OMG some days its just too much .. I'm an optometrist and this is getting close to home. Do you know anyone testing eye drop meds or contact lens solutions? I have seen some contact lenses (maybe that was your work Karl? - sorry I follow so many microscopists)

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So many have now. Telegram has channels in Spanish doing it and they have showed loads of these products and contacts now. Some days i wonder if ill live longer not eating or breathing lol I feel the frustration too. I just wanted clean saline for my enzyme testing and got this crap instead. David Nixon has also tested eye wash......not good.

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would you share those TG groups please, thx. And thank you Karl for your great work. I am thinking about getting a microscope ... can u make some recos?

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May I pipe in, Sonja? Mira al Microscopio from La Quinta Columna on Telegram will show you everything from baby formula to cheese to shampoo...and then the drugs and body fluids. It's a very, very active channel. The troops on Substack bring it up more than a notch or two with darkfield and trials and observation, but this is by no means intended to minimize the extraordinary work and efforts of citizens and professionals there.

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Oh it gets better! Some "eyedrops" sold for those "dry eyes" - ... actually causes blindness!!!

I can't recall the brands as I don't use any of this stuff. A few years ago I got my eyes checked and the ophthalmologist recommended eyedrops to me, as my eyes "looked dry." In truth, my eyes water more often than not. I have no dry eyes. Nowadays, we cant trust any product from big pharma; they're all in cahoots. We can only believe the opposite of what is advertised. If it's in "Snopes" - believe the opposite.

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Now wait a minute. Last summer at my doctors office the tv screen in the waiting room said I can trust snopes and factcheck.org for information. It said I should watch out for misinformation. Do you think the doctor got paid extra money to have that on their screen? Say it ain't so.


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Wow... nothing gets by Dorothy Ann! Go-girl! And I bet the Snopes ads were fed by either CNN or MSNBC eh? Maybe you can get a discount for watching the indoctrination??? Yes, you gotta watch that misinformation... Sometimes it can just be in the punctuation, as in: I quit drinking until Christmas. Versus: I quit. Drinking until Christmas! -LOL

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Thank you for being a health pro who actually cares. You are a rare bird! Don't go extinct on us! God Bless.

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Any company supplying products that are owned by Blackrock, Vanguard or statstreet will be contaminated I'm sure. I have connections with manufacturers for pharma products, injectables etc outside the US. I'm looking at starting a supplier/distributor for these products that will be guaranteed free of added tech, anyone interested?

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We would be for sure, but we've been secretly testing small companies from all over and haven't found anything without the dots from anyone. China, India, US, Europe you name it. It is becoming annoying which is why many are looking into compounding themselves or starting their own business.

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I was thinking to visit the manufacturer and explain the situation and demand clean goods, coming up with a brand and have each batch tested for purity and lack of what should not be there.

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Do some recon first. We need to know who is manufacturing this stuff, who is buying it and who is actually adding it in and how come it is not on the label?

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Well, those 3 companies are at the top of the pyramid. Says it all doesn’t it😞

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Wait WTF so eye wash has this crap in it too? OMFG WTF

Hey Karl C send me a blood draw kit would you or can you? test my blood and you could use here if you wanted to. Test if you would like for morgellons and heavy metals graphene and these damned Hydrogel crap and Nano....

We need to do the fantastic voyage remember that movie and have people not nano clear that crap out of us. We should be looking at like over the counter vitamins too to see if they have this crap.

I mean if everything has this crap in it then what do we do? Can't take vitiamin D, or C if they have this crap too. Pisses me off...

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That's very kind of you. But i have stacks and stacks of samples to look at already. We know whats in the blood and know we are mostly following morphology of samples, testing enzymes, etc. Way too much going in to this already my friend. I do it every waking minute lol

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Well OK I do need it for evidence but OK NP.

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evidence ? If you mean legally then it will go nowhere. 10's of thousands if not 100's have tried and not one i know of has had Morgellons acknowledged. i couldn't get that or lyme acknowledged even with my microscopy skills. They just claimed i took infected blood from cattle and lied to me and my family. Was shocking, and horrible to experience. Doctors lose licences for acknowledging it as a few in one of my groups found out. its terrible how evidence with these guys goes down the drain.

