Boil it all down... the common denominator in USA thanks to the stupid FDA is high corn fructose... the liver knows it’s poisonous so it stores the fat round itself to protect the body... yet the FDA think it’s okay to do this to people... fatty liver is the end game... several teenagers a year end up needing liver transplant.. but again FDA think that’s okay... cute is inisotol and choline.. these two alone remove fats cells from the liver again.. the FDA know but kept it to themselves... you Americans should be shouting for the fda to be closed down ... period!!!!

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Please see https://xochipelli.substack.com/ for top notch information about the current covert deployment of transhumanism through virtually all vectors of products we use daily, which is a massive crime against humanity and those enemies of life need to be stopped.

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This is awesome, thanks for the share. incredible info on here too. keep sharing these posts.

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Very interesting Substack! Thanks for the link!

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Karl.C

We badly need a good detox protocol that deal with this stuff. I know Dr Ana and others have some ideas, but we also need to address those rubbery clots that are caused by this stuff. I mean: many are looking at blood or drink or food into microscope, but in the end that's only what is floating inside the blood... What is killing people are those rubbery clots and we need a protocol to dissolve them!

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An enzyme known to dissolve hydrogel. Papaya

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Do we have proof? Did someone watch the blood before papain and after papain? Anyone checked if it was able to dissolve the big rubber clots?

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The scientific study only states that it dissolves hydrogel.

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Maybe you can borrow a pair of wings from the angels LOL

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Amazing work! What puzzles me is there is yet to be discussion of how this may relate to LNPs in the clotshots...

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These appear to be part of the same thing. These Q-dots are a form of lipid nano particle. You might find this an interesting read from the other side of the story. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35884842/

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Do you think it’s possible these fibers are sort of artifacts like they are just lint from environment? I looked at my masks with a regular microscope a few years ago and of course have been following all this dark field stuff like a hawk but I’m wondering if we just didn’t start looking at stuff till now so we didn’t see that it contained “fibers” before? In my masks I found these and they looked just like what I’m seeing here. Although it seemed like for a while no on that was unvaxxed was seeing it in their blood? Can you verify and compare what you was before contamination?

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This has been done repeatedly a long time ago. Clifford Carnicom and various other scientists have even performed chemical analysis and spectroscopy. We have all compared fibers. we have shown previously in other places that the fibers are formed and how they form. Now we are more so concerned with what their purpose is and the various other morphological features also. It seems very complicated. please see Dr Ana's info and Carnicom instute.org for further investigation on your part to understand the fibers and what has been done do prove or disprove their composition/nature. I have images and documents from ages ago on storage somewhere and haven't got time to go finding them at the moment. eventually ill put those up too. sorry i don't have them to hand right now. Thanks.

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Yes I follow Dr Ana as well so I’ve seen that. And I did feel like the fibers I saw were weird and had stuff inside of them like a straw. We have a dark field here in the area that I’m trying to get my hands on for further research of the blood I just wanted before photos to compare it to as well. Thanks for your reply!

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look for the dots, and pseudo fungus like bloods aligning to form some fibers. some for extremely fast, some very slow. once the sample is dry it will certainly slow down or likely come to a stop.

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14 hrs ago

Liked by Karl.C

These can’t be polyester or garnment material, which are iridescent but quite dull and uniform but, most of all, they do not have any dots. The fibers seen in blood or in the Fizer vakcine vials are closer to optic fibers with coloured quantum dots. I have not seen a long exposition video of these dots moving inside the « ribbons » yet, only still images.

Please visit drdavidnixon.com for a stunning video of nanobots’ constructions as well as these optic fibers connecting to crystals or nixonlab Substack.

From the start, the scientists from La Quinta Columna (laquintacolumna.net in Spanish, English subtitles available) have examined vakcine vials. They have found the same crystals and fibers identified as nano circuits and antenaes controlled by radio frequencies. A must!

Have fun!

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Ive seen these, Dr Nixon has shared his work and some of my posts as kind as he is. I didn't try to focus on redoing what these guys have observed so much as i want to see whats under the hood. So i am looking more at what we are missing, if we are missing more ???

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deletedAug 26, 2023Liked by Karl.C
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Yes Ive seen this and had a person sharing there work on 3 vials the year before. Last It is very disturbing. I hate what these guys have done to us.

