Question… that very 1st picture of the fiber… I am trying to figure out what I’m dealing with all over my house by the trillions. You can ONLY SEE THEM WITH UV BLACK LIGHT, when you lightly breath on them (hot breath) they literally come alive and start moving around (curling up, swinging in circles etc). I figured out they must be sprayed from the sky all over, then it gets in through my air conditioning unit, they are ALL OVER MY HOUSE like trillions and trillions… they stick to the walls and baseboards, hell they are all over all my cloths and I can take a lint roller and roll them get the black light out and see them all over it! I’ve been searching and searching and can’t find shit because the internet has been scrubbed! Please help me out if you have any ideas. I noticed your 1st picture and that looks like what I’m dealing with… some type of nanofiber thing and they light up a neon blue color.

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UVC air filters !!!! filter air. And whole house or under sink Reverse Osmosis water filtration. Ignore distilled, some of it or much more including nanoparticles pass through distillation as a matter of fact. we can see this too.

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has Berkey been tested yet?

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Just bought a distiller bc I thought that would work? I was going to buy the reverse osmosis and here we are still drinking nano particles. Dang!

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Is it possible to share a video of your observations?

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Absolutely…. How and where do I post a video???

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Okay I just uploaded a video to Brighton and it’s processing but this is the link!!! https://www.brighteon.com/df9cefee-921b-4517-9770-03e452f8c886

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I'm on a desktop and it plays well. I used to see videos like yours ten years ago. People have been observing this crap for a while now.

Nobody believed them then and there is still scepticism now. Not from me. I have Morgellons/CDB and have been I aware I have it for over fifteen years.

How to get rid of it...no one knows. There are some sound ideas of what it is.

Most of the internet has been scrubbed of most of the best information about it. It's biosynthetics. It has some kind of intelligence and is self-motivated and hard as hell to kill.

Karl and others are working hard to discover some solid answers.

Thanks for your video. You're right. It's everywhere and has been for some time. God Bless.

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I am so sorry you have morgellons and have to deal with all the stupid idiot doctors and people that claim it’s not real etc I have to deal with that also from my disease called ME/CFS (vaccine injured at end of 2016, not covid vax) and the top leading scientist for it was Dr Judy Mikovitz and once she found the truth and shared it (contaminated blood and vaccine supply) they completely destroyed her life and career and murdered the people involved and have tried to murder her many times. These fibers I’m showing and speaking of aren’t morgellons or smart dust though and is something totally different and brand new and possibly was what’s on the end of the Covid swabs (some of them) but it’s something they are also spraying in the chemtrails and it’s in all of our homes from ac/heat bringing it in plus i believe it might be self replicating itself. You can only see it under black light and with 40X magnification it looks totally different than morgellons. It comes to life only when heat such as your breath brings it to life as well as certain frequencies. From my research on morgellons that is coming from the inside out and pokes through the skin, so MAYBE check into the new product proven to work on other things like hydrogel and graphene, it’s called MasterPeace and I just ordered it and I’m waiting for it. You need to hit it from the inside of your body, also I’ve seen some people that can totally deactivate it by doing an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) to your body with things people are making, it’s like a triangle looking thing made with a TON of magnets all facing each other the opposite direction (they repel) and you tape them together to force them to stay…. Can’t remember what it’s called but definitely research into that. Sending prayers your way.

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HI, My name is Jane not Neil. Both on our email account, but for some reason it only likes his name. I noticed what you said about ME/CFS. I was diagnosed with that as well and the my rheumatologist said no you have too many trigger points you have fibromyalgia. This was in 1996 or so and I was following everything that Judy Mikovits was saying. The whole community was waiting for answers and then she was removed and never heard what happened. Now it has all come out. She wrote the book Plague of Corruption which I purchased and I listened to Plandemic 1 and 11. I believe she was treated unfairly, but according to quite a few people she is a gate keeper. Meaning she believes this is a virus. I get emails from her to follow and she is selling a lot of health products that won't do anything to remove tech from your body. I was so bummed! I try to follow her, but I have never heard the other side of the story if you know what I mean... The same rhuematologist told me if a doctor doesn't believe you get up and walk out. They have no idea what they are talking about. Over a 30 year period that happened three times. One was last year and I thought by now with specific testing done over the years they would be more informed. CFS is treated the same way. I also learned that being exposed to mold is part of CFS. There is a good website called Phoenix Rising that is one of the best. Cort Johnson writes a lot of their articles and they keep you up to speed on what is happening in that world. Also, I thought the triangle was to remove the tech? I saw a video of a guy named Tony who has morgellons and he said you put this in the bath tub. If you look at his arms they are clear, but his face is not. He is working on it all of the time and has a great attitude. This whole tech thing is so new to me and am slowly catching on. I also followed a doctor called Neal Nathan. He treated thousands of fibromyalgia patients and it was all mold related. I took a mold test in 2018 and one of the worst molds showed up. So, here I have been doing research for 30 years and this is the first time I am hearing this? Then I hear about another doctor who is treating SFN (whole body neuropathy) as lymes disease. So, now I'm trying to find someone to test and it is never as easy as it sounds. I hope MasterPeace helps you and know how hard it is. Take care

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Works for me. Thank you

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i t says your video is aborted. played a few words then stopped.

