I am my own sodium citrate research project. It has been 10 days. Feeling much better. Completed one intermittent fasting 18 hrs after day 8. I am grateful for this group of researchers and their microscopes. We are going to win the final battle. Praise God & Merry Christmas 😘

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Where does one purchase sodium citrate? From what I’m reading in comments, it should be safe for most everyone?

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I purchased mine through Amz. Haven't found much on the net, other than use in food and beverages. Highly touted for mac and cheese recipes. I've had no ill effects, am on day 4. Remember, exercise caution, research drug interactions and conditions that contraindicate use. I'm going to make an appt with a functional medicine physician in the near future since it looks like we're going to be playing whack-a-mole with these nanoparticles and polymers for the rest of our lives. If we want to live, that is. Have a blessed Christmas. I prayed for answers and God sent me Methylene Blue and Sodium Citrate, in addition to all the wonderful warrior docs and scientists and researchers who are tirelessly working to help us. Karl, I salute you, and I salute you all.

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I actually just emailed my integrative doctor who’s ‘in tune’ with all of this to ask him what he knows about that. My 100% holistic doctor tested me through autonomic response testing and I was not testing for methylene blue this time. I was the last time I went to see him six months ago but now he said I was neutral for that because he was thinking of giving me a methylene blue Iv but since I wasn’t testing for it, then we didn’t do it. I wish I had some of that sodium citrate when I was there, then I could’ve had them test me for that.

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Dec 25, 2023
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Sorry. Was abbreviating Amazon. Adult meeting zone sounds a bit racy...!

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I'm going to add my thoughts reading all of this thread. I'm not pointing fingers but to point out the benefit of Sodium citrate is being tested, so be careful not to overdue with more detox methods such as Methlyne Blue as example. We'll get lost in the weeds, we need to understand each individuals health is different, start low and slow. We are only finding out nanotechnology is in all people so we must take this into our own research hands, and be careful and cautious ⚠️

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How many days do we take SC? TIA.

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Dec 25, 2023
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Merry Christmas! I am using the same as Karl C 3.5g Sodium citrate in 500ml cooled boiled water or preferably distilled water twice a day. Each person has different health, go low & slow. Review Dr Nixon and Karl C any questions please ask them, I am a newbie to this and I am not a medical professional. But I am willing to try anything. I encourage you to fast intermittently at least 18hrs once a week. I am feeling very good.

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Does fasting alone work? Used for body and spiritual cleansing by various faiths.

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Hi Piotr,

Fasting works of course, but it's too soon to know what to will remove nanotechnology if it even can be removed. Please follow Dr Daniel Nagase, Dr David Nixon and Karl C to make the right decisions for you. I am not a medical professional. Happy new year 🎉

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Thanks, Lee. I do follow these researchers and others. Am at an exploration stage, fortunate to not have serious symptoms. My take at present: nobody knows the right protocols, as nobody really explored the totality of the xenonananobiotech and what it does in vivo under factors that may be exploited (because we don't know and will not know what is in store prior to deployment).

Happy New Year to you and yours.

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I approximate (no scale) that .72 to .75 of a teaspoon = 3 grams. I take that in 5oo ml of water and do it 2 to 3 times a day. Like borax I sip on the water, add it to coffee tea beer wine (yes, there IS alcohol so not sure, but I add in more water so..), and I have to say more energy (2 days in ) .. aiming for 10 days. Take the IVM for 5 days and apple pectin and I'm trying to get the methyl blue added. If I ever figure out how to reconsitute the powder properly... Hit it hard, then back off, and start slower...

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PS. Added a chem buster to my room round my bed area, and getting a dirty electricy plug in to help harmonize EMF. And of course turning off unplugging phone, wifi at night. Working on getting the bed netting for a faraday cage. Helps I think.

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Does anybody know how to reset colours to dark print on light background?

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What does the chembuster do?

"unplugging phone, wifi at night." -- They aren't good for you during the day, either. Dirty electricity: sleep outside of wired rooms, or in the less wired ones, unplug all cords for the night, eliminate as many as possible. Electrification brought "civilisational diseases", according to some research.

"bed netting for a faraday cage" -- Entrapped in your "cage", EMF will bounce around. Most of health effects are brought about by torsion fields (TFs) that accompany EMFs and reach much farther. TF particles pass thru your cage mesh, both the natural ones you need for bio-clock etc. body regulation and the articifial EMF companions that may unbalance the body.

Don't waste money on anti-emf paint. Researchers of the effects of physical factors and stimuli in natural and xenobiology don't consider TF effects that vary astronomically over time of day and seasonally. Two researchers working on identical bioassay at two locations and at diff times, may get different results.

