Woah! It is now looking like this may be in everything injectable. You would be surprised to see what was left inside the tank of our distiller after 22 gallons boiled. Sticky, white gooey floating substances that clump together in small balls, can be seen visually, and when swirled, the water becomes cloudy until some of the stuff settles back to the bottom while others float. Sickening.

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Hi LAE. Can I ask what type of distiller you use? Are you happy with it? thanks.

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Hi. We bought the DURASTILL distiller. The sales rep is Frank Mendez at waterdistillers.com (612) 701-7820. We are perfectly happy with it. It is MADE IN USA, out of Oklahoma. Nice caveat. You just have to clean it after you distill and we use clear glass bottles we buy from ULINE. I hope this helps.!

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That helps massively! Distilled water is uncharted territory for me & the thought of making it myself puts me off. I have a berkey so will take your pro-tips above & double filter first then see what happens. Thanks so much really helps to have a personal recommendation :-)

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We have been drinking distilled water since 2005 and was buying it regularly at the grocery store, then one day, it was all gone just like everything else COVID. We had to drive out of our way for it, and the prices keep rising, told my husband we should just buy our own distiller. We do several gallons a month. You can only get so many per day if you are running it non-stop and it takes about 4 days to do a total of 22 gallons; it is a process. There are a lot of options with DURASTILL, but we settled for a countertop unit. I was going to buy the Berkey and glad I didn’t. We have always double filtered our drinking water and have an under sink water filtration system; like the one you buy from Lowe’s. This really is the best way. You will be pleased as the taste is amazing. I would suggest trying put a gallon from the grocery first so you are not dissatisfied or disappointed . 😊

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Hey great advice thank you! Great to hear from some-one who's been using it for almost 20 years as well and still loves it. I feel a bit weird about it. If it's not from a spring & unadulterated in any form (distilled, reverse osmosis etc) where people put minerals 'back in' etc it all just seems so unnatural. But hey you're here to tell the tale with a smile so it must be good... ha. Just looked at the website now. The countertops look huge till you read the dimensions.. phew. Did you go for the 'steam' or 'pure' version?

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Remember, distilled water is PURE, no junk. PURE!

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We bought the steam one. i am a RN, husband is a disabled physician. We both have suffered with kidney stones that were calcium oxylate and will not go under the knife. We are careful about certain minerals, but I do replace them a few times weekly with KETO CHOW daily minerals. I follow Dr. Berry’s Proper Human Diet. He is on You Tube.

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Thank you, for this information.

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Bought chainstore distilled water does not have a neutral pH. Something odd there ?

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Mar 25
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I forgot to add on initial post, the water was from municipal services in our area and double filtered from under sink filtration system prior to distillation.

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sounds like the captured rain water in a plastic container outside my house

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I'm surprised by this because the basic Spooky2 Rife literally saved my life when I began using it to detox in Feb 2022. I was targeted back in late 2019-21 for speaking out (similarly to your sister). I'm doing MUCH better but still have work to do and am within days of purchasing the high-end Central device ($3,200) ... now I'm second guessing my decision.


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It may still be effective against a disease or underlying disease. So it can help still, but i can only infer that it is not good for the tech so far from various experiments performed.

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Hi karl amazing work keep it up. honestly its a mindfield !!! my gut is telling me there would be a difference carrying it out remotely to contact mode have you tried them both if thats possible ?

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Hi Tracy I saw your video with Len Ber thank you. Have you used Spooky continuously since February 2022? You say it saved your life so you must feel better rather than worse and would not be paying $3k to upgrade. Have you ever had Live blood analysis? I'd be intrigued about your blood picture with such a lengthy use of Spooky.

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Hello -- yes, I purchased the basic starter kit/generator (XM) and immediately set it on the 11-day terrain detox protocol and let it run for MANY months before I started playing with other programs. I am days away from purchasing the Central plasma kit the GenX generator. The Central serves as an AMPLIFIER for the frequencies and the GenX generator has remote biofeedback (uses DNA/blood sample).

