Goodness. A mere lay person here but the little bits seem to have organization and goals! As all life forces do- plants, animals n all. Is it ascertained that these things in the blood have never been there and should not be there ?- I’m guessing it is novel as of the poisonings and the injections.

If these things are all part of some sort of syn-bio program experiment - what is the goal? Communication and control ? The response these wee goings on have to various electromagnetic frequencies is something I’m curious about too. Could be these plenty of electricity in the blood to assist with whatever is going on. Thanks for your diligence in capturing this.

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It would seem that part of this technology relates to morgellons disease going back many years, nearly 40. But some of the things we are seeing are not seen in older fibers. Most of us don't remember seeing quantum dots in those old fibers. But the fibers still seem very much the same and grow just the same. I think these are safe to consider as likely polymerized graphene nano tubules. Thank you for visiting.

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Thank you for sharing your noticicings💕. Not wanting to make assumptions. If one is a hammer- everything is a nail problem.

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You got that right. And it seems no one is an expert in this hidden but huge field of dark science possibilities.

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023

More than likely, the polymerized graphene nano tubes are the buses by which the illegal immigrant qdots ride in on, until a safer haven can be prepared in the host. I would be interested to see what happens to qdots in the presence of activated charcoal. This would answer some questions as to why activated charcoal cleanses the blood of these abominations.

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023

This is the way they will control humanity, hydrogel nano optic fibers spying on us, delivering medication to shut us up:


Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea is right and aiming at hydrogels with EDTA Chelation.

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Ready for a roller-coaster ride? https://rumble.com/v2x6wba-fall-of-the-cabal-sequel-part-27-the-world-economic-forum-the-end-of-homo-s.html

I also recommend Part 12… and every single one of The Sequel: Fall of Cabal! They will answer most of your interrogations and more.

Concerning « electricity », even the US government now relates Kovid symptoms to 5G: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7861125/

Metals in vaxxSins , more specifically graphene oxyde sharp razors, are to be activated by a specific low frequency signal, acting as a kill switch aiming at the vaxxSinated…

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023Liked by Karl.C


Considering how much of what the psychopaths are doing related to EMF and frequencies in general, I'd look in that direction.

Electrical/magnetic properties pull them in, on touch their polarity changes and are repelled after?

If so, the change in polarity might be feeding it?

What's the bubble coming in from bottom left at around 18:55:16? Air?

Can you try something like this again and maybe apply various forms of magnetic fields or radiation? Neodym magnet, cell phone and call it while it's near, strongest signal, also pulses which should be visible in the sample. if it has an effect.

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Magnets cause some of the smaller particulates to form around the magnetic field. I have some images somewhere, but I might do it again.

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I agree Erik….that is clearly “being” manipulated by “their” Ai simulation programme.

I have never seen those dots move like that before though - with such intention

Mind blown…thankyou Karl

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Me also, thanks for visiting!

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It can’t be air. Material -crystal-chunks and QDs are blurred and stop moving when they are covered by this substance. Could be hydrogel or oil.

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Could be. An air bubble however should have an effect on other objects. I'd say they have a frequency which might attract, just like a magnetic field can affect flow of water. Don't know how to explain it, just have a gut feeling and an image in my head of it, like a water bubble would have an effect on surrounding objects.

On what do you base it could be hydrogel or oil? Would you be willing to elaborate some on what you're saying?. Would like to understand it better.

Considering these psychos are using technology and a scientific perspective outside of the generally accepted paradigm, I'd be prone to assume that accepted scientific conclusions are faulty and cannot be perceived as being true but only probable until proven within a new true paradigm. On the other hand, this isn't my field of study, I just enjoy absorbing information and understand things better

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I’m not a scientist. These hypothesis and pictures are precious infos for anyone trying to understand what’s going on in these critical times. But, I’m also logical and my basis is observation. I’ve been analyzing images and movies for 35 years…

If it was water, it would have washed and tossed the QDs as well as other material while covering them. Same with an air bubble. Moreover, neither one of them would have blurred the image: they are transparent and water might also have had a lens effect on the objects.

