I ordered both MB and sodium citrate to test, I agree that I have had a very positive reaction to the Sodium Citrate at a very small cost effective dose (1tsp) I have tried many things and found there are very many compounds that help, but this one has left me feeling a superior wellness to all of them. My senses have been restored where I hadn’t noticed they were even quite so dampened. I am afraid I will not be able to sleep because of the energy it has given me. Excited for day 2 however.

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Wow, this is fantastic, I've had a few reports of this kind of response to it. Thank you. Do you mind if I collect these comments from people to add to a post at one point, will do it with any bad reactions too.

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Please do. Great work. Thanks

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Which brand of the Sodium Citrate did you buy and from whom?

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Anthony’s Premium from Amazon

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Thanks David, I have been apprehensive to try this despite being a follower of Ray Peat for a long time. Any thoughts as to why Dr Ana is seeing what she perceives as positive results with MB? Also, what are you seeing with some of the age old remedies such as borax, turpentine, sulphur., copper? It would be great if there was a way to substantiate the emp devices which Tony Pantellaresco recommends, which many attest to having made a significant difference? I have made an anti nano bucket and used. I have been seeing all the classic morgellons fibres, chip like objects, parasites etc showing daily on my skin on mass for over a year, just with a Carson hand scope, about to upgrade to something better. Just to mention, black seed oil and Fenbendazole are releasing more of this than anything else before. Started the sodium citrate as soon as I read your article and will monitor for uptick in removal of this.

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I used to use fenbendazole when i first got ill. And it helped hugely, of course i could see clearly i had several parasites present at that time and eggs. After clearing this all up fenben began to expire its usefulllness and most concerning we began finding out that 3 major brands were contaminated with very bad poisons. one product actually had Taniea pork worm eggs hatching in it so then i had to take loads of Praziquental and other stuff. It also had some kind of engineered bacteria in it which was true of all 3 brands and looked the same. Many tried to find clean fenben but i dont know if anyone did in the end. It made a lot of people ill and triggered off people who had stable cancers. When they stopped using it most of them all got better. very sad news since i was a huuuuge fenben fan. i dont touch many pharma drugs at all now if i can avoid it and mostly i can.

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Oh boy! Yikes. Can you share the brands that were funky?

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That's very interesting Karl, I appreciate the insight. There are still people saying they are getting well with its use. I have been getting mine through an Au supplier, very kind and generous human who has chemistry background and assures its purity and the FB group is run by a microbiologist who sources and sells it, but I think I will stop taking for now based on your experiences . Like you, I am going against instinct by using pharma derived substances in an attempt to eliminate and recover health. I may dose on some prazi, but then again potential for contamination. I just ordered some opaline dry oxy capsules as per Staninger recommendation. I don't have access to some of the studies linked in one of these comments to the degradation of GO to graphene and potentiated conductivity with sodium citrate and hope you can comment on this.

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Hi Lisa, great comment and info. I purchased fenben last year and wanted to do Dr. Merritts protocol utilizing it soon. Reading this makes me question if I should- if I had a microscope do we know what it is I should look out for in a sample of the fenben? Also, is there any chance of getting the info on the Au supplier? Im in the US midwest. TIA.

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The supplier I get mine from was hassled by the the TGA here and had the site shut down. they are only supplying original customers at this time. I have also purchased from Steve Beddingfield who started the Mold and Morgellons Support Protocol FB group. He's a microbiologist and devised a protocol that he and many others attest to saving their lives. He's very knowledgeable about the species involved with morgs. You can order from him direct from his website. He makes a salve which I've tried but didn't like the idea of using cotton seed oil so just mix Fenben with some coconut oil for use. I think he is in the US.

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I definitely appreciate your response. Im not on FB but maybe i can start just for this group :)

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His website, just for ordering and no info is Steve's salves. I don't own a microscope and Karl would be the one to ask for details on what to look for. Mine is a very fine white powder, so I wouldn't know if it were contaminated with anything. This is a recent comment from Steve the admin; 'Aspergillus flavus has converged with Pennicillium and Athelia rolfsii fungi. It’s now a hybrid monster." And then there's the rest of the nano to contend with. https://www.facebook.com/groups/997851633644483

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I can't of course speak for Dr Ana, but I do follow her stack with interest. It seems to me (and bear in mind I'm not a science type, sorry) that the MB work she's doing is chiefly on the white fibrous clots outside the human body. Unless I missed anything, she hasn't actually tested it being used inside the body of the living. Could be wrong though, so anyone feel free to correct me. I never mind apologising when I'm mistaken. But maybe that is why folks are discussing MB so much? Because it does seem to affect breakdown of the white clots, but so far as I can tell to date that's only outside the body.