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I purchased MB off eBay, CZTL product. Instructions were: To prepare 1% Methylene Blue solution dissolve 1 gm of methylene blue powder in 100 mL of pure drinking water. Shake it well. I used distilled water, not tap water.

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You take IVM while you take SC?

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12 MG for 5 days appears to stop rouleaux of rbc

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Hello Karl and everyone here. I continue, and I confirm that the jaw-nose micro-vibrations (I also had the impression that my dental amalgams magnetized between the top and the bottom) with which I woke up very early are no longer there. I sleep an hour longer and have fewer dark circles under my eyes. My body is less tense.

Thanks to all those who share directly what they see with their own eyes.

A very Merry Christmas to all !

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Thank you Karl. So few people have yet realized the importance of your finding about sodium citrate. Try to share your work in the french community. Despite difficulties to get heard about nanotech everywhere, this will help a lot ! I hope so. God bless you and Merry Christmas :)

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Thank you JDLM ! (from France) I reuploaded a part of your translations https://odysee.com/@David19:7?view=content

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I didn’t read this transcription yet, found on the Maria ZEEE telegram https://wormhole.app/MzYDr#gkRL_e2yhK_e3DC8KPrfWA

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Thank you. I already cut some parts of this video in order to subtitle it. Will release soon on twitter. (David Nixon accent is so difficult to translate !). Have a look at this channel when you have time : https://odysee.com/@Pigeon_Pige-TouT_Traduction:6?view=content (huge work on nanotechnology understanding - every french langage video is subtitled into english)

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Yes, Dr Nixon is hard to understand for me too...

I'm also familiar with PPT's work. We chatted about a video I had translated and dubbed. https://odysee.com/@David19:7/tradMACcinated:8

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Dec 25, 2023
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Because they are demon possessed and life (ours and the planet's) are to be played with, they are now GODS they feel yet deluded they understand 'life' and 'creation' (they do not and cannot) ... Bible says G.o.d will having something to say about it at the 'end' times which I feel is near now...

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Come on now, anything somebody builds a drug there is antidote. Don't be so negative. Regarding Geneva/collider, how is that event relevant?

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Jumping time lines, Mandela effect...

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Dec 25, 2023
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Ok, first off NAC dissolves graphene. Second your comments are irrational. Graphene is a weapon from ChinaCCP PLA that they call GONuts cause it magnetizes insitu when you shoot someone with a Directed Energy Weapon DEW and the person has been predosed with graphene. End of story. Have you even worked with nanoscale materials? Disregarding all future comments from you. Merry Christmas!

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Now people may have a reasonable cheap option to cure themselves with very little or no side effects. Timely discovery indeed!

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Karl and others; has anyone looked into copper/zinc, ceruloplasma in regard to those who feel the worst after the nano tech onslaught of c19. Feeling maybe sodium citrate helps chelate and sort out some issues there along with removing synthetic matter (though taking too much could swing someone into deficiencies of essential minerals so guessing it’s important to monitor that). I can’t remember the researchers name but he dealt with forensic terrorism. In 2021 I saw an interview where they were back engineering c19 and he mentioned that copper regulation was at the center of what was going off with bodies. I never forgot that. Apparently with fear and trauma (since things are deeper than just physical matter) copper and iron regulation become hampered and out of balance quickly.

2020 onward became accelerated in fear and trauma… death tickers on every news program aren’t very loving and peace inducing. Neither is forced inoculation (I have childhood trauma related to these practices). This becomes a spiral downward at the cellular and mitochondrial level.

Copper (free and unregulated in body by ceruloplasma) is a nuero toxin. The central nervous system is very affected by this. Some people have no issue…. Others after 2021 have had one problem after another. Why is that?Excess unregulated copper deposits in brain, liver, etc and overloads neurotransmitters from what I’m understanding from others research….. excess free copper accelerates the aging process and people with issues regulating develop Alzheimer’s and multitudes of other infections and diseases much more quickly. This copper/Iron system is really important for immunity, mental health, nervous system health etc. And somehow fear and trauma (not the event itself…. But how a person perceives a traumatic event and internalizes it) really effects minerals and copper/iron. Deeply sensitive or aware individuals who internalize much are at risk for storing a lot of trauma energy in their bodies. This nasty technology and frequency war then begins to eat these individuals up. Maybe this is what a targeted person, Which I hear referenced ,really is. Then the negative frequency game gets those people in a victim energy loop and it’s a spiral. Further feeds the mineral and element imbalances in the body.