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I’ve uploaded a different video and that one works on mobile phones

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That’s weird!!! Try from a computer, also I have 2 videos up now. It was giving me issues because the format… using my iPhone

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thank you.

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Unable to watch your video from my phone. The page loads but won’t play. Hopefully I can watch from laptop.

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Holy crap I FINALLY found a video of exactly the same fiber thing except she doesn’t have it under black light and it’s under a microscope 🔬 I’ve seriously looked for months and months. She doesn’t say what it is so I commented and hope she replies, she has lots of very interesting videos too!!! https://www.brighteon.com/30ba3c3c-0b73-49ea-a342-b3da8c8a136c

Hopefully you were able to see my video on your computer

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Those fibers might be carbon nanotubes. Did you found them also in your water?

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Weird I tried to watch it on my phone using duck duck go and safari and it won’t play for me either… something about the format and corruption so MAYBE it only plays on a computer? I had lots of problems uploading a video because it kept saying it wasn’t the right format so I save me a video to files then did it and it worked but still the playing part is messed up so I’m going to have to try and figure this out and reformat it or maybe I will just upload on rumble or something

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On a video platform like Rumble, Odysee, maybe YouTube (I don't know if they delete it).

Telegram would also work or create a substack and post it here.

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Have you tried an Ozone Generator and a HEPA Vacuum?

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I just have a regular vacuum and I have Air Doctor filtration units all over my house but they don’t prevent anything apparently. These fibers gather to all the areas of walls and doors like baseboards and the trim in doors plus of course they are literally EVERYWHERE all over the carpet, basically there isn’t any place that they aren’t at but I noticed they gather in those spots in more quantity. MY ISSUE IS WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY BECAUSE IM FREAKING THE HECK OUT!!! I have done tests with them and they ARE AFFECTED BY FREQUENCIES… there are a couple “different” kinds from my testing… some are afraid of the black light and sway away the closer you get, some are attracted to it, some only move when you breathe towards them, also I have put them under hot water and that makes some react etc etc

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Do you live in an area that gets bombarded by the chemtrails above. I don't see them often out in the rural areas, but I know many in the cities are just getting hammered with chemtrails right now. Everyone involved in these crimes are going to die and I can't wait for this day to come. Even the sellouts, shills, and gatekeepers.

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Yes I’m in the Florida Panhandle and they are flying over us several times a day. But I’ve also noticed SEVERAL people on Amazon reviews that post pictures saying how great their black light works and you can see the nano fiber things in those pictures too (it was when I was looking to buy another black light) so from what I can tell… they are EVERYWHERE AND EVERY STATE!!! A super easy way to tell is to just take a lint roller to your clothes then go in a completely dark room and look at what is on the sticky part of the lint roller and you will see tons of them.

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Do you need black light to see them?

