Didn't get room for the fiber forming video on the last post. so here it is.
Fibers, fibers, fibers........
It is unfortunately short, but it is worth the watch.
This Fiber was caught forming last second in a saliva sample from a vaccinated individual. It is in real time. You can clearly see the NPs which have meshed together in a polymer looking web are being drawn in to finish producing the fiber seen. Apologies for only catching this much but it is vary rare to see them forming in these particular ways. They also form other ways too.
You could clearly see what is going on here. The light response changes rapidly as the fiber transitions quickly through the constructive phases.
Most of this material has been noted as being light responsive or reactive. It also needs oxygen in order to continue activity at any fast paced speed. There will be a lot more coming soon.
I am currently working on some tests with enzymes, Sodium Citrate, and have been doing some staining with dye’s as indicators. New observations have been made and the implications are rather interesting.
I would like to invest in some more lab equipment such as a spectrophotometer, Liquid Chromatograph and other tools for now. Please consider supporting our ability to do so by donating with KO-FI below.
Dear Karl, it is freezing temperatures here in Europe. In Belgium there aren't clouds. The sky is blue with an opaque ochre haze in the distance. Then the planes come and spew. Very very high. A few hours later yellowish fluffy small clouds form. Some haze out as though they mix into another liquid with edges looking like a river having many little arms on the edges. Our cars outside of course are covered in ice BUT this ice has a weblike texture. It is as though the car is captured in this web all over. I think this is what we breathe in as well and I think the whole of the planet and biosphere is floating and covered with these fibre-substance. I wonder how life on Earth can survive this junk....
To fellow morgies, I took a roll of 10 disk magnets, like a roll of quarters, and rolled it with my fingers horizontally just over my chest, i could feel it pulling an invisible mesh off my head, with sounds of fibers pulling out, very strange twilite zone experience, after 30 minutes relief under the skin and better clarity. I suspect this is what shedding is. Curious to learn if others experience this phenomenon.