Since the 2021 rollout I have suffered…. But I’ve learned and evolved. I’ve been led down a path of discovery to understand my childhood and my emotional state of fear, fight or flight, unregulated nervous system. You find out the truth and it will set you free. I had about 4 dreams from 2021 til now about being bitten by a copperhead snake and it was causing me to fade. Interestingly some of my dreams showed my father and my son bitten as well. I knew the dreams were showing what happened when my health went downhill…. Now I realize they were showing what happens in your biology when you have stored trauma and an unregulated nervous system….. and then they release a nano tech frequency war.

One dream showed to cut the head off the snake I had to deal with my emotional trauma and state and had to in the physical increase blood flow and oxygen in the physical body. So in that process I found this substack. I just got back my hair and blood results for copper/zinc ceruloplasma and guess what……. It’s out of balance (I have too much copper…. Not enough ceruloplasma and zinc…. Excess free floating unbound copper). Hoping sodium citrate may help remove out excess free copper, which will actually make it easier to process trauma and emotions. The goal is to get the nervous system and body back to homeostasis so no matter what comes or keeps coming in the world…. I am no longer a victim to it.

Last night heard an excellent podcast called The Biology of Trauma (Dr. Amy Apigian). She was talking with Dr Gabor Mate. They speak about copper and biology issues with fear and trauma. Highly recommend. https://biologyoftrauma.com/39-how-does-trauma-manifest-in-the-body-with-gabor-mate/

Much thanks to those who have kept warring and haven’t given up. Hoping personally that the sodium citrate will clear some space so can keep healing. This is biology and frequency. We are so much more than just a lump of clay. Many times the very intelligent can be very fearful due to seeing the big nasty picture. Thankful for Jesus that he has given me peace during a very dark 3 years. That he has overcome this world and war and that though it’s been a difficult test, we can win and have peace and joy. Those who overcome become very strong. Take heart in the world there will always be trouble…. But the head of the snake has been cut off and we can have peace on earth and good will from God and for others, when we apply the proper wisdom for healing in body and soul. Merry Christmas.

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Zinc is depleted from snake venoms. Zinc also cancels out excessive copper

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Tal Braun is the fellow of whom you speak, methinks.

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That sounds right!

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When someone gets shot-up with a DEW/NKT it catalyzes the TI downward spiral. Here is an old analog DEW/NKT asset that enables such a downward spiral. Utilized in building cognitive weapon countermeasures. BMIs non-invasive and invasive are here and majority of the world has non-invasive BMIs growing in them. You can also get neurohacked with a non-invasive BMI installed in you. https://electrostasis.substack.com/p/neurohacking-102-emf-pulsed-directed

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And he shall purify, he shall purify... I give you the music of the season Handel's Messiah

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiBHbadRVBU Not religious but it is ODD how much these things coming into being are spoken of in the Bible..

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Time to get religious!!.. because ..

as the bible says.. there are more things to come. We are just seeing the headwinds of the storm. But as many of us have experienced through our lives Christ is the port in the storm and the bunker in the war.

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I hope your dream, the fear of a Copperhead snake that did get your attention, as well, what we've all been told about copper doesn't deter you from learning about the gift copper can be. Morley Robbins, Cu-re Your Fatigue and Jason Hommel, The Copper Revolution Healing With Minerals can help open your understanding of this support, which It has been for me.

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I totally agree the copper is very important. Working now to balance it and get the ceruloplasma balanced so it can come back within range and function as it was created to. Copper has been given a bad wrap, but it’s so important for many functions. Praying and knowing I’ll find the healing balance in all things.

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That's where I'm at, I really appreciate the value of copper. Here's the crux. Come to find, the aluminum/iron, these most abundant elements in the atmosphere and food had preoccupied most of my years with concern until I found this. Since cancer is a major "epidemic", a gem popped out from this podcast. I'm now more convinced than ever, we can use copper to balance out the pollution, as confirmed and explained when this Navy Whistleblower scientist pointed to the elemental chart, and use it to support our magnetic field. I realize listening is a dig, but he's offered so much to think about. The Vitalist camp, should be reinstated, to be recognized as added value instead of being dominated by the Mechanistic camp. It's so pertinent to our now. Here we learn to engage our magneto-hydrodynamics, or magnetic field to employ the healing crisis that is really a good sign, and we are unaware of its profound help, I think we're going to find out this stuff has been buried for a long, long time. No more pharm-pills for ails!

By the way, good on you for adding in the knowing part, to fill in the puzzle. Creator knows our heart, is always there, it's our birthright. Problem is, we've allowed lies to exist in our world and we need to be strong, check our coherence, change our position to align with the truth. Resonance is the new currency, false rings flat, moving towards what rings true, Bio tuning proves it. But they don't want you to know that it really works. We're electric and magnetic. Such an exciting time to witness this, enjoy the day.


