Electrical blood experiment yields shocking results
Seen both in vacksinated and unvacksinated so far.
Replicating the experiment originally performed by the great Clifford Carnicom, concerned citizen scientist. Clifford’s experiment offered compelling evidence for what should not be occurring in our blood today, however when i repeated these experiments the results were far more dramatic then i expected.
I performed 2 or 3 experiments on my own blood samples many months ago. I suffer Lyme disease and morgellons disease as it was previously known. (I have not been jabbed). The experiment was performed using custom made copper electrode slides which had been cleaned after handling.
Two drops of blood were applied to the slide with several drops of lab grade distilled water. between 14.1 and 14.85v DC was applied to the sample over a few separate periods of time. Initial observations showed the CDB or Quantum dot like organisms being attracted towards either of the two electrodes. this was odd since one electrode is charged + and the other - , of course being DC voltage in this experiment.
After a few minutes chains of fungal hyphae began unfolding almost as if by Teslaphoresis. There seemed to now be very small and opaque or ghostly looking white cells attached to this fungal looking network. It happened so quick i could not see if the network was forming inside RBC’s first or if it was just rapidly forming but attaching to RBC’s. The speed was so quick on this occasion that i didn’t make it to switching to video in the Touchview software in time. The images are clear enough until a repeat is performed again. Many cloudy chemicals began to congregate and other really strange artifacts began to appear. When the sample dried up from the heat being produced in the experiment we were left with a VERY large deposit of hardened carbon like material. Dark black with cracks gaping through it
One struggled to imagine how two drops of blood could leave such a large deposit of what could only be assumed as a carbon based material. no testing was done or analysis was done on this material, see images. If this phenomena is observed again meter readings for conductivity using a sensitive acquisition device can be obtained in future.
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Thank you every one !
Even though this microscopy is so far above the level of mine I will share it with my audience even though i can expect to lose a few to such superior work.
Stunning work. and welcome to what we hope remains a free speech , and microscopy , site.
Scary stuff. Thanks for posting. I made a Kofee donation.
What should a microscopy beginner use to do their own blood exams?