So the « dark liquid » must be viscous and semi-transparent, either oil or hydrogel. Oil could be eliminated because, depending of its fluidity, it would also have moved the QDs but, it could never have made all the other QDs immediately halt their movements simultaneously.

Therefore, from what I have seen and read so far, I can conclude that only nano hydrogel and nano optic fibers are known to feed, instruct or have any impact on the QDs.

I can’t neglect the possibility of an unknown added adjuvant solution of the Fifth Generation or an external EMF.

P. S. See KarlC. pictures. He calls them “islands” and are associated with crystals formations, but they aren’t seen in action on a video, thus my comment to Karl.C.

Dr. David Martin Substack is a must concerning all the patents filed by the military since 1965 and his analysis of the current worldwide plandemic and biowarfare. They are far more advanced on nano technologies than what merely shine through scientific papers.

In her Substack, Dre Ana Maria Mihalcea has many videos and pictures of this hydrogel in liquid and gel states.

I also recommend you visit drdavidnixon.com and Nixonlab Substack for incredible micrographs and footage.

I like Matt’s microscopy, by matt. j.a.o.b Substack very much because he brillantly commented his beautiful and weird videos and micrographs. :)

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Was that real time or time lapse?

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Real-time brother. Unlike me who's stuck in slow mo these days :)

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by Karl.C

What are you analyzing? Is it blood plasma?

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An unvaxxed blood sample diluted with clean distilled water.

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Has Dr. Anna Mihalcea seen this? I wonder what she thinks?

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I'm not sure, I doubt it. She seems very busy. Dr Nixon has and a few other names.

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This article may help you. Living hydrogels. https://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=63742.php

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Indeed a helpful article for consideration. Certainly highlights the same or similar technology types that might be at play. Thank you.

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Don’t miss this new video from Dr. Nixon with Mateo: https://drdavidnixon.com/1/en/topic/11-23-david-mat-230922?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Thank you Danyele, I've been having a shirt break since I had problems to deal with. Hope you are well.

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LOL! I hope your shirt wasn’t torn to pieces and that your health and sleep have improved.

I’m good, thank you! However, the more I read and see, the more I’m going crazier than usual. But, I think that all sensible people feel the same thing these days...

Take good care!

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Lol it did. I think everyone I know is panicking about the rules they are bringing and the terror coming with it. I pray to god for everyone. Thank you for your support again Danyele. Best wishes to you as always!

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Thank you for your good wishes!

Have I missed something? Which rules?

Here, they keep trying again to sell masks, vaxSins and fear. But Canadians have had enough of it and they know that the game has changed. Now, they confine themselves to promote the basic rules of hygiene in this season of flu and other respiratory viruses.

I don't know whether B. Gates will carry out his threat of a hemorrhagic pandemic (Marburg fever?) to camouflage the implementation of a One World government and monetary digitization. This is one of my greatest fears, because a lot more people would die and/or the humans would lose their rights and freedoms.

However, as a neighbour used to say, "One bite at a time." At least we're beginning to see through the forest: their attacks on all fronts and on multiple living beings are now largely revealed. Hoping that what happens next will be like a post-traumatic shock: stupor, horror and tears, then... RAGE!

I pray for all those who are struggling, no matter how they fight, and I try to heal those who express the need, wishing with all my heart to bring them a little comfort and energy in their daily lives. Does it work? I don’t know. I trust in the Lord.

God bless you and your kins.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Karl.C

What is the light that passes from the bottom to the top and is it a time lapse?

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I think you mean fiber instead of light. It is not time lapse. Thanks

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I was talking about the “bubble” that appears at 1:37 and the light is reflecting off of it as it moves up.

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Is it possibly going towards the sunlight rather than the fiber. Like a sunflower. And that as the Sun is going down that’s when the direction changes?

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creepy things seeking their energy fix?....very possible, all this phenomena operates on and needs energy to do....xyz?

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Not in this case I'm afraid. No sunlight.

