'Finally bought a microscope on your advice! My blood seems good, and most o' my Peoples are unvaccinated or too scared of the prick! I'm no David Nixon, but boy am I having fun!

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Awesome stuff. Really glad your enjoying it. Microscopy certainly can be fun.

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What microscope did you get?

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I would like to know this as well as the Leica DM2000 is just a little out of my price range. 😊

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Wow! Is this the first time you or anyone you know has seen the multi-colored dots inside rbc's? One wonders what purpose they serve inside rbc's.

I wonder if what Clifford Carnicom calls synthetic rbc's within which he describes and pictures cdb's is the same thing you have here.

"The life is in the blood..." Leviticus 17:11.

The implications of these despicable alterations of human blood are simply horrific.

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Ive seen this before but wasnt sure i was seeing it correctly on my last scope. There is an older article about that. This time it is extremely clear. The CDB Clifford speaks seems to be as if it must be one and the same. But rather than bacteria it might be more accurate to call it synthetically engineered organisms.

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The word "organism" suggests they are alive and I'm not sure they are if we use traditional criteria for determining if something is living vs.: non-living. It may be more precise to call them synthetically engineered microstructures (sem's), more like machines that resemble living microorganisms. This may seem to be quibbling, but I think it's important. To recapitulate, I think we need to determine if these entities are alive or not. I don't think they reproduce as that term has been traditionally understood in biology (reproductive capacity has historically been a necessary criterion among others in order to say that something is living). To date what I believe has been shown is that they grow in size and complexity using material found in living things. As such they are infestations and behave like saprophytes but without actually being alive. Growth and increasing complexity does not prove that something is alive.

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This could also be very correct. They don't have to follow the processes or nature of anything natural when they are designed. Some of their papers do indicate the ability to create custom actual living organisms and the implications are you could probably make a whole living animal. But that probably isn't necessary and i think you are likely right in what you explain here.

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a lot like the humanoid robots already in existence - a little too close to reality and just far enough removed

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Clifford is describing cross domain bacteria. Animal/Plant/Mineral all in one organism, so yes, he says they are clearly synthetically engineered. I have thought he calls them "bacteria" due to their size and for lack of a better word. Maybe it's time to coin a new word? Thanks for your work.

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I think cdb is a poor term for multiple reasons. Clifford said in the past that the entities had characteristics of 3 domains of life including, eukaryotes (organisms whose cells contain a true nucleus), prokaryotes (single-celled organisms whose cells lack a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles) and archea, a more primitive form of prokaryote such as the extremophiles. Minerals are not one of the domains of life in that they are non-living and inert.

Cross domain bacteria may in fact be synthetic entities that are not alive by traditional criteria and instead may be totally synthetic microstructures that set up a kind of saprophytic existence in living things. An example would be the ability to harvest various metallic and other chemical elements and molecules from which increasingly larger structures are built (think about the strange "clots" being found in the living and dead which appear not to be composed of blood constituents [no rbcs, hemoglobin, platelets etc.]). This then would be the self-organizing and self-assembly into larger structures that are then visible using light microscopy as Nixon, Mihalchea, Karl and others are documenting.

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This is also great, for a very long time i assumed part of the processes seen with morgellons disease were of this Frankenstein organization where customized features of organisms are manipulated in order to just create materials for the other processes in short. The protocells can do part of this themselves. this is what i think causes this and morgellons disease. I shall record structures unpacking over night.

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Thanks for all the replies Karl. When Clifford first started speaking about cdb's I thought he meant that a living organism with a totally created genome ("hobbled" together you might say, from parts of 3 different domains) had been created in the lab. Over time, it appeared that this was not what he was describing, hence the inability back then to culture it in the blood, tissue etc. without employing the spit-wine test which was performed only on oral specimens. I thought that was odd at the time. If it was a new and unique form of bacteria-like entity, I thought it should have been culturable from human tissue/blood/secretions in the standard way with one of the bacterial growth media, but it couldn't be at that time. It's one of the reasons I began thinking it must be non-living. It may be that culturing what is referred to as cdb's using the spit wine test for example, is not actually culturing so much as providing a more favorable environment for the structures to proliferate in a non-living way (increasing in size and complexity, including the formation of crystals and filaments). An example would be the marked response to EMR's of varying frequency. This is a phenomenon which was not typical of living tissue/organisms in the past as far as I am aware.