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Have you seen Dr. Rachid Buttar video (link from Ray Horvath Substack)?


I am not the only one thinking that they are distracting us with inflation, vakcines and mandates, fires, catastrophes, 5,Gee!, false climate changes, junk food and Internet (the modern roman « bread and games ») while preparing the coup de grâce on humanity.

May God help us all, as Five Times August shared with us:


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many distractions right now. Confusion for the masses is key. when you think you have researched the truth there will be some shocking twist. time will tell as always.

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I sense a great deal of sadness in your comment and I wholeheartedly sympathize with you, while hoping that it's not resignation.

However small, our questioning and our efforts to find even a shred of truth are essential in this battle.

We are constantly bombarded, mass manipulation, and that’s their goal. Others fighters too are aiming to get rid of this nanotechnology despite the fact that it's horrifying to know it's inside our bodies and growing.

As far as I'm concerned, I am sick but I can't even rely on the doctor assigned to me by the Provincial health care system (Canada) to provide care that deviates from that ordered by the College of Physicians. This situation drives me mad and furious at the same time and I constantly postpone my visits for I have lost confidence. But, at the same time I console myself by thinking of the post-injections severely afflicted individuals who are led to believing that it's a hereditary or personal condition, or the good old excuse that ageing has become.

Knowing their thirst for power, humanity control and extinction plans are wonderful assets. Many good people in various fields are trying to find a way to end this highly financial game pushing the media and governments to comply to the WEF Agenda 2030. Their puppets, however, still don't realize that they too are their "hackable animals" and that the elites will only share their assets with very, very FEW of them -pun intended.

Electricity, 5G, chemtrails and the other weapons of destruction currently being deployed worldwide by OUR military are the key to killing our internal invaders.

Moreover, by exposing their deleterious actions, many people will finally name some of the phenomena they're already seeing, and it's to be hoped that they'll join us soon. Every piece of the puzzle is important!

Let’s have faith and keep fighting tooth and nail, within our means. REMEMBER THAT WE ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS BATTLE, no matter how big or small our contribution!

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well said. Love the strong spirit !!

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No, those don't look like textile fibers, hair, or paper towel fibers to me. Is anyone collecting a list of microscoper stacks in a list that can be updated over time?

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Great idea, Lee ... I will post the ones I have collected so far on my Stack. I think I have 5 or so ... 6 once I get my scope! ;-). ~~ j ~~

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I have at least one post I plan for, but need to do more investigating first. One regret I have is is throwing out dried slides instead of keeping them. I plan to keep, date, and document from now on.

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Keeping them wet will show more over time. The dried blood will highlight that there is something wrong. ;)

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I've only looked at or taken pictures while the sample is wet. However, I still plan to keep to look at later to compare. If not useful as dried, I will discard. Are you saying there's no purpose in looking at dried? I haven't tried to know.

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No i think much can be observed from all observations possibly available. i just find it is more active dry. All observations are good observations. Dr Oyoung shows the effects of some dried vaccine blood.

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I'm seeing things other than blood, in the blood, so it is more about that. Makes sense

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I find that a drop of distilled water beside the cover slip reactivates it as it penetrates underneath. Keep all the dried samples.

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great idea. I had to get rid of my dry samples. they are infectious and i couldn't store that many. i must of thrown out 600 0r 700 slides in the last few years lol.

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Here is the link to Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea about « filaments » construction developing from « a drop of Meningococcal vaccine… »:


« Initially, no filaments were present but they did develop, as shown below. Classic spheres that are the construction sites for the filaments were also seen. »

There are fibers and loops too. Very similar to your beautiful picture.

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Picture # 561.5 shows a rectangle with QDs and a fold. It reminded me of picture # 165.8 connecting or disconnecting from the optic fiber and, it could be the original state of an unfolded fiber. Has this been explored?

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Not sure where those image numbers come from, maybe substack renumbers uploads. I think Dr nixon shows good work of it where he and others suggest the optic fiber scenario as being a possibility.

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Neighbor brought first dozen

Potatoes soon to harvest

....... garlic and onions almost ready to harvest.

......just a start......

Mitigation re water not yet addressed.

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deletedAug 18, 2023Liked by Karl.C
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Seen that on food products lately, scary as hell.

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