Congratulations, Bravo, Well Done!!!

Karl; I know you and a lot of people have been working on this and so many other Solutions. On behalf of myself and the rest of the Great Unwashed we wish to extend our Thanks and Gratitude👍🤣😎

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I have been on CS chelation for 2 weeks. 0 result... I feel very tired. In April I had mesogens in my blood see dr Ana's articles)

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A few important comments - bone, teeth and hair loss are a result of RADIATION POISONING . This technology is radiation-based meaning people that have the tech in their system are walking wireless receivers and transmitters. This is why they are having trouble with their bones, teeth and hair. It is IMPERATIVE for those who have a load of this tech in their body to get rid of wireless devices in their homes and go back to safe and sane wired technology.

FYI - both wireless and ultrasonic radiation wreak havoc with the calcium signaling of the body. According to the work of Dr. Martin Pall, a reaction with what is known as "voltage-gated calcium channels" occurs and a flood of calcium enters into the cells causing a variety of neuropsychiatric issues including exhaustion, depression, memory problems, anxiety, insomnia, etc.

View the work of Dr. Martin Pall here: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/09/03/electromagnetic-fields-harmful-effects.aspx

And see here to understand that the evil ones are DELIBERATELY messing with calcium signaling in order to control brain circuitry and impulses: http://sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/10/081029104251.htm

It would be good if people would consider reading my book to better understand what I am saying here. All of my books have been banned by Amazon and can only be found on my website here: https://birthofanewearth.com/2019/04/the-dark-side-of-prenatal-ultrasound/

Under the circumstances, it seems to me that any product that helps move excess calcium out of the body is a good thing.

To deal with calcium deposits like kidney and gallbladder stones, chanca piedra might be a better option.

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Not always radiation poisoning but good notes though. in this case what we know so far looks like the material is leeching calcium out. It is heavily dependent on oxygen and heavily dependent on some other resources in the body. Without oxygen this stuff is inactive almost

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Years of this stuff building up in your system, as well as the frequencies being constantly emitted from our electrical wiring systems (Intel services use this for surveillance purposes on Everyone as standard since the 1970's), seems to cause bone degeneration & a distinct & fast reduction in Height. I have gotten 3 inches shorter in the last couple of years after being illegally injected without my consent. It also causes tooth weakness, breakage & jaw bone weakness. Plus hair loss in clumps to start with then reducing to constant hair loss & thinning. I believe this has something to do with the nano/morgellons fibres talking over the hair follicles mimicking the real hairs.... it effectively turns us into walking antennas.

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Yikes! I know that women tend to shrink at advanced age if they don’t exercise to increase bone density. I’m only in my early 60’s, but I reckon I’m shrinking. I should be doing walking, for my bad back, but I’m in the area with flooding rains right now. I have what’s known as failed back surgery-there’s even a syndrome called Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS), if anyone else has this problem.

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Did you know that bones absorb radiation heat, and teeth are also bone? Radiation poisoning also causes hair loss.

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Yes, that’s what the nano tech is doing whilst we are turned into breathing walking super conductive antennas!

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Yeah - it's horrifying. But there is a solution that would involve not exposing ourselves to the wireless frequencies -- at least in our homes. This is what I have done to avoid becoming one of their transhuman machines connected to the cloud. Everything in my house is wired.

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Unfortunately not possible whilst living on a university campus where I'm fried 24/7!

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Hi Karl, I’m new, here. I just wonder if vit K2 might help, to put that calcium back into the bones?

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Agh ha. Hi there and welcome. Yes it will, we were discussing this with a very well experienced proffesional earlier. Good mention! Nice to have you here

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Thanks Karl, much appreciated

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Boron is key in getting CA I to bones. Most are boron deficient. I use Borax water now w Na citrate. 3 days of each 1 day off. Bout a week in brain fog improved. Turned off n unplugged all wifi reducing g cell as well. Def helping brain

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Thank you, Unagnu. Could you tell me what is your daily dose of Na citrate?

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Boron-I take a capsule with 3 types of boron daily, and also have K2 (180mcg) every second day.

Most people seem to take borax, I don’t know if there’s any difference in efficacy. If anyone can tell me, go ahead, I’m open to ideas.

Sorry, I don’t know what you mean by reducing g cell as well?

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Oh, now I think I get you, the g is a typo, you mean your cell phone. I’m Aussie, you probably know we call them mobile phones!

Anyway, it’s all a good idea, I hardly use my phone, just when our family is separated for a while, and ONLY as a phone for emergency.

If “they” reckon we’ll need our phones for everything, I will not comply, as much as possible.

There are only 3 in my immediate family, but we all are in separate rooms, after our evening meal. We’ve got one long connecting wire, we need to buy more gear if we’re to ditch wifi. It’s hard for us, anyway, to do!

What you’re doing is admirable!!!

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If you turn off the cell, its not really 'off'. Can still locate trace and signal you. So, what you should do, is put in a faraday box, bag, or container. This stops ALL signals in and out of the cell. And don't forget most modern makes of car come equipped with that pesky bluetooth wifi, which you get irradiated with when in the car AND which is difficult to disable turn off or remove.

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Karl, is it doable to get a laundry list of the other resources being stolen?

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not yet, clifford carnicom might have more on that. I know of oxygen, iron, calcium being the main ones so far. Other stuff is secondary depletion like vit d etc

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I need to hang out with you more.

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Let's all hang out together! 😁

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thankyou jeanice for reminding me of this calcium signalling issue. We've learnt so much along the way - is easy to overlook previously covered understandings of these issues. A good reminder, thanks too for the further information.

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Hi Jeanice, I’m new here. I’ve just perused the second article you have listed, and somehow, I don’t think it’s possible that the pulsed ultrasound the article speaks of, can go through the skull, but not have detrimental effects on brain tissue. It made me think about the many ultrasounds that women have when they’re pregnant, and whether this can harm the foetus. Then the next link showed your book The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound.