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No for when TJ if and when they win their lawsuit and I get the v2k and other evidence for lawsuits against all these criminals who targeted me and others.

I need the blood work as evidence if it's full of this stuff and Nano tech and or bots. Plus to show only microwaves and RF signals could be doing this to me and not some other crap.

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I recently saw a lady doctor in the US in a brighteon video, talking quite openly about her patients/clients were sufferers of Morgellons and she was quite comfortable in publishing this fact. If I can locate it will pass it on.

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Was that a Dr Anna by chance? She's part of TJ's board she's targeted she says and does this nano tech stuff too.

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no, not Dr Ana...this was some other new person not seen her before, I think my brain has gone on holidays...I haven't.. Honestly I review too much from so many sources it takes me awhile to recall what I was looking at. It actually struck me as odd how comfortable she was talking about her work (in the face of where we are at) censorship wise. I am going to look out for her for you though.

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I know you have lots to look at, but would you consider looking at mine? I got deathly ill back in 2017 after I made the mistake of getting some botox, dysport injections. I know, I know. I've beat myself up enough already. It was after that I really woke up! Expensive wake up call; that's for sure. Anyway I've suffered more than you can imagine, took almost every supplement known to man and seen a lot of clueless doctors, wiped out my retirement, savings and checking account too. Now I'm starting to have some scary heart issues. Do you have any idea of anyone that might be ae able to help me? Please and thank you.

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God. Through the grace, mercy and power of Jesus Christ.

He helped me.

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I have a a bunch of vials of my blood and they all have the scary rubber clots in them. One is so big it occupies half the vial. I had intended to take it out of the vial to poke it and look at it under my hand held scope but I’m kinda nervous to. What can I do with it? I’ve had since 10/31

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Some people have already been looking at supplements and are finding the same crap. It's in everything so far. Pray.

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not surprised. have they sorted whether its the powder or capsule or both? There's a reason the drug companies bought up many of the vitamin companies ...

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Have you tried Deionized Water? Or, to distill your own water? There are Water Filtration Systems...Capable of removing all Heavy Metals the FDA and CDC was screaming about removing as it was exceptionally efficient with removing technology with Heavy Metals. It's called Berkey and they begin at about $450.00 and it increases from there.

Finding your research fascinating just as Dr. Ana's and there's no doubt about others being just as intrigued and also finding the same contaminants.

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The ONLY thing iv'e found that can and does remove the dot particles is reverse osmosis. Which is why labs use that over any other method. Just add Celtic salt and balance PH with bicarb for the best tingly water you've ever tasted !

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Reverse Osmosis is what I've always had for years...And, can also add some Celtic Salt and Bicarb. Mom owned a Culligan Company for years. We do have clean water here...In the house and barns. The water outside is contaminated as all is contaminated. I was placing EDTA in it for the birds in their bath. Not sure if there's anything to be done about the wild animals.

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That's great you've got an RO setup. I have a Berkey and they are great as well. Especially if the shyte hits it and running water is down. Though, as Karl said, Berkey's won't filter nanos. I'm actually surprised to learn Ro will. Good to know.

I feel so sorry for the animals and the plants.

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Ro's are the only way to go. Mom Insisted and never was sorry to invest.

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The vast majority of people simply do not have the money to invest in an RO setup. Count yourself in the group who are privileged and blessed.

For clarity nearly 12% of Americans live below the poverty line of less than $19,000/annual income or, in a head count, 38,000,000 million.

Lower or Working class in America are at 35% currently. So between poverty level and lower class around 50% of Americans are struggling to pay for basic necessities.

An RO set up is a luxury. I'm just citing reality.

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We're stuggling, too. Things have taken a hard turn and most people here are struggling; but we're in a very Rural area where technology is the exception and not the rule; where being 'off-grid' is the average and not common. We are helping one another. I am fully aware of the current financial condition of our Republic...Thanks to the Nazi's and their Agenda and corruption to murder the Constitution which is the destruction of our Nation through Economic Annhilation.

Mom owned Culligan for years and the RO Systems were purchased at different times...When I remained married and worked in a career as well as the Farm.

