Dear Karl, it is freezing temperatures here in Europe. In Belgium there aren't clouds. The sky is blue with an opaque ochre haze in the distance. Then the planes come and spew. Very very high. A few hours later yellowish fluffy small clouds form. Some haze out as though they mix into another liquid with edges looking like a river having many little arms on the edges. Our cars outside of course are covered in ice BUT this ice has a weblike texture. It is as though the car is captured in this web all over. I think this is what we breathe in as well and I think the whole of the planet and biosphere is floating and covered with these fibre-substance. I wonder how life on Earth can survive this junk....

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Yes, many in the USA and Canada have been showing images of the ferning patterns in ice and other stuff. We all know this never used to happen and now most of us know why. Some will never notice a thing till the die they die.

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I am in Flanders Field and it truly is all so gruesome. Will the wars ever stop?

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12Liked by Karl.C

like wise, i'm in Italy, last night sky was CLEAR and starry, so no clouds or rain of sort...

but... gazing at the dark sky across a bright led lamppost, I could cleary notice that something was "raining" down across the stream of light, a sort of a mist, dust... and no, night bugs are not around this time of the year (0° celsius) . no smoking chimneys around as well... i bet its particulate from spraying.

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Horrible hurom, Absolutely heartbreaking!

How are we ever going to be able to come to terms with what is done to us and the planet?

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Indeed Hurom, that material you see raining down is morgellons fibers and nano-dust particles. Also weather engineering chemicals too. Looks like a really really fine light grayish hazy snow, does it not?

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Jan 12Liked by Karl.C

To fellow morgies, I took a roll of 10 disk magnets, like a roll of quarters, and rolled it with my fingers horizontally just over my chest, i could feel it pulling an invisible mesh off my head, with sounds of fibers pulling out, very strange twilite zone experience, after 30 minutes relief under the skin and better clarity. I suspect this is what shedding is. Curious to learn if others experience this phenomenon.

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Adrian, I've never considered such a test / experiment with magnets. Also the mechanisms of shedding are still very poorly understood.

However, if you want a shocker, try this. In an area with persistent itching, but not a lesion or broken skin, with finger rub vigorously applying consistent pressure for 20 or 30 seconds. Might need to use a tad of water on the skin to loosen it up, but you might find what I find - what I can only describe as an antennae network - usually a thick short (but occasionally long) black fiber will erupt out of skin, along with a mesh of much smaller entangled fibers nestled beneath in it's root, that emerges from under the skin. Pretty gross, but it is what it is. We morgies have been hardwired, quite literally, as an antennae array.

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Oh, I should add that the "antennae" experiment is not at all painful, and the itching in that spot will instantly stop, for good.

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Jan 12Liked by Karl.C

I do not like this at all, who is making these things, a military secret dark project or is it an alien race. But seriously this is not looking good for anyone at all.

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That fiber has all the appearance of a reduced graphene oxide fiber. It is the main component of covid vials with a content of 99.9%.

I have seen nanotechnology formation, similar to what other researchers have demonstrated, in the saliva of a person not vaccinated against Covid, but inoculated with 3 dental anesthetics in 2019.

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I have not seen that across the collective analysis out there that it reflects anywhere as high as 99.9% Graphene. Graphene on its own is useless. There is far more than Graphene in these products. It is a technology and not a singular product. It is definitely not 99.9 % Graphene or we would all be a lot safer.

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Perhaps this graphene-based nanotechnology uses rGO in some way. It's not useless, otherwise they wouldn't have put it in all the vials. It has its function, which we have not yet discovered. For now, it has been the cause of deaths since 2021

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Its not useless, it just has limited ability to do anything outrageous on its own. it needs be part of a product. Lithium is amazing and so are many other things, but not on their own.

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We agree, by itself it is not functional, it has to have some function to have been introduced. But, on its own it does cause damage, the scientific literature is rich in this sense.

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Great camera work to catch this!

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Jan 12Liked by Karl.C

Don't comprehend how the material is programed to produce these fibers, chips, etc. WHAT is the catalyst?

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likely many different stages and catalysts. It is all very complex and formed from a long chain of stitched technological advancements.

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Jan 12Liked by Karl.C

Short but not sweet, great vid. I won't pretend to know what is happening but it looks like when the materials in question and are in the the right environment within the body, using the photonic, electrical and chemical signals it all coalesces. Thanks Karl.

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13Liked by Karl.C

It has become glaringly apparent that whoever has designed and manufactured these nanotechnologies is 50 years ahead of where I thought we as a species were at.

And if what I have read and understand which is not hard is...

