Thank you, Karl. I'm praying for your well-being. That you are able to safely neutralize and or rid your body of these foreign entities and that you will be restored to full and vibrant HEALTH. In God's name and All that is Good. Amen

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It is in everyone so pray for us and yourself too

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My first thought when I read that comment as well... 😥

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Amen and amen

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Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏

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OooooHHHHH !!! WOW Karl, these images are probably the clearest most stunning and telling yet !

How on this earth can anyone in their right mind NOT see this damage ??

The TRUTH will always win OUT,

God bless you man against the microbes - and - damn the scum behind all this..... KK

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Phenomenal work, Karl.

Been thinking about you and the progress you fine gentlemen have made and suspected your work to be stellar. Visions of this evil causes the solar plexus to drop. Praying you're not a martyr by allowing this to proceed within your body while knowing how to cleanse.

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Any hope to keep us human?

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Trying, working on it

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The body is not what makes us human, so, yes, there is hope. More than hope.

Know who you are.

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powerful words

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Thank you once again for your devoted and helpful information

We really do appreciate everything you do

Love from Queensland Australia

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All the best Karl.

Amazing images

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How much does the liquid chromatography cost Karl?

Thank you for your Time and dedication to trying to find a solution to keep humanity human!

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Well the Chem scientists said not to chase the one on eBay for 8k since it was missing a few required detectors and I may end up having to replace parts myself, which I don't need anymore electronic projects lol. But we have a perfect refurbished machine with training waiting across seas if we can get £20,000 UK. We would of course show our purchase of that.

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Some of these slides could sell as interesting art. You can have artwork/digital photography of the iris of the eye done and that looks amazing on a wall too. Perhaps you could raise some money for your work selling some of these captured shots. You might want to copyright/watermark them? It's important work and you don't know who could be watching with interest.

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Perhaps you have already mentioned this somewhere, Karl. But have you tested if nicotine is a potential cure for this garbage?

Dr. Ardis claims that nicotine gets rid of the nanotech/GO (although maybe he is not aware of some of the other stuff you have found.)

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Video coming today, thanks to all for the kind words !

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Watched it, really grateful for you and all of the hard work that you and David have been doing, searching for the truth. It would have been nice if the answer to all of this mess was as simple as just taking nicotine lol. Hopeful that there will be a solution to this all within the near future.

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PS hydrogen peroxide is a documentedab procedure to detox Graphene if that is the case. I use hydrogen peroxide myself.

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Yes, I remember us talking about that a bit ago. Does it cleanse the hydrogels and this other crap that's in the blood as well? I was nebulizing 0.5-1% food grade peroxide a few years ago every other day. I need to get back on that.

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Have you read Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea's substack? Anamihalceamdphd.substack.com

She tested nicotine and it didn't stop selfassembling nanobots.

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Oct 8Edited

Nicotine and how it plays it's part needs to be kept in the correct context. It is not a won and done solution, but may appear to play a part and assist somewhat in these early days.

From Dr Ana's latest:

'Nicotine can be used in addition, but it does not eliminate the causative agent from the body, specifically toxic nanoparticles like Aluminum, radioactive Uranium, Gadolinium and others'

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Oct 14
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They aren't really true bots, they are LNP's and lipid materials. Still I'm not sure where Graphene plays a part in all this yet. I've seen very few outlets confirm it at all and some of those sources have been miss leading people. I think the jury is still out on the Graphene theory, but I do not dismiss it one bit very confusing. Do send any analysis via spectrometry of you see it please tech guy

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Thank you, Karl. I hope the funding you need comes to you and soon.

God blesses your work, I'm betting...

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Thanks pirate, love to see you popping up.

Warm wishes

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Thanks, for the epic update, Karl. I was unaware you are dealing with Lyme and MD. Thank you for yours and all the others work. Keeping you All in my prayers for Protection, Guidance and Vibrant Health. In God's Name and All that is Good, Amen.🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you, I understand Lyme and MD to be earlier versions of what we all have now. Synthetic assembling material

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EDTA, Malic acid, and Vitamins C and E are listed as Exemplary Antioxidants and Exemplary Chelators in the moderna patent to stop self-replication.