I'm earning nothing at this time; but am managing the Farm/Educational Co-op following Early Retirement. We even allow families and people to have their own plots of land to grow gardens and provide the tools, fertilizer, cultivation in the fall for the next spring...Hierloom Seeds and advise when asked...As well as kids weeding because we don't allow weeds to get out of hand as they'll reproduce and inhibit growth and harvest of food plants.

Sometimes, assumption isn't the wise path. I apologize if what I wrote sounded crass or as bragging as that's the last priority. Passing-on information is the goal...We all do whatever we can in any given moment to promote survival of our communities and families over ourselves.

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So by that comment even distillation doesn’t stop the dots???

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Deionization; or removal of all minerals and metals is the only safe medium which is more than distillation. IT'S ALL CRAZY. Reverse Osmosis is the only effective means to disable all the Quantum Dots within liquid medium to my knowledge; but I'm NOT qualified in any way to make such a judgment...So...

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Blaze - do you know what level (stage) of filtration you would need? And can you get a countertop version? My tap water is completely contaminated - got it tested at a considerable cost. I get mine from a very deep spring and then double filter....but recently noticing chem trails (that weren't there a yr ago) over the spring.

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Am not certain of what you mean by 'Levels' as it isn't a matter of levels; but of particulate size and matter by which to filter. I have a Reverse Osmosis System for the House and another older model outside in the Pump House for the Barns. Both been very effective for us.

The chart below summarizes the types of particles that are removed from the water with each type of membrane filter. The green arrow indicates that the particle is small enough to pass through the filter, whereas the deflected orange arrow indicates that the filter blocks the particle from passing through the filter.


An ultrafiltration filter has a pore size around 0.01 micron. A microfiltration filter has a pore size around 0.1 micron, so when water undergoes microfiltration, many microorganisms are removed, but viruses remain in the water. Ultrafiltration would remove these larger particles, and may remove some viruses. Neither microfiltration nor ultrafiltration can remove dissolved substances unless they are first adsorbed (with activated carbon) or coagulated (with alum or iron salts).

Here is a Filtration Education I found Online to better help you...You may find it useful or not. I'm not even the beginning of an education in this area and am not qualified to advise you about anything concerning water quality. I live in a farm region in the middle of Amish Country...And, the systems we use here may not be what you need. Seek a professional in your area to advise you.


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Thanks Blaze - I'm new to RO systems. "Levels" was prob the wrong word as I can only find info on "stages" - 4, 5 etc in terms of filtration. Thanks for this info. I get my water from an area that is considered a pristine deep spring and I filter that with high end filters. And now I have to question everything. What is the average person going to do? I appreciate your info. I was only looking on Amazon and saw the under sink ROS as being up to 11 but countertop maybe up to 5. So was wondering where the cutoff for nano is? Hope that makes sense! The preppers always go on having food stored up - but I've been fasting for years, typically eat only one meal a day and am more concerned about water and air.

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Thank you! I didn't know r/o removes nanodots.

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Check that your water filtration does not use aluminium to remove fluoride.

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Mine doesn't...Just helping Carl towards using other uncontaminated products or to search for uncontaminated products. Seems this technology is so prevalent; it's as plastics and is in EVERYTHING which means the only way to totally rid the environment of it is to turn-off 5G Towers and other Frequency Producers for a few weeks.

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Whilst I would love to see 5G gone for good, how will switching it off reduce other toxic chemical or heavy metal loading? I don't see the link here. Yes it seems that 5G may be activating nanotechnology, but how will switching it off remove the nanotechnology from the environment and our bodies?

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It causes stress to the body via cell damage which is actually far more significant than most know. Safety studies now removed from US and UK gov databases after 2020 clearly showed large amounts of damage and mitochondrial process interference. A stronger, functioning body is able to detox better. Someone showed a study on how some metal particles and nano particles rotate and move in response to some kinds of wireless radiation which was also able to cause abrasions and damage to tissues. But it is known that stronger, less distracted bodies can perform better at other tasks without it having to worry about constant and unnecessary cellular repair or other physiological interference. Studying the damage and dangers of EMF is actually rather interesting, but also scary. Low levels of EMF and RF have been shown to even effect behavior of animals, habits, mood, and chemical processes. It also has been shown in some cases to cause bleeding of internal tissues. RF and unnatural EMF is very harmful over time according to many studies.