A very weak amount of electricity applied internally will cause the rapid formation of these clotting fibres and the blood coagulates unlike anything natural with regard to human biology as we've always understood it.

The same is then true for any type of natural or artificially generated EMP,(electro magnetic pulse) pulse or blast, nuclear weapons do this, maybe even the sun too during a large solar flare..

Then there is also the fact that unvaccinated blood was taken to a remote area with no cell tower coverage and a Moderna dose was added to the unvaccinated blood in the vial, they scanned for any bluetooth connections in the area in the middle of nowhere with no phone signal whatsoever, at 10 mins nothing at 30 mins nothing, at an hour and half they pick up a MAC address from the vial of now vaccinated blood, they trace it back to manufacturers and it isn't assigned to anyone or anything in particular.

I think it's now also clear the nano technology in us, once it self assembles which apparently in a vial at least, takes about 1.5 hours, enough to then start transmitting a live MAC address and this MAC address is your personal MAC address, if I'm rolling with this dystopian nightmare, as if you're a piece of digital equipment... and therefore something really awful to think about is they may claim ownership of you and your biology.

It is therefore entirely possible to remote kill people instantly or it could potentially be used for producing neurotransmitters and various drugs from the body own reserves of raw ingredients to heal, and by the same token toxins too poison and murder all the while appearing like natural causes.

There is no good outcome and this does sound like utter nonsense, however I fear and my intuition tells me clearly, we are here and it's even worse than this, and this is about as awful as anything could ever be!

What is wrong with these evil soulless people doing this? It just doesn't seem human, even though I know evil exists but this is just so extensive and so complex as far as a plan to kill people goes.

Or is it an alien race for real at the very top and they need less CO2 and they want to terraform the planet and getting rid of those who live here cuts down on resistance.

If it isn't aliens then they're aliens either way, because this definitely is not the behaviour of any human being with an ounce of humanity.

I'm merely a music producer specialising as a guitarist for over 37 years and I am not a scientist or researcher, however I have read medical journal my entire life and studied Neuroscience and psychology and the last few year I have immersed myself into the world of the very small, such as microbiology.

I'm a lay person and to me this all seems apparent from the recent research papers and electron microscopy evidence.

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It is indeed, very much as you say without wanting to scare people. But the truth must be told in order to combat against it. Very sad. Are you studied in psychology may I ask and if so have you practiced it as a proffesional ?

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Hi Karl, great work by the way, I watched your interview/ report on Maria Zeeee’s podcast with Dr David Nixon and he’s a kiwi like me I just realised and it was great. I am not a qualified psychologist I’ve been doing the exams and the reading and study for fun but I have never wanted to work in this field. It’s been an interest of mine for the last over 30 years. So I’m self taught and it was to know myself better in many regards. So I’m not help in this regard to anyone I don’t think. I am or was a musician but I spend all my days reading and looking for a way out of this and I’m not sure there is a way out.

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This may answer your question, at least partly - http://whale.to/a/protocols_h.html

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Karl - kudos to you sir. These last several post on SubStack are truly awesome works on your part. You're knockin' it outta the park man. I'm sure at some point you'll be able to catch one of these monster fiber/ribbon/filaments for even longer time duration. Keep up the amazing work you be doin' there hoss. Fabulous stuff, which is why I toss a few bucks in every month. I want to help you acquire whatever lab equipment and materials needed to continue your research.

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Thank you so much, you are so kind. I really appreciate people coming together to make stuff happen. It is really the only way forward. Very stressful All this stuff.

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13Liked by Karl.C

Most long-time Morgies in the room will get this, others will scratch their heads and say "WTF" is this dude talking about? " . These exact ribbon entities grow exceedingly long, many inches in some extreme cases (like me) and erupt from center of lesion, often having two whitish "horns". The ribbons extend themselves outwards from center starting point of lesion, tunneling their way between the dermal and underlying tissue, be it connective tissue or tendon. Each side of the ribbon is an incredibly tough, plastic/polymer material far exceeding the tensil strength of tendon material. Extraction is a bloody and painful task, but must be ripped out eventually, like it or not. When the removed fiber / ribbon dries, it is harder than all get out, rather like a zip-tie. They look EXACTLY like these images in Karl and others documentation, but many many orders of magnitude larger.

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Indeed, I first started my work in morgellons communities as a morgs victim until I realised what this stuff actually was.

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It should be a recognised disability. There is too much proof out there and some people are just not able to function. I hope good light falls on you.

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I've got to either stop full of slow down on using that sodium Citrate stuff. It's killing me my kidney and pee is burning like a mother. So will stop for now.

