Clifford Carnicom has the science! Myself and David Nixon believe we have been observing the technology side of it and can help fill some of those gaps in to some degree.
I think it is safe to say that on this very Substack you will see more aspects of the technology unveiled than anywhere else. We look to narrowing down the ID of some of these visual elements soon.
What is important is that Clifford has been busting himself for years trying to help stop the demise of man. Few would have his patience and determination. This is a man who deserves more reward than he will likely ever receive.
WATCH HIS BRIEF VIDEO ON THE LATEST SHOCKING UPDATE. Human Blood vs Synthetic Blood: The Path to the Blood Clot - Clifford Carnicom
While i have always been a follower of Clifford’s since i had gotten ill 3 + years ago i have always had some questions. It seems now that the work David Nixon and i have been doing with other’s like Shimon Yanowitz has exploited visual elements only describable as nanotechnology accompanied by synthetic biology. The two may be a complement in ways not understood.
We support Clifford Carnicom and the direction his work has taken. We have agreed that what he has been showing us fits in to the phenomena occurring before our very eyes and worryingly on a global scale.

If he is wrong about anything he has observed via scientific method i would be very surprised at this point. Clifford’s ventures have been one that started out as a search to find a biological cause for Morgellons disease and how it related to Chemtrails. In recent times Clifford seems to have noticed oddities which have now turned into a wider science exploration over the issues at hand. I think Clifford would likely have been surprised by the strange data he collected from samples over the years. Now we are left another problem, if not many problems.
There are synthetic biology processes at play and Clifford has those in the clutches of his very capable hands it would seem. But now we need to find out where this technology fits in when things become more mechanical looking and slightly more separate looking should we say.
It is almost a strong belief to some of us that these complex designs have been a modular roll out and that possibly over many years they have altered or updated it along the way. I am not so sure we would of seen some of the technology we are seeing now in earlier Morgellons years. I think things have advanced greatly today and become far more complex than early and more synthetic based biological roll outs.
I urge people to consider viewing Clifford Carnicom’s work as a product of all his sweat and bleeding.
I urge people to carefully visit the topics, points of preliminary findings on this Substack, and to join the dots.
I also urge people to visit the fantastic images of technology based crystals on David Nixon’s Substack and website where you will also find videos with Shimon Yanowitz, and not forgetting Mateo Taylor who has been working on exploring wireless communication phenomena.
Myself and Shimon Yanowits were the first researchers to detect the robotic movements of some of these objects. Particle analysis is still in the pipe line after initial experiments highlighting unusual movement and speed changes.

We shall follow up with the unique findings made by myself and others in the next post or so. We will also understand that further investigation is slowly underway for each of these findings!
Clearly i am no stranger to Morgellons disease and have done a lot of digging. I have chased organisms in order to find out who was really the researcher we should be following and who was blowing smoke up our ass. Things all became much more confusing when i began using Dark field to view all kinds of samples. The possible cause of illness had now exploded to place where biology was relevant and i was now seeing things of a technological implication for which my mind could not believe at first. Well here we are!
Awareness of the technology based processes via such techniques as Dark field microscopy now spreads around the globe like a wild fire. David Nixon has done a great job waking people up with his exploration of injectables, We have seen the material present on nasal swab tests, seen many aspects of foreign technology in the blood, and so much more.
Discovering that reasonable sized servings of Sodium Citrate in order to reduce the technology elements, clump them and urinate them out has been a recent finding of great significance. I have shared this solution as an experimental discovery on my part but have already seen completely unbelievable results from others that have used it since.
Here is a random grab of comments i found floating around on my Substack so far. One comment is from someone David Nixon knows who was extremely ill like myself and is now feeling like a miracle has occurred. I had to cover some of the very excitable language. Do take this all with a pinch of salt (no pun intended). We are still researching this amazing food product with large groups of professional folks. But i feel there is a good reason why Clifford also used lower amounts in his inhibitor combo on the lower half of his culturing patent for Morgellons disease.

We can see that some people ACTUALLY researching these issues have provided hope where even myself at times just worried about how much we could learn about this stuff and how quickly a practical solution could be found. The Sodium Citrate could be the first and most affective solution we have found by far. Time will tell, but immediate results with those who have taken precautions to research it have been jaw dropping in all honesty.
Merry Christmas all, and A huge thanks to everyone! Dr Len Ber has posted many of these recent articles, so thank you to him and others like him who have been researching for wireless communication phenomena. A huge thank you to the supporters, the Micronaughts, Researchers, and our good friend David Nixon.
Please continue to help out with support using KO-FI for now!
I am my own sodium citrate research project. It has been 10 days. Feeling much better. Completed one intermittent fasting 18 hrs after day 8. I am grateful for this group of researchers and their microscopes. We are going to win the final battle. Praise God & Merry Christmas 😘
Hello Karl and everyone here. I continue, and I confirm that the jaw-nose micro-vibrations (I also had the impression that my dental amalgams magnetized between the top and the bottom) with which I woke up very early are no longer there. I sleep an hour longer and have fewer dark circles under my eyes. My body is less tense.
Thanks to all those who share directly what they see with their own eyes.
A very Merry Christmas to all !