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John - as someone who followed Cliff's work from the git-go with the chemtrails substance investigations circa 2002, I too was puzzled why he could not get specimens to efficiently reproduce even under biologically "ideal" conditions. I'm still not sure what Cliff thought at the time or even much later, about what type of life he was finding inside the polymer (or carbon) filaments. Perhaps he suspected but did not expressly publish his suspicions that it was some new synthetic form capable of reproducing without the need for biological ingredients.

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I have heard both Dr. Ana Mihalcea and Clifford Carnicom state - in the same interview - that what's being discovered inside the (polymer?) fibers found in the vials and the blood are same as the polymer fibers in the chemtrails, rainwater, synthetic clots in corpses, food, meds, injectables of all sorts etc. and that all these fibers, from all these different substances and environmental vectors, incorporate the cross-domain-bacterium. What baffles me still to this day is how these fibers can almost spontaneously erupt in a sample, especially in the presence of EMF and electric fields, and that the cdb's appear inside, assumable fully-formed, at a similar phenomenal rate. How is this happening? I thought bacterium cells (as we used to understand it) took at least a few hours to replicate in a petri dish, or did I miss something in Biology 101 ?

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Yes this has been suspected for a long time and when Clifford confirmed some of this via analysis it really helped give me confidence in some of the tests i did like the ones using polarized light microscopy and more. Dr Ana i think was just reiterating Cliffords work which has been followed by the morgellons people for many years now. I have done a lot of environmental testing over the years and no longer do this. You will find almost nothing that is without the contamination unfortunately. Only thing to after that was to examine how it does what it does in the body and find a way to fix it there. the environment will have to wait till after.

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It seems to me, they are purporting that these entities are totally synthetic and not natural, that is, they may appear to have characteristics of 3 different biological domains but are not constructed from nor are they combinations of any of them. Clifford has indicated that he chose the cdb moniker because the proper experts failed to become involved, implying that the name could be misleading in some respects. This would seem to mean that the structures inside rbc's that Clifford has discussed and provided pictures of, are actually totally synthetic and from a traditional perspective are non-living even though they can move about and have some other characteristics of living things. I may be wrong about this however because I have never heard the precise nature of these entities discussed by Clifford or Ana. There is a debate about how a synthetic biological entity should be defined so as to differentiate it from a natural biological entity. Traditionally, there were multiple criteria that must be satisfied, including ability to reproduce independently (viruses failed that one hence, they were said to not be alive) but were allegedly contagious which seemed to violate a fundamental axiom.

Are what Karl has found the same entities described by Clifford (cdb's in rbc's or not?

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Pretty much what Clifford explained. Synthetic biology is anything that is engineered or created from methods not known to nature. It may be identical to natures creations or be completely unheard of in existence but it is not natural and therefor synthesized as i would see it. These organisms are likely Frankenstein organisms with other stuff going on. I think maybe they are part organism and part not.

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I have the very same question John, with respect to the "cross-domain-bacteria" label. I cannot be sure if Cliff ever proved that it was any form of natural life as we understand it, or even if he could have done so. I'm seeing the polymer fiber cdb entities now as more of a machine than life. The whole virus theory never made any sense to me, nor does it now, for the same reason that you state - how could it replicate without the needed biological properties and cellular components to do so ? That's why I tacitly subscribe to terrain theory.

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Me too. Does anyone else consider that the origins of these collective phenomena we see - possibly came from fragments off asteroids/comet debris? It's a distinct possibility.......

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No, it came from a bunch of assholes.

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Ur-anus perhaps ? Maybe a wayward ASSteroid, posing as a criminal cabal we call politicians and officials, perhaps?

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hahaaa we know that part !

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If this tech did waft in to our solar system haphazardly on an errant draft of intergalactic cosmic wind, it definitely got co-opted by the worst of the human race now in power over the hapless human race on planet earth.

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that was my point exactly !

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I'm sure I read a researcher's claim that these fibre entities are also magnetic in their composition- would that explain it? what with all of the electrical fields at play/being manipulated the way they are - is it surprising? whatever the case, "their" optimum environment is overtaking ours at the same pace.

