Is the blood being tested yours; or another specimen?

Are you continuing the therapy of Sodium Citrate?

Not certain with this series of what your specimen and other factors are.

So know it's all amazing and fascinating, if a bit disconcerting.

Thank-you for working so hard on this situtation. You and other researchers

are the Frontline in this particular battle.

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indeed this is mine and one other persons. i still take SC religiously and activated charcoal too.

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Environment, Food, Drinks, Water, Air...All inundated with the contaminents. There is no ceasing. THE GOONS ARE TERRIFIED AND THIS WILL BECOME WORSE BEFORE BETTER. They're going for broke and it's very odd how 'The People' just let them.

We could have ended this with the EUA/OTA Countermeasures camouflaged as 'Vaccines' and didn't; so guess we must live with the Ai/Bioweapon pollution.

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Hi Karl, I saw Maria Zeee’s show w you and Dr David Nixon and found out about Sodium Citrate. I read an article saying it requires a prescription but another says it is food grade, on GRAS list and is completely safe. Do you know anything about it? I read that it chelates. Does it deplete minerals? What kind of potential side effects can it have? It is ok if we give it to ourselves and try things out. Is it something that we can tell other people about?

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I Lynn, thanks for watching and thanks for checking out the stuff here. Please see my 2 previous articles with Sodium Citrate in the title. They both have key info. The first is the discovery off with images and the second is some facts and info regarding safety, historical usage, and the huge benefits of sodium citrate where your cells are concerned and other activities. It also dismantles Alginate hydrogels and chelates excess calcium which seems to be very significant too. One of the main features is also a reduction of metals also. It does seem to ump large masses and removevia urine fairly well.

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But sodium citrate doesn't work for everyone, it doesn't work for me. What is your opinion of edta-chelation-therapy?

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Karl - I am told that activated charcoal is a "dumb" binder - that is, it binds to everything - all the minerals etc and strips them out... so you must be discriminate with binders... I was using AC daily and after several weeks- my teeth starting aching - i was stripping all the calcium out... Soon I will start with the highly researched Pectasol - A Modified citrus pectin - a product by Dr. Elias with gobs of reserach and it will also bind the heavy metals without allowing them to redistribute in the brain and body (also I experienced after several EDTA IVs... - that was scary). I will be using the triangle to deactivate.. .but expect the pectasol will bind the metals (also high levels in the body)... I have the SC but not started that yet... so many issues... thanks for all your work.

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The activated charcoal was a go to for me in the first place because we now there are many many toxic materials involved with this material and so something that does not discriminate seemed ideal considering. Until we now all of the constituents we cannot clean them all out. AC is reasonable okay if one remembers to put back minerals and vitamins. The other cleansers also tend to affect at least a few things that will need replacing. I am okay taking AC but i do it 3 or 4 days on and 3 or 4 days off. Sometimes more. I take vitamins too. You don't want much calcium since it hardens arteries and effects the brain if there is too much. The material we want out seems to leech calcium from us it seems. Getting the balance right for you can be a tricky one, but yes, one should keep an eye on other factors. thanks !

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Odd... I asked about sodium citrate here and the comment was deleted.

Since no more articles on it by karl... must have turned out to be BS. He should update, no?

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sorry guys, can we tone it down.

ColMac should maybe had left the BS term out since it has a ring to it that seems attacky even though maybe just crude bluntness. So it was inappropriate to be fair, and maybe Deemarie is being defensive of me which is very kind. It is frustrating for me to have to be kind enough to try answer Q's where i can but don't need to, People have a habit of selective reading before asserting things or asking questions..

I love every body, lol !

Please be nice to each other. leave the aggression to the elite animals who want us all to end each other so they don't have to. I respect both of you and i wish not to step in where possible, respectively Karl.C Thank you for visiting.