So next I am going to try to liposomalize EDTA, C and Malic acid into hempseed oil, which is high in ALA, and combine it with E then put it into a fruit pectin gummy for possible better absorbtion.

Im not sure why people are so hesitant to use EDTA/C, I have been taking it for a while now and it works better than anything else I have found.

And most of the things people talk about in their 'EDTA is poison' articles are half-researched bullshit, like anytime they mention calcium. All EDTA you can buy now is Calcium Disodium EDTA, which does not have any of the calcium stripping issues they refer to from those old studies. Plus a ton of people used to take many grams of EDTA a day for months in some of those other old studies and they were fine... but I guess the 'EDTA is Poison' people couldnt find Those.

Im not sure why people are so resistant but that would be my recommendation. As long as you take it correctly, it works great IMHO.

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Oct 8Edited

I guess adversary's playing their part. Who knows if their/our minds are still our own? EDTA/C has been priceless for me personally.

On Malic acid, I love apples, but have just recently discovered they set the nano activity off within me. I have always felt the effects of aerial spray near instantly on my face, combined with the latest article shared by Dr Ana, it all fits. 'chronic acetyl cholinesterase (AChE) enzyme inhibition in the circulating red blood cells' and the lady mentioned in testing. https://substack.com/home/post/p-149888111.

I experience the same from any 'juicy' fruits now, which is very disappointing. It appears the 'nano is being drawn up through the roots from moisture in the soil then into the fruit. Having said that, I am not sure if 'all' fruits globally would be infected to the same extent?

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The article and articles within Dr Ana’s substack you mention CoS are all very interesting and pertinent to our time. I don’t pretend to understand it all, but as you mention-AChE enzyme inhibition-it could have a profound effect for us all !

Sorry you can’t enjoy a juicy apple or other fruit. Maybe the nano is coming up through the roots into the fruit-maybe it’s absorbed by the fruit on the tree.

I can’t say about apples (I can’t bite into them-we just don’t buy them), but I have had peaches and mandarins (in Australia), and they’re nice and juicy. We get chemtrails.

I’m thinking of getting some Malic acid.

How does your face feel when you feel the aerial spray?

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Oct 12Edited

If you are not suffering from any symptoms, I doubt whether you will notice any effects from fruit, yet. My body is fiercely attempting to reject the nano, as a result I (unfortunately) are able to 'detect'/experience any poisons very quickly.

How does the spray feel? Ever had sulfuric acid finely sprayed on your face or skin? I/You can actually wipe you face and remove a lot of it and get relief. The effects are largely noticed around the cheeks, eyes and forehead. The effects are very noticeable when returning back inside where electrical components are. Sealed glasses work very well with protection and regaining eye sight. Note I haven't taken the poison, do not give off a MAC address, but do understand I may have been a victim of early spray and fiber attacks, maybe even targeted now.

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Thanks CoS for your reply. I’ve never had sulphuric acid sprayed on my face-Yikes-sounds awful! I hope you’re not being targeted. From what I know, that’s pretty bad too.

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This is without getting into the electric shock 'pings' I receive every night from the neighbors smart meter, when my brain activity drops below 4Hz, every 4-8 seconds currently. I can literally count how many smart meters are within approx. 50m radius, by the number of pings overlapping each other every 10 seconds. Sound bazaar, but it's truth.

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Yikes again. I believe you. Many people are sensitive to smart meters.

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Be careful with acids, I wouldn't do that. H202 wipe is very helpful in rapid destabilization of hydrogel and lipids. Go safe.

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I get palsy and needle pains in my face, but those come towards evenings when I get weaker and happen only on some days. I used to have full left side face drop a few years back. Palsy

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Wow Karl, are these recent onsets? You mentioned tiredness, are these tyrants getting the better of you?