Navy Whistleblower-What Once Was Hidden Finds Ligh

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Yes magnetism and frequency is everything! Check out Biomagnetism or Biomagnetic pair therapy.... very very helpful with all that is going on in our realm today.

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Good, I have magnetic sticks, they are like what Monzo sells. I bought them from Michael Chapala, sadly he isn't with us. Have you heard of him and his Nano-killer device? It is helpful in stirring polluting metals, refreshing the magnetic field, breaking up blockages. I have taken a webinar on Biomagnetism, he said drinking raw milk was a no, that discouraged my interest but I have manuals on Biomagnetism. However, in all practicality, it came down to toroidal movement with the sticks/10 min/day, for my location. The tuning forks, 7 min. 2Xday is the magical time amount to spend with them. They are worth every minute.

Another thing, I'm a retired massage therapist, but I wish I had known this one years back. Block Therapy, you start with the hands and feet where the fascia, the cellar webbing, can be tissue cleansed/remodeled, at home. I had wanted to do Rolfing sessions but this is profound, you can do it at home, and its free. It hurts but you feel great afterwards and other pains have dramatically decreased. This is a really good way to get healthier. On a tissue level, where it counts.

My schedule has filled up fast.

Alfa Vedic had a very good podcast today, you may find helpful, I did.

Barre Lando outlines the New Medicine, the fundamentals, he's got the working background and gives us access to his studies and experience of it, how it fits with our times. Surprisingly, he explains isopathics, what they are compared to homeopathics.

This is the time to bring our experiences together, we must keep on, study it, work with it, share your experiences with these things so it becomes ours, then there would be value for our youth. They're going to need these tools.


Here is the PDF


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THANK YOU for supporting Carnicom Institute.... clearly Nobel deserving Research.

1 Note > it's > CarnicomInstitute.org

Clifford is so very deserving of sooooo much more support from the General Populace & it's up to each & everyone of us to get out there & share his work tenaciously.

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yes my bad, my brain is slowly repairing from being heavily subdued. well spotted!

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Karl, Did you somewhere in an article detail what is going on with you? I saw where you said that when you stop taking the SC you feel bad all over again. Why? what is it you are dealing with? Are you vaccinated? Or in a heavily sprayed (Bio-engineered) area? I'm flummoxed, and would like to understand more about what we are all dealing with from a medical / physical standpoint. Did you write this in an earlier substack?

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We all seem to be fed the same or similar material. The water is terrible too. 8 am unvaxxed but we all see elevated levels of this stuff in our blood now. Stopping the SC makes me and a few others lose our progress. It is a constant battle to keep this stuff out, so it is a full time cleanse with all we breathe in, eat, drink, etc.

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or move to Russia..

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No worries my fellow Compatriot in Struggle > the intent duly noted and as mentioned, most appreciated🙏

Thanks to You & ALL Others who are choosing to use the virtual space both transparently and in effective proaction > here's hoping in 2024 & beyond We are able to manifest Mass Public awareness circumventing the nefarious Technofascist censoring algorithm🙏

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Thank you and agreed. I’m am learning much from KarlC and others here. My many notes are getting a bit overwhelming. Still searching for a reputable source for sodium citrate (hesitant about a m a z o n), but I’m interested in trying it.

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Keep us posted.... sharing knowledge within the CDB landscape (especially virtually) is key & given transparency from the Source adds additional value for which could never be obtained via conventional/mainstream health(s)care Sources > we're all involuntary guinea pigs who have each other to rely on for support & guidance > of course as always, buyer beware

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I'm waiting myself to find out from a reliable source - .. If SC is dehydrated combo of citric acid and bicarbonate of soda, why not mix it from these cheapo ingredients and just drink it when the fizzies stop?. Anyone? Karl?

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I've tried that, using a half teaspoon of each. I used it for a few days and was getting electrical shocks when I touched anything and my hair was very sticky! I discontinued for the time being as other health issues started around the same time.

I'm not sure they're related but to be safe I will hold off

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Interesting! Sticky hair!... who needs that!

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I meant to static not sticky!:lol!!!

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My intuitions reads, it cause for pause.

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Dr David Nixon has just produced a capsule version of it..check it out

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Allow me to keep repeating with furious rage: The most powerful Investigative Cops, General Officers of the DoD, Reporters and Intelligence Agency Directors, including the politicians who appointed them and those who own these politicians (PAC money managers) have understood these facts for “decades” prior to the Fraudemic, and We the People are simple fools.

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Bless You Karl, David Nixon & the Carnicom Institute...!