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The technology is activated via 5G Frequencies. I have several resources addressing this and have Scalar Generators all over our place....As spending a third of the day sleeping in places where all frequency is neutralized allows the technology to be deactivated, broken-down and removed as waste. Swear to goodness...It works. ALL ARE DOING MUCH BETTER SINCE WE PLACED THE SCALAR GENERATORS IN LIVING AREAS.

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I am still waiting for someone somewhere to explain how they know to configure and generate a scaler wave by means a person like me with engineering skills can see works. I could find no one that could ever answer that question. Just claims that people have scaler device, but then no answer to how or what it does in any meaningful way. Have info that might enlighten me ? Many of us hoping to see how this works other than as a longitudinal wave. Thanks

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I'm suspicious that these devices are electronic snake oil, sold at a top price too.

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There's all kinds of Frequency Analyzers from Laser to Electronic...Fullerton Tachometer; Gosh...As an Engineer I imagine you know more about them than I. I'm NOT an Engineer; but my son is and that's been his Dept. since I built the first Scalar Generator I found instructions for in YouTube. It was far simpler than I thought it would be...Especially, since I have few Mechanical Skills. He, on the other hand has too many and is not longer in his career. He's relocated from NC back home and bought an old Farm, fixed it up and now Sub-Contracts around the country as a Troubleshooter while also working our farms and his own business. He's completely removed from Ai and wants nothing to do with it. He's convinced those obsessed are opening a portal for evil not of this dimension and with the Ai/Bioweapon Injections, it's simply a matter of winning the family's agreement with him.

5G covers potential new spectrum offerings from 410 MHz to 7125 MHz. The second Frequency Range 2 (FR2),[2] includes frequency bands from 24.25 GHz to 71.0 GHz. Frequency bands are also available for non-terrestrial networks (NTN)[3] in the sub-6 GHz range.

The variables are different for every location as number of Towers and Carriers as well as changing frequencies is at play all the time. In our location; there's only one tower and that's fairly rare east of the Mississippi...So, I played with my son's basic Spectrum Frequency Analyzer and found the differing variables for our location at different times of the day and different days of the week...Weekends. It's a matter of then setting the Scalar for the frequency being emitted. In my area, the hours from 21:10 to 07:00, the frequency doesn't change. It's seems to be based upon demand; but it would be wise not to believe anything I assume as correct as I'm NOT credible in this area of knowledge.

Is this what you wished to know?

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Is the Blushield device one of those that you are speaking of Karl? I could not find a detailed explanation of how it allegedly works.

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Does Blushield have any good data to offer? Iv'e contacted the US branch and the Aussie branch on this and never yet gotten any response. I was looking for the technical mumbojumbo too in regards to where I spend most of my time in exposures to emf, gave them all the dimensions of the "space" I'm in and of how many devices collectively are in use, how many hours and of the 5G towers on either side of the building and their distance......got "0" response for last 2 years....you know, due dilligence before I buy.

Am still keen to hear of ppl's direct experiences claimed.

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Good to hear this, thankyou

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Am convinced the technology has been poisoning our environment for a long time; far longer than with the Ai/Bioweapon Injections. Believe the Demons were impatient and population wasn't dying fast enough to meet their quotas equal to mastery of their newest DEW's and Weather Weapons...So, they had to spend even more money and plan more complicated variables into the equation to eradicate enough of the population to give themselves leeway by eliminating some terror they've felt since the French Revolution.

The technology has been released long before the recent 3 to 4 years...I'd venture to guess it began when G.W. Bush was in Office after prep by the Clintons. THAT is how saturated our environment is and with 5G; it's activated more than ever before.

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I see that this question has been taken wrongly. Let me put it more clearly.

5G and a range of other EMF technologies IS harming our health. No debate there.

Some or all human bodies have been infiltrated by nanotechnology/bioweapons which can harm in their own right and which are amplified by the EMF technologies.

The native EMF damage, and the compounded damage done in concert with the nanotechnology/bioweapons, will continue until the most dangerous EMF technology is turned off, so step one in any recovery MUST be to switch 5G and other significantly dangerous EMF technologies off.

Once 5G has been turned off, the nanotechnology/bioweapons remain in the body. They can harm in their own right so must be removed. There is a probably a variety of these that require different processes to detox.