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YES!!! I’ve noticed there are 3 different types of these “fibers”…. The one that is most concerning is the one you can ONLY see with black light (395nm the normal spectrum of black light) and under just regular lighting you can’t see them at all, it’s like they don’t exist! I’ve tried looking at them under several different light spectrums and they are only visable under that 395nm black light which you can buy on Amazon for under $10 and I think it’s important for EVERYONE to have one because we are living in a crazy world and I’m sure most of you have heard of the “new discovered” ORANGE GLOWING ON PEOPLES FACE, FOREHEAD, CHEEKS AND PARTS OF THE EYE ON THE VACCINATED PEOPLE!!! These ☣️FIBERS ☣️ that are NEON ORANGE that are coming out of these people through their skin after they shower (because of the heat which “activates” them) and they look EXACTLY LIKE THE FIBERS I’m talking about except the color of these ones is a NEON BLUE, also you can only see the orange glowing of people under 365nm black light (check on Amazon), these FIBERS WIGGLE AND COME TO LIFE swirling around, dipping up and down, jump etc the exact same way and are ACTIVATED BY BODY HEAT OR LIGHTLY BLOWING ON THEM WHICH BRINGS THEM TO LIFE!!! The UNVACCINATED people are glowing orange around their nose area … and that’s because WE ARE BEING SHEDDED ALL OVER AND THIS BLUE FIBERS ARE COMING FROM CHEMTRAILS!!! Once you look around really closely and know what you are looking for which is hard at first because they are so SMALL so it’s best to get a cheap 40X jewelers loop that has both a normal light and black light on them although not the best but only $7.99 on Amazon, when you see them that magnified they look a lot different and some look almost like they have a head on them and bands and turns in some places plus you can activate them and see the insane things they do and how they move l, also I’ve noticed some of them are ATTRACTED TO DIFFERENT SOECTRUMS OF LIGHT AND WILL FOLLOW AND MOVE WITH THE LIGHT!!!! I’ve searched and searched online for any information on these and everything has been SCRUBBED OFF THE INTERNET, these were first seen on the COVID NASAL SWABS UNDER BLACK LIGHT, and of the several fibers I’ve discovered only SOME of them are considered MORGELLONS and the others are DIFFERENT!!! I’ve done many different tests on them and it’s shocking! Some of them will actually attach themselves to tweezers and you can hold it under running water hot or cold and they won’t even come off so you have to get them off the tweezers. Easiest way for someone to see what I’m talking about is to just get a lint roller and roll on on your clothes, then use the 395nm black light and you will see them COVERING THE LINT ROLLER…. At this point you know what you are looking for and then you can look and see them COVERING EVERYTHING IN YOUR HOUSE AND OUTSIDE!!! They are all over the walls, baseboards, inside and outside of all of our clothing, all towels and blankets and bedding is totally contaminated and they weave themselves in the fabric of all these things and won’t even come off with a lint roller and you have to use tweezers to pull them out and it would be IMPOSSIBLE to get them completely out of things!!! They are EVERYWHERE that DUST goes.. all decorations hanging on walls and set out as well as on all furniture and weaved within the items that are made of material, countertops and then CARPET IS TOTALLY COVERED and I am totally OCD about cleaning everything so this was all very shocking to me!!! I’ve been wondering if they “multiply” by themselves or what because when I first noticed them there was only a few and I would have to search to find them to experiment on them and that was only about 6 months ago and now there are TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS!!! I was wondering how the heck they got inside and where they came from and like an insane looking person I went outside at night when it was dark and got on my hands and knees with a 40X magnifying and a black light and discovered they are all in the pants, soil, grass and covering outdoor furniture…. So they are coming in through the AC/heat and through the venting system throughout the house (which is $1500 to have cleaned and won’t even help the problem at all, also repainting the entire house doesn’t help either just made “less” for a DAY, scrubbing 🧽 doesn’t remove them either only some of them and obviously even through the AC/Furnace filter it breaks them up a little smaller but Im still shocked 😮 they can get through the filter!!!!!! As you can see I’ve done tons of experiments and am obviously FREAKED OUT!!!! It’s controlling my life and I’m trying my best to not let it… I spent 5 HOURS trying to get them out/off of my bed sheets and comforter which then you have to somehow get them off of your pajamas before you get in and that takes hours and still is impossible then if you get out of bed and touch anything else BOOM YOUR CONTAMINATED AGAIN, also can’t walk barefoot to even go to the bathroom because it’s all over the floor 😂 and it sticks to your feet/socks/shoes etc ITS INSANE!!! I’ve tried everything and have an Air Doctor HEPA filter going, tried vacuuming the shit out of an area and you just can’t remove jt because it’s weaved in, I bought the extra sticky and wide (like a paint roller) lint roller and I’ve went through several rolls and still won’t remove that much.


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we will try this. thanks.

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The freaking out phase is understandable, but know a) God's got this. b) People and every other living thing have been living with this junk for many years now.

Don't go nuts and let it take over your life trying to clean it away or spend small fortunes trying to control it. It isn't in your control. That being said, there are various methods people have found that help. Though what works for one person doesn't always work for another so it's trial and error.

That being said, PRAY. The power of God is mightier than this stuff. Believe it with everything you've got. You are God's child as your handle says.

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Thank you!!! I’ve been praying and praying nonstop as I feel Jesus is the ONLY protection and He is the ONLY thing getting me through this! I’ve let it completely control me and I have to keep telling myself nonstop it’s NOT in my control and there is literally nothing I can do to completely change it and I have to deal with these to some extent and be okay with them but be aware and try my best to clean them up. I started taking MasterPeace which gets rid of the most toxins than anything else on the market including graphene oxide and hydrogel etc etc I’m disabled and 95% bedridden since being vaccine injured at the end of 2016 (obviously not the covid shot) and won’t EVER GET ANY INJECTION OF ANY KIND AND STAY AWAY FROM PHARMA and I’ve been trying to “heal” myself ever since and get the heavy metals and toxins out of my body!!! It’s in Gods hands 🙌 and I pray He finds me worthy of healing ❤️‍🩹 me. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement!!!

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Oh, Sweetheart! I'm so sorry for what you're going through. I am, too. Like I said, but will say it again for us both, this is an opportunity to grow closer to Jesus. To understand His suffering is our suffering. God is showing the world some mighty truths and you and me and others like us are Living Truths. He is showing the world through us and many others the Truth to give them an opportunity to come to Him. That is the gospel.

It really is okay to allow yourself the freak out period because it's bad for anyone to NOT express it, but keep moving through it with God no matter how long it takes. God will teach you a lot as long as you keep going in faith that nothing that is happening to you is without an incredible purpose. In my instance, I know I've been made a warning to other people all these years of suffering. A warning almost no one seemed to hear. Which made it seem useless for long periods of time, but I kept going in faith and sometimes no faith, and now am beginning to understand at least a piece of His plan for me. It's more than I could have ever dreamed. God will not forsake us. He loves you so much.