I removed the harsher comments. Please try forget the water above the bridge :D

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Feb 13, 2024
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No it is not the same, it has no affect similar to this at all. It seems that despite the expectations that our chemistry scientists friends believed it should turn to citric acid in the gut that something is not indicating that is just what it does. It is a bit of a mystery as to why it is not behaving as citric acid, but we now citric acid doesn't do the same if we assume drinking a whole carton of Fresh orange juice is anything to go by or other juices. It does not seem to do anything. Please see the first article on microscopic affects seen on blood samples. And please refrain from using profanity, that went for you and for the other person. I have to erase all messages containing foul language. Thank you.

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No i use it everyday, i just did not intend to spend my life focusing on one thing since my main focus is on what the stuff is . The SC helps hugely, but there is far more to this stuff than just SC alone will fix, especially if it is based on a 4-arm hydrogel. I have no idea why you would assume it is BS. The fact i am not out to convince anyone or sell anything should be a good thing. I will let others push there snake oil falsely to profit. my aim is to discover and move on. If it works the word of mouth will spread it slowly but surely. I am very happy with all the responses we had from the groups of people who tried it, those we knew personally, and the comments left here and there on substack. Some even posted there own experience.

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Matt had posted we all have morgellons. Is this true? I'm assuming so, since the discovery of fibers in the blood.

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Many have seen the similarities in the two. I thought i had morgellons disease when i began my studies over 3 years ago. I personally believe they are related. i know a lot about the history of Morgellons and it would explain a lot.

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Thank u so much , you and everyone on this mission thank you so much.

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Horribly impolite…

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He knew he was too, no one is that unaware of their own attitude without having an agenda.

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I'm trying this today. I had to make my own sodium citrate and made a very small amount until my order comes in. I have hydrogel that actually goes up my nose through towers and magnetism. I'm going to get a darkfeild microscooe,is that what you are using? I have been detoxing the graphine ,for over 4 years and still tons in me. I'm so thank ful for you and everyone annoited by God to save humanity. I'll be donating soon.

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Who asked you to spend your life focusing on anything? Or selling anything...

My question was deleted, I merely asked why, and assumed, NOT implied that maybe the SC didn't work out. Why so triggered?

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you know what, i think i know why she got annoyed with you buddy. You are about as polite as a nail in the foot. I did not delete your message and have no idea what you are talking about or why it would warrant you being a jerk to everyone. My above message wasnt indicating you had triggered me, you are triggering people clearly, you are very obnoxious.

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no objection here to blocking

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See what he managed to do in your comments section?

Please send "him" back under the bridge. ("He" behaves like that everywhere he's permitted to.)

Agent of disruption.

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I was not impolite, so screw you eunuch! YOU and that vile bitch are the ones throwing insults. so shove it all up your ass, Grifter!

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Part of humanity's issue is Half of the population, Want to be TOLD WHAT TO DO.

read. research & Think for Yourself.

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If you did not find the dose, it is up to the individual, as they cannot prescribe or reconmmend, just let us know their findings, and the choice is ours to follow or not. it seems to be between 3.5 to 5grams of Sodium Citrate twice a day, in a glass of water. Personally, I take it on an empty stomach, to prevent inhibition of protein breakdown in the stomach. Hope that helps.

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i personally still stick to about 1 heaped tsp 1to 2 times a day.

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Thanks! Appreciate it. So many snowflakes triggered here.

Any proof it works against these things? PROOF? Or is that indelicate to ask too?

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You are obviously extremely lazy sir. Go read the comments on the appropriate articles about sodium citrate, many have left responses in other articles comments too. Some even made their own substacks documenting their experience. Quit calling people names, acting obnoxious, and making a fool of yourself. Show manners and you will not be blocked. Ask anything you want, but act like you have and you can go elsewhere.

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Shy. Rock may be an intentional Troll.

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As I said, I am new here, yet even YOU feel the need to hurl insults? Well, fuck off, asshole!! Ii am happy to go elsewhere, you sound like a hysterical douchebag, screeching like a little girl, when I gave no insult.

Keep pushing your SC nonsense,a s it is only baking soda after a few minutes. Again, smell my ass, assclown!

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Never insulted you once if you read back ! you did though. Put the mirror down while you are barking profanity at people, it seems to be a confuser.

