I wrote this on Dr Ana's substack, just in case she doesn't see it.

Just a thought some of the nano/micro bots, the yellow metallic looking ones, I swear some of them have a falgellum.

Another technique is adding xylene oil to slide with sample, it slows micro organisms down. Such as paramesium, so you can observe the vacuole and the flagellum. It might help you never know.

Addendum just so you know when I found Cliffords work at the end of 2007, with his hypothesis of a kill switch, I had a knowing about it, why I searched for it and found him, specifically the kill switch. Within 3 days I had a cyclone CAT 3 form on top of my house 150km inland from the coast of Bundaberg QLD. Classic roll clouds all day, which is known as weather warfare.

I'm very lucky. 🙏😇👍

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Agh yes, I actually have mounting solution which is very thick but have never used it. Interesting idea. All though the new camera i have coming is of very high spec and may now capture these things in far better quality and at far higher frame rates. Or I hope anyway.

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4k... They have 8 and 12k now, very expensive. As long as your rig has no bottle necks, has many TBs of storage it should be all good. I was surprised when I took some 4k camera footage of myself and how much space was needed.

All you need to do is slow down the footage. Saves making a mess with diluted xylene. So jelly.

Wish you all the best in your endeavours. :)

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It does. I have 8TB of drive, 64GB ram, and i modified the thermal paste in my i7 8700k using germal liquid Metal paste before adding a water cooler. Pretty beasty machine but giving it to a family member soon.

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Nice you can get after market one for gpu, I seen these massive external radiator coolers from Germany.

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my bad 20 odd years ago xylene was used for cleaning the slides of oil. 1.5% methyl cellulose and glycerin slows them down. it's been awhile. i remember when acetone was a "suspected" carcinogen.

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I'm at the stage of believing it's a species level threat and a war is already started and 90% of our forces are asleep.

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can seem that way. but keep your spirits high. don't let the B*tards grind us down !

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It's all good Karl, I'm pragmatic and good at continuing on.

My microscope still hasn't arrived but paid my original guy again. Got something very interesting if you want to look early.

Reminds me of the spider silk DNA they found.

CT but perhaps we are the the host that germinates......

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Spider webs were of interest to morgellons folk. There is something that intertwine with them and begins growing with the Web. When I first got ill 3 years ago I'd hop in the truck in the morning and see horizontal webs with strange stuff dangingling off them. How does a spider for a horizontal web without any breeze.

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If worried open a fake account, otherwise I'll be up loading my last visit in a week or two.

Cant help but wonder if a Neutrophils gobbled up one of these


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Hi Karl - I wanted to buy you a coffee but don't use paypal so I thought I'd upgrade my subscription instead but there's no option to do so. Seems I need to unsubscribe then re-subscribe ? Thanks for Clifford Carnicom's article. Didn't realize he was on SS.

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Unfortunately I have not set up for stripe on substack. I've not long been using the donation feature and haven't prepped everything admin wise yet to do so since I've been moving around for a while lately. I will eventually setup stripe but I haven't got the mind to do all that just yet untill I know where my boots are gonna lay. Thank you so much! I think KO-FI allows donations without PayPal. I haven't checked out how it works but I assumed through kofi you could pay by card and then it passes to PayPal. Maybe someone who's done it will enlighten us after seeing this message.

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I think I'll try unsubscribing then re-subscribing. It should work. Will let you know. On another matter, just posted this on Matt's microscopy and thought I'd post same message to you:

"Did you read Stefano Scoglio's paper - "Graphene does not exist" audio.pwfm.tech/documents/231013-scogli… and his interview with Eric Coppolino at planetwavesfm.substack.com/p/another-ye… (50 min recording starting ~1 hour in) plus lots of debate on issue in comments section and also here https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/proton-magic-falls-for-fan-wu Scoglio claims all microscopists showing nanotech in jabs are fraudsters and fearmongers using CGI. Thought you might be tempted to stick your bib in (?). I noticed John Lukach commented on Coppolino's channel but apart from that I've seen no reactions from microscopy guys. I mentioned it to Dr Nixon some time back but he brushed it off as a bit of a joke. Take a look if you get the time. I've commented a bit on Coppolino's channel until he banned me and also on Proton Magic SS, mainly responding to Christine Massey who defends Scoglio tooth and nail. I'm also fan of Massey and Scoglio too - but his paper is far from convincing to me."