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Yes if you feel any discomfort either drop down or stop for a bit. Probably means you either have a lot of this stuff curculating the body, weak liver and kidneys, or both. Hope you get sorted.

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Are you aware of any renal problems? Please get checked out.

A few people had problems on low doses because of renal issues. They had to focus on liver kidney protocols before retrying sodium citrate. Iplease share how you go. I hope you feel better soon.

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uhm No Ifound out it's my anti acids. I mean not taking any I have really bad acid reflux so if I don't take any for a day or two it kills me to pee. So once things calm down a bit I will take the stuff again.

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Good evening Karl...great video!...it's so hard to catch these critters on film, I know what patience it takes. Than you again for you patience...time...dedication, thank you for sharing them. jt

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Karl, that video is the “money shot” - OMG!!!! I have never seen anything like that! Totally unreal.

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Jan 12Liked by Karl.C

What, why, how??

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Jan 12Liked by Karl.C

Question: was the video real-time or time lapse?

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real time as you can see. no frame jumps.

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Jan 14Liked by Karl.C

An old saying of mine is “ Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there” and boy has that turned about to be more factual than I had hoped.

Looks like around 1948 they had nanotech breakthroughs, so can you imagine what the capabilities are, I can and it’s all worse than bad I’m very sorry to say. I’m a realist and also positive I have always fixed my own health just by thinking about it. I realise 30 years ago or more than the placebo effect is beyond real. Think about it the way I do. If your neurological systems control your central nervous system and really the brain is the quantum super computer of the body then if and when you learn to control your brain you can direct the neurotransmitters to anywhere by thinking. Thinking is a physical thing involves physical process it’s not unknown hocus pocus. I cured hep c by think I’m about it and a blood test and follow up blood test show I had it in 2003, remarkably I didn’t go to a dr for 16 year after being diagnosed with hepatitis c and when I did go back for blood test etc it was 100% gone and I have antibodies and am now immune and cannot get it so I

Upgraded my immune system( through initially wayward musician behaviour intravenously if you get my drift, all in the past now) so I have been convinced and I always say to my self everyday what do I need to heal and I go about directing the thoughts which are physical Interactions, neuron’s, synapses, electricity and all the dendritic connections. I don’t think people realise the power of mind. Anyway I digress somehow, I’m sure of it ha ha. All the best.

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i agree, my whole life has included this powerful concept. Unfortunately when this stuff builds up and saturates the brain can no longer function to think in many cases, including my own previously. Its tops you being able to process or orchestrate thought. It was horrid. prevention is better than cure as they say. Mind over matter is as you say something that many need in their tool box. This is why monks and other types fascinate me and always have. They live better than we do, and they feel everything, or appreciate everything differently because of their in touch mind sets.

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Great catch in the last second or two, where you see the "fingertip edge" like crystallizing, instantly. Fabulous work on Karl's part I must say.

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thanks, it was an accidental catch

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12Liked by Karl.C

all of a sudden, when i read "Cellulose polymerized Graphene nanofibril " ,

i get chills down my spine,

and my mind flies right to those "eco-friendly" disposable, bio-degradable CELLULOSE cups, straws, plates, cutleries... in which we place all sort of (hot!) beverages and foods, that we stir, scrape... and then ..... blissfully gulp it all down.

is it just me or anyone here share the same horrid suspicion?

omg... how many ways for those demonic powers to poison us ?

anyone dare to look at those disposables under a scope?

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Cheap coffee vendors use genuine get soggy paper cups. Costa and bigger brands used coated cups that don't degrade well so defeating the recycling purpose. The coating has been tested and shown to be full of nasties. I watched a video on YouTube a while back and remember thinking that thousands are fueling themselves with all this vile rubbish for breakfast, lunch and tea. The UK Telegraph reported plastic in beef, chicken and other food products. There is no escaping unless you make your own compost in sealed bags with a treatment and then growing stuff inside your house with ion filters going.

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Jan 12Liked by Karl.C

Karl, in your new tests with enzimes, do you plan to relate it to the gel plastic experiment type that Ronald is doing. Also, with sodium citrate, have any of you tested if it eliminates or reduce the platic gel, with the vacutainer test? That would be so great. The vacutainer test is so evidential...

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Rons work is fantastic, it would do me no favors to copy his exact work. However i have different tools and methods to Ron. I can already see interruptions in the unpacking stages in the swab solutions/vaccine which show the enzymes are disruptive at the very least. Sodium citrate also disrupts the material at a different part in the chain.

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Jan 12Liked by Karl.C

Thank you very much, Karl. Looking forward to your developments!

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