It looks like the CDC's approval of "vaccination" through the food supply is taking roots:


Undisclosed ingredients in food:


Meat can contain so much more:


And the list is endless:


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Wow, that is some pretty awesome compilation of facts. Well done. i agree with most of those statements you compiled together. Immune disease, and all the rest. its one of the things that have driven me mad. The medical lies, the actual cause of disease, and their hatred towards innocent people. it is extreme to say the least. it is one thing killing a person, but a whole other thing to make millions of these people if not billions suffer long term misery while they are lied to. myself included.

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The worst part is that I am defenseless even if I know what's making me sick...

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We are never completely defenseless. That is why we are here, to choose our defense options. Filtering air, water, finding what works. I wouldn't be here today without that fire that burned me into insight. I'd literally be a gonna, like many others. Hold strong, good people are working to find better answers. Together we can at least push to hold our place in this fight of evil against good. I find often for me that I have to remind myself that everything is worth hanging in there for till the end. I wish the best ray. Keep strong.

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At minimum the high dose C seems to have a beneficial effect from what i am seeing.

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Did you see the blue specks with just your eyes and then decided to put it under the microscope?

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Indeed I did.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Karl.C

I wonder what anti parasite meds would do if applied to them.

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Probably very little, since these are not your average parasite in the image of those taught In Parisitology. The microtubulin inhibiting effect may help slightly, but in my experience it hasn't been the assassinatiin drug one would hope.

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Tony Pantalleresco, Nano expert says, you have to deprogram/disarm Tech using Tech. Synthetic biology unfortunately does not 'die' from traditional anti-parasitic remedies. He also says that the Nano can be programed to look and act like almost anything, including parasite look-alikes.

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There is an element that seems to clone human cells with some kind of difference seen visually in the cells. This I've mainly seen on swab gels, but I guess this also explains the morgellons throw backs as some call them too.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Yeah, that makes sense. Thank you.

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None I am afraid.

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