Sep 30Liked by Karl.C

Stunning imagery you’ve captured, Karl! That last clip with the hyper-active electric blue formations and qdots-with-a-mission is some of the most alarming I’ve seen.

Any updates on the sodium citrate front?? Still experimenting with its efficacy on degrading some of this stuff or seen any new or promising results? 😬 🙏🏼

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Sep 30Liked by Karl.C

Too much money and not enough common sense perhaps? Is this a threat to humanity? No wonder Elon wants to go to Mars. The human condition and our unique species has faults but it also has consciousness and the ability to love. Let's not forget that as these guys try to do what they're doing.

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A psychopath's wet dream. Grossly unEthical. We did not give fully informed consent!

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Musk can go to Mars, as far as I’m concerned. We certainly can support each other with love.

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Karl, I have had eerie similar observations, as you know. I am appalled by the deafening silence these videos have produced. Two hematologists I personally visited with these kind of videos confirmed that this is not biology, this is technology (because it was happening in the slide that was over a week old). And then they used this conclusion as an excuse not to do anything about it. Shame.

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Hey there Len, how are you ? I believe the definition between technology and synthetic biology are one that overlaps. Wet computing and technological alteration of cellular structures can be achieved via the very same manipulation of how nature creates all things. It is just more advanced, and with new concepts embedded into its creation. It is almost as if they found processes like those in nature but nature did not use them, they added their own creation of this to nature formation and programmed it with DNA or ssDNA. It is technically a biology but synthetically produced. A doctor or biological scientist who does not work in adventurous fields of biology or synthetic biology would certainly not see this material as familiar. It is not a disease, it is not mechanical robotics as such, but it is robotic in the sense that it is man programmed and with assemble many calculated paths of construction in order to reach its goal. It is nice to hear from you Len

Best wishes and regards

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Have you seen this from Brandon Ingleasis. Im not sure if he is on our side or what, but seems very knowledgeable about whats going on

His post:

Today, I commented on another researcher’s post regarding testing synthetic biology in a changing magnetic field not a static field. Then on Karl’s substack post “Man against the Machines” all my posts got redacted (deleted) and then I got banned/blocked. Not sure if this was Karl or some data in the flow hack. Either way, the comment stands. Karl and David made an error in testing the synthetic biology under a static magnetic condition, when they should have tested it in a changing magnetic field (e.g. movement).

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I did, he keeps blaming china for everything. We know it's not china, it's all the elites and this was planned as far back as the late 60's in essence. Also he keeps talking in pseudo science riddles, I can read science and follow it most often, but Brandon confuses me as nothing he says I can translate into something that makes sense. This has made me suspicious of him and so I have removed him in order to help not confuse people with weird jargon even I don't understand. He's probably a nice guy, just I don't have time for his strange explanations that no-one actually understands. It's not the message we are sending. We are keeping things simple here so people can see what's going on. Those who want to get more technical can ready papers we are writing up soon. As an engineer and having various other fields of knowledge, I do not understand where Brandon is coming from or the sense in things he says, or emails us. We understand everyone else, if you follow. I don't mean to offend anyone, but my efforts are not a playground for that kind of weird talk. I will message Brandon and consider unblocking him if he can learn not to rant in ways no-one else anywhere understands.

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... Frances Leader is on a synbio denying rant again blocking people who do not give her evidence. When the evidence of production means is provided she ignores it - I mean this stuff is in aerial fuel, on condoms, in organic fertilizer, antimicrobial agents for cleaning products - literally everything - sometimes I wonder if the A.I. is already contaminating our best minds way beyond our assumptions, some very intelligent people are acting very stubborn and stupid...

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Or paid maybe

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or blackmailed

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It is curious how those most intelligent in the original paradigm are the super obtuse these last 4 years

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Yes I sometimes wonder, if most of the expertise of people was just cult conform arrogance- in most health related matters, doctors have become the highly incentivized frontmen of eugenics and before that dreadful realization, most have already shut their minds and hearts down

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Thank you so much for that post - I thought I was alone realizing this ... Also Proton Magic and this Agent account are clearly using counter intelligence tactics

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Thanks for explaining that Karl. In a way you are man against the machines, or whatever is being built into us.

You have to take it easy Karl. I love everything you’re doing for us all-but look out for number one-that’s you!

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Oct 1Liked by Karl.C

Please don't unblock him. See my comment above. The guy's a nut job.