I’m trying to be Christian, and I believe God allowed me to see these things together. Don’t worry if you don’t believe in God or whatever, but things like this happen to me fairly often.

It looks like a great book!

I couldn’t view the first link, as Dr Mercola’s articles disappear after 48 hours, to evade the censors. He’s been stung very badly in the past, so he’s had to resort to this. His staff have also suffered. I think if you’re a subscriber you can access his censored library-something like that.

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Ultrasound is 100% causing neurological and brain damage and is a main driving force behind the autism epidemic. Bones absorb radiation heat and of course, the brain matter near bone is literally cooking and shriveling up like bacon as you will see if you decide to read my book. It DEFINITELY penetrates the skull of developing babies and is doing massive harm.

Sorry about any broken links. Try plugging them in at web.archive.org and see if the articles come up there. Good luck.

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Yes, thanks for that comment!

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P.S. The link issue isn’t your fault. I haven’t tried web.archive.org yet. Been a bit busy.

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so....suddenly mercury doesn't play a role anymore in autism, it's ultrasound?

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Mercury is an issue. As is alminium, cadmium, lead, arsenicum and all other heavy metals and poisons. As is glyphosate. As is nanotec. As is gene modification. As are endocrine disruptors. As are EMF, wifi, 5G, ELF

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I should have also said that maybe vit K2 could be useful in the ultrasound experiments, as it puts calcium back into the bones where it’s mainly needed.

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I got access to the first study you listed just by doing a search with keywords, there’s a lot of text, but one video is disabled, there’s another video which is about 2 hours long. I don’t watch many videos this long!

The article I found is good, mostly talking about radiation from devices and calcium channels.👍

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Any work by Dr. Martin Pall is beneficial to read. You may also be interested to check information coming Barrier Trower. He's a microwave weapons expert that worked for the British Royal Navy. He shares fantastic information about the harm this microwave tech is causing. If you go to my website (http://RadiationDangers.com) I've got one of his videos posted in the right hand column near the top. Enjoy!

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Thanks, will look when I have a bit more time-have to go out now, then cook our evening meal (Aussie here!)

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Very valuable info, thanks Karl. I up my own dose today and will document how that goes. To date I've had no side effects and noticed a continuing increase in energy and general wellbeing. I took my first urine sample last week but the only camera I have is on my old video camera and it doesn't take sharp enough quality pics. I shared it anyway. In the picture above of three samples, mine was most like the middle one. Almost exactly in fact. I now have another sample sitting and will leave it for a week or so to see what happens, if anything.

Karl has been up front about SC all along. As much as any of us, he too is feeling his way in this. Let's be honest, we're all being willing guinea pigs to find ways to mitigate the tech damage of the shots, swabs and environment. And this will continue until we either overthrow the globalists (preferable) or force one of them to hand over the antidote (unlikely but not entirely ruling that out. They must have one, after all.)

As adults we take full responsibility for our actions, in this as much as anything else. No matter what the outcome I'd never dream of "blaming" Karl or anyone else for my own actions. I suspect those of us testing the SC are of the same mind.

And this surely comes under "doing one's own research", because in these times, with the scope of the assault on Natural Humanity, surely time is of the essence.

So when I make the decision to look at someone's research and act accordingly by trying a mitigation method, I don't have time to waste on perhaps months of overcautious baby steps.

So I dove in (dived in? Same diff!) with the SC. In many ways I consider my normal UNhealthy state to be an advantage in things of this nature. Because I'm such a wreck of a human being, so if something does have a positive effect on me and it continues, then you can be fairly sure it's no placebo, no wishful thinking on my part and has to be of physical benefit.

Goes without saying I will also document any side effects that occur although to date, none have.

Nil carborundum illegitimi.

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Very well put, and very much a reflection of how i intended my own findings to come across. I appreciate the very sensible people who pay attention to the way in which i try to put things. I try to be modest and add caution. I have noticed some people are asking me lots of questions already detailed in some of my posts and i feel bad that i cannot keep up with all inquiry's. You have been a very valued support to my honest ventures as have many supporters here, Thank you all!

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Karl.... I will be posting some articles on my page over the coming weeks regarding who the teams are in the UK that are in charge of utilising this frequency equipment that keeps us all connected to the main grid system & ‘affected’ physically by it. I have spent 5 years researching & learning by example. I personally KNOW some of the people doing this to us..... I will explain all in my posts. Some of my information will help people to understand what is going on & how all this shit works to fuck us up....

I’ve worked really hard to keep my head above water whilst deflecting all their shit during this time & am now doing a degree at Falmouth uni in film & tv production to enable me to get our stories out on film. I’ve tried all kinds of shit to get this bastard stuff out of my body to no avail.... Finding Substack in October 23 was a fucking godsend....I was beginning to think there was nowhere on the planet left to safely discuss everything I’ve learned over the last 5 years! It’s mind blowing stuff which I have evidence & corroboration for in many different ways, including confirmation of facts via admissions in recordings, photos, witnesses, physical evidence, an ex GCHQ IT guy confirmed my findings & an ex army major too, as well as a couple of ex coppers & various others..... There is a lot more involved to all of this that people realise. It all comes down to money, entertainment & control.

Please keep an eye out for my Substack posts as I won’t be publishing in notes about this stuff it’s too involved. I have names, addresses, homes, work places, financials, assets.... everything needed to bring them down. Government are protecting them due to involvement.

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Oh my god, this sounds exciting. i cant wait to see some of your work. drop me a note when you get there ;)

well done for hanging in there

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Wow!! Awesome plus!!

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Probably goes without saying but please, be careful. x

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Would you tell us how much/how frequently/how long now you've been using SC.?