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Unfortunately, I pull dozens of fibers from within and around morgellons lesions daily. These are the fully grown formed fibers, possibly morphologically different than what we see in the blood, but damn big and long, most 2 to 3 inches (longest 5") when extracted. They do have very anomalous properties for sure and have a slightly magnetic property : they will adhere to a neodymnium magnet at any rate. Much stranger is that other types of fibers grow right out of unbroken skin, i.e. not from a lesion, and look to consist largely of metal, copper and aluminum from appearances. Weird yet true.

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it's good of you to report those good observations

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Nov 27, 2023
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It should not be quite common. Blood parasites and other organisms inside an RBC indicate infection. The RBC itself should be uninhabited in healthy people. All though many people have diseases they never get diagnosed and so suffer illness under another diagnosis commonly.

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These strands could be of bacterial origin. Bacteria produce ( colorful) filaments in saline oxygenated environment. I dont know for the blinking dots though. It might be metallic, reflective particles yes from spraying and it gets inhaled or eaten eventually. I am in Florida and the house dust is massive I dont know why at all. I'm on the outskirts and even have filters running. It seems insane the dust I cannot remember I had dust like this as a kid in Europe. Never. I.have to dust and clean constantly. Considering more airfilters even. It really is astounding and at a minimum aggrevating.

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These are definitely following construction stages of nanotechnology unfortunately. Read previous articles and you will see many observations have already been backed by other methods. Still collecting info and doing new tests regularly. Cant afford a mass spectrometer lol.

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It seems the dust is from what they're spraying in the skies. It's tiny but then seems to gather together like a dust bunny once it's landed.

Not to freak you out, but some say it's nano aluminum which can go through almost any filters and fill houses and is highly flammable. That's why houses burn to the ground in Lahaina and other places but the trees don't.

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Recently, and this is off topic of the blood and more on the dust, a strange phenomenon has been happening around where I live. Five other people and myself have had our bbq grills catch fire on the outside of the grill. I’ve never seen one do that before! They burned super hot and fast. I said to my husband that I wondered if it was some sort of accelerant that is being sprayed above the area or something? Anyway it is a disturbing thought.

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That's exactly what the nano aluminum was called in the article I read. An accelerant. That is and has been sprayed for years. According to the article it said the ignition of combustion are frequencies from wireless tech like smart meters, etc. I have no way personally of saying whether this is true or false, but it does explain why some things burn intensely and others don't. Thanks for telling us your experience.

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Nov 28, 2023
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Patti, have you posted any of these pictures? This sounds valuable

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Patti - all of this sounds much like my experience with Morgellons. Sorry for this graphic description, but when blood lets out from a lesion, or materials therefrom which I must remove in a hot bath, I can visibly see filaments form immediately in the bath water or simply oozing out of the lesion, from the blood and fluids which seem like synthetic lubricant, that issue from the lesion sight. I'm sorry this is gross to discuss, but it's useful to hear you describe what you and others are seeing in the blood under a microscope, correspond to what I observe myself, sadly everyday. The fluids are instantly becoming filamentary, is my point.

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you describe things so well - it's helpful

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RBC's are non-nucleated. I don't think anyone has ever published flashing lights inside RBC's before. If they have, I would love to see the documentation of it.

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Nov 27, 2023
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Hate to say this but spirochetes cannot crawl. They are called spirochetes due to their method of motility. They drill through liquids and tissues. Spirochetes are EXTREMELY active and move very fast unless they are unwell or dead. which is how i like them. I had Lyme disease and probably still do, it sucks. Maybe it was proteins being sucked out or something else ?

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Interesting. Have you ever seen flashing lights inside RBC's that emanate from small round structures?

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Patti - do you recall seeing the colored light-emitting dots in any blood samples pre-Covid ? Just wondering if what Karl is seeing in above photos from apparently within the cells, may be a different type of artifact than what Dr. Ana and others have been seeing in the blood plasma, post Covid era...

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I believe these are the same thing we have been seeing for years. I have seen same phenomena since ive had what i thought was morgellons disease.

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Hmmmm... could these ‘things’ be attracted to oxygen? Which is why we see them going after the red blood cells?

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It does grow faster in oxygen rich environments.

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What effect then would be exposure of these to methylene blue?

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Likely very little since the action of Methylene blue is one of antimicrobial activity and biofilm breakdown. This is largely polymer material but also a huge amount of other complex stuff too. The answer will likely lay with particular proteins and enzymes and i will explain why soon. Any biological part of this has likely been custom designed and probably does not behave like natural organisms do and maybe drug resistant too.