The Spooky2 basic definitely played a huge role in my ability to detox heavy metals/chemicals and parasites (I had tangible results).

But I am now struggling with a severe case of peripheral neuropathy which I believe is a residual effect of toxin buildup, being blasted with harmful frequencies and the physical stress of my targeting back in 2019-21 (all intentional, I believe).

I haven't been to the doctor since Feb 2020 when I was tricked into getting an EEG/fMRI which is how they got my bioresonance which was later used to weaponize me. I haven't been to the doctor since that day.

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I'm so sorry to hear what you’ve been through with the Targeting Tracy & the fall out from that. I know from your testimonials here & with Ben Ler that it’s undoubtable that Spooky played a big part in your healing.

Do you ever wonder if the neuropathy could be caused by the tech? Have you tried any other modalities ie Sodium citrate, Spike/Triangle, Hydrogen Peroxide? Just curious as my better half is suffering neurological symptoms. I feel certain it’s the tech as was completely well up to the last few months.

I wonder if detoxing / removing heavy metals out of the body is possible with Spooky then so it should be with the tech?? If the tech is physically “removed” from the body then does it matter if it is ‘energised’ or not? Or is it what’s left behind that’s the issue? So many questions…While the jury is out on this one I’ll look to other means for now. Thanks for replying & I wish you heaps of love & healing!

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For those with heavy metal tox loads I can personally attest that using a far infrared sauna for 30min/day for 6 months took loads of As,Pb and Hg from my person. Was taking ALA and DMSA? I think it was. This was in 2013. I tested sweat and urine after a treatment - unbelievable what was coming out by sweating. Remember the fireman that went in the twin towers - large numbers were so poisoned - some only started to recover once in the FIR sauna. Their white towels turned red and sometimes green with the stuff coming out of their pores.

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Wow that description brought me back in time when I had a coworker who went to Afghanistan and came back with the most horrendous body odor and his armpits were stained green everyday. It was the worst smell ever and I’m a nurse in a nursing home.

I was only 20 when I worked with that guy and I think about him wondering whatever happened to him. Likely he was saturated with tech….

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I’m also using spooky central, or I was. There’s a NP I was following who was using spooky with great results clearing the blood. It’s so hard to navigate what’s right and what’s wrong!

You aren’t by chance taking any b6 or getting b6 in any way (like protein, drinks hidden in supplements) it can cause peripheral neuropathy. I had severe b6 toxicity and the damage it causes is beyond words. Thought I’d mention bc it’s often a hidden source of nerve damage. (It’s also given as a treatment for nerve damage which is ironic because it causes it)

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B6 and B9 are both neurotoxins along with a host of others (fluroide, bromide) that are in our food & water.

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B6 can cause neuropathy. They will never tell you that. I found it on neuropathycommons.org and it lists what causes the condition I have. Also a class of antibiotics that will cause the same. My neurologist said he never prescribes that class of antibiotics. He wants me to take lyrica and that is not going to happen.

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Hi tracy something else which came to me yesterday for you what you could try out kinesiology testing. you can use it while you're in a place, before eating something and to establish the truth of ANYTHING

Kinesiology is muscle testing and the body never lies. truth strengthens and lies weakens all energy systems in the body. in order to do this just establish yes no question while standing relaxed. the body will sway a few times then give you the yes no answer. eg is my name mickey mouse (obviously a lie and your body will tilt forwards) then ask is my name (your real name) it will rock backwards. this is good to use before eating something which may be a culprit food causing issues etc or testing a supplements pretty much anything

its something to establish whether something will weaken or strengthen your whole system. you can get someone else to test you arm while holding out to the side and also use thumb and 2nd finger in shape of an O touching one another then with the other hand same thumb and 2nd finger try to seperate inside pushing out the O while questioning

being a healer you are far more open to the energy of others should you not close off to it (I learnt the hard way) so I've been using the grounding and protecting these for over 20 years

grounding, protecting and zipping up will make a BIG difference if you're not already doing it.