Thank in advance.

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Hi, I've been using it daily, twice a day, for two weeks now. I just upped my dose from a quarter teaspoon in a glass of water or juice, to half a teaspoon. Still feeling fine on it though today my COPD is bad thanks to being shed on recently. That aside, no adverse side effects to date and I'm keeping a close eye on my scrp meds damaged liver.

One other thing I've noticed that I haven't seen others discuss, so that I'm not sure if it's SC related or not..but it only began happening when I began taking it..is that my nightmares have stopped. I'd been having frequent and distressing nightmares. I'm sure there are plenty reasons for that of course. But when I began taking the SC they stopped and haven't returned the past fortnight. Am hoping this will continue. If anyone else has noticed the same thing I'd appreciate hearing of it, thanks in advance. :)

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Well...isn't that a coinkydink? ha. I had been having disturbing dreams prior to SC as well and now I can barely remember what I dreamed when awake. Huh? Interesting you mention it. I noticed due to the relief of them stopping.

Thanks for your dosage info. I've been taking the same as you have and I want to up it but have Morgellons and so many things act differently than I thought they would, I'm cautious. I can't handle a remedy making me more sick than I was before I tried it and I've tried many. I'm going to up SC dose and see what happens.

Thank you.

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Morgellons is simply the nano tech shit.... the early years of them perfecting the integration of this stuff into our bodies caused some people to react very badly..... they have been infecting us all with this shit since the 1950’s in various forms. Now though it has been perfected. EVERYBODY HAS MORGELLONS FIBRES GROWING OUT OF THEIR HAIR FOLLICLES. This can be noted by shaving an area of skin with hairs...anywhere on the body.... then look at the hairs under at least a 40x magnification with a strong light.... led works best. I used a jewellers magnifier with light attached at 40x mag. It shows multi coloured hairs! Look at your body hair in situ as well... you will see the ‘hairs’ up close under magnification do NOT look like regular human hair.

We are all infected. It is an antenna system connection us all to the frequency ‘Power Towers’..... it’s why we can be made to experience severe symptoms that will disappear as suddenly as they arrived.... all kinds of shit has been going on that we are only just getting our heads around.

I will be posting about all this as soon as I have finished this uni module project... give me a couple of weeks. Check my page. I’ve been digging for 5 years! 🤗

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Good luck PS! I hope it helps you too. I also am glad the nightmares have stopped. Probably sounds insane, but they didn't feel as if they came from my own mind.

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How wild! I would wake up and say "These dreams aren't me. They aren't mine, God."

It doesn't sound insane at all. I'm not sure how they were put in my head but I know they weren't mine because so often they were about things I wasn't interested in in the slightest. They weren't things I feared or thought or anything else. Actually, they were tedious for the most part. They were products from somewhere else.

I would even say out loud, 'You guys are stupid. You're just guessing."


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Frequency equipment on all towers. It’s military.

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Oh I get that perfectly! sorry it happened to you but not going to lie, I'm so glad it isn't just me, lol!

Mine were horrific nightmares. That's why it's such an enormous thing that the SC appears to have stopped them (by what mechanism I can't begin to guess but at this stage I don't care).

Perhaps the worst one was of a group of adults..a few hundred all gathered in one place by literal slavers...stripped naked, all ages and ethnicities. They were crouched down in some kind of depression in the ground.

And the slavers unleashed a horde of savage, wild children on them. And the children literally beat to death and ate the adults.

That did not come from me. I know folks can only take my word for it but it didn't.

Woke up crying and shaking. The damn thing stays with me to this day. I believe, if I allow myself to think about it, it represents what the elites want to occur...they will harvest the next generation, the children and let them loose on any older "stragglers", dissidents and resistance. I don't think the children will literally eat the adults..though nowadays with what is happening I can't discount it entirely..but I imagine those children, harvested and controlled and let loose, will absolutely destroy their previous generation at the whim of the globalists.

Sorry for sharing that if anyone reading is there at breakfast time!

It's just one of many such dreams I've been having that are so plainly not "mine" but are so disturbing and distressing, I'm hugely relieved they've stopped. And I hope they don't start up again.

I also wonder if the technology forming inside us isn't already switched on and functional, by way of manipulating our dreams and thoughts. Sometimes I'm aware of "foreign" thoughts creeping in but as they're SO very alien to my own mindset, I'm able to push them aside and out, if that makes sense?

They make so much of AI being able to read our very minds. Perhaps it can. But it can't, no matter what they say, completely fool us into thinking the way *they* want us to, or believing things completely alien to our makeup, to who we are as individuals.

And that gives me hope. It isn't faith based and I haven't scientifically researched it to the point I can explain it in such terms.

I'm only going on my gut feelings. But they're serving me well enough to date.

Here's something that'll probably cement my crazy old lady label, lol...

sometimes, when I go outside, I remember those bloody satellites up there, all pointing down at us, all watching all the time.

And I look up and give them the finger.

Ok, even they probably think I'm crazy. Makes me feel marginally better though. :)

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There is an occult side by design in those injections and in the shedding... I remember one day I got "infected" by a masseur (back problems), I fell into a diabolical tantrum I did not recognize myself . I am now trying CS, as EDTA IV failed...

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I've always called them "dry mouth dreams" because they are always associated with waking with a dry mouth. If woken mid-sleep - eg alarm clock - I am often in the middle of a perfectly normal dream. I associated the unpleasantness of the dream with the oppressive nature of the dry mouth. These are a recent phenomenon, probably since the beginning of covid more or less. Caveat: whisky could be associated with the dry mouth !

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Ha, no, it isn't the whisky! Absolutely re the dry mouth. And, in my case, headaches every time which fade if I get up and move around.

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Oh Valkyrie thank you, thank you !! I could not turn my back on Uisge Baugh. (Gaelic "Water of Life").