Once 5G is turned off, and the nanotechnology/bioweapons are removed from the body, the downstream damage from their presence in the body must be healed. This includes heart damage and cancers. Healing each weakness exposed or each disease that has manifest, will require yet more and different healing processes.

So sure, lets turn 5G off, but we cannot stop there. Maybe a few people will heal naturally once it is turned off, but most of us are still names on the grim reaper's list, and it is going to take considerable effort to get many of us back off that list, even and maybe particularly the unvaxxed. The genocide is underway and just turning 5G off will not stop it.

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I’m reading the invisible rainbow and it explains the toxicity of electricity. They want us to absorb more of these synthetic frequencies and the tech has made us into walking antennas...

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Will go back to find the Links for 5G...Began with a Substack with Kyle Young and Secular Heretic. There were many from there. He addresses the tech in detail as well as DEW's, etc.


This is Instructing about 'QUANTUM TAGGING' from 'Outraged Human


This last is 'Katherine Horton' in a 2 hr. Video if learning is simpler via Auditory means. She's the Bomb and knows her stuff.


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Berkey recently came under fire from the EPA. From my understanding, Berkey uses silver in their filters and the EPA didn't like it. The EPA is stating silver is a pesticide and they need to label their water filters with it. I thought this was very interesting. Berkey is now suing the EPA.

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Yes, very interesting. Silver is an anti-bacterial and it's also among some of the substances used medicinally from only God knows when. Silver is NOW used in hospitals in dressings and such to help treat infections for those difficult to treat...As diabetics and for those having problems with circulation. Not much of a pesticide at all from any experiences commonly known of.

Also interesting about the Central Bankers from way back in the Depression Years removing both Gold and Silver as the currency support in the world and they made it illegal to own it in any way. ANYTHING HAVING TO DO WITH SILVER WOULD PLAY DIRECTLY INTO THE CURRENT ECONMIC ATTACKS THEY'RE IMPLEMENTING RIGHT NOW.

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I thought the very same thing regarding what you stated in the first paragraph. The wife and I were going over it. I've used colloidal silver for years as a supplement, in soap, in creams, and toothpaste.

The bankers just make money out of thin air and buy up everything. Fractional reserve banking is probably the largest Ponzi scheme since the beginning of time. Same people own almost every single central bank in the world. They fund the wars which means the same people are funding both sides. I've read about them confiscating gold back in the day. Turn it in or go to jail. They also took away real silverware. It's all by design and now they're trying to murder all of us.

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That's the reason it's interesting about nobody going after these pukes. The U.S. was the first among the groups of people rising-up to kick their bums...And, they've required 240 years to infiltrate to the extent of saturation; at least enough to virtually control all. Something is holding them off from the final phase and I only pray it is what I suspect.

There is more than one faction in this game...And, this is perhaps the most dangerous time in history as evil will utterly destroy the world than to allow itself to be placed in terror and hiding as they've had to do since the French Revolution...Or, returned to hell without taking many human host souls with it. This time when evil falls...It's going to take humans with it.

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Oh, I can tell by you comment that you know exactly who the enemy is. I've known and studied them for a handful of years now. They got their status and freedoms back after The French Revolution. If you've read their books, they admit who they are. I was happy to read Obidiah 18 to learn of their demise and who does it. We're undergoing the flood now by them which will also be brought to a full end. I believe this is much closer than we think. I agree that something is holding them back. I'm not sure what it is nor have any suspicions like yourself. I do pray for it to come to an end because if there is no intervention, none of us are going to make it.

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In the end we know God wins...It's just that in-between time when there's so much uncertainty and suffering, huh? YES, I GET IT. I pray that whatever comes; I have the courage and ferocity in faith necessary to stand for Jesus Christ even unto a horrible death. Honestly, I do.

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Jesus said exactly that. Unless that time was shortened there would be no flesh left but for the sake of the elect it will be shortened.

There is a greater enemy behind these men that rose to power. Jesus is the only escape. I hope you find Him. He will help you endure until the end. God Bless.

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I think what's holding them back is the Restrainer spoken of in Revelations. Who the restrainer is has been debated for centuries. My thought is the Restrainer is the Law. Once we no longer have law all hell will break loose. Indicated in the Purge movies (yuck). Then the man of lawlessness (the antichrist) is revealed and the end follows.