grounding - keeping rooted to earth - visualise / imagine you're a tree and your feet are tree roots going deep into the earth core while affirming you're grounded and protected at all times

protecting - putting yourself in a bubble or pyramid or something similar - keeping your energy closed off to the negative and destructive stuff. Just visualise yourself in a bubble or pyramid while affirming you're divinely guided and protected at all times

and finally zipping up the central meridian line SO IMPORTANT - been used in martial arts for centuries. OTHER PEOPLE CAN ALSO DO THIS TO YOU BY LOOKING YOU UP OR DOWN THEY ARE ZIPPING OR UNZIPPING YOUR CENTRAL MERIDIAN LINE

zip up either with the mind visualizing or doing it physically - zip up from the base chakra right up to bottom lip and lock it

I would advise everyone do those numerous times a day especially first thing in morning and last thing at night or when ever you feel the need to protect your energy, its too precious not too and only take a couple of seconds !!! x

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Tracy something is telling me URINE will help you. Urotherapy urine therapy whatever you wish to call it. Its the ONLY thing on the planet that will give you back your original DNA. can find free ebooks out there. jonathan otto has loads of free health series which cover it too. Ed group (part of that series) is big on it. I've been on and off it for years. when I saw first pics on karl c and david nixons substack I stopped. But recently something told me to start again

1st pee mid stream best to drink. can also put it in belly button and pretty much anywhere

it carries antidote for everything and is tailor made !!! try it X

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I heard Dr Ed Group speak on the subject. In the book “Your Own Perfect Medicine,” it’s suggested a person start with 1 to 2 drops initially (via the morning urine, mid stream and fresh) and using a clean medicine dropper, place under the tongue. If your body seems to be adjusting to it, on day 2 increase to 5-10 drops. On day 3 it can be done in both the morning and evening with fresh urine). There are certain warnings for pregnancy, consuming meat, fasting, etc.

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Yes I'd always do your own research for sure. I personally would never recommend anyone do anything I'd never tried and tested. Yes first pee mid stream best one. I also went on to use wait for it - aged urine. After so long urine has stem cells in it (just bloody brilliant arn't we) I think someone was injecting that into the site in question too. the under tongue is a little like homeopathic medicine (which I studied many years ago) similar thing giving yourself a micro dose. I personally just like to dive straight in with most things but thats just me. jonathan otto has a series just finishing soon they are time sensitive to listen free here is the link. you can find all the old series online as well.


always some helpful tips from the alternative docs using natural means !!

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Thank you for noting your experience and for the link. I have tuned into JOs presentations before (and purchased the Well of Life supplements).

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What pics of Karl's/David's made you stop? Curious?

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all the nanotech in the dental stuff. As I'd had something done a while back. I contacted the manufacturers septodont (main suppliers for dental and healthcare) who denied it all when asked why nanotech and graphene was in their injectables. I went on to send all the evidence and heard nothing back. I posted message and reply on here somewhere. I then got annoyed and contacted numerous so called holistic / alternative dentists and asked WHICH injectables they used. majority responded with pretty much same thing = using poison. once they responded I sent them all the pictures and videos too. they are and will be accountable

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Karl hasn't reported enough information about the Rife frequencies for me to understand what their intentions were. I want to know what frequencies caused the nano to duplicate. And why did they choose that set of frequencies? What Rife device did they use?

Tony P. has been saying that Rife will cause the nanos to exponentially duplicate. But he gives no specifics. He only reports that two women died from using the Spooky2, so don't use it. I need more information than that, because I know the Indigo biofeedback machine has helped me in the past. It's based on correcting with homeopathic frequencies. But there is a Rife program and zapping program that come with the Indigo set.

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I did describe the frequencies above, but no worries :D. From 40hz- 40mhz sweep at approx 180V and barely any current of course since that would be lethal anyway. No significant or different behavior was observed yet. All we could see was enhanced growth of the structures. This is what i expected based on how RIFE works and the understanding of the formula used to predict a resonant frequency. regards

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Thank you. I missed the caption under the first picture. <<Lidocaine after day 2 on custom contact slides connected to a RIFE machine which used the Hoyland wave @40hz-40mhz on 3.1mhz carrier frequency at around 180v approx. 40x Oil immersion.>> I'm not sure what all that means since I don't have experience using a real Rife generator. But I get the jest. I thought Rife was suppose to "destroy the structures" by exposing them to their resonate frequency... like in the old MemorX commercials. That's how wine glasses can explode and bridges can collapse with soldiers marching on them. If that is true, then when these structures are exposed to their resonate frequency, they multiply instead of explode. Is there an inverse frequency you can expose them to? And what would that be?