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Rightly so. I'm Scots, so very familiar with the health benefits of a good uisge beatha. ;)

Single malt, perhaps one of the island creations.

Stay well, John.

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Possibly they were synthetic dream being done to you.

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Well said. Let's hope the increase makes a real difference in a good way xx

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Great post. But can we be sure that "they" actually have the antidote? Maybe they thought that they'd be fine simply by not taking the jabs and that shedding wouldn't be that much of a problem? On dove/dived, I just checked: 1st is American standard English, 2nd British.

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We can't be sure, of course. With genocidal psychopaths the only thing we can be sure of is that they want us dead. But I have a strong feeling that they will have something that stops them being affected by the tech. Shedding was investigated very early on, in fact I read of it first in the released Pfizer document drops, with the earliest test subjects being warned to not sleep with their partners etc, and workers in the trials being ordered to report any contact and/or symptoms during.

I don't imagine that "cure" or antidote would be given to the everyday trials workers and certainly not those rolling out, worldwide, the shots. This is because I imagine they would want to see just how transmissive the shedding was, how severe the effects and what those effects are.

But, they have loved ones and families too. That's what makes me believe they do have an antidote (sorry if that's the wrong word for it, it just seems to fit and I can't think of a more suitable one right now) and because the likes of Gates et al never got their own children injected. Given his lifelong research into "vaccines" alone, I don't think he'd be unaware of the dangers of shedding AND of the technology saturating the environment. I can only imagine that trying to mark off, for example, a tract of land belonging, say, to Gates, would be nigh on impossible. How would they avoid the constant spraying, which those of us troubling to look up see almost daily in our skies no matter where in the world we are?

Sorry, rambled there! But yes, I feel there's some kind of antidote they will take to stop them suffering from the bioweapons they release on the rest of us.

Just my thoughts on it though. Doesn't make sense they'd cull themselves in the process of destroying the rest of us.

Unless they are not only genocidal psychopaths, but *suicidal* genocidal psychopaths.

In which case, we're screwed.

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Yes I remember reading that in early stages too but then it was said that's normal procedure in vaccine & certain drug trials (I think it was Latypova who said that). The no-virus people also minimalize importance/reality of shedding. I recall Kaufman suggesting it was probably mostly psychosomatic. I'm not so sure culling is main goal given the nanotech is there to control rather than kill but of course they'll be happy to reduce the population in the process. On the antidote, you're probably right. It makes sense they have one, maybe many. I'm sure many vax-injured people are devising plans to find out what it is, without the microscope. It wouldn't take much to make Gates sing.

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Doubt very much it's psychosomatic. That's based on research I follow (particularly Kingston's patents info and Mihalcea and Nixon's scope work) but also on the fact that when I have to be around injected folks I get sick. Every time. At first I believed it *might* have been simply my own stress etc, but when I made a conscious decision to ignore the possibility of it I continued to get sick. Without exception when I'm around them, I get respiratory distress. I say distress because i already have COPD and shedding increases the symptoms to the point that, as with today, I'm hooked up to my oxygen machine for much of the time. I also get an increase in the white froth I have been coughing up since taking the PCRs, and in overall body aches.

Then there's the "opposite" thing too...simply put, when I keep away from the injected, I get better. I feel better. And I cough less. That's what I go on. I've also noticed similar things with other people having to work beside or live with injected folks. They too get sicker the more exposure they have and none of the poeple I know are liable to autosuggestion or hypochondria. :)

I'm betting there's a damn long queue willing, able and more than ready to make Gates sing.....(me included, though probably the worst I could do would be nag him into it. Not sure that'd work...)

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Sorry you need oxygen the way you do. COPD is no fun.

I went through a time where every time I had to see my “doctor” (for pain meds, I’ve got a crook back), I would get flu like aches/temp, which ended up turning into a mild cold. But, when I started taking certain supplements, this stopped happening every time. If I get the symptoms of a cold now, especially after seeing the doctor, I find I can knock it out within 2-3 days, by using quercetin, zinc, vit C, NAC and Chlorine Dioxide.

I know it seems like a lot, but these “colds” used to hang around for 7-8 days. I’m really over the moon to get rid of a cold in 2-3 days! (What seems like a cold) I won’t be able to afford this stuff for much longer.

I’d like a go at Gates, and several others, I’m sure I’d overcome my bad back for a while there!

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Sorry about your back, my hubs has back trouble and it can be awful!

Think I really need to learn to use chlorine dioxide. I have a bottle but haven't been able to work out just how to use it...someone kindly gave me instructions a while back and try as I might, I was scared of screwing it up. I need an idiot's guide...*blush*

Shedding makes me sicker. I have a growing feeling shedding works by latching onto whatever ailments anyone has that are chronic..be that heart disease, lungs, kidneys, arthritis etc. Kind of going for our weakest points, latching on and amplifying it all to make us so much worse than we normally are.

I dread having contact with injected folks because I know what'll happen immediately afterwards. I also hate having to rely on an oxygen machine to keep going.

But it is what it is, as folks say, and plenty are much worse off than me.

Maybe we should arrange a contingency and get together and go visit Gates, lol. It could be our last stand.

We could share a cuppa with him and ask him politely for the antitode, which I'm sure he'd be delighted to share. ;)

(that *was* a joke btw for any AI looking for inssurection, ha)

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they do site Suramin as their fix. I hear its way expensive, and not a very pleasant experience to endure it. They all have underground bunkers and everything needed to survive (if you are a lizard) that is

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Hi koppykat, yeah, the bunkers, stocked with everything, and the tunnels, that apparently converge under Denver airport-the new one. I’ve heard they have shops, all the stuff we have above ground(for now), and Musk’s “The Boring Company” to make more tunnels.

Let’s hope they get hit by an earthquake. Not very Christian of me but these “people” are demonic satan worshippers.