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Dec 25, 2023
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They claim it's a pesticide since it kills bacteria and they are claiming bacteria is a "pest" thus rendering Berkey filters as "pesticides". Lord a mercy!

Rich people have eaten from silver serving utensils for eons because they know it transfers silver into their bodies. Thus the term "blue bloods".

The same is true of wearing gold against your skin or any of what are called the noble metals.

Yet another reason why they removed noble metal coins from circulation. Handling the metals was good for the people.

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Silver does wonders, we brew it & drink it daily. Thenaturalhealthlibrary.com is where we learned about silver.

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Hi Blaze, I'm fairly certain Dr Henry Ealy was upset to find mercury in some part of the Berkey h2o filter system...that he and his students were testing it before they could even think of using it. It may not be the filter itself, but another part of the apparatus. I haven't heard the results of their findings yet. He was fuming over it. Does anyone wonder why we're so exhausted. No.

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Lo and behold they are closing down, announced today.

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Karl, would you characterize the contaminates found in this sterile saline perhaps an “innocent error” by quality assurance managers, or would you characterize this as “intentional crime?”

Have you contacted the company by phone while recording to report these finding, then followed up with certified letters?

How many pharmaceutical samples have you examined to date and what percentage were uncontaminated? Did you record receiving, opening and the process of these tests? Have you been keeping track, and if you have, please publish a list here at Substack or forward it to me so I can follow up with these companies—for the public record.

Do you believe this is a flagrant crime (a well planned conspiracy to do harm and murder people), as I do, and have you gone to local, state or federal police to file complaints each time you found evidence of this crime, for the “official record,” and if you have, did you forwarded copy(s) of the police reports to mainstream investigative reporters? If you have, please copy and publish on Substack.

Here in Missouri, USA, we plan on making arrests, eventually, starting with law enforcement and politicians; not messing with worthless lawsuits, but it will require both laypersons and professionals to have been reporting these findings to government agencies, particularly law enforcement, to prove they have “intentionally” covered up and participated in these crimes; an ongoing genocide.”

Love and appreciate your exhaustive work during this war, which is what it is. Personally, I never sleep or take a break—not since prior to the 9/11 FalseFlag. Not one bloody vacation—for over 30 years now. I forgot what living is, or how to comprehend or characterize what a f🤬g “vacation” from this bloody war would be like. No joke. Please forward to everyone you know who’s doing the same microscopy work.

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So disheartening to find this is everywhere. I recall someone tested toilet paper in a hotel and the nanotech was in that too. ALL these companies making the products are complicit? My heart aches.

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Was it tested before use?!

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I love the part about the vodka in the eye that was funny

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No, it hurt. That was the bit where i reconsidered it lol ;)

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Karl - Thank you! ■ I find much I eat or take is a salt/has salt. M

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My nice microscope now has a new soft bag. I found that a sewing machine bag was a perfect fit... though now GirlGirl the cat's taken to sleeping in it, I'm not sure it's going to be much use!

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The evil driving this agenda has really got organised ,

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This evil knows no bounds.

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That is amazing....

Have you tried Distilled? I wonder how their Quality Control program is working... Probably Vendor/Process Dependent.

I wonder how one of those Ceramic Hand Pump filters would work.

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Karl C says above that reverse osmosis is the only way to remove the dot particles.

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Thank You! I will need to review his comments. The Archive is growing. He does have a Handle on this BSFS and methods for mitigation...

Carpe Diem

Merry Christmas

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I’m guessing that crap is in the solution the ophthalmologist and/or optometrist uses to dilate the pupils.

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So what about say store bought distilled water? Has anyone tested that ?

And at what stage and how in the production process is this taking place ?

There must be individuals out there who could answer that. How to find such, or

are we still at the stage of trying to get researchers to realize this is actually taking place ?

And to what extent, or is it coming partially from aerosols released in the air ?

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Karl.C, do you know of any in Norway doing this kind of microscopy?

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Stupid question....is the problem that many eye drops have a preservative in them so the ones without are safe or are you saying that putting saline in your eyes is never a good idea? 😀

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I have beconase nasal drops prescribed but can be purchased without a script. That is fully loaded. It's beyond belief. X

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