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Do try this, many have been but I haven't seen major success at all with it. This material is likely far more better controlled by enzymes, chelators and some other stuff too. Those have extremely powerful actions, the AI agreed with our research on that too. The other stuff you mentioned can help.

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But if you have amalgams you cannot take EDTA

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You can take EDTA if you have amalgams, I do.

What you should not do is try to put it under your tongue or hold it in your mouth. Just take the EDTA pills like normal pills, with water.

EDTA pills taken orally cannot get through the calcium of your teeth to affect metal fillings, unless you put it in physical contact with them.

So dont do that.

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Also don't forget oral EDTA is not very effective at all and suppositories are 43% compared to IV. I don't seem to like the EDTA toxicity like many

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good points

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hmmmm... how do you know this? I am in a group who were patients of the famous brilliant Dr. Klinghardt, & that is where I learned not to take EDTA with silver fillings. How long have you been taking it?

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Im not sure who that is so I cant speak to what he said but I have been taking Calcium Disodium EDTA for around 18 months. If taking EDTA orally in plls made your fillings fall out, I think mine and my wifes would have by now. I dont know of anyone else who had that happen either, unless they tried to hold it sublingually under their tongue.

Which of course a powder does not Stay under your tongue and then comes into contact with metal in your mouth, at which point it Immediately starts migrating some of that metal into your saliva, which you then swallow and increase your heavy metal body burden rather than decrease it.

EDTA has been around a very very long time and there are many Many studies on it, including how it reacts with metals but its not magic... and Ive taken 6600mg of EDTA a day while fasting for 5 days straight before, more than once. I have lots of fillings, but none that have fallen out.

Although you could always take a metal saliva test after taking the oral EDTA pills if you wanted to be sure sure. I thought about it but then I read more and took more EDTA and now I think it would be a waste of money.

Good luck to you in any case, but I think if you just take the normal pills normally, your fillings will be fine. Ours are.

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Its not the fillings falling out Im worried about, Its the EDTA chelating the mercury, pulling it from the amalgams & distributing it in places like the brain.

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I would cheat and ask AI for info with references to papers. Easy job and it works.

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Oct 14
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I don't know about EDTA and amalgams to be honest, but it usually takes a long time for it to start showing systems. It wouldn't be easy to know often. Mercury poisoning tends to act slowly and increase with accumulation. Sometimes it takes years for it to keep moving to the brain and then as you age altzeimers and other conditions set in very early.

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Very good work. Cross-posted: https://terral.substack.com/cp/149971595

Dr. Corrin sees the larger picture: https://terral.substack.com/cp/149970814

We are looking at AI-assisted bioweapon component replication and not self-replication. The truth is much stranger than fiction, and the threats far greater than people realize. Get more information using the links below, and at https://www.terral03.com and https://terral.substack.com.

https://terral.substack.com/p/watch-the-full-tv-version-of-terrals << important interview for connecting the AI-HAARP-Nanobot-Real-World Simulation threat information.





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Replication is self replication as per science papers, thanks for sharing and supporting

Kindest regards

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how can we download your videos? We need those distributed far and wide, so they cannot be disappeared.

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Website is being made as we speak, I have a tiny team on it ! Blog coming too

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Unfortunately laws have been passed saying informed consent is not required if risk is minimal (21st Century Cures Act of 2016) and those deciding on whether risk is minimal do not appear to be doing so with any sort of integrity if they are even attempting to do this at all, that is assess risk before use in general population. Instead they have pushed clinical trials into the general population (a.k.a.

fast-tracking and real world evidence) and will continue to.

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My god, they have removed all responsibility and rules from themselves haven't they

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Hi Karl, have you already checked out Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea's substack?

She's done alot of research with this awful self assembling nanotechnology which is now in everyone's blood.

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I don't consider it an honest enough source, many others know what I am talking about, re: nicotine cure, methylene blue, and other stuff. I have ethical issues with all that

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Yes, I believe most of us have checked her out, at one time or another.

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