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Do you/anyone here have experience of suramin, in vitro or vivo? Do you know who cited suramin as their fix?

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Look up Judy Mikovits...she knows, has known for years

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Food for thought, for sure!

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I'm wondering if they have some kind of "Ferrari" edition of an EBOO machine.

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I need to look up EBOO machine! Don’t worry Pirate, I will look it up!

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That's only if "they" are completely human, like us. Sounds very "tin foil hattish" but at this point, can anyone be sure of anything?

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No, you're right and we can't. We can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

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does B Gates have children-- those poor kids!

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How much did you start with? I’m going to begin the regimen tonight.

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I began with just a pinch in a glass of water or fruit juice. After just one day I upped that to a quarter teaspoon with no ill effects and am now on a half teaspoon per dose which is twice a day, but please note, I'm no doctor or expert and can only relate my own experience with it. Good luck with trying it out. :)

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Where did you access a trustworthy source of SC please, Valkrie?

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Hi Mary, got mine from a company here in Sweden. I can give you details if you like but if you're in the US or UK I don't think they're allowed to ship overseas. Alternatively, you can try making your own...https://www.thoughtco.com/how-to-make-sodium-citrate-buffer-375494

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I lost your email address. Will you get it to me again? I've searched through comments and I can't seem to find it anywhere. How strange.

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Karl, biochemist Andrew Cutler came up with L-ALA (alpha lipoïc acid, left chirality, NOT biocompatible to ensure excretion) as a chelating agent crossing the BB barrier, low dose every 2.5h over 3 days then 4 days rest. Starting dose between 1-25mg depending on individual. Weekly or bi-monthly rounds. Increase gradually over a year up to 4mg per Kg of body weight. Not to be done by people with amalgams (contain mercury).

I overcame numerous ailments with that, most importantly chronic polyneuropathy and brain fog

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Hi Rachel, I am wondering if you know of Burt Burkson's use of Lipoic Acid to regenerate Liver failure? I have started it, but am not dosing as Andrew Cutler suggested. When you low dose over three days, how many hours per day are you doing the dosing? I do feel Lipoic Adid is very important in this equation, but am a bit confused with Cutler's input. Thanks.

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When using chelators, Cutler's injunction as a biochemist is to always activate the body detox pump over several days (minimum of 64hours) to reduce a phenomenon called redistribution which leads to worsening of symptoms. Activation of detox pump requires using any chelator over 64-72 hours pee week according to their half-life (+~2.5h for L-ALA, +-4h for DMSA, +-8h for DMPS) including at night. The variability of the half-life depends on the individual merabolism and at night it's slowed down so for L-ALA you could schedule intake every 2hours40 min between 7am and 11pm then only wake up once at 3am for a dose and be ok. The notion of redistribution implies that chelators which are di-thiols bind to heavy metals such as mercury through 2electric "arms" to escort the poison out of the body from where it is located (brain, organs, cell membranes, enzymes etc) to kidneys and gut but "loose" part of it in the process. This lost material binds then to new locations in your body (and causes potentially new trouble) unless you keep taking new doses of the chelator strictly according to preset schedule. I personally got very sick from a combinatiin of wrong dosages of ALA (900mg instead of 1mg) according to wrong schedule (random a few times a day instead of every 2.4h 3 days a week)

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While Sodium Citrate per se isn't a di-thiol chelator, it certainly is moving alot of material quickly and could be likened to this scenario of posing a problem with redistribution. Have you settled on a good rhythm and dosing for Sodium Citrate. When I do it, I have been doing 1 dose per day at 6 grams, and pairing it with CDS. I am considering doing it more often at smaller doses to see how well that works. I also use fulvic and humic minerals to bind the metals. Thanks again for your response.

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I have not seen anything about HOW the sodium citrate does its trick on the nanotec in its various forms (hydrogels, quantum dots, microstructures) which are composed of different polymers and metals. Same about methylen blue and activated charcoal. It's all mysterious to me. CDS is an oxidizer but because of its voltage it acts as an antioxidant much like vit C, that I understood thanks to listening to Andreas Kalcker.

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Thank you Rachel for taking the time to explain Cutler's approach. I appreciate having a condensed version of this.

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For those with CKD...


Reversing Chronic Kidney Disease with Niacin and Sodium Bicarbonate

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I am affected by EMF, is it possible that cloud seeding and absorbing the pollution has made me sensitive ?

The affect I get from 5G of high nanno watts it stops me from sleeping gives me tight muscles and causes injuries to those muscles ?

I will try SC it could be an answer for me as I also have csndida ptoblems

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This stuff inside us seems to enhance what seems like EMF effects. Tinnitus is the most common i hear. Mine and others have noticed reduced or almost no tinitus after several days SC use. This is good because it was driving me insane and was varying between city visits or visiting the country. Others have noticed the same too.

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Super interesting about Tinnitus. Karl, I think I read in your previous posts that first days of SC you felt it a bit louder, and I was worried about It, and was the main reason to stop US from trying. So now It is improved???? It is a big problem for my partner, tinnitus, imsomnia and migrain. Can you confirm, please? God bless you Karl for your generosity.❤️

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Karl, what was your tinnitus like? Was it a constant frequency or did it modulate like a modem sound (on/off beep type)?

I ask because I have experienced 3 types of tinnitus over the pandemic.

The first came in coincidence to covid or 5G where it was a constant high pitch sound in the city. I can reduce it with taking zinc and quercetin so I assume that it is spike protein related.

The second was a much louder constant high pitch that came about at the same time I experienced a fast growing growth on my thigh. I did 1 month total of water fasting (with some eating breaks every week) and it got rid of that tinnitus and growth. I just assumed it could have been metastacized cancer or some other explanation. That problem is gone.