No one really knows how homeopathy works. But I'm inferring that homeopathy creates the inverse frequencies that negate the symptoms of the mother tincture. Instead of them being accepted by the body and integrated, the body rejects them and expels them from the body. All this occurs in the EM field of the body; the aura; and on all physical, emotional, and mental levels.

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Hi Robin. This doctor has found a way to destroy “weaponised nanotechnology” with “INVERTED FREQUENCY”! 46 mins>

DR. ALPHONZO MONZO.com - “hitting this stuff - weaponised nanotech - with its inverted frequency to disintegrate it out of the body”


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I recognize Dr. Monzo from the RCP. He has lots of tools. Thank you!!! I will watch this interview.

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Your welcome. Sorry what does RCP stand for? Great guy had never heard of him till this video.

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I think these structures are programmed to respond to EMF. That's why any microwave radiation is to be avoided. (cellular, wifi, radio, etc.)

Rife was designed before the emergence of these structures into our environment and bodies.

Tony's PEMF bath devices pulse the frequencies which break up the structures. As does the ionic foot bath.

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My detox journey began with that anti-nano bucket back in May 2021 ... it helped to pull black goo or graphene or something into the tub. It made me super conductive and I was causing power outages everywhere I went.

I still get targeted in my home - just not sure of the source anymore. I hear what sounds like little pop sounds (like pepples hitting the window, walls and ceiling), proceeded with whatever it is that connects to my head. I can literally feel this happen - it's wicked AH.

I'm hopeful this Spooky2 Central/plasma is going to knock whatever remains out completely.

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Unfortunately you will not be causing power outages, there is no known scientific possibility for this to occur. It would be a deadly situation of extreme paranormal exhibition for this to occur. You can neither draw 13 or 20 amps or higher into your body without guaranteed death and ring mains do not respond to data or lower potential wireless sources. Not to be a kill joy, just to be informative.

Kindest regards. :D Best wishes

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I will also add -- I moved to Atlanta on Jan 11 and the move caused an interruption of my symptoms. It's something I've lived with (varying levels of severity) since Spring 2020. Well, this move to Atlanta made it stop - briefly. I've had 3-4 instances where whatever this is tries to "connect" to me (I can literally feel it trying to connect to my head -- feels like pressure, like jumping into the deep end of a swimming pool too fast).

This sensation kept happening this past Saturday - all day. I'd walk into my home office and hear "popping" sounds on the ceiling, walls, windows -- sounds like a little pebble, coupled with this feeling of "PRESSURE" in my head. I'd walk down the hall to the bathroom and it would stop. Well, it continued but eventually the CEILING FAN and attached LIGHT fixture POPPED/SPARKED! and BAM, ceiling fan/light is dead, proceeded with what smelled like a chemical/electrical burn.

This "pop" sound that I describe on the walls, ceiling, window -- that sound will occasionally happen when a text or email is being sent to my phone too.

I am of sound mind -- this is a clear and distinct pattern. I would consider compensating someone for their time to come and observe this.

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Tracy, Check out our Chat. I'd love to talk in person.

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ok ...

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I would suspect something emitting microwave radiation nearby (cell tower, satellite) and your body (all of our bodies) with nanos is responding.

Keep up with Tony's device, it really helps though takes a while.

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I promise I mean no disrespect but I promise you, I was causing power outages everywhere I went ... I went to 13 different cities/States from Apr 2020-May 2021, even went to Costa Rica thinking it was 5G causing the problem (they didn't have 5G) but it continued. Every home I walked into, I would cause power outages to the point it required a flip of the breaker box.

