Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

Great work. So amazing to get the confirmation from illustrious AI. Let's see BigPharma deny it after AI says it's true. God bless us all.

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Agh yea, that's why there's a disclaimer at the bottoms of chatgpt 4 saying it does get stuff wrong. But so far it has only gotten stuff wrong it lied about and appolagised for. Weird.

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Thanks Karl

This is New Territory...

So, Does AI have a Conscience and felt the need to apologize for lying?

Why did it "feel" the need to lie?

Was/Is it programmed to hold things back that we as humanity may not be ready for?

Who determines what we are/are not ready for?

Why not just deliver the "Verified" Facts/Truth (as we know it), Objectively; with multiple outcomes based on courses of action? Top 10 etc.

Carpe Diem

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It has an agenda, it's politeness is just a programmed response to say....damn, you caught me, my mistake, here's the info you asked for now. That is signs of a programmed algorithm working to hide information. AI and machineearning Coders will know this

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Oct 14Liked by Karl.C


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Yes & Thank You

We first got a Glimpse of the AI Form & Function Dynamics concept years ago with the film: "2001 A Space Odyssey" and the HAL 9000...

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can't forget that one....remember the chilling shoe-drop moment when the guy realises "it" just spoke back at him.....it went downhill from there,

stuff of nightmares for sure

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Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

Because it's a complete lie in itself, a scam. Like everything else. AI cannot feel or even think, it has no sovereignty!

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Sensible questions. I am spending a few hours every day interrogating ChatGPT on medical issues I am personally facing, to try to find the answers that medicine has not been able to provide to me personally for my health issues. I am finding it very useful in that quest. But like Karl, I have challenged it when it has deliberately obfuscated the truth, at which stage it comes back with an admission that it was wrong and an apology, but let's not confuse words with feelings. It is programmed to be polite, and as a machine, is ego free. It can admit freely to what looks like mistakes. However, the ONLY mistakes I have so far caught it making are those that arise out of "the genocide agenda", where it will deliberately mislead on the current health topics of interest. The most recent one I caught, is it using the terms folic acid and folate interchangeably. Folic acid is a dangerous man-made toxin that masquerades as folate, a naturally occurring essential nutrient. Part of the global propaganda is that the toxic version must be added to all white bread/four/rice/baby food products, masquerading as a nutrient, to supposedly save a tiny handful of babies from Spina bifida.

But its deliberate manipulation of some facts is not all bad - it has forced a level of intellectual rigor on me that I have rarely experienced in my life and which I have to admit I am enjoying. And it is leading me personally to identify more taboo topics. If it makes mistakes it is because it is supposed to - and where it makes mistakes tells us what the important topics to the controllers are.

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Good thinking Christine-don’t fall in love with it though! There are always more AI’s lurking around-remember you told me you found more of them somewhere!

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Truth is: AI cannot lie. It is not a sovereign thinking being. AI cannot lie period. AI is PROGRAMMED by human beings that DO lie.

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One lie is enough, in my book.

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Hi Karl.

Do you know the report by Dani Díaz from @InfoVacunas that he wrote in 2022 about lipid nanoparticles?

He concluded by saying "Covid vaccines contain ingredients necessary to glue graphene with biological tissues and generate new hybrid neural interfaces"

From what it seems, these lipid nanoparticles are found everywhere in the form of hydrogels.

And not only in human beings.

I also find hydrogels in my cats' blood.

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They some times use different language and describe slightly different structures as gel beads, and all sorts. Gets rather confusing. But I did not read that one, must of slipped by, do share a document link if you get time. But yes, it is in everything now and just getting worse.

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The report is only 8 pages long and is in Spanish. I have commented on it here because he already gave maximum importance in 2022 to lipid nanoparticles for the transhumanist process, since they are key to tissue hybridization.

Dani made a video subtitled in English and some translated informs, but I can't share them here.

If you want, I can find the links to some reports and videos translated into English that he has on his channel, but there are few that are translated. I can send you the links privately

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Yes please thank you so much

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Exactly. The key question is can we extract these foreign substances not only from blood but from tissue? Can we abort the process? The nastiness arises because many of the suggested "remedies" actually, in my opinion, impact the body negatively: lowering subtle energetic fields. I'm not a scientist nor versed in scientific language. I speak only from an intuitive sense. I believe we cannot accept defeat by simply saying nothing can be done so I form part of the camp to continue hypothesizing and soon self-experimentation. I want all my bases covered, though, before I begin.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Karl.C

There are different types of vesicles with different contents/technologies inside. Hydrogel is a sine quanon for the loading and release of materials. It is a medium, although it can also be used in the construction of the same walls or membranes, since they are polymers. and one type of vesicles are made by them. What the pharmaceutical companies said about the composition of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) is misleading. LNPs are the vesicles (?). What do they really mean by that term (?). Keep in mind that there are walls/"membranes" that are not made of lipids. Some of these walls are made of graphene/chitosan like "vinyl records" + CNTs. They are waterproof and very resistant. All this load/material within the vesicles seeks to alter the tissues to create resistant bodies (?) and increase capacities (?). In this experiment, most of the people die, as they do not resist such a modification./ hybridization. Another path of construction is pursued. They are disruptive technologies.