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Yes it was external blood in tubes. But the amount of MB used was very large as seen by the dark blue mass in the image. It needs to be redone with realistic amounts of MB in the tube to say it is effective. Things don't work that way which is why Ronald D Norris makes effort to use realistic quantities of enzymes in his blood experiments to make the results at least look tangible outside the body.

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Hello Karl.

Can you please share a link to Ronald’s page? Is he on SubStack?

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Yes, will continue to explore as per usual with great interest. As for mistakes, I meant to refer to karl not David with the above.

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She has written about using MB for both purposes. She has claimed to use IV EDTA, IV Vitamin C and MB infusion and Epithalon for people with markedly abnormal blood on live blood analysis.

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Thanks for correcting me. I think I probably forgot about or missed that because IV chelation just isn't on my radar. Where I live, the chances of ever getting it or affording it are nil.

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Was just introduced to you via Mariazee interview. Very impressed! I would like to know if you’ve used chlorine dioxide if so what was your experience?

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Hi, indeed i have. It has limited effects but does sometimes help a little. It is hugely aggressive on teeth, should not contact metal or fillings, and i can only take it so often. It was best used on actual bacterial, mycoplasma, and other type infections for me. Some feel it has more to offer than this. But for me it is not a long term answer due to the aggressiveness on the body.

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I think you would be in agony if you drank it raw. Couldn't imagine drinking undiluted CDS yikes.

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I use chlorine dioxide as a mouthwash. I have issues with my teeth and I'm afraid of dentists. Completely decimates infection short term, no pain. I try not to ingest it, it upsets my stomach and I fear for my stomach biology. As a topical treatment for just about anything it works great.

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yes as i was answering to someone else above. Great for infections, but long term use is bad on teeth, and it is very aggressive due to its nature of action.

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Dec 16, 2023·edited Dec 16, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Thank you Karl. I'll experiment with using it every two or three days as opposed to every day and see how that works out. It does make my life better.

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Ionized silver solution works great for oral rinse, also added to water pick. Much safer and have kept dental issues at bay for 4 yrs.

Make my own, half gal at a time . 💕

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Thank you! I was worrying about my teeth. I've made ionic silver solution. There is a way to tell when it is saturated and starts becoming colloidal with a laser I think but I haven't done that yet. I have some small lasers. Although it probably doesn't matter if it's colloidal? Or maybe it settles out.

Happy to read any tips you might offer.

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Sometimes mine goes a bit colloidal too, straw color. With laser light one should see particles in suspension. I haven’t checked honestly. ( can’t find the cat toy laser) I don’t think it matters much for the rinse, I do swallow it after counting to 40 ;),

The ionic is supposed to be more bio available when ingested.

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I've been using chlorine dioxide for 3 years with tremendous results. It knocked some lumps off my body and cured me of chronic fatigue. (Plus, CD cured my ailing Australian shepherd of Lyme Disease).

When I want to protect my already fragile teeth I use hypochlorous acid dilution. I keep a spray bottle in my bathroom and spray it into my mouth after I brush. Works great .. even with my deep recesses from missing teeth,

Have gotten totally rid of pain, and inflammation, and it's natural to the body

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I found this, looking in Canada: https://sterasure.com/collections/briotech/products/topical-skin-spray

Advertised as 'skin spray'.

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The thing is I make my own hypochlorous acid at home. The ingredients are as simple as salt vinegar and water! I just bought a little generator and I can make it as cheaply as pouring water from the tap!