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I also suspect they are thriving for Iron too, as per Matt’s video on how RBC’s are transformed into a mushy orange goo inside a dark pool.

On next Zoom I will provide a link to a study showing a similar alignment of Iron in a blood sample.

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Yes Clifford Carnicom has explained this very bad transition and interference of Iron in the body due the presence of the material. I think it is also why when I first got ill that the tiniest ever iron filings you ever saw were ejecting from my hands. Most painful, I thought I'd shattered my drills, but no it happened for days.

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Excellent point.

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Nov 27, 2023
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Hello there. Have you spoken to David Nixon?

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Nov 28, 2023
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I know i slip up responding sometimes and that David gets extremely busy. He is kept very busy with all this as are most researchers. I am sure its just that. I know he likes to try respond.

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What is your Substack name?

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I thought RBCs shed their nucleus very quickly once they are "born" in the bone marrow and released? Why would RBCs commonly have visible nucleus in the bloodstream?

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Nov 28, 2023
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I just saw that. Thanks.

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So happy you have the new camera in production for experiments Karl. I'll be sending some more funds via Ko-Fi next paycheck for your next purchase, even if it's just for lab materials.

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Very kind Mark, everyone is on this team ! if only we were all trying to save the planet lol

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Karl - would you care to speculate, please, on the fibrous entities ? Do you notice them more, or rather less, abundant, or unchanged amount in the sample after application of the h.peroxide ? I have my suspicions they are same, or at least similar, to samples I often extract from M. lesions, though I have nothing more than a magnifying glass to inspect them with. Some have barely visible striations but I have never seen one where a smaller strand seems to entwine around the fiber as in above photo. Yeah, I'm jealous of all your great microscopy gear, but very thankful you do have it, and know how to use it !!

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Hydrogen peroxide seems to break it down, bind it to the H202, and then it seems to form high concentrations of fibers and other structures in that area. It always forms more in slides near the edges where their is more access to air too. Alkaline environment seems to increase structure yield i believe, confirming that but it makes sense.

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oh no ! isn't the advice to keep our body more alkaline?

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In general yes. It may not work against you as much inside the body if you are alkaline, but maybe so more in the dish. Hard to tell yet what the rate of increase is in different complex environments.

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The warped RBCs also suggest that the technology thrives in an an-aerobic environment, just like rot...

Quite appropriate match for the enablers and the enforcers...

Oxygenation of blood seems to be a better and better idea. However, my RBC looked like crap in the summer and my blood oxygen level was 100 percent...

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Maybe testing with other substances is in order?

Liquid EDTA

Colloidal silver

Methylene Blue

Gel ivermectin

Liposomal VIT C

Dissolved Baking Soda

Dissolved Borax

Kitchen sink 😉

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Many of these have been tested to no avail. EDTA was good, but now it seems the EDTA is also contaminated too.

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Oh, and Chlorine Dioxide

I just remembered something I saw about a month and a half ago.. People with Morgellons putting hydrogen peroxide on their skin and finding that it created a layer on the skin that looked like plastic. Your test here seems to back that up with the way it’s all reacting to hydrogen peroxide. Perhaps because it migrates towards it it’s bring the nanotechnology to the surface of the skin....? 🤔🤷🏼‍♀️

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I would add boron supplements and nanosilver to the list.

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Borax is boron.

Colloidal silver it nano silver.

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This has been my concern, that this technology gets into the RBC , and takes over the cell , or in other cells shutdown the mitochondria the (power plants , , or re codes the DNA in the mitochondria, as they have there own DNA inside the mitochondria, If this happens, they want live a full lifespan , with rapid aging , Along side the rubber snakes clots that grow , and stop blood flow , to the heart ,

As I’m still not sure when people

Go to sleep and don’t wake up , whether it’s , a heart attack during the sleep ,! Which is possible, or the mitochondria are in trouble, and can’t produce ATP as energy, to sustain life ,

I can’t wait to get my microscope

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Excellent work! ■ Appreciated. M

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Does anyone know when the nano- particles were first being distributed to the public? I was told it’s been used for decades. If true, why haven’t we seen it in the blood? Asking for my brother.

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It has been seen in the blood by Live blood analysts for years. They were told these were artifacts or didn't know what to think until suddenly everyone had it bursting out of blood samples like crazy which of course made it easy to see something was always wrong for some people. This is what was know as morgellons disease for the last 40 years. Not delusions as the gov's said. It was a long going experiment for the run up to today.