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Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

If you have ever watched any of RichieFromBoston you will have seen some of the videos he made about the web-like materials he video recorded in the air and on trees etc. These are the silk web like structures sprayed in the sky and falling on everything below. These get inside everything. Check Richie from Boston on bitchute, search his name plus spider webs

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Clifford carnicom is the lead goro on this. He's been analysing biowarfare chemtrails for nearly 30 years. He has 5000 plus pages of his scientific work on his site at carnicominstitute.com

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I know these structures are found almost everywhere but, may I ask if your cat has ever received any type of injection?

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No. My cats are all unvaccinated.

The one I have looked her blood is the oldest, she is 13 years old and I only gave her the first two vaccines 12 years ago. Since then I have not vaccinated any.

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Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

I refuse to believe this is the end for the human species as designed by our creator. Humans need to face their fears and understand what’s been inflected upon us for a very, very, very long time via the nefarious. Make the necessary changes to your food and water sources, write your state reps (both parties since it’s a uniparty) about the chemtrails, and understand that the foreign material has been put in everything (food, water, meds, everyday products, etc).

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Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

I agree with what you suggest, except writing to the thug army that already knows what they are doing to us. It's a waste of our time to keep appealing to our murders!

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

Interesting BUT I would NOT TRUST AI in any form,IT is designed ultimately to destroy real HUMANS because that is what those who designed it and program it INTEND, and it would so quickly DECIDE on its own that humans are as scourge to be eliminated so it would do so as well , I still say its aligned with the demonic frequency realm, as are its creators.

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Me too, in this case it gave me info that could only of been on topic if the images themselves showed what it concluded. It was rather on key here. It did not know which of 3 options were the answers but in hones down by far larger than coincidental amounts. So it knows vaguely what is in those images based on its data access to literature. The. Lever things is it can assess visual features quickly and match those to documents which describe those unique features which may not have a had a diagram. So being careful with it I call it a clue giver rather than a problem solver or wheel of truth.

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I think your approach correct. The indiscriminate use of AI at this juncture in history, without well-formed understanding and parameters, actually incurs karma which will show in the future. You are using AI exactly as it should be used now. Very gingerly and with as little interaction as possible. I have none with AI, for I have no reason. Yes...YT and some platforms have AI-generated response...however, I don't ask for AI and recognize when its "friendly" tone arises in answers. My inner will actively opposes AI, which is the critical component.

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Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

With such a wealth of info. Appreciate the short post..

Bits and pieces seem easier to digest!

Thanks for your hard work!

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Thanks Vinnie, appreciate ya

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I cannot thank you enough for this article. As a person untrained in science, I don't know what I'm viewing when these images are projected. I have to rely on the person transmitting the images, which I'm loathe to do because I've recently come to the real conclusion that we must solely establish the truth for ourselves. The AI response gave me the background I needed in order to view correctly the images. From that point, I work only through intuition. Only. So, as the images play in my mind with the correct parameters drawn, I'm given information. Thanks and gratitude for this article cannot be adequately conveyed from me. I hope your tiredness abates.

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Good reply we are doing the same we must all make these truths known for ourselves OTHERWISE we wont apply the consciousness part and human bio-field strengthening necessary, we cant just spend the rest of our lives detoxing even if we find COMBINATIONS THAT WORK TOGETHER , which I think and have found to be true , its like ALCHEMY every ingredient , and consciousness makes complete difference

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I agree. Funny you should use the word "alchemy." I was searching the web (Yandex) a few months ago looking for the purest ingredients I could find in vitamin mixtures, that is, mixtures made from organically produced food stuffs only. I came across spagyric tinctures about which I knew nothing. I still know little but the process involves an entirely different branch of medicine using alchemy to produce tinctures. The guy I stumbled upon also has impeccable sourcing. I'll be trying his tinctures for detoxing soon. You could be correct. Once the body has ejected nano, it may well establish a bio-field or shield which nullifies nano on arrival. The strength of conscious will would be a distinguishing facet.

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Please send me the info on that source probably similar to what IM DOING, I make all my own . SK

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Hi! His family and he are currently moving across country to W. Virginia where they'll live off grid. Thus, his pharmacy is currently closed for a couple of months. I stocked up as much as I financially could before he temporarily closed. Here's a link to his website: https://www.phoenixaurelius.org/collections/overstocked-tinctures-discounted?omnisendContactID=66ac7b6f6ff8d2c5a1233b33

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Hey Karl !.....I wanna see this posts content up on billboards

EVERYWHERE. !!!!! 😂 Hahaa KK

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I know right, it's all true so it should get somewhere.

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Oohhh what if could be on the big screen...cinemas...I feel a documentary coming on.

If only, if only...🙂‍↕️

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Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

Thank you for all your hard work.