The third type of tinnitus is weird and is modem-like beeping sound. It's an on/off beep of no regular frequency like the sound of an old modem. It started when I was sleeping near my laptop and the tinnitus was reduced when I put my laptop to the other side of the house or turned off bluetooth. I have not done enough A/B testing to be definitive about the source. SC may have helped but I have too many variables to be sure of what affects it.

I'm wondering if you or others have experienced the modem type tinnitus.

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Well first off I don't think it is A spike protein. The tech is full of harmful proteins and DNA. It seems to have an affinity for the cochlear of the ear or the little nerves. It does cause emf/RF sensitivity. Mine has. Varied depending on where I have been or what area i am visiting and whether I have been cleaning out enough. The sodium citrate has helped me the most by far. It is an odd sound but nothing to fax like, almost but not quite. Regards

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This is pretty amazing. You think then that this tech increases the emf/rf sensitivity of the cochlear nerves?

If that is the case what would be a possible remediation approach for this?

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A lot of ppl have benefitted from using nicotine patches (Dr BryanArdis) has put this forward along with his theory of venoms being involved in jabs, water supply, medications, aerosolised,etc. he posits that the venom is caught up by nicotinic choline receptors throughout the body - and natural nicotine releases the venom from the choline receptors and grabs the nicotine instead. Following which ppl report a return of taste and smell and recovery from tinnitus. He cuts the patches into four smaller pieces instead of taking the high full dose hit in 1 patch.

You also would have to be using a binder to then rid the venom from floating around in your body before it could cause damage. I’ve held off this avenue as there’s other chemicals in the patch. Some ppl vape nicotine.

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Apology + correction to above: it is the nicotinic choline receptors that craves the substance "nicotine". The venom is automatically taken up by these receptors initially - but it is only when nicotine enters the system -these receptors automatically releases the venom free - to take up the nicotine which is what it wants. Further: it must be said, no-one has ever documented the existence of the choline receptors in the first place, so it is theory, and it is better to just say it isn't known why the nicotine patches works this way - but the overwhelming record of results in using this as a therapy in many ppl is true, realising return of taste, smell and no tinnitus.

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One of his 'recipies' for a venom binder in apple pectin powder. I've yet to try it, but I wonder whether the pectin is similar in effect to Sodium Citrate, but I'm no chemist.

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Thanks for the feedback Karl!

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Hi Chris, my T sounds like really loud white noise (TV)..the sound when surfing TV channels and there's no reception/signal and the screen is like a metallic snow-storm scene.... I have acute audio ability as it is...and cannot stand noise much...but now I am grateful for general noise..as it's the only time I am not so aware of the tinnitus. I hope we all find relief soon.

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kk- mine is constant and sounds similar to yours- SC has only helped a tiny bit at times- then comes back and stays "on" especially left ear

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Oh, that’s no good kat

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Chris- any relief from tinnitus? I am trying different things by themselves and it is not helping.

I need to try SC again and more often


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I don’t have tinnitus Chris (yet), but what about turning off your wifi/modem when you sleep?

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Karl! My tinnitus keeps getting worse- it makes me sad to my core- but also it pushes me forward to keeping trying different stuff. I need to get back to SC again- CDS alone is not doing it. MB alone is not doing it. Vit C alone is not doing it.

And I run out of hours in the day to try to figure out when to take things at an optimal time

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I have the tinnitus too. Actually alot of people I know now have the tinnitus. We all notice that when out of town and somewhere less wireless that there is far less tinnitus. It's easy to tell. It may have something to do with the towers and interaction with metal particles. RF agitates the particles more violently and in the ear region can possibly exploit as ringing. It's nasty isn't it.

The most affective thing I do is what I call the trio. This is not medical advice, I am just sharing my trick. I do one cap of 3% h202 to 500ml RO water-wait 10 mins- sodium citrate 4 or 5 grams stirred with 500ml water - wait 10 mins - heaped desert spoon of charcoal in 500ml stirred water. The sodium citrate breaks chelates calcium ions, the h202 breaks up hydrogel, lipids and oxidizes some materials, the charcoal comes along and mops up debris. In layman terms anyway. I do that sometimes 2 times a day when I feel I need it and it's worth it. Of course all these kinds of methods have their negatives too. Such as, charcoal pulling out good nutrients too, h202 can destroy good stuff too, but is less aggressive form me than CD on a regular basis. The sodium citrate can pull out too much junk too quickly for people with weak liver and kidneys who can't process heavy detox. Those people can get very sick, where as else everyone with good liver and kidneys seems fine. I know a lot of people been taking it now since we found it 9+ months ago. Most seem to notice a difference stopping and seem to have continued.

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This thread is interesting. I have been asking people around here for months if they can here a faint new high pitched noise. Not what I'd define as tinnitus, but close to it.

I hear it in certain places, mainly when driving to work(21km so not walk/biking this route).

I have tried to correlate it with car speed. I hear same "noise" in different cars as I drive thru same areas at slightly different speeds. Could be that cars amplify the noise? Some of the areas coincide with the newer tsunami sirens. But I sometimes hear it in a city or aeroplane as well. (I keep out of larger cities usually)

We live out of city, small coastal village and occasionally I hear it at night, but not often.

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Good luck, I hope you feel better.

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I recently Posted an item on cell phone towers, determining the level of risk, and more.


In the course of researching that, I found a short yet very informative article on how to reduce exposure, since moving is often impractical:


While I've seen lots of devices advertised that promise various protection, the difficult part is determining which ones really work.

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NONE of them work. It's all nonsense. Don't waste your money. The only things that really do work are (a) avoidance, and/or (b) proper shielding. All those energy devices do absolutely nothing to lower radiation levels and this is easily confirmed with an EMF meter such as the Safe and Sound Pro II or (if you can find it) the Acousticom 2.