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Thanks Karl

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Wow - some contributions are fabulous!!! So happy!!

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It’ll be interesting to see if there are any changes with regular blood donation.

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I get a big charge hearing about your Leica.

Somewhere back in the 50s my father and his research colleague took an extended trip to Germany

where his colleague was from. His wife stayed with us for the duration. Her family owned a hotel in the Black Forest. Along with the suitcase full of Steiff animals, all I remember for years after was hearing about the German wines that never reached export, and the technology of German glass. The

latter 'tirade' never ended.

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NIce, sounds like a nice old bit of nostalgic history id like to go see in my head. The future seems to suck lol The Leica is very nice indeed.

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I am ordering my microscope so I can view my own unvaccinated blood. I wonder if ones blood type has any effects.

I recovered from Covid-19 in July 2021 (read my Substack account) and a month later I got my blood tested. I had a high level of lgG and lgM. A month later the lgG level had dropped and again in March of the next year. I will be getting another blood test next month. The red blood cells recovered by Mar. 2022.

Sars-Cov-2 lgG >1.39.......Aug. 21....... 7.74.......Sept. 21....... 6.13.......Mar. 2022......6.07

Sarz-Cov-2 lgM >0.99.......Aug. 21........3.09.......Sept. 21.........0.81.......Mar.2022........0.00

RDW 11.5-15.0.....................Aug. 21........14.1.......Sept. 21.........16.7....... Mar. 2022......17.6

CBC .................................................Anisocytosis.................... Anisocytosis............................ normal

Anyone here know about blood and can give me more info on my results?

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All i can say is it is clear the covid shot poison mounts a huge immune response in most. It seems to make sense it would calm down after time. Keep detoxing, dieting wise and all that. Hope your feeling much better.

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I also had covid in September 2021 along with everyone in my household. We all recovered but the others recovered faster than me. I was hit hard and was laid up for about 4 weeks. I couldn't shake it but there was 3 or 4 days I got worried. No breathing issues but the sinus, congestion, and coughing would not go away. I even blew out my rib muscles from coughing so hard. I ended up nebulizing food grade hydrogen peroxide close to the 4th week and it cleared up within a couple of days. None of us took the jab. I had my yearly checkup in mid-December of 2021 and had a full blood panel done. It came back perfect. My doctor told me it's the best he's ever seen it. It was the same in 2022. No issues. He still asked if I wanted the jab in December 2021 after I had covid. I just looked at him like he was out of his damn mind. It was a no. Edit: Everyone in my home is either O- and O+

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I am unjabbed and had covid in October 2022. Previously quite healthy 56 year old on no medications. I was very ill as well but had zero respiratory symptoms. My symptoms were severe headache, fever, nausea, fatigue, loss of taste/smell. Absolutely no cough or nasal congestion. Took me 3 months before I felt normal again but the heart palpitations lasted almost 6 months. All of my jabbed friends and family did not get as sick as I did.

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Short version. LOL I've been run through the medical ringer since the early 90's. I was in the military during the Gulf War era and was injured. The VA also has me under the umbrella of Gulf War Syndrome. I've had a few surgeries over the years, some strange health issues, and too many drugs to count. I've been against big pharma since 2015 since it was taking a toll on my health. I've been using mostly holistic and alternative medicine to treat myself since 2015. The power of plants is amazing. I knew vaccines were making me extremely ill while in the military and never took another when I got out in 1996. I need to look into the recent PACT Act since it covers burn pits. There's no telling what I was around or exposed to over there. I did 3 tours which was about a year. I was medically destroyed in 2011 and financially destroyed by 2013. It took some time before we got out of that hole. We were able to pay off the debts without filing bankruptcy and restore our credit back to over 800+ again. It wasn't an easy road. The VA gave me total disability rating in 2020 before they shut everything down. That's like getting blood out of a turnip. I'm 53 so I was 51 when I had the covid.