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Can you give the brand of the machine you use to make the hypochlorous acid please? I would love to see if I could buy one and make the acid based on your feedback of results. This is the first I’ve heard of the substance. And what is the formula you use to make the acid? Aside from the salt & water you also say you add vinegar. I know vinegar has many beneficial properties, but if you add the vinegar is the resulting solution still considered hypochlorous acid? Can you give me measurements for both just salt, water, and the other version which includes vinegar? And is it white or apple cider vinegar? Thank you for your time. 🙏

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Hello, Certainly ! my machine is an Eco one. It's terrific. I think I paid about a $150. It cranks out 1 liter of hypochlorous acid in just minutes ( 8 minutes or 16 if you want to double the potency,)

it comes with a tiny measuring Spoon for salt.. you can use a teaspoon for the vinegar.

You would want to use kosher salt that has no additives.. the reason for the teaspoon of white vinegar is just to produce a neutral PH, otherwise it would be too alkaline. People do consume it, but I would study the research before I would do that.

Right now I use it in place of cleaning liquids. I clean the kitchen with it. I clean the bathroom with it. I spray garbage pails with it. I spray it into mascara to keep the bacteria down. I spray kitchen sponges with it ..again, to kill bacteria, it can be put in water to destroy any harmful bacteria, And since it's harmless, you can spray vegetables with it or food stuffs. Also to kill any unwanted bacteria.

I spray a mild dilution my face every single night. It's kind of like hyaluronic acid in that it is natural to your flesh and beneficial.

PS.. Store it in opaque bottles or in a cabinet. Or the fridge..The light will dissipate the active ingredient.

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OK, I will order some of that. As with all things I'd love to know how to make it. Chain of evidence kind of thing. I know where it came from.

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Not surprised! The fact is the same spray I use in my mouth... I use on my skin every night after I wash. It's wonderful stuff and my skin looks phenomenal

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Seems you can make it with salt and water. Do you make it?

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You pour a liter of filtered water into the machine. Add a pinch of salt. Turn the machine on, it'll send an electric current through the water and within 8 minutes. You have the liter of the strong Hypochlorous solution which you can dilute and put into separate bottles. BUY OPAQUE bottles. Or the chlorine content dissipates before you'll use it all. Or keep a glass bottle in the cabinet or fridge.

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Yes, I bought a terrific little machine. And I use this stuff all over the house. Now I make a liter at a time. And I use it to clean the butcher block tables... The walls.. the bathroom... And I spray in my mouth and spray it on my face. There's no end to the uses! It's just wonderful

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I found one. Have to buy it from Amazon. Canadian suppliers I found sell industrial models. I have a big butcher block table but it's not that big.

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I think he already addressed it before and it did not work to rid the body of poison, if I remember correctly. Read his prior articles. He cannot answer all individual repeat questions and still do his research too.

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Don’t police the comments. I know you mean well, but it came off rude - speaking as an outside observer. If Karl wishes to answer the comment let him do so or not. He can likewise refer a person to his previous articles.

Run your Substack as you wish. Let others run theirs as they see fit. Hope you take no offense.

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But it's Ok for you to police my comments? Seriously flawed thinking.

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So, if somebody points out to a bully that they were bullying someone then the person who brought to the bully’s attention that he was bullying another is now also bullying the bully? “Seriously flawed thinking” for sure.

Expressing the analogy another way, if God told you to mind your own business either directly or through another person (as He often uses others as vessels) then would you likewise say to God (directly or thru his vessel) “mind YOUR own business, you hypocrite!”? 🥹

There were a number of ways you could’ve kindly assisted the person other than the way you did because your way was not assistance but mean or snarky criticism.

Sorry if you’re blind to your own rudeness. That’s understandable. We all suffer those blind moments. I just wanted to point out that I didn’t think it was your place to take Karl’s place to answer the woman.

Hopefully, you’ll be nicer/kinder the next time. If not then just know somebody else may likely call you out on your behavior again as I did.

If we’re going to build a new, better, & more loving world after the globalist destroy the current one then we might as well start today. 🥰

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RemovedDec 16, 2023Liked by Karl.C
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Read Jim humbles website on the chemistry. He discovered and initially used it as a malaria cure which worked. The British red cross used it abroad documented videos. they later got flack from the institutes and governments and were told to tell a different story after. it was too late by that point though and the videos had already circulated from their successful trip. Into interacts with that which is positively charged i do believe. Bacteria and chemistry alike. so its effects are not limited to just good because of that reason.

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Thanks for this article about MB. I didn’t know a lot about it beforehand.

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Why is dr ana not acknowledging sodium citrate ? Not even a mention ? And predominantly focusing on MB

The whole awake community is asking this question .?

