungus in those tissues. I had mycelium hanging off of a massive polyp I just dropped after taking fenbendazole and in other tumours you may see colourful veins or patterns. Others may be white. But, there were some science papers somewhere explaining that some teams had figured it out. God knows where to find those papers now, but I know they are right.
I was hoping Grok was going to be unbiased, but David Ike is probably correct. Elon Musk is just a ops for the machine.
Thank you 🙏 Karl! for your fight to help humanity!
David Ike says humanity has been created & is controlled by some low vibrational beings.
I just had a conversation with Grok about this. Here is a link to the conversation. I posted this article as one of the proofs that silicon-based biological organisms have been created already using bacteria. The answer I got kept saying there is no proof. Grok is clearly only basing it's replies on establishment-funded evidence. Roll on RFKjr's confirmation and planned investigation into these kinds of topics. Here is the link to my Grok conversation: https://x.com/i/grok/share/e7nQkxckgVdw5pDJZ9tJn3Tbs
Even if RFK was willing, how could he change things via administration serving the genocidal cabal?
“Energy and persistence conquer all things.” —Benjamin Franklin
What I have been suggesting is to bury the evidence in different formats for a hundred or a thousand years, whether it is humans, post humans or another intelligent life form from somewhere in the cosmos. Thankfully every keystroke is recorded by the government (lol) but we could be deleted in every which way. Yes, I don't sound very hopeful, but 'contingencies' are very important. Thinking forward.
Are you seeing this in unvaxxed people. I have had dental anaesthetics with shit in them. Hard to tell when thye have been in them for so long. I tried citinest but we know thats comprised too.
I am unvaccinated unfortunately. Did 5 swabs for flight 4 years ago. But now we see this in tap water too, so I only drink RO water and it's so clean I use it for sample work. Safer to drink, just ad salt
Is there any way to reverse it!
Working on that, but see my article on my protocol, and sodium citrate. Type it in the search box on my main page. For researchers only 😉
Have you looked at vaccinated blood - maybe it’s worse?
We have looked at both and many times. Both are inconceivably the same almost. Difficult to tell much difference
why unfortunately?
Because my blood is soiled too even with all the precautions and clean RO water I take.
thank you
It appears he meant to put a period after “unvaccinated” then begin the next sentence “Unfortunately.” That often happens when I’m speaking into my phone and not double-checking before I send the comment.
You dictate comments to yr smartphone?
Yes, I am speaking into this comment box at the moment.
You are not concerned about using the device so close to your body and brain?
Would you mind making a post on a few microscopes available to the general public, so as families or communities we can learn to look at our own blood, and at least watch what is happening to us? I've looked at some recs from others, but I don't want to buy a super scope and become a live blood analyst; I just want to watch the bots self-assemble. Thanks for your dedication to informing us.
I would say look at the $1200usd amscope dark field scopes. Comes as a package. Thats your best low end bet, my scope is retailing near the 50 to 60 spot with all the custom mods and added objectives.
Thanks, just as I expected. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer this.
Hey there Lionheart, the plot just gets thicker the more the deeper we look ! Absolutely fascinating to watch this activity all the same...it just is an abomination extreme.
I cant help but wonder why would they want an eqivalent version of our little soldiers (white blood cells) in their redesign of our template? Are we to suppose they are super-soldiers with more capabilities over ours? Like...why are they bothering to mimick any of our equipment at all? Is it a sick compliment of some sort? ..so why not build the model they want top to bottom, something completely different?....these Q's occurs to me.
I hate to be brutally honest here, but i cannot see their logic in any of this. In fact what did jump out at me was their, perhaps, failed attempt to replicate our leukocytes...as seen in your footage..but couldnt quite get it close enough to match ours...hoping no-one would notice the slight difference in appearance, all the while are wolves in sheeps clothing just sliding about doing what white cells do..yeah thats all, nothing to see here...when clearly as you've outlined Karl, they are cargo carriers capable of delivering anything!! Could be instructions to set off processes of any desire in the newly rewired 2.0 humanoid...or, simply to. " kill the host now" command postal workers?
I laugh in mock at Ai's suggestion the synthetic white cells possibly are using chemical signalling, attracting the natural white cells to it, so they can be carefully gathered up and ushered off to assist in immune function remedial service to the host?!!! Yeahhhh naaaahh i dont think so. What a joke!
Truth is folks, I hate all this shit with a passion....and so should all of you and be OUTRAGED at the very least.....well turn it to positive action, make a stand.
I strongly encourage EVERYONE to support the cause for vital diagnostic equipment funding urgently needed to rip the covers off of this crime against humanity, and be able to show proof. KK
PS I couldnt get any of the videos to play from your article post Karl a possible glitch? Ai?
Thank you for continuing to analyze and share these unnatural formations. How to counteract these attacks on our vital blood cells will be critical sooner than later. Whom to trust is another matter.
You are correct. Everything I am finding so far except for the protocols I posted and sodium citrate is toxic.
how do we clean the system and get rid of them? Any ideas ?
Karl, my heart goes out to you & Dr. Nixon -- for your genuine deep, deep desire to fight against this darkness on behalf of God's creation (my steadfast belief) while being chronically afflicted by it yourself (as am I so know what it feels like) & in the midst of such awful & disgusting accusations & tearing down of reputation & character. What's so obvious to those of us that have been given "eyes" to see this is still being so "blinded" for so many. Thank you.
Want to make sure that you've seen this, however, as these scientists strongly warn not to touch this tech w/o gloves.
I wonder about aerosol exposure as that seems an obvious & primary avenue being used to contaminate all of life. Am still working through this groups presentations so don't yet know if they address that. Please be careful. Your life is of precious value, too.:)
I’ve seen lots of ppl with leukopenia since 2021
It's rising for sure, sadly