I had it on 9/3/21 and you listed all of our symptoms. I remember it starting off as one of the worst migraines I've ever had. I did run a low-grade fever, very nauseated, fatigued, congested/sinus/cough, and also the loss of taste and smell. I remember being so tired and weak that it was just difficult to get around. It was difficult to eat from the nausea. All of us experienced this in my home. The wife was out about 10 days before going back to work even though she wasn't feeling her best over the next 5 days. She bounced better than all of us. She eats very well and exercises. My children were out for about 15 days. And I'm sitting here for a month not improving much until I nebulized food grade hydrogen peroxide. We were on all the supplements that you see being discussed on Substack. I think my prior health issues made it worse for me. It was a slow recovery. The loss of taste and smell stuck around for about 3 months even though it was improving. I had to fast and do lab work about 1 week before my annual checkup. My annual checkup was schedule 1 week later before Christmas of 2021. Everything came back perfect. Same for 2022. And I was supposed to have my annual checkup on December 20, 2023 but they cancelled it. I've had to cancel my lab work since my appointment was cancelled. It seems my doctors are becoming sicker and are out of the office more than usual since the jab was mandatory for them to keep their jobs. They also had many who waited until they were terminated to draw benefits because they weren't taking it. They have been short staffed for almost 2 years until they lifted the mandatory jabs. Some medical professionals have since sued and won. They were reinstated with retroactive pay. They can no longer mandate masks, jabs, or closures in TX after the law that was passed earlier this year.

On the plus side, we were eating clean food out of garden and supplementing it with the farmers nearby. We have been cutting out all the toxic and chemically laced foods, hygiene, and cleaning products for a while. This more than likely helped us. I started growing microgreens and sprouts after recovering. We also buy all our organic, non-GMO, and non-vaxxed meat and dairy from the ranchers. Nearly all hygiene and cleaning products are simple with a handful of ingredients. We try out best to stay away from the toxic grocery stores. We have all noticed a huge improvement in our health over the past 2+ years.

I know a lot of people out here in the rural area. When something happens out here, news travels faster than lightening. Everyone was updating everyone as to what was going on. I didn't see anyone wearing masks out here either. There are some who came down with covid and it was just like a mild cold or flu. I only know one person who died from covid in about 1 week. He was a friend of mine. It took him down quick. He was 73, not jabbed, didn't believe in pharmaceuticals, ate right, exercised, great shape, and good health. He could run circles around people half his age. I know he wouldn't let them use remdesivir or intubate him either. He knew. Most everyone in the rural area where I live didn't take the jabs. I only know 3 people who took it because of their underlying health conditions. One of them now how cancer in her lungs and breasts. However, there are several who took it on my side of the family and nearly everyone on my wife's side. One person on my side has passed. My sister always seems to be sick. My FIL passed away about 2 months ago. My wife uncle followed about 5 weeks later. My MIL has clots in her lungs and has gone downhill quick. She can't even remember anyone of her 5 children. I've read other comments saying the same about memory issues. I have a feeling she will be next. One of my nephews on my wife side had colon cancer at 37 and they removed a section of it. So far, he's been okay and coming to visit in January. He also has a lot of contacts for tradition Chinese medicine since he worked in Asia. This has also helped him. Not long after he gets back on his feet, his wife is diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer and undergoing treatment. All of them were jabbed. I have a feeling were going to be getting more bad news and attending more funerals. There isn't one single unjabbed person I know who is sick, dying, or dead. Some of my wife's coworkers who took it are having issues like clots and always getting sick now. They don't understand why it's happening. I don't know why they can't connect the dots.

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Thank you for sharing so much information -- I find this the best part about this community!

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Yes, I agree! I've been able to piece many things together by reading other comments. I've also learned a lot holistic and alternative medicine here. It just takes time to sift through all of it but I do have a lot of time on my hands.

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I put hydrogen peroxide on my blood about 8 months ago and recorded it.

There was a strange energetic, repetitive, pulsing thing happening... something under a large bubble was ((seemingly)) trying to survive but appeared to be dying and it was shooting out these bubbles of energy? In one direction... and the bubbles would reach something else and pop or become one with the other thing and towards the end there was actual electricity or light flashes? ...😅

I am so NOT playing around...

i am serious. I really want to show someone this ... where can I post it?

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Substack. Free to join. The community is great. You can share your Substack link with us so we can see.

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Yes. I’ve seen this.

Where can I show my findings?

What I have is VERY STRANGE....

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I've been using 3% on my gnarly arm 'eczema' and seen to have made big progress getting the large amount of white 'stuff' dissolved. It's taken a lot of time and applications, but a breakthrough a few days ago and no itching in a spot I managed to get so deep that it looked a bit scary for a bit, still tender today, feels bruised.

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