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Hey Karl, I think you have discovered a nano filter. This may be some sort of conversion mechanism where errant particles are captured for remanufacture, while those that pass the test go thru unaltered

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I think it is something along these lines. I wonder why this time it was happening so fast. We don't normally see this in samples so far.

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It's likely that you are looking at updated programming.

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okay my second look at it... I notice many dots, longer straight threads and several chunky ones all raced towards that one point under the fibre with a deliberateness as though they were called to that spot, then some ejected out again and at exactly the point in time they all stopped, the huge blob bubble enters the scene from below and glides it way up to exactly the spot all the others raced to - to meet up with them ??? did they go to eat the blob - or the other way around?

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No i think what is happened here is more complicated than that even. I just couldn't say anything at this point. Not any more than it seems there is a selection process going on.

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HI Karl, check this article out in reference to rGO: https://civilianintelligencenetwork.ca/2023/1/22/negative-impact-of-supplements-in-5g-environment/ pretty grim if papers cited are validated

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Interesting, however I notice most of the supporting studies are in vivo. In vitro we are seeing blood clean up and feeling reduction of symptoms. I must take resveratrol or my joints fail thanks to Lyme supposedly. Not convinced 100% it is because of Lyme. Glutathione, NAC, Quercetin, etc all have had a positive impact on my health when using. Very confusing stuff. Some of their references need to show the pros and cons between those drugs. Taking them may improve multiple other symptoms beyond the synergistic effect it has with GO. Until they compare this too I would not advise anyone to take that info as set in stone guidance. For me, if the blood is clearer and my head feels more operational then I continue those things I believe to be helping. Good post though and many things in there that are certainly worrying and worth knowing.

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My thoughts exactly, also If you happened to be living far out of the city bombardment reach of the 5g effects...you could stretch your use of application of those things which show real benefit on your worst health issues. Just another annoying measure to have to keep our eyes on!

I like the claims of scalar wave solutions for home spaces and mobile devices of the same- to go with you wherever you are.

I really appreciate your feedback on this, I'm going cold turkey for a time to see if I still am superwoman without the supps. Thankyou

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Wow! Stunning video, Karl!

Lets not forget that what we are seeing may be a more advanced technology than actual publications are allowed to reveal, but here is an interesting début in understanding these hydrogel nano optic fibers:

Liquid-Core Hydrogel Optical Fiber Fluorescence Probes :


The analysis of the video shows that QDs and clusters trajectories seems to follow the same as the dark oblique line emanating from an orange light source (top right). Do you have images of this upper right portion?

I note that there is movement on both sides of the upper portion of the nano optic

fiber, which may suggest the presence of nanobots collecting cluster material and quantum dots there. A single cluster of material bounces away and all the others are accumulated on or under the fiber. Moreover, most of the QDs and clusters pass under the fiber AT THIS ONE SPECIFIC LOCATION ONLY and remained in the upper left area, as for storage.

I must confess that I was stunned by the velocity of the bouncing orange QD for the blue ones are supposed to move at the highest speed. Even at half the speed, it is difficult to check if their oblique route from top right to the fiber was braked by the fiber itself or the building nanobots they were hitting (… or giving/taking instructions to/from???).

Have you noticed that by doing so the advancing dark liquid blurred the objects it covered and considerably slowed down every other QDs and clusters, not only in this area, but in the upper right side of the slide too? From this moment, the QDs at the right only moved upward or erratically. No new cluster or QDs were added to the upper left fiber anymore. Why is that so? Who gave the order that it was time to take a kinetic coffee break? :)

Is there a Part 2 video covering the subsequent developments?

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I kept thinking of the movie Alien. When it first came out, for some reason we were all sent to the theater to watch in High School. That alone seemed peculiar. The focal point of the movie is that one minute you're normal, the next minute something has torn it's way out of the host. A scary bloody movie.

There is something intelligent that operates. Supposedly still operates in the deceased. Is this their foretold Zombie Apocalypse? Or, Night of the living Dead?

The Bible says they will seek death and not find it.

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