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You are clearly insulting people, being rude, ordering people around, and gas lighting. Wind your damn kneck in and be a man!

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Note to others: this is how to make a fool of yourself and to leave it for others to see. Good bye ColMac

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Look, people are afraid. Very afraid for their lives. You are asking for proof when the research has just begun. This is a long game and it will take time to determine what is working w/o causing further damage and what isn't.

Researchers are using their own bodies as fields of experimentation and investing their time and money into providing free information.

Respect is due and patience is necessary. I understand your frustrations and have them myself.

If you want to dig into twenty years of research see Clifford Carnicom :

carnicominstitute.org He also has a Substack. His research is free to anyone.

God Bless.

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Nicely put and hard to argue with!

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Read the comments above from Karl. Not BS.

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Great work, Sabrina's cool, light years ahead of us all, the biofield body part! Confirmed many suspicions I had with the neural network by the DoD, I think she should be off the gatekeeper list, assumption through quirkiness, well that's most who's been through it then! ,

BTW I cannot buy Hydrogen Peroxide easily in UK chemists any more, must be something to that, reverse engineering investigation negates complex approaches with multiple variables


P.s. all opinions given are subject to change 😂

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thanks. Yes over the counter h202 not really available in store in the UK. it is easily available via google shopping though.

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Try hydroponic store for h2o2.

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Whats hydrogen peroxide for I missed that I guess

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One of Sabrina’s friends offered to show me how the LOsatélites work within the cells.

She wanted me to

Zoom call her on the phone while she ran a bio field scanner over me via the phone.

Then she said she would prove to me by changing the morphology of my cells in real time via satalites and my phone and asked me to verify it via my


It tripped me out and I declined

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Hi Neo, "one of Sabrina's friends" here. Once you understand our physical make up is determined by frequencies, the medium to route frequencies is limitless

Apologies if you got scared of this information, not intentional!

Today I'm healing a MS patient using quantum entanglement and frequencies , with the use of a toe nail, 80 miles from the patient.

This is the reality of science today, and why it's important to bring the masses up to speed on this tech, for it can damage as much as it can heal!

Look forward to your research.


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Can you heal kidney cancer? My partner has a fast moving malignancy but his docs are making him fix some ♥️ issue before removing and they are booked out. I CAN'T lose him, he's my best friend😭

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It gets worse every day. Thank you for the update. Private scientists such as you, are the key to finding our way out of this labyrinth of deception and death.

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We need electrical engineers working on this too.

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I am more of an electrical engineer than a chemist ironically. :D have done electrical experiments previously, but more must be known before really assuming one will tell much from some experiments that are electrically related.

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I was reading SAM'S SS and she mentioned the Heinz bodies as being a factor in breaking RBC walls down. I looked into what Heinz bodies are and found this which is something anyone using methylene blue should look into further :

What are three toxins that can cause Heinz body anemia?

Heinz body anemia results from toxic effects of maple leaves, wild onions, phenothiazines, or methylene blue. Oxidative damage to erythrocytes leads to hemolytic anemia characterized by the presence of Heinz bodies and eccentrocytes on the blood smear.

Thank you, Karl. I can see the artificial blood with the naked eye as it comes out of my body. It's the wrong color and texture and consistency and attracts my real blood to it that it seems to encase itself in. I think the artificial blood is feeding on my natural blood and transforming my natural blood into itself.

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We need to get on our knees and pray. Pray that the evil doers in the world will give up their satanic ways . If they don’t, then then may God have mercy on their souls because they’ll be seeing Satan face to face.

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A Very Good Point...

Ever read: Psalm 64 or 91?

They are both prayers of Protection with a History of Working.

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Those are the two I pray almost everyday.

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That is Awesome...

I find for it to be Effective, I have to Meditate to get Centered. and be in a Healing Mindset/Heartset,. That can be hard to do (not impossible) when I see the unrepentant arrogance from the perpetrators of this Pox Upon Humanity. I have to Rise Above It... Thanking God for my Life and Everything in it...