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Who knows, id hoped she would share and test it too since i am not even monetizing in it. I am more interested in finding something that works and getting answers. I would appreciate the community and people in positions like here crediting the finding and then adding their contribution by helping to test it :( . I got more good stuff coming soon hopefully. Testing lots of stuff that has been selected by targeted literature based on what we think we are dealing with.

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I've been taking methylene blue (MB) + sleep with Near Infrared (NIR), Infrared (IR) and Red Light using an incandescent bulb array. The MB creates a Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) after donating an electron into the electron complex II+

My background is Photoelectrochemical Engineering with Biochemistry, genetics work at Bigelow Laboratory, singularity studies at Singularity University NASA Ames and electromechanical systems with programming, networking, cybersecurity and neurosecurity countermeasures.

This technology enables neurohacking, but also performance enhancement when it works (integrates into you without killing you). If it works, it emits healing scalar waves at nanoscale. If it doesn't (you're getting hacked by an enemy AI BCPS system) and using non-friendly neurotechnology (unknowingly: software and hardware). Read my substack to learn more, it is complex to understand. Hope this adds clarity.

Diet. There is a reason why Kosher and Halal diets are eating by a large portion of the world, it keeps you clean and free from parasites. Majority 50% of world has parasites in them, when parasites mix with synthetic biology you get weird products/creatures growing inside of people.... also what you consume and read impacts you more than you can imagine with synthetic biology in you... read good codexes.

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Dec 17, 2023·edited Jan 3Liked by Karl.C

Monthly herbal parasite cleansing is part of my maintenance routine, so I vouch for what you say here. I too have been using methylene blue for the last month. It's cleaning me out as my urine swaps back and forth from blue to clear. My usually tight neck muscles are more relaxed. And my vision is improving. Thank you for your work, Brandon. Your articles are fascinating. Of course I do more than this to stay healthy. Using the Triangle, mineral balancing and minimizing exposure to RF wireless tech.

It's Jan. 2, 2024 I read through all the comments posted here. There is lots to consider. I appreciate all the comments based on personal experience. Thank you Karl C. for starting this conversation based on your experience.

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Ooooooh. I’d love to know how you are experiencing the triangle working for you!

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The Triangle works fine to erase nanobot programs and disengage nanos... so we can think clearly. But the ultimate solution is to turn off wireless radio frequency transmissions from cell phones, cell towers, communications satellites, etc. If we don't disengage from the technology, we'll all be dead in short order... no matter what remedies we currently use. One person at a time.

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Dec 16, 2023·edited Dec 16, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Thank-you for the bonifides and information about this intriguing substance heard of before and never considered supplementary. Will head over to your Substack to check it out.

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You're welcome. I got shot up in 2022 with a neuroweapon and have since had to skill-up in this space rapidly to get better. Tech can be used for good or less good, there are awesome good uses for it.

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That's the point about technology; the aspect of paradox. We're in the world with those choosing both positive and negative behaviors found in human characteristics which are not to be trusted. Most humans appear similar or average even when the soul is very different from others and being shot with a neuroweapon can result. If people haven't figured this out since WWII when the U.S. was ordered to release the bomb...Perhaps, it's time for some to get their heads out of their bums.

As you also note; there are immensely wonderful uses for technology, too. It's a matter for those as you having the intellect, training, experience within several overlapping disciplines I'm depending on to teach me how to counter the negative and heal both myself and others....Retired early for personal reasons to provide support for farm, kids and Grandkids. But, with a background in Psychology turning to focus upon Holistic Mental Health Healing...Am amazed at the advances in this short span of time.

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Beware of ChinaCCP neurotechnology as it can infiltrate an otherwise healthy environment and transmit harmful frequencies to start killing good people from inside their bodies from 1000 miles away or 1 nanometer away from your healthy cells internally if you consume their food/products and also use their neurotechnology hardware and software. This is Xi's Magic Weapon that has been hacked. Note the use of Xi's wording "Magic" evil.

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Dec 16, 2023·edited Dec 16, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Have begun my adventure into your Stacks. Must admit, am intrigued and clearly have much to learn.

Don't consume food from China...Grow it myself with family and am mostly off-grid. Exactly what do you refer to when writing, "NEUROTECHNOLOGY"...A machine?