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Jan 7, 2024
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I have shungite powder and it has incredible effects. I tested emfs with a wifi router. I placed half a kg of the raw powder next to the router and the emfs went to zero. But the meter was not ok physically sheiding by the shungite yet the shungite still blocked the emfs.

Scientists have found that shungite vibrates when exposed to emfs and steps down the frequencies to safer frequencies. I feel it is quite useful.

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I have no opinion on this but a guest on The EMF Guy's channel says it's a scam - at least how the woman in demonstration shows it to work: https://www.bitchute.com/video/VN5v5gDn7mw/ (5 min)

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Emf meters have been used for years. It's the ghost hunting use that makes me chuckle 👻

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Yea she's using an electric field meter not a microwave meter and she's testing black tourmaline which doesn't do anything on a physical level.

Shungite however is a very interesting substance.


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What is the model of emf meter you were using?

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It's about the cheapest usable meter you can get. It measures power density from 50mhz to 5ghz plus magnetic and electric fields all on 3 seperate graphs. Sensitivity is ok but not great. Can detect down to 0.001 microwatts/cm2.

I have tested it with various signals and it does measure up to 5ghz quite well for a $30 Chinese device. Much better than all the other cheap ones that usually only measure up to around 0.2ghz.

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Jan 8, 2024
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Shungite supplier

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I got my shungite from a new Zealand supplier I trust.

A good very cheap meter is this one.. it measures up to 5ghz.. which is upper 4g and lower 5g. No meters go above 8ghz without spending $500 or more..

This one is only $20 and is remarkably capable.


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Yes indeed. One of the most important investments for our time. See here for some options: https://safelivingtechnologies.com/rf-meters

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I could tell shungite wouldn't work just by looking at it. EMF and other frequencies are all over the place. How can a rather small piece of anything (like shungite) eliminate all those waves of frequency? It doesn't make any sense. The only thing that makes sense to me when it comes to repelling the waves are EMF silver/copper woven "faraday" fabrics/materials.

I am going to purchase some and fabricate my own head covering, ect. I asked FM8, Eric, if he knew a good supplier and he recommends :


He said they tested the best with his meters/equipment.

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They are the best for sure. But I have purchased pre-made head nets that work very well at https://lessemf.com/product/headnet/ You just need to be super careful about washing them (and all shielded clothing/products) as the shielding can get reduced with each wash.

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Thank you.

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Jan 8, 2024
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Radio Frequencies do not bend. A crystal SHOULD only be able to block waves in its direct path. I have heard claims that some crystals may be able to do a little more, but as an engineer i don't quite see how that could be possible beyond the field of the crystal blocking path.

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Elena - if you read the article, you will understand that the radiation will bounce off the pendant but still hit the rest of your body. What good is that?

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I bought Shungite from someone. He told me that he is sensitive to 5G, but what helped him most with it, was drinking water he had Shungite sitting in it for 24-48 hours. Personally I haven't felt different having it and drinking such water, for many months.

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Hi Marianne - forgive me to interfere into your life

Are you aware of a channel on Bitchute called MorgellonsLive

the lady has been around for a long time

she addresses Candida , Morgellons and plenty other topics in her own way

I find her incredibly knowledgeable

take care , Michael

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No such thing as EMF sensitivity, it's all targeting.

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Thank you so much for this much-needed post! Most everyone is struggling and dealing with physical and financial limitations. Yet, even a little good news can bring the heart hope.

Here’s a concern that came to my mind, and I believe I read another comment somewhere which vaguely touched upon the same idea.

To rid our bodies of this evil is only one solution. To flush the contaminated urine down the toilet ultimately endangers us again and all wildlife, as well as water and food sources, via water reclamation projects which might also be used for irrigation.

How should we dispose of this stuff? It’s a really important question that we ought to start thinking about NOW. Our goal should be to eliminate and destroy it so it isn’t released back into the ecosystem which then ultimately creates a vicious cycle. And this should most probably include fecal matter I think.

And what about fecal matter? Please correct me if I’m wrong, but the focus of excretion appears to be almost exclusively on the urine byproduct. Have you or the others tested your stools (yes, I know it’s not the most ideal research)? Can anybody say whether the sodium citrate process is mostly occurring in the urine, or is there an equal or lesser amount of removal coming from the bowels?

So, how do we dispose of this “Sh*#”?! We all need to be responsible even if it means a bit more effort. Should we save our urine & feces in plastic bags & then place the waste in a container to dry & then burn 🔥 or incinerate the leftover? Fire is known to be purificatory. Could it absolutely destroy and turn this nanotechnology into harmless ash/dust?

Would very much appreciate your consideration of this issue and speak to Dr. David Nixon & your other colleagues about it.

One problem is solved, which opens the door to another problem. We’re not just living in a matrix - we’re living in a Rubic!


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I have commented on this before in a zoom meeting. It is a problem that would need full attention and much thought on its own. This for me would have to come further down the line if we get there. But you are right. good thinking.

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There should be a coordinated effort to send all human waste anonymously to the EPA, Air Force + all other appropriate Agency

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I like the idea-funny too!

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Still feeling well after SC Discontinued 1 week. I'll be updating my results after 5 day Phoenix Protocol Fast starting tonight. I'll be collecting urine samples for the whole period of the fast. As I had mentioned earlier this is a dry fast, no fluid or food will be consumed for 72 hours.

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I hope it goes well. I am excited to to hear your results. X

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Calcium citrate helps retrain the LES to close after a meal.. reduces reflux.... ALL citrates increase the stomach cells to produce more acid more efficiently..I.e. only secreting after food...helps reflux ... because acid should close the LES... but somehow closes the lower pyloric valve too long therefore slow emptying.