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That's why I love Psalm 64 - it directly addresses their arrogance. I'm old but am convinced this crap (experimentation) has been going on for a long time. Not sure if ppl know this but many middle class women were put into twilight sleep when they gave birth. I remember my Mom telling me this. Also, they we encouraged NOT to breastfeed their babies. Also interesting that my Dad went into the military in order to go to college.

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Yes, Thank God we are Waking Up to what is really happening. I'll be 72 next month. Finally slowed down from the My Will Be Done shifting to Thy Will Be Done... Getting to the Let Go, Let God Do It. We can still do it the Hard Way, but It works better to be a Conduit of the Holy Spirit most of the time. Particularly at this time in the World... Via Con Dios Amigo...

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Hi Juan. I am also old!And believe it has been going on for a long time. Stair step fashion. A person can have seen the Overton window being moved in terms of news headlines, Hollywood media, etc.

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yes- world-wide synchronization of prayer

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7pm Brisbane time, is what it works out to be. ;)

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Hi Karl,

Thank-you so much for your tireless work to help save humanity.

These findings are beyond disturbing to say the least. Are we at the point of no return? I know Matt had listed some things that may help & 3% hydrogen peroxide was one of them. Have you tried this? Im assuming food grade would be safe?

I also wanted to ask you- I use a FIR sauna to detox. Is it not advisable to do so?

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The h202 definitely breaks it all apart, unfortunately the effect are very quick to burn off and then it can reassemble. So it give short relief sometimes, but works better before SC and then i take charcoal 20 mins after the SC too sometimes. It did seem to yield larger output in the urine. but likely too much out for those with bad kidneys which is why i didn't make a post on it. I didn't want anyone to get hurt by that combo by being reckless.

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Have you used NAC and Bromelain? The Bromelain is supposed to multiply the efficacy of the NAC up to 4X. Still working on Proportions... I realize we are all different and the same... I usually just start and check for reactions, adjusting accordingly...


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Feb 13, 2024
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I have therasage. portable sauna . You should get one!!

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Feb 13, 2024
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Hi PKW - I too have an infrared portable sauna that I've been using. It's great at generating sweat and keeping the pores open but mine is like a rubberized electric blanket so am concerned/curious how this would effect the nano....since the electrical wires really run under/around my body. Was thinking about getting a larger pop up one with a chair that generates steam heat. Or I guess I could join a gym that has one :)

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I forgot to mention that I have been taking a tea spoon of sodium citrate twice a week for the last four weeks could this be helping to remove any of this rubbish??

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Each dose should effectively pull out an amount of stuff around that time. I get worse again if i miss a day of SC and my energy drops.

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Do we need to balance with potassium & magnesium?

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Hi. Thank you for all your work. I was wondering if you could share the DOD videos that Sabrina Wallace led you to? Thank you

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One Of those pictures is similar to what is in the video leaked after the death of Dr Andreas Noack.


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Karl. I have had flue like symptoms since Christmas witch have abated ,I have been asthmatic since a child and have been free from all symptoms of asthma since 2019 when I discovered Patrick mc keown and Wim Hoff ,as a asthmatic I have always produced a lot of phlegm so I know what it is like but recently I feel it has been very elastic and stringy, recently I took a photo with my phone of the phlegm and after a few minutes part of the phlegm was irradiatingblue. I am sorry I do not know how to upload the photos, has anybody else experienced this

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yes, i had cough that was the same and rather hacking a few months back ,Antimicrobials did nothing and so i checked it with gram staining and so no bacteria. I did see polymers forming and the warfare materials. I checked my mum also, same thing. The gel likely is the cause of the sticky stuff as visual methods showed. H202 1% orally and charcoal really helped knock it. Sodium Citrate i discovered after unfortunately.

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When you say, irradiating blue, how could you tell? What was is on, and what lighting was ambient? Was it in the day time, or nighttime etc? Very interesting. My asthma is slightly worse, but I put it down to the aerial spraying where I live. The trees are dying here. There is strontium and bromide in the rain water, as I have had it tested. Red in the sunset is the strontium. North of Kingaroy, and not near any mines.