And, what is Xi's "Magic Evil"?

Sometimes, I require somebody to SCREAM the answer...As, it's impossible for me to read between the lines to know what you're elluding to in this comment. Maybe, I'm ignorant and simply need somebody to SPELL IT OUT in layman's terms.

Further...Are you both Karl C. and Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E? You have two Stacks?

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Bit confused here...WHO IS

Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. from Brandon’s Substack?

That is the Substack I found and began to read.

Is Karl C the same person as Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E?


Weird Picture and all?

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Hello sir.

What are the most obvious hosts of said CCP infiltration? Smart things I do know about, but what else should we know about?

There are more than just the CCP who are involved in the nonsense to construct the global information grid, correct?

Mind you, I’ve just completed a near-record run through of your Stack so I’m getting up to speed fast. Amazing work!

Have you gotten on to Sabrina Wallace yet?

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Thank you for your experiences & insights that strongly suggest it should be approached with a good bit of caution but I will still get some & try it at small doses - I hate the idea of being clogged up with hydrogel

I just received 3 tubs of the Sodium Citrate, same as your images & will be doing the same with that so thank you again for all your great info & help

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Three tubs? I have a pound and a half of it. Haven't touched it yet wanna get a look at my blood before doing anything. Maybe today.

I don't know how big a tub is but that sounds like a lot. Mind you there will be other people to think of eventually.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Thanks Lou, I bought 3 x 500g tubs of Special Ingredients Sodium Citrate Acidity Regulator so I have a good stock to keep me going & who knows how long we will have to keep taking it because I know from Dr Ana Michaela that if you do EDTA intravenous Chelation Therapy for Nano Tech etc, it comes straight back really quickly, it doesn't last.

Also the word may well get out about this, they will then either run out & ban sites from selling it like they did with Chlorine Dioxide which kills practically everything including Covid Flu in hours - coz I did it myself & it knocked it dead in 3 hours or they'll gouge the price & charge a fortune for it.

Better to have it than not have it - I don't want any QD's or Nano Tech in my body & I'll be getting a load of Methylene Blue for the Hydrogel & probably more CDS too.

On Telegrams Universal Antidote channel recently there was a story about the owner of an old dying Cat giving it a few mixed drops in it's water which literally brought the Cat back from deaths door. Cat is still alive & doing very well, happy story for a change.

In the last day or so, crazy drugged up Biden has been in front of the cameras telling everyone to get ready for the next upcoming Pandemic so better get your supplies while you still can, they're posting the same scamdemic videos of ppl in China dropping in the streets like they did to launch con vid, it's such a joke really, their just playing the old black death story - mystery illness emanating from the east, just rinse & repeat

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I am stock with Mms, Mb and now SC...never know how the supply chains will end and if others need it.

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Very wise, who knows what's coming & how difficult it will be to find anything useful for protecting health & treating whatever they throw at us

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I suspect once word gets out the authorites will absolutely qwell sales of sodium citrate before they go in and adulterate anything left. But you can make it yourself at home. Maybe wise to stock up on the simple ingredients. https://learnmethods.com/how-to-make-sodium-citrate/

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I have citric acid too. It's useful for cooking as well, adds a soury tart flavouring.

I'll probably try making some just to have fun.

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Thank You 👍

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Might want to peek at your pee before to get a base line. 😂. That’s where I’m starting.

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Love you Karl 😎;)

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When you people start buying and sales. Surgery's occur prices go up. So we bulk buy. 😊

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Dec 16, 2023·edited Dec 16, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Heh, I do that too with most things. I thought I was doing that with the pound and a half but you showed me up.

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Hahaha 🤣

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Lol, I ordered 5kgs. Eventually others might need it when this nuclear discovery explode.

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How did you order the special ingredients brand sodium citrate it only gives me the option for uk currency

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I buy non gmo sodium citrate..

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Of course, we have to think of others. I have 250g of potassium Iodide. That's a couple hundred thousand doses so if a nuke goes off nearby I have the town covered for quite a while. I actually had no idea I was getting that much.

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Dec 16, 2023·edited Dec 16, 2023Liked by Karl.C

The word 'tub' doesn't sound so benign...Maybe, begin with a Tsp, gram or ounce or less.