You, too, are, at least in part, a warning form 2016 that others needed to heed. Whether they did or not is not your job. You have done your part and that's when God says, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." He doesn't mean you are His servant in the sense we think of servants. He means you have served His purpose. You have helped everyone get on down the road. There is nothing better than being a part of God's great plan for this world and having the privilege of knowing it. If other people can't see it, they are blind and that's just sad and not your problem but theirs. We pray for them.

You are more than worthy of healing, but it's not your body that God loves you for. It's your soul. Our bodies are dying from the moment we are born. They are only a rent house to give your soul a place to dwell and someday every single one of us will give up these bodies and get a new one. A Heavenly body. "My Father's house has many mansions." Someday you will have a celestial body. A mansion. God promises this. Some will end up in a hellish body. It's all about choice and faith and each one of us has the incredible ability to choose. God wants us all to choose Him, but He loves us so much, He has made us able to choose for ourselves.

There is nothing wrong with trying to help your body. It is your responsibility to help it. But don't believe for one instant that if God doesn't heal your body it's because He doesn't love you enough or thinks you are unworthy. Because no matter what happens and what you understand or don't understand, you are His precious child that He loves beyond human reason and :


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Thank you so much for EVERYTHING that you said!!! I am very close with Jesus and I always work on my relationship with Him all day long everyday and put Him 1st and always will 🙌🙌🙌 you are right… God has a plan for each and every one of us and I’m following His path, letting others know and doing my best to not let it overcome my life and control me but clean it the best I can and that’s that. Thank you so much!!!!!

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Smart Dust

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This is different than smart dust, this is definitely a type of “smart fiber” of some sort. I’ve read TONS of published scientific papers on all this stuff.

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You are better informed than most and actively seeking solutions.

Is there a possibility that the Smart Dust could be activated by 5G to go into Structure? I don't want to put anything more on his plate, but wonder if Karl has

any leads on this...

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Thank you, I definitely am doing research CONSTANTLY on this and soooooo many other things because we are being bombarded nonstop with insane stuff we have never seen before!!! As for getting the hydrogel, graphene oxide, heavy metals, microplastics etc etc out of my body I just purchased the new product that Dr Robert Young tested and works called MasterPeace so I’m just waiting for that to come in the mail. But that’s totally different from these fiber things but considering they are in the water and all over us I guarantee we are breathing them in and drinking them etc so hopefully that product will get rid of them also, although they aren’t magnetic from what I’ve done in my testing. It would be amazing if he could look into this I left him a comment so I’m crossing my fingers!!!

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My Hat is off to You in Your Search for Solutions by Identifying The Problem...

What Frequencies have you tried?

Are you familiar with the Consolidated Annotated Frequency List (CAFL)

You are getting an "Organic Life form" Response with the different spectrums of Black Light. and Frequencies.

Have you tried Ozone? I have used it out in Oregon on the coast, years ago, where Mold was a problem. If I remember correctly, It puts a charge on the spores/particles that brings them to the floor +/-. Don't forget the Duct Work. Bad Stuff hides in the dark and if you don't neutralize it , first time you hit the AC/Heat, all the Stuff blows all over what was cleaned.

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Thank you 😊 I’ve been testing all kinds of things but haven’t tested much on the frequency side yet just a few different frequencies/wavelengths of black light etc ALL of them like heat and it makes them active, I’ve tried wetting them down with different temperatures of water and I’ve sprayed them with hydrogen peroxide, I’ve done experiments both in and out of water… speaking of water they are in the water supply too which I noticed one day when cleaning my Berkey black filters which had caught them from going into the filtered tank!!! Also I have tried putting them in a black plastic bowl covered with plastic wrap then taking a super hot washcloth and putting it on the outside and they reacted off of that heat also and came to life.

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are you on rain water? what do you mean they are in the water supply? Tap water? or rain water? Bore water?

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try mixing some bleach with water and wash walls or baseboards?

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People have tried both and they help a little but everything comes back.

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Any protocol has to be done consistently because we are being hit from all angles… air water food etc so it needs to be an ongoing part of our life to detox this shit out of us and keep it out.

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I understand. I've had Morgellons/CDB for over fifteen years and have tried virtually all protocols and consistently.

One of the dilemmas with any protocol is you can only do it for so long before it has negative returns. Then you have to stop. Then it comes back. When you detox it depletes the good with the bad so you can't detox without interruption for your entire life without negative consequences. One protocol some people have used for years is nano/colloidal silver and borax. It seems to work for some people and they don't seem negatively affected over time.

Clifford Carnicom has twenty years of research on his website :

carnicominstitute.org Free to all.

He works with Dr. Ana M. sometimes and has a substack.

He has used all kinds of protocols in live cultures and frequencies.

God Bless.

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I'd love to know what has worked for you. The only thing that got rid of the worst of my symptoms is saturated potassium iodine. Lookoufrcharlie talks about this. I can't do detox baths as I had my water tested and it is contaminated. I do take borox in purified/filtered/distilled water but not every day. Lately have been using a portable sauna but worried about that as it is more like a rubberized electric blanket. Am thinking of getting a pop up one that uses steam heat. Have you tried Tony P's nano bucket or triangle?