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You know what, I have noticed this -- I thought I was imagining things

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Jan 7, 2024
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Calcium citrate will help retrain the sphincter in the short term….but longer term …

There is a better solution … increase your melatonin…. When your body prepares for sleep it releases melatonin which should help the les to close by design… walnuts or any plant based melatonin works.. avoid synthetic melatonin…if you live in a sunny place .. staring at the blue sky (not the sun) helps the body produce melatonin…

During the day try to eat leafy green things… or walnuts… as we age we lose melatonin levels because our body loses its ability to glean from foods.. if you are on PPI’s you will lower acid which lowers the ability to close the LES.. with you main meal pour a capful of diluted apple cider vinegar on cooked vegetables.. this should get the Les to close…it sounds counter productive.. but a rise in stomach acid should close this valve…keep a stock of slippery elm bark capsules and or DGL licorice for the occasional reflux episodes .. ..you may find things improve…more than ppi alone.. all the above work alongside ppi… research Dr Eric Berg YouTube…on ACV and pyloric massage which helps slow emptying..raw ginger and white cabbage will heal mucosa in the esophagus best wishes.

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12 years ago I had acid reflux frequently. My functional medicine doctor told me to dilute a shot of apple cider vinegar in water and sip it, 15 minutes before eating a meal. I’ve had acid reflux. Maybe five times since.

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Jomico - what fantastic advice.

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Often people will Esophageal reflux get put on antacid therapy like PPI .. when actually they do not produce enough acid to start with...do the sodium bicarbonate test... if you create gas within 3 minutes you are still making enough acid.. people with low acid can never get the Les to stay shut..

Use half a teaspoon of Calcium Citrate in a quarter cup of warm water immediately after the main meal of the day.... les should stay closed for about 40 minutes to an hour... this increase its ability to strengthen the valve closing .. but do not swallow this remedy more than twice a day .. it is meant to retrain the sphincter not be a long term remedy.

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Jan 8, 2024
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as a chiropractor, i advise NEVER take any calcium supplement of sort . it ends up always in the wrong places causing stiffness, aches and soft tissue calcification. that is why SC is soo good...it removes a lifelong calcium poisoning from dairy, plants full of metabolic disruptors, water sources high in calcium and supplements . best source of useable calcium is bone broth and all the cartilages. vitamin K2 (in high doses, not just 100mcg... ) also reverses this process, and must be taken along with D3. osteoporosis is mainly caused by hormonal imbalances and, most of all, carbs in the diet; go keto and forget OP.

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What dose of K2 do you recommend? I have a bit of “normal” milk in one coffee per day, and some in my diet in general-not much, but I have 7,000IU of D3 per day-I take 180mcg K2.

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I would research magnesium and vitamin c’s role in making osteoblasts... and collagen the building blocks for bone come from both calcium ...magnesium and sodium ascorbate... and perhaps bone broth.

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You have to add lemons. How much/ how often and in whom is the question

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Have you had any results re the removal of the mercury that many older people have been subjected to via vaccines and amalgam fillings? The ability of SC to reach the brain should help, but what about bones and joints?

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That SC chelates calcium would provide for the clarity, and the overall energy because our thyroid gland and pineal gland become calcified with exposure to environmental toxicity, doing some more reading.

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Thank you so much, Karl! I'm jealous that you can do such high doses. I started at 1.25g twice/day, and in about 10 days, I started having kidney/liver issues, so I've cut it down to 0.75g twice/day. I'm getting less benefit at this lower dose, but also less side effects.

What's the second substance you're experimenting with?

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Long shot here, but

If any of you know of Veda Austin’s water studies and her use of water crystallography, would you be willing to check your urine using her crystallography technique? Might be very interesting to see what shows up.

I’ll give it a try myself.

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do share. I have been using polarized filters occasionally. but my main focus is always identifying the foreign material and documenting that. It is all very time consuming.

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Hi Carol, I’ve been thinking the same, I’ll give it a go and ask Veda what she thinks. It’s worth a shot.

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Recall her story of being told to drink the alkaline water from a special spring? Aquifer?

And . . . The shards of glass embedded in her body for at least 10 years, seeping out of her body? How she was shocked to see it?

Is the living water able to expel the non-living toxins?

Recall how she started a water trial and said that everyone got better. Cancer patients, many had improvements with vision?

Her water discovery amazes and excites me.

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The water people are many and varied in their expertise.

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This is a great idea. To enforce what you are saying here, watch this:


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David, somewhat off to the side, Luc Montaigner on Water Memory:

https://youtu.be/R8VyUsVOic0?si=OSghfkgiF9LHWXdxater Memory:

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Still more to the side, I am expecting in the post Kary Mullis' "Dancing Naked in the Mindfield". I expect to enjoy it immensely !

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Yes. Exactly.

Veda takes it deeper as water interacts with her. It’s beyond amazing.

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Sodium Citrate does have an interaction with beta blockers like Propranolol. It is recommended to take these two at least 2 hours apart.

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Any citation to share also? Thanks

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I pulled it from the drug interaction sites. It doesn't seem to be a problem if not taken together. I can't seem to find an actual study. I would like to find one since it's a higher dose of Sodium Citrate. I have to use propranolol every so often to help calm down. I started having a lot of issues after returning from the Gulf War. This is why I looked it up. I would just recommend everyone check any medications they're on with one of the sites below. I hate big pharma but I can't locate anything natural for this problem. I have found other natural plants to help me but this problem has been more difficult to deal with.




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Thank you for posting this. Very kind of you !

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Hey, thanks for posting this, I take propranolol! Much appreciated!

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You're welcome!

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Good work!

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Thank you for pointing this out! I take it too

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Back in my Army days attending biological/chemical school the Instructor told us that whenever they manufactured bio/chem agents they always have an antidote! You wonderful researchers probably found The Antidote! Thank you!

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Nobel deserving > Continued THANKS for efforts & of course for freely disseminating 🙏

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