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Thank you I so appreciate you writing back to me, I am just so exhausted and my brain is obviously on the blink, I don't really care for not being able to do the normal things I used to do it is so unfair but who said life was fair right? I'm 58 now and I don't really look like it however I am quite sure I probably look like a tweaked out person just because of what the intense itching and lesions have done to my face and certain parts of my body, I know now where it came from,or at I think I have a pretty good idea,my real problem is that I'm not working at all, I'm barely squeaking by out here on my own in Arizona, not from here, this is a very bad place to be if you have this stuff, it's horrible, I have been here since 2005 am and didn't have it until I turned 50 years old, weird how it all started very slow but not anymore

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Lou omg I am so sorry for your health that's exactly why I don't like taking pills they absolutely do more harm than good,the side effects from the commercials on TV are absolutely ridiculous and I can't believe anyone who had half a brain would say that it's better than what you originally have been diagnosed with, it's disgusting how these people with money are doing to the Americans who have worked hard all their life to get what, something that the doctors tell you it's all in your head, so guess what HAVE ANOTHER SCRIPT FOR YOUR CRAZY ASS, Right? I wish I had the money to show these people what they really need to know about,if they think they will not be made accountable for the harm they have done and are still doing I have some news for them about what will happen when Jesus comes back and God has a real special place for evil people, and I believe that Satan will absolutely NOT WIN,AT LEAST NOT MY SOUL, I wish I could meet you and give you a huge hug, prayers and blessings to you and yours ❤️🙏 L

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Bless you and thank you. I hope with all my heart that there is a hell for deliberate wrong doers. ♥️

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I agree we need high caution when testing potential solutions, and we need to double and triple verify everything we can. I personaply only experiment on myself, in small documented increases, with my wife just taking the normal things as a control.

It looks like there would possibly be no issues with taking sodium citrate, EDTA and ALA at the same time so I may try that next.

Great work... it is up to us until the world wakes up.

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Interesting analysis, Karl, thank you. Methylene Blue must be one of the few anti-thingy treatments (recommended by somebody or other) that I don't have in my bag of suppliments! Would you be able to give us a similar analysis of colloidal gold (which I have been taking)?

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I actually cannot comment there. i have not tried colloidal gold and have only tried colloidal silver which had small beneficial effects on microbial issues. David Nixon believed it was helping a bit but then after i discovered the effects of sodium citrate we realized that the colloidal gold making process uses sodium citrate as a starting catalyst which had has all laughing. Was it the gold that helped, or was it the sodium citrate all along lol

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Ha! Your research sounds not only potentially life-saving but also rather a lot of fun! My dad was a chemist, the type that knows how to make explosions. I shall wait until my sodium citrate arrives and then I do tests on urine, though in truth I have actually never had any symptoms of anything so I am a lousy test subject. Thanks for the input.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Thank you for sharing your personal experience and insights.

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My blood is also rubbery as well

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Isn't it just amazing? The things we have to do to just stay alive? What has become of us?

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Hello Karl, my apologies for SAT/sunday here zoom meeting...my device lost signal ! near end of meeting - didn't get to say goodbyes to group. Really enjoyed it, some interesting testimonials today too. KK signing out

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haha KK, nice to see you as always. You are funny ;) Yea cant wait to hear more good news from people. Hope they are all very careful with their kidneys.

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yeah, I only have one kidney from birth so I'm cautious.. and I also have to be on no-to low sodium in all dietary intake. I will stay tuned on it though. And I wonder about so many ppl with blood pressure issues too and sodium levels. I'd be interested along the way from here, if a low dose of the s.citrate can also bring a benefit. It's really nice to see you so chipper ..and I hope you just keep soaring high. catch you later KK, from kk

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In this diverse multi pronged attack on humanity, what works for one may not work for another. Symptoms may be similar but underlying body terrain are not.

There is no one size fits all. Thank you Karl for all you do.

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I'm appreciating your research Karl. Tried to send you a donation at Ko-fi. I can't, don't have a mobile phone. It's a pain withstanding this tremendous pressure to make everyone use one. I'm not doing it.

Can't use Telegram. Can't order from a nearby computer store...

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Thanks john, that is very kind of you. i wish i did not need my phone. envious.

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I dropped them when my Nexus one died, felt like a leash. Now they just seem evil.

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