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I use to live near Gayndah. They been spraying since mid 2014. Reducing wifi, mobile exposure helps with cough. Use Ethernet cables, you can get adaptor for mobile phone too.

Filtering air inside house helps too, use activated charcol filter.

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Thanks for the suggestions 420MedicineMan. I do limit any kind of wifi time, and the two main things are the dongle, (antenna,) for my computer, and my mobile phone. Limiting time away certainly helps. At night, they are switched off, and put into a faraday bag. Only other thing on, is the electic esky. I am totally off grid with solar, and tank water, and neighbours are 4k's away. Wifi makes me lose balance, and I have a hard time walking and thinking in big cities. Awful. I even sleep with a silver lined beanie on!! Moral of the story is: Stay home and grow veges, and play live music :)

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No worries. I use to filter my tank water, oh how I miss that soft water for showering. Moving out bush was best thing I ever did once I left Army.

I learned how to control my aura, so I just make vortex shield. You just have use your mind. I don't have to do the piezoelectric goosebump shield that Sabrina practices. Maybe cause I'm so hairy. ☺️ I have plenty of static electricity interference.😜

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Karl C , few weeks back you was explaining About possible bacteria, and I said all hell would break loose and the immune systems would attack,

I would of been right if we was living under peace times ,

But under theses times of war

I have learn this week that there is bacteria that have been made and programmed with crispr cas9 effcient gnome editing ,

Basically in plan English the bacteria go in and cut up the DNA ,

This is what is causing the rapid ageing, or senescence

So Karl just take my apologies ,

We will keep fighting I will explain more on the next. Meet

Take care bud ,

Warning to readers ,

This is not advice or medical advice , please seek a professional doctor, if you believe you have a medical condition,

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Did the red wine/rubbing alcohol test and just about croaked seeing the results. I'm infested. Wish I could invest in that microscope for darkfield blood analysis. Went to holisitic dr and results from my blood analysis showed really clumpy blood cells, but I didn't know to look for dots. Dr. did not have a clue and told me I was dehydrated.

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I'm new here. Just took my first dose of SC

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Hi Karl, Super appreciate your work! So do you look at the dye first to make sure *it* isn't the medium containing these objects before using it to stain the blood? I'm assuming so, but I know too few think through all cross contamination possibilities due to two kids with four anaphylaxtic food allergies. Thx again!

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indeed. ive worked a lot with these samples and the dye's seem of good quality except my neutral red which i used to use for fungal staining.

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Thanks for responding Karl. It is questions like this about process that make people doubt whether things are what is said when questions Ike this are asked and unanswered. You answering removes any dout about cross contamination. Which makes it all seem that much more real and plausible. Unfortunately. What a world. Thanksnfor doing what you are doing

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Thank you for all this info and pics.

my thoughts-

💭 how much of this garbage can we take in our blood before we die?

💭if we get it cleaned up via IV how long until it returns? is it worth the IV cost?

💭i’m sticking to prayer in this insane world! 🧎🏼‍♀️

well i am using other supplements like meth. blue to help🤷🏼‍♀️

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I personally dont fancy MB and EDTA for me. both have side effects as well as benefits, See below comments on EDTA. MB is something i too for lyme disease but i have read a lot about MB over the years and i do not think it is a good idea over long periods. There are papers showing how it can affect the DNA back bone and help facilitate DNA changes for one. This maes sense since we use it as a lab dye and DNA is something it has been known to stain. I think that alone tells you it has the ability to affect the DNA in some way. I do not think it is a good idea to leave our DNA weak to changes when some of this warfare likely is trying to do just that. We want to protect our DNA. PROS and CONS is always a complex one. But honestly, i will use MB for an infection or LYME treatment combos but would not tell someone i think it is a smart idea for daily use on the long term.

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thank you!

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Do you still have Lyme's?

