The first video could be brownian, but not the second as the particles travel too far and in differing directions.

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I believe I think I might agree.

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Some food for thought matt j.a.o.b and Karl. :)

Q Dot films.


Very interesting read on fibers and biosensors.


I'm still looking, no doubt I'll find more interesting stuff. I'm still looking for the data speeds. I first learnt of the data speeds from Professor Duncan, who wrote the book "Soul Catcher", Dr Mihalcea has articles on him, I saw Duncan say it in one of his presentations.

The red fibers are slow data flow wise, when they discovered the blues they were blown away by the data flow.

Oh the rare greens are a bio sensor type, you'll find that in the second link, with all the the Q dots and the impregnated Nano particles. The Green film comes from Q dots made from Gold film and graphene nano tubule lattices impregnated by Nano particle Copper oxide. :) My best edumacated guess.

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Sounds like a reasonable guess to me. I am very grateful for this info. I used to be well enough to read tonnes and experiment tonnes. Now it is one or the other and i think im best exploiting visual phenomena and running experiments for others to base their more precise scientific findings on.

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I've talent for finding things with multiple word searches.

If only I could of taken pics back in Army days. Digital was crap back then though. Would of needed film.

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Hey I found something else . It's really fast. Plus it's encrypted like crypto lol.

"It uses 2.4 GHz frequency and the time needed for connection setup and data transfer is less than 3ms."


Hat tip Sabrina for WBAN. :)

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I think, I have the knowing's again. :) Was studying segue into this kind of Nano manifestation the other night so now I have idea I might be able to find more pubmeds, science articles ect, the fiber is being built out from the inside, with a Heavy metal or Heavy metal oxide bio sensor layer perhaps or quadratic Nano fibers one or the other.

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Great stuff. Your doing awesome work. I need to add you to recommend list. Please do send any relevant info. We are all getting closer or at least just somewhere.

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Aww Thank You. 😊

Yeah, if I see it and think of it, I will find it generally. Nothing new under the sun as they say.

Of course I send it. 👍

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by Karl.C

The dots inside aren’t swimming; they are the termination points of tendrils that go downward (in your video’s orientation) into the fiber wall. They are performing various operations.

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Some of them do seem attached for several reasons. Some also have what looks like flagella, but bacteria have flagella. maybe tendril is more appropriate. Seen any info on this


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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Karl, others,

I just saw an old 'stack post by kirsch who said someone did spectrometry on 4 vax vials (not blood):


Can anyone get through to him and so his "colleague"? He does not seem interested in any depth exploration however along the lines of citizen microscopy revelations. Why not share what was found instead of mostly what was not?

Since this his not a fresh post, maybe there is more out there i am unaware of. Anyone? Vials unidentified are limited in test value - blood is widely available...

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Had a better look at Kirsch's substack. I now doubt his advocacy's genuineness. I see he has grouped with the likes of vax manics like Malone, Bridle. If he laso made his fortune in association with techmanics, he is not likely to want to delve, even if genuine as far as he goes, into the all-important deeper dissidence. This may be why he did not display moreiof what his colleague found a yr ago...

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It does make one ask questions indeed. You are right to be suspicious if you ask me.

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Thanks Karl. Any idea if neoydm or strong magnet would help deactivate qd? Also any idea how to get q.d out of RBC blood cells?

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That's what we are looking to explore, but it's too early yet to say past normal detoxing and binders. Magnets I don't think are doing a great deal, but I may be wrong.

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Second and last videos: Do you have an enlargement of the two smaller perfectly formed tubes? Are they made of/for multiple RBCs/QDs stacking? Round things are moving inside of them too…

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