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To post the videos we have already using cgi would probably cost just a few million at a guess. If I had that $ I'd probably be in Fiji drinking, fishing and relaxing. Hilarious. Banning you is all telling to me.

Maybe we are all too busy reading how to do cgi for beginners to respond? Some who know my luddite tech skills would find it funny too, I am sure.

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I agree. I've been getting into arguments defending microscopy guys. If you're interested in reacting, see comments in this and other threads of Proton Magic https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/proton-magic-falls-for-fan-wu/comment/43694897?r=12zfs2 A few long-winded comments to wade through because I was responding to multiple attacks from Christine but the long & short of it is that Scoglio says nanotech is BS, graphene doesn't exist & anyone promoting idea there's nanotech in c19 jabs, incl. those showing videos of self-assembling nanotech in vials are frauds and using CGI to scare people. Just to be clear, I don't know whether it's GO or not and I don't believe in viruses. Anyway, just letting you know in case you or someone else wish to respond. Main discussion was in Coppolino video but no point in commenting there as he ignores or bans anyone who challenges him.

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Hi Kerrlyn,

Thanks for going to bat for we el cheapo microscopists and I did make the effort to wade through that post... The amount of time and effort some of those guys have spare for circle jerks is amazing They should buy scopes and do something constructive and help the cause. But then they would see the same things we are ... As for the doc there - no excuse as far as I am concerned.

My call now is to ignore all the dickheads and just do my thing as I can't do the distraction thing for time reasons..

For any that want to believe we have the $ , time and skills to toss around doing cgi , well good luck to them. We don't need defending as we know what we see and put it up for those who can see past the bs, but thanks anyway. m

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Tks Matt. I'm compiling (anonymous) responses from microscopists like yourself that I intend to send on to a substack author (yet to be determined) with view to hosting a fair debate on Stefano Scoglio's paper. I have 3 so far. Hoping Carl may also have something to say. Bon courage with your work!

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Hi Karl, will some of these things show up in a regular microscope at 400x or does it have to be darkfield or with InfraRed light? We have a standard student microscope at home that goes to 400x and I'm not seeing anything besides the red blood cells and tiny bacteria floating around (dots??) . No strings, filaments, bubbles nor crystals. Thanks!

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So you’re finding the same fibers and other crud in unvaccinated blood as well? Why would that be?

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For decades now this biosynthetic technology has been being sprayed on all living things (us included, of course) in chemtrails. It has also been put in water and food and personal health products and medications and health supplements, clothing, to name a few. It has been put in us in many ways is my point.

The effects were then studied by the evil people who began this and they developed it further from what they learned in the decades prior especially from people who have Morgellons and Lymes disease.

Then they developed the injections. I am guessing in order to get their party (really) started. I am guessing again the reason they kept saying 70% of the population had to be injected was because they knew the injected ones would infect the uninjected and then they could achieve 100% infected. That's why they stopped the full court press on mandating the injections, etc., because they had reached their 70% injected goal.

So, now all living things are infected to one degree or another and that's why it's showing up in the uninjected people's blood as well as the injected. These things are self-assembling and replicating, so once they are in someone, they keep making more and bigger and so forth of themselves.

If you really want to understand beyond my layman's explanation go to Clifford Carnicom's website and begin going through his 20+ years of research. It's amazing.


This is a plan that has been a long time in the making.

BUT, God is in control and all things (including this crap) work to His glory. Thank you, Jesus.

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Because it’s in EVERYTHING and EVERYONE

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because the crap has been found in beef, water, soft hydrogel contact lenses, dental novocain, Budesonide (inhaler?), some supplements, etc

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I have been thinking lately that this stuff in our bodies might be in service to the goal of a massive die off of the Earth's population, and a way to break down all of these corpses without them being a problem for those who remain alive. I also think there's a good possibility that they are trying to make 40 the new 80, so that once we're costing the system more than we are contributing, we quickly cease to be a problem.

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Bless your pea pickin heart! I hope that is the right use if the terms. I think I am in between generations. Judy

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Thank you 🙏🏻

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Thanks for doing this. That first image looks like a piece of tin foil that fell!

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