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Sorry for butting in here because I don't even understand how to read a lot of your writings, but I did want to point out one thing. I agree that Brandon Iglesias tends not to make that much sense, but I disagree that elites in the West are the only ones doing this. It seems likely that maybe 10-20 countries have this. In 2013, ex-MI6 Barrie Trower said that 45+ countries have the frequency weapons for mind control etc. We know that China for example is working on it because Dr. Charles Lieber was arrested for not disclosing that he was bringing his expertise in nanowire neural networks for the brain-computer interface over to Wuhan. I think Dr. Pedro Chavez said that all the vaccines contain it, regardless of where they were manufactured—not sure if that means vaccines from other countries outside of the West.

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Oct 1Liked by Karl.C

Hello Karl!

In eight months, I’ve never received any reply whatsoever to my questions for more explanations about what he had written or to provide links…

This aroused my suspicions and I’ve then stopped reading his more than obscure and hermetic posts.

I hope one day he’ll recover from whatever has happened to him or get over it.

Try to rest sometimes…

Big hugs.

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Here is a link to his substack


And by the way, his twitter & linked in accounts are suspended, so that might tell you something.

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“Man against the Machines” lol

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Brandon is mentally ill. And he is trying to establish himself as some sort of an expert in the field of nanotech. He has been a profoundly problematic member of a forum I'm in, and we're trying to get the admin to remove him.

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is this Penelope from Dr. K's FB group by chance?

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Yes! Who's this?

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So infuriating! So completely unEthical.

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting


Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical

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Stunning but frightening captures Karl.

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Oct 1Liked by Karl.C

Hey down there! Have you slept well? :)

My comments to your last post hold for this one too, especially for the criminals.

In your third video, from 1:46, at 0.5X:

Two grey critters/flat spiders/nanobots are swiftly jumping on top of the bottom left cell. Then, this same cell seems to crack its lit border in a flash. Both events last one second.

Three cells in a row: There seems to be an exchange, a movement and/or a connection taking place between the bottom left cell, a ghost/hollow one in the middle (food/material for the two other cells?) and the top packman cell. Do you have any explanations on this phenomenom?

First lipid video:

What about a thorough examination of the twisting fibre carrying two cells in order to see if and where it downloads them and what happens next? This might confirm the primary role of the fibres in the whole nanotech chain production. Moreover, a close-up on these fibres usually showed specialized ends -hook or three segments resembling chicken ergots- and thorns-like protuberances all along the fibres either used for stowage, gripping, as data entry ports… or all of the latter.



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Will catch up with this when I hit the sack later, making another video !

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Oct 3Liked by Karl.C

Woohoo !!!

Bring it on bro, that's sure to cause a few earth quakes of reality, full speed ahead 🙂‍↕️💙

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Oct 2Liked by Karl.C

You rock Danyele, always on the job !

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Sep 30Liked by Karl.C

😱Those close ups of the RBCs are horrifying. It looks like worms inside of the cells.

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Sep 30Liked by Karl.C

I pray we can somehow stop and reverse this Satanic Madness!

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Me too

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Sep 30Liked by Karl.C

Scary shit

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Oct 1Liked by Karl.C

Its Satan work and people who did this is satan in the body of human

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Sep 30Liked by Karl.C

this is terrifying

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Dear Karl,

I have shared your excellent article and tried to “turn on - explanation for all this” a little light!!!

Thank you for your perseverance, your work and patience - I wish you and everyone here all the best from the bottom of my heart!!!


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You too Mary ann, thank you

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Thankyou Karl for bringing the truth to light, and for all the tireless hours of toil it takes to chase down this evidence you've captured here for all to SEE.

I encourage everyone to show Karl your support for his continued efforts, and to pray for his health to recover to optimum, so he may continue

to do so.

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Much love bro get some sleep !

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The '' THEY "fucked fuckers in plein side play!!!

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

Thank you, Karl, for your and everyone's hard work. The images are disturbing. Is anyone in NZ or Aus doing IV EDTA and Vit C? (promoted by Dr. Ana) Is anyone trying liquid EDTA by Dr. Group? He had been promoting drinking one's own urine as a general health remedy, but given the nano contained in it, I feel one is just reinfecting themselves. I'm in SoCal USA And have only found one entity that does dark field and the IVs within a hundred mile radius.

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