I got rid of it with 21 days on Doxycycline 100mg once per day. Using ginger and tumeric alternative ly as well.

Borrelia burgdorferi and rarely, Borrelia mayonii, have a unique flagellum which can morph the bacteriums shape when exposed to unfavorable substances like antibiotics. When this happens Borrelia morphs shape then presents different plasmids at the surface.

Cut long story short use doxycycline as prescribed for 3 weeks, in combination with ginger, tumeric or garlic. Using combinations prevents the Borrelia morping ability to escape the antibiotic.

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You should look further into methylene blue esp. long term. It can result in a kind of anemia that is fatal to blood cells. Here is a little info :

What are three toxins that can cause Heinz body anemia?

Heinz body anemia results from toxic effects of maple leaves, wild onions, phenothiazines, or methylene blue. Oxidative damage to erythrocytes leads to hemolytic anemia characterized by the presence of Heinz bodies and eccentrocytes on the blood smear.

Like all detoxes, you have to keep an eye on all the effects. I am not saying I understand all of this, but I've had Morgellons/CDB for over fifteen years and have seen a lot of protocols come and go and, YES, you can live with this. I'm not sure, as no one is, about the recent modifications to the tech, so longevity is a question.

This is transhumanism. They are attempting to convert the natural human body into a living robot for future use. Many will likely not survive the process.

PRAY. There is power in it.

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It can also help your DNA be altered by affecting the DNA backbone !!!!!! wrote a comment above. well noted Pirate !. hope you are well

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Thank you, Karl. I am miraculously getting better day by day. I don't know why other than the power of Jesus Christ. Of that power I am sure.

It sounds like you are doing well as well! Good news!

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But what happens when we all die? They will have no one to enslave.

Eventually, we will all die .

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My guess is they have a way to reproduce the human bots they are trying to create. All will not die. Some will convert to bots but the process will kill many.

At least I think this is their thinking. Will it be successful? Only God knows.

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thank you!

i’m also reading a book on Meth. Blue by Mark Sloan.

Dr. Ana M. said M. B. helps, last I heard.

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From what I've read of personal accounts, MB can help, but like anything else, be cautious. It is a chemical and each person's body will react differently. How to know if MB is having a negative effect? I suppose blood work to check for anemia would be one way, but I'm not an expert so I don't know for sure.

All I do know is a very knowledgeable scientist with a SS called SAM has listed Heinz bodies as a possibility for how the red blood cell walls are being broken down so the tech can use them. Possibly for feeding and incubation of more tech.

Methylene Blue can create Heinz bodies in the blood that aid in breaking the red blood cell walls down for access by the tech. That much is clear to me.

How much MB, taken for how long, etc., IDK. Look up Heinz bodies for more information.

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Feb 13, 2024
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Good to know. I only want people to be cautious when self-medicating. I've seen people go too far with various protocols or think more is more.

I don't want to scare anyone away from something that's helping.

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thank you Pirate.

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Hey Karl,

Thanks for all your posts.

Can you describe your blood drawing process and the steps/reagents you use to store the blood samples?


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Finger prick > second take 3rd drop discarding drop 1 and 2> blade on to slide edge carefully so not to damage > drag at 30-45 degrees with cover slip and cover (western way). most the live blood analysis method for dark field but i use both methods depending on what i want to do. Prick finger >take 3rd drop > gently touch slide without squashing blood > gently let cover slip rest on top. If storing blood via a draw then you can use a vacutainer kit and some have buffer already inside like SODIUM CITRATE lol.

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Thanks Karl. I think I’ll start getting into this - what microscope do you suggest I buy? I may use it for studying fungal spores too - assume one scope will do for both blood and spores?

Any websites you recommend for instructional microscopy - been 30 years since I was in university so I imagine the technology has gotten a lot better since then lol.

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Feb 14, 2024
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Thanks Patti - btw what microscope are you using?

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Feb 15, 2024
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Thanks very much Patti !!! I went to the earlier websites you recommended and a few other beginner sites. I think I’m hooked - forgot how cool things look down there

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