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Thank you for your efforts. I am also testing sodium citrate, zinc citrate with chelators (high dose vitamin C, calcium-disodium-EDTA and natural herbs like garlic, tumeric, cayanne pepper (dialates blood vessels and increases oxygen flow)

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Would highly recommend also Castor Oil - organic, cold pressed which is hexane free. Try if you can to buy it in a dark bottle and not plastic.

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Dec 26, 2023
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So, glad to hear it!

Here are 2 video postings of homeopath Barbara O’Neill if you don’t know them already. First one is about castor oil (she states that it can cure the eyes of Cataracs). Second one concerns the benefits of cayenne pepper. People should watch all her videos because they’re absolutely amazing!



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You’re bringing good tidings and great joy! Thanks so much. The puzzle will continue to unwind. I’m clearer headed the past few days after ‘dipping my big toe’ into the SC. (Just the 3g once, then two days later, again last night) going at it gently. Haven’t had time to peek at the cloudy pee yet under the scope. Business and family have priority this past month. Big hugs to all! Keep the updates coming!

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Hi Amy 💕, warm wishes gal

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I used the same word, miraculous.

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What a huge Christmas present! Thanks to each and every followers who have commented and contributed financially to these Team and Carcinom discoveries!

God bless you all!

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I began my deep dives into geo-engineering from Carnicom's website well before any others like Dane Wigington who also does excellent awareness campaigns. Thank you Carnicom and Team for your dedication and commitment with the work you are doing to get us the truth.

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Snow that burns, not melts... gee. Think there may be SOMETHING in the atmosphere that isn't , erm.. natural? Polysytrene??

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Just a suggested correction to your super good article. It's https://carnicominstitute.org vice .com.

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yes my bad, my brain is slowly repairing from being heavily subdued. well spotted!

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On day 4, 2g twice a day. Overall heath would be above average. Major issue with weak legs, stiffness that gets worse as day goes on. Shocked at urine changes. Would have thought on home gown meat & veg & mostly eat home made food would be very little white sediment - wrong.😞

Bit of a wake up call. Now worried about the livestock in the paddock and the bees. Is this why bees are susceptible to all these diseases after been weakened by varroa? Cannot keep queens alive long now. Before varroa the hives were so healthy. Not any more. Hard to keep them through winter & NZ is not that cold in winter. Any other bee keepers here with a good microscope to see if their haemolypmh is full of this nano? I guess they have to be (not a pun😞)

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Yes, there has been some insight over the years to changes in bees. I always believed it had something to do with the morgellons, until i knew what i know now. Everything is effected ;(

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So now I need to get the bees to have some sodium citrate too 😊

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Hi Lighted,

I'd be interested to know if they will drink a bit of sc mixed in with winter sugar water.

Thanks, matt

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I am also a beekeeper- due to extreme weather here lost my three hives- but also suspecting overall poor health- this is my first year in 10 years to have so much less honey-

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add a bit of the sodium citrate, tiny bit of Zn and Cu to the water they drink.. it might help? This stuff is in the air we breath, the water we drink...

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God bless you, Karl! You've started something big! I've been on sodium citrate for about 9 days, and it's one of the most effective things I've done (with EDTA being the second most effective). More energy, clearer head, and my neck pain is gone. I still have nervous system issues, but hopefully in time, that will dissipate. I feel like I'm coming back to life.

How the fuck does this thing work? I'd love to understand its mechanism of action.

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I am so happy for you. you have no idea how it feels to do something this good and not even profit from it. Id love to honorably one day maybe of course lol But we can see that Sodium Citrate has the chemistry to make it a reducer. It can effect other structures and then cause them to clump. After the clumping it together part you then end up waving at it while it hits the bowl ! merry Christmas all!

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Are we still needing to be careful due to stopping too soon (risk of blood clots). How would we know how long to take it before we take a break? OR do we never take a break because it nano is just a part of our reality now?

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Karl, I'm fixing to finally buy some SC. (ended last year in the hole, so it was not on the urgent shopping list) Could you recommend a source please?

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I'm guessing it has to do with ionic charges. The body's energy system runs on calcium ion channels... so.. makes sense. Not an expert but... the sodium tetra borate (borax) in water does something and the sodium citrate also. when dissolved tetra borate is I forget my chemistry but carries a charge.. just wondering out loud here. ... And sodium citrate dissolved it carries a charge too... so something is messing up the charge the nano bots seem to need. IVM is doing something to the hydro gels, and then you have to dump it out of the body with charcoal or apple pectin... seems a 3 or 4 step treatment. But in my book any and every little bit helps. I may never be 'clean' but I can GREATLY reduce my and my animals exposures.. this can only help...

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