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SSKI (potassium iodide) helped, but you can only take it so long.

So far, nano silver about a tsp/day and borax in tiny amounts have helped.

I started on sodium citrate, but have to give it a break when it starts to make me retain water, but I plan to keep taking it for now.

I take really clean supplements from Pure Synergy made of live foods via natural fermentation.

I've never tried a sauna, but my guess is it would be good.

I just got an EMF blocking hat from Blushield as it seems to me this junk is reliant on some form of wireless communication. If the hat helps I may go further. Of course the hat is basically silver which I already know works internally.

I like Lookoufacharlie. He has some great information.

I haven't tried Tony's bucket or triangle. I seem to conduct a lot of electricity and am cautious right now about experimenting with frequencies.

God BLess and thanks for your info.

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I have the exact same thing in my home!

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what the heck!!!!!!

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Thank You for all that you are doing.

Has anybody tried Colloidal: Silver, Gold, Copper and/or Various Sound Frequencies (CAFL) to mitigate any of this Frankenstein BS?

A Friend of mine wants to know. :-)

Carpe Diem

May the Schwartz Be With You!

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lol .... seize the day!

The RAMC motto, in arduis fidelis, means ‘faithful in adversity’ This i remember being on my cap badge as an army cadet Medic in my younger days. Shame it is all brainwashing that we do good for anything other than conquering the world from ourselves. There is a lot to try, but i have to admit i dont have all the time yet. There will be more success testing some of the wide ideas out there after more is known about the material in question. but efforts are very promisisng right now !

Regards Karl

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Karl have you came across the stuff that I posted about? I would definitely be interested if you could research into it and see what you come up with. They are super easy to find with a black light… just go to the baseboards in your house or anywhere that dust likes to collect, those are the places you find the most of these nano fiber things.

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Thank You "Doc".

The Navy Corpsmen took Great Care of us...

Semper Fidelis...

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hi Karl and all keep up the amazing work you are all doing. the pictures are now just beyond words !!!

I've not had any shots but had dental work a while back and believe they've been using this crap in medical stuff and food etc for longer than they are 'claiming'

I'm using so many alternative stuff (as I was before all this) and the list just keeps on growing. its pretty exhausting what we are all having to do in order to remove crap from our systems none of us have chosen.

dont forget everyone that YOUR belief about anything is partly creating the outcome. So start believing your IMMUNE to it all and live from a place of love NOT fear (or you're feeding these monsters with your energy) I live on cloud 9 because I keep myself there and do whatever it takes 24 / 7. I've been doing mind stuff for years its the MOST important thing in everything

Grounding and protecting is SO inportant I can't stress that enough. Simple ways to do that are imagine yourself protected in a bubble or pyramid stating that you are grounded and protected at all times

grounding - either walking bare foot on the grass or beach or imagine you're a tree and your feet are roots going deep into the earths core

its funny you mention the silver and cooper. After hearing that cooper protects water I now include that in my protecting each day. my aura's are surrounded with silver, cooper and colidiol silver for extra protection. Remember intention is 'as good as' and mind does not know the difference betweek what is imagined and what is real !!!

I basically place myself in my bright pink bliss bubble, purple pyramid, EMF protection shield, chemtrail protection shield, 5G protection shield, radiation protection shield, chemtrail protection shield and sovereign shield. Also zip up your central meridian line from base chakra upto bottom lip and lock it (do this alot throughout the day and before bed) and if you are open energetically you will definitely notice a difference with it

I've been practising alternative / holistic therapies and teaching reiki over 20+ years so not new to the alternative stuff and natural ways

I'm using spooky2 generators 24 / 7 (been using long before all this)

morgellons detox, heavy metals, biofeedback scans then run on kill all night contact then day remotely and detox remotely 24 / 7 chemtrails heavy metals etc etc etc on other generator

then listen to frequencies all night for various stuff

MIND - controlling it by keeping my vibration very high 24 / 7 then sending that out into the universe raising awareness and consciousness of everything and everyone - removing anything unlike their godself replacing with the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Also adding at the end deliver us from all evil and the evil one (it seems to be VERY powerful) and I'm not religious in any way

things I'm taking

bentonite clay food grade (used it for years on and off) brilliant for detoxing (but dont take same time any other supplements) Its also great to use on anything infected or that needs drawing out by making into paste and leaving on all night covered. or detox food bath or mask anywhere

sodium citrate since karl c david nixon and ana discovered it I take twice a day after food whatever I feel appropriate at that time

cream of tartar for nano bacteria - Add a quarter teaspoon creme of tarter to 16.9 fl oz bottle of water shake it up then drink 2-4 times a week.

quercetin, NAC, vit c (ascorbic acid) 10,000 D3 WITH K2 500mg (MK7) zinc, magnesium. 3mg cooper