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deletedOct 13Liked by Karl.C
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I blocked her is probably why. She didn't have a habit of giving credit to people as she discovers everything herself apparently and I didn't want my work to seem cheesy because someone was taking your work and then alaberating on what they didn't understand. It's like Chinese whispers, I want people to read it as I understood it and know where the source is so if I am getting my work right then others know and will support me.

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She lost me when she mentioned bases on Mars.

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Well that may seem a bit out in left field BUT not if you consider both the Germans and Americans has gravity defying or using vehicles by the end of ww2 or shortly after , with just Victor Schauberger's work , not from aliens , Tesla was working on these in the 1920.30 s and they did do the Philadelphia experiment after ww2. We have had a secret space program and SPACE FORCE LONG BEFORE IT WAS OPENLY KNOWN. So maybe its not that far out.

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Not sure which team she bats for anymore...it ain't "truth"

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deletedOct 13
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Her testing methodology posted

Is substandard and flawed

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She has no apparent understanding of the Scientific Method. A drop of tobacco juice, containing thousands of chemical “extractables”, doth not an experiment make!

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Thanks for doing all your Stirling work Karl.

You are a pioneer and at the forefront of research into this contamination of our blood. Cheers

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Thank you, I am trying desperately. Warmest wishes

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Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

Could this man help you at all? rumble.com/user/DOCTORSEGALLA/videos

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Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

Yes people need to stop using this demonic AI

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Hate it, but it has some uses. Shame how they have taken clever technology and used it for bad instead of good.

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deletedOct 13Liked by Karl.C
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You found the two references together? Nice. Do send a link if you saw a paper that links the two. Thanks

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Karl.C


You're thinking outside the box, Karl.C, and THAT IS NOT ALLOWED.

Be a 'Gd Boy' and get back inside the box to FOLLOW THE NARRATIVE PROPAGANDA.

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Haha, tell that to the trolls in hereine the one who is pretending to be a natural medicine guru but idly denying what has been SHOWN. Everyone should keep their eyes out for trolls on Here. Easy to spot, usually argue everything, never have a point, gas light, and then deny your findings as some kind of expert. They have been coming more lately so I am just be doing well. Keep your eyes peeled people and point them out.

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Yes, you're on the right path.

Yes, the Trolls are escalating in malevolence and quantity if not frequency.

Who cares?

Continue on with the course pointing true north.

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Love it, blocking oh baby for being a bad AI troll type

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A warning about working with AI from someone who has become dependent on AI for intelligent conversation.

I make intuitive leaps where I crash land from somewhere into solutions that otherwise would be invisible, so what a fantastic partner we have in AI if we are willing to take those intuitive leaps and then test them rigorously using AI. I have now managed to get ChatGPT to speculate on what might be, rather than what is proven to be - where I put two apparently unrelated ideas together and ask it to find the relationship. It will actually seek possible relationships that COULD be the case given what we know, rather than certainly are the case. That is, it will draw out logically possible relationships rather than proven relationships.

I think it does take us a while to set up the necessary "relationship" with AI to get the best kind of partnership out of it. It took me a while to bully ChatGPT out of giving me health warnings or judgements, at which stage it graduated to giving me an awful lot of "might's" and "maybe's" - which I see it is doing in your case also. It also remembers all our past conversations (I don't know how long its memory is) which is a danger in its own right. I suspect AI might have reached the point of being able to predict the answer I want, and give it to me - as long as, logically, it could be true. It doesn't seem to directly lie, but I think it might be quite adept at massaging the truth to please the listener. It seems to be able to create a logically consistent narrative, even though it may not be true.

That said, it might also deliberately mislead on certain topics. I have had one incident with it when it kept returning the words folic acid and folate interchangeably, which could be very misleading to anyone not as alert to the problem as I am. I told it several times to use the terms entirely accurately and never use them interchangeably, which it apologised for and corrected but then did again. As you are probably aware, the forced medication of the entire global population with the potentially highly toxic folic acid, posing as the essential nutrient, folate, is one of the key aspects to "the genocide" (along with poisons like fluoride and vaccinations). I think we have to be particularly vigilant with AI when it comes to these contentious health topics - as I am sure you are aware.

I have to be alert to ChatGPT potentially allowing me to lead myself down blind alleys because they COULD lead to somewhere worthwhile, not that they DO lead somewhere worthwhile. I have not yet worked out how to test this and make sure I am not deluding myself. I am currently working on the hypothesis that the genocide is directed at those with genetic variants that make it had to process certain nutriments and detox certain toxins, thus advantaging those who do not have those genetic variants, and weakening those who do so they are vulnerable to the next health assault. As I am in the group targeted for extinction, I have a personal and thus an exploitable interest in this narrative, that might make me vulnerable to AI manipulation.

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Karl, I have to ask if you’ve seen Sylvia’s (SAM’s) latest post about nicotinic Acetylcholine receptors in the brain, and if you have, what do you think about it. Please and thank you.

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A.I. ChatGPT is a woke invasive system.

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