Zinc in combination with NAC are essential antioxidants used to degrade graphene oxide.

activated charcoal (since discoveries on here)

Liqourice root and fresh ginger tea - AMAZING all rounder for immune support and teeth. drink a cup throughout the day. I use quite alot for 3 days in a row changing the fresh ginger. I eat quite a bit of ginger great for the gut

nicotine patches cut into about 6 put those on when I feel the need (thats for releasing venoms) as per Dr brian ardis jonathan otto various health series

dandelion root extract when i feel the need

macuna pruriens when i feel the need

Dont forget FASTING is amazing to get the body into autophagy (eating itself) and mopping up all the bad stuff. I did an 8 day few months back WOW I amazed myself (I like food) it wasen't a full blown water only I did cheat with my coffee and honey to survive my very active lifestyle and fuel me !! but still everything is worth a try at this point and just intermittent fasting which I do daily anyway will help

castor oil wraps are brilliant as well I'd plaster lots of organic castor oil onto muslin wrap in cling film (to stop everything getting sticky) place around belly. I leave mine on all night. water bootle to heat it up also helps

I am VERY aware of things especially energy and although I've not felt any difference with the extra stuff I'm doing I'm always on the belief there comes a tipping point with everyone (energetically or physically) and being constantly bombarded with all the crap in the air, food water and pretty much everything one must detox in order to remove and not get to that tipping point (hence the extras)

I have however noticed numerous times (like energy directed bioweapons) myself and a mates husband have FELT the same pains in the same places numerous times over the last 12 months. they are not OUR pains. I also do get quite a bit of pain in deeper area of temples on many occasions mostly when out and about (its definately based on the stuff they are doing) I'm also convinced when I'm out walking and my head starts its coming from the chemtrails OR the energy those are locking in on us for sure


the frequencies I use all very different for different things. Tuning forks are also great for chakra's and energy

this 1st one is same people my spooky2 generators are from




alot one this one for nanotech / protection




Add a quarter teaspoon creme of tarter to 16.9 fl oz bottle of water shake it up then drink 2-4 times a week.


Zinc in combination with NAC are essential antioxidants used to degrade graphene oxide.

AI nano bots

Take 4-5 Drops of Oil of Oregano To Five - Seven Ounces Of Water Then Stir Or Shake And Drink 1X Day Or Night.

I'm also starting on 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon arm & hammer baking soda to help alkaline and oxygenate as and when I feel the need

I also eat alot of celtic sea salt its amazing !!

One of the cheapest and easiest ways to oxygenate your body is with baking soda. It basically amounts to 1/4 – 1/2 tsp of baking soda and warm water (Remember always to use the highest quality ingredients especially when using food as medicine.)

Sodium bicarbonate should be taken 1-2 hours before or after a meal so as not to interfere with the hydrochloric acid needed for digestion. Sodium bicarbonate will temporarily neutralize hydrochloric acid. So if you are taking it for general maintenance take it early am or before bedtime.

Also using the essential oils Ana mentioned in another post by Ana for melting plastics

grapefruit oil, lemon oil & cinnomon oil 2 drops each daily


oregano oil & peppermint oil 2 drops each daily

I alternate and drink in water


Dr. Hazel Parcell

Her life’s work is fascinating.

1 quart (4 cups) Distilled water

1 Tsp Sea Salt

1 Tsp Baking Soda

Divide into 4 parts (1 cup ea) and drink every two hours until gone to remove radiation from the body.

Always follow your gut and intuition on everything thats your higher self inner knowing and source. You could always do a simple kinesiology test before taking anything if you wish to it will show you whether it is going to strengthen or weaken before taking !!!

not forgetting the importance of exercise to get the endorphins going. I walk daily taking in my daily dose of natural medicine in nature - its so healing and raises vibration

hope that helps a few folk. Its far better to never have something than to have it and then try and get rid of it, even though anything can be removed reversed or healed. I believe the body and mind are that amazing that it will only take what it needs and release the rest.

the most powerful weapon any of us have is OUR MIND

If anyone is interested in the spooky2 generators they also have other stuff like scalar etc here is the link they have a discount offer right now for chinese new year discount.


use code Coupon code: SF2024 - Expiry date: February 23, 2024

after that date you'll still have 3% discount with my link using discount code g7y538jc for new users on link above

I've been using spooky for years probably since they started. my latest additions are cold laser and PEMF coil. really easy to use and you can find stuff like remove graphene oxide on there along with pretty much everyelse all updates and free nothing else to pay once you've bought it and customer service always happy to answer anything you ask pretty quick. they also have facebook group etc. After sales or any problems always sorted quickly usually delivered in about 5 days

stay positive and keep your vibration high then you will not live in fear. lots a light, love & healing to you all. If anyone needs any free distant reiki sending just let me know and I'm more than happy to send some !! X

there is nothing more powerful than an idea who's time has come

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Some people have had good results with nano/colloidal silver/gold/copper combined with borax. Regular colloidal silver has had some effect but nano metals are better.

Clifford Carnicom and Dr. Ana Mihalcea have experimented with frequencies and have found none so far that don't kill healthy cells as they kill the nano tech, so be cautious if doing any self-experiments. If you look on Dr. Ana's SS you will find the articles of their results. Also on Carnicom's SS and website :


God Bless.

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I care less if this makes anyone mad. Father in heaven in your sons name of Jesus, I ask and thank you for what you said in Joel that you will cleanse the blood of those you haven't done do before. I ask and thank you for myself and others who have this in them and don't want it and never asked for it.

We don't take the mark of the beast and will not comply I don't for sure. Please help us not give in to the will of those sociopaths who want us dead and want us to kill for them. Thank you Jesus for hearing my prayer even in text form. Thank you and AMEN and AMEN.

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I have to wonder if all the new hi tech street lights being installed world wide that are able to shine a blue light will play a role in the near future and not a good role either

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If you shine a UV light on the face of people who have taken the shot, almost all of them glow like a light bulb. There is a correlation between injFected and the face glow. I believe it will be used as a targeting mechanism for those with the worst payloads in them.

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Maybe it's like the black lights, so if something invisible is around, it becomes visible in that light and creates fear...

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If you put it on a platform like Rumble or X, you can supply a link in a reply comment. There might be another way to upload a video directly from your computer to this comment section. I’m not sure about that. Maybe someone who is tech-savvy here can help out. Thx for offering!

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Okay let me try that.

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It just has to finish processing the video but that will be the link once it’s done.

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This clip still doesn’t work on my phone, but it did on my friend’s computer. Very odd… I was wondering how large these are (approximately). Also, have you tried applying water with trisodium citrate on it? Please report back here if you do! You might want to send this video, along with a statement of your experiences (as to where you’re finding these), to your county and state EPA offices. Based on the covid injection track record of our other “regulatory” agencies, I doubt the federal EPA would do anything about it. Keep records if you send it anywhere! Thanks so much for sharing.

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Thank you I’m glad you were able to view it… they are literally EVERYWHERE so if you have a black light just look on baseboards or take a lint roller to your clothes and then go in a completely dark room, and look at that under the black light, and you will see them all over it, they glow neon blue, and they are very easy to see once you know what you’re looking for. If you’re looking on the baseboards, it’s best to make your flash zoom in, because you can see them easier. You can see them with the naked eye and don’t need magnifying stuff BUT it is VERY interesting when you look at them with a jewelers loop 40X because you can see weird stuff and on some almost like a head or something… my theory is they are spraying them in the sky (because they are outside everywhere in the grass and on furniture) then they are coming in through the AC unit and spreading EVERYWHERE! And I seriously think they are self replicating somehow. As far as the EPA they are totally corrupt 100% just think if the train derailment and chemicals spilled (cent remember town) but if you look into what the EPA did and HID unfortunately they are totally corrupt also.

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I just ordered a black light flashlight and a jeweler’s loop! I’ll report back what I find.

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Yay that’s awesome!!!!!!! I definitely think EVERYONE in the TRUTHER community should at least have a black light and jewelers loop…. I can’t wait to hear back from you!!! When I was researching getting another black light and going through reviews, I saw several pictures from at least five different people that reviewed several different flashlights, and in their pictures, you could see these fibers! So I fully believe every single state and probably country all has them, that’s why I’m shocked I hadn’t found anyone else talking about it!!! Shit maybe I’m just the only crazy person that’s walking around my house with a black light hahahaha

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I did a cursory check last night on baseboards, surfaces and clothes. I did see thousands of what appeared to be little threads colored a very bright blue. In natural light, they are colorless. I watched several of these individually close-up, but did not see any movement as in the video. I will keep checking periodically. If I see any movement, I’ll report back.

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Just tried to open it on my phone but it didn’t work. Maybe it’s still loading. I’m now going to check it on a friend’s computer.

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MY GOD IN HEAVEN. I have the same discovery, although I have found them after they come OUT of the body. Check Twiddler @healgodskids for a few videos of these worms.

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The insanity goes on and on … What kind of swab samples did you test? Any particular brands, or are these the ones used by doctors’ offices?

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SureScreen and Flow Flex this time. FF in these images., but all have been terrible and exhibit similar delivery systems for self replicating horror.

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These swabs are used in the medical settings. Have you looked at swabs or cotton sold in grocery stores? I'm willing to bet it's in all of these products but I have no way of checking.

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A super easy way to check things is with a black light.

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Your channel here is a Jackpot...

Is there a place I can send you a Contribution?

I'm retired and can't afford much, but I want to Thank You for what you're doing here...

Carpe Diem

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You can pledge and cancel any time here on SS. Just go to Karl's page and upgrade to paid. I think he also has a buy-me-a-kofi option where you can pledge one time any amount you like. That kofi option should be at the bottom of this page or Karl's homepage.

So good of you to help him. He's doing great work.

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T369, David Nixon was using Colloidal Gold at one point. You would have to ask him if he still is, and in relation to what. Colloidal Gold is pretty easy to make


Karen Kingston nevertheless cautions that "gold goes straight to the heart and central nervous system". 1:00:46

Karen and David may have discussed this, I don't know.


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Analyzing and Reporting the Movement of Nanoscale Swimmers



Catalytically Propelled Micro- and Nanoswimmers


Controlled Propulsion and Cargo Transport of Rotating Nickel Nanowires near a Patterned Solid Surface


Drug-Carrying Nanoswimmers Could Slither Past the Brain’s Cellular Defenses


Low Dimensional Nanoswimmers


Magnetically actuated rod-shaped nanoswimmers



Magnetically Propelled Fish-Like Nanoswimmers



Mechanisms of transport enhancement for self-propelled nanoswimmers in a porous matrix



Micro- and Nanorobots Swimming in Heterogeneous Liquids


Nanoswimmers Based on Capped Janus Nanospheres



Nanoswimmers Designed for speed


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Brother, I have found some literature about those little worms that you captured swimming in the swab solution. I can't post the videos here, but check out these links to what I believe are older versions of the technology.

Micro- and Nanorobots Swimming in Heterogeneous Liquids


Propulsion and Cargo Transport of Nickel Nanowires


Low Dimensional Nanoswimmers


I hope this helps.

With love,

Justin Coy

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Thank you Justin, I will have a look after I have slept. Completely exhausted for today. Looks interesting.!

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Those are definitely what has been captured in your video, and are definitely what I discovered coming out of the bodies of the infected. The latest versions are called "elastic nanoswimmers" and are somehow related to the face glow. When you feel them moving through the body, they deposit something or alter you in such a way that your face starts to glow orange.

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Unfortunately the face phenomena for me is not a definite anything untill samples have been taken and viewed microscopically. We know many nano materials, fungal infections, and bacteria can cause luminescence, fluorescence, etc. Without further evidence or indication we must assume this phenomena is normal untill genuine reason to infer it is not has been found. Most of our work is done that way and uncertainty is announced as a loose theory until later proven. I reckon you may be right with this but I just wouldn't go touting it as a fact untill I had a few angles of microscopic or analysis based info to support it. Untill then I would state it as a theory. Keep the suggestions and research coming but I recommend labelling it correctly so as to preserve the reputation of your great efforts and so as to ensure we can understand what is really happening. Do you have a microscope Justin ? I should get a woods lamp. Actually I have some I need to wire up.

Regards Karl. C

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Karl C ,

I ended up getting this ,


Can you take a little look ,

Il grab you a coffee,

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I have a very important information to share with you. In the past 3 years I have had 3 surgeries which Fentanyl was used as anesthesia and each time Morgellons went into remission right away. I would love to find answers for this

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Isnt that whats going around the streets in the USA and making everyone look like morgellons victims? very confusing. They are all covered in lesions and their skin is falling off.

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Insane!!! Top microscopy!

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By “swab and buffer,” are you referring to Covid test swabs and buffer? What swab? What buffer?

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thank you Mr C!

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Thank you Karl.C for this report and all of the others. Question: I am unjabbed and wear contact lenses. Early each day I stretch, it's dark, on the floor eyes closed staring at the ceiling light. If I allow a tiny amount of light in I can see debris on my eyes, exactly the shapes you are finding, ribbons and bubbles. Is this just a coincidence? My lens are not in when I do this. Thanks.

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likely not. when my eyes get bad i can see chains of dots, fibers and more. This is enhanced if i use the eyepiece of the microscope to focal change also. Cleaning the eyes home made saline or sodium citrate dilute solution 3 or 4 times a day can really help with vision degradation and these artifacts in my own experience.

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What microscope to you use Karl?

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I use a Leica DM2000 with 4,10,25,40xoil,50xoil,100xoil objectives. It can do phase contrast, DIC, and polarized light microscopy. It has an industrial full sized CCD imager/camera. All in all new price is about 15k upwards, but i got mine used on Ebay from donations through KO-FI. It was so worth it. I cant thank people enough for helping me do my work so I can contribute. Next scope to add will likely be a fluorescence Leica scope for work with nano-materials. Also HPLC analysis device.

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I have the same microscope that Dr. Anna uses from Neogenesis............ do you know if that one is capable of similar optics? I think David Nixon has that one also. I have up to100x with oil. I don't know much about phase contrast, DIC and polarized light. Can you direct me to somewhere I can understand and learn about this? Thanks for taking the time to answer!!

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I would avoid more advanced microscopy topics until you comfortably grasp dark and bright field for now. Some of those are way more complicated with under subjects being required too. Yes David has that scope too. It is reasonably good and will certainly perform as well as you see David and Dr Anna show in their images if you get it all set right. The Leica is in another league to these scopes and is costing about 3x plus the price with basic accessories. The leica is the kind of scope scientists or medical institutes use in high-end labs. I want to upgrade yet again in time. The Leica was a shocking upgrade for me, i really love her so much lol.

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For sure, and glad you're on it and driven to excellence for our sake! Keep up the good work!

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