Once I started detoxing, black substance came into the tub and the more I detoxed, the less conductive I was ...


The guys that are responsible for this pretended to be our friends:

1) a Research Scientist for Lockheed Martin who is listed on patents for tech used in Obama's "Brain Initiative" and 2) Biological/Chemical Engineering, ALD Nanosolutions + Renewable Energy.


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Tracy, Wild that you are causing power outages everywhere you go. You must still be highly conductive. Are you taking the radiation salt baths? it's the only thing other than grounding that removes excess static electricity from my spine. I use about 1.5c Epson salts, 1/4 c Borax and 1/4 c baking soda. With county water, I also add about a 1/2 tsp of copper sulfate to chelate out the fluoride. I soak for about an hour 3-4 times a week. It's very relaxing. With the Triangle, it negates the nano too.

I also consume copper sulfate and 1/4 - 1/2 tsp of MSM a day. I noticed in a chart that sulfur is non-conductive. Sulfur might help you balance whatever minerals are causing you to be highly conductive. Plus it helps clear the gut of glyphosate and is a toxic heavy metal chelator.

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This is good -- I will save and reference later.

I was soaking in EXTREMELY hot baths w/ LOADS of borax, epsom, himalayan, baking soda and apple cider vinegar. I did that for many months until I discovered the Infrared Sauna.

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Did you purchase an FIR sauna? If so, which one? I looked at them, but didn't bite. I know of a woman who reversed RA with sauna and swimming laps in a lap pool she installed in her basement. Red light and exercise. :) I live near Atlanta, GA. Every summer we can sweat as long as we want in an outdoor sauna!

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God definitely guided me through that whole process. If you're familiar with what TIs are put through, you probably know I was made homeless and lived in/out of my car for 18 months. When I finally recovered my job, I was blessed to be able to work from home which allowed me to focus on my health every minute of every day for 2 1/2 years.

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No, I was living in Little Rock and found this place: https://www.corewellnessusa.com/infrared-sauna

I went DAILY - 5 days a week - for the first 9 months.

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Therasage sells a canvas tent type infrared sauna (FIR with NIR panels) that is inexpensive and gets to 170degrees (head is outside).

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These are the two guys at the root of my targeting:

Lockheed Martin Research Scientist listed on patents for technology for BNS: https://web.archive.org/web/20200604195705/http://bnonlinear.com/research-development/3d-phot

Biological & Chemical Engineering Research -- CU Boulder, co-creator of ALD Nanosolutions + Renewable Energy

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I’ve been hearing that “pebble hitting my window” too. It’s very strange as I’m I. The second floor and it seems to happen late at night. It’s very loud and startling. I assumed it was the temperature change that caused the window to make that noise. What other experiences do people have that indicate you’re being targeted?

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Mar 13
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Yes, I’ve been following him for a while and bought his triangle.

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What specifically did the 2 women die from? I have a spooky 2 but haven’t used it in years.

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The way I understand what Tony P. said is that they died because the nano synthetic tech proliferated and overwhelmed their bodies... because the Spooky2 Rife frequencies stimulated the synthetic tech to multiply. He and Brian369 were working with the women. He provided to me no more information than that. And I don't know how he knows that for sure. Did he do the autopsy?

The basic issue is that we are supposedly composed of synthetic material now. Rife worked with a pure blood human being, but not now with synthetic tissues. I don't agree with him. Then again, I'm using his anti-nano Triangle device to erase the nano programming off the synthetic hardware and to disengage it from the cells. I believe there is more to it than that. EMR is a big issue too. We're being cooked by microwaves in high density EMR environments, which include shopping centers, town centers and traffic intersections. I'm assuming we've removed it from our homes. The pollution in our environment and food is just adding to the materials that our consciousness uses to make our bodies. It's a mess if we can get the synthetic stuff out faster than we take it in.

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Very interesting. Glad I saw your comment. I am going to hold off on using my spooky 2 for now since there’s no way to know 100% for sure what it’s doing to the synthetic material until I can test it for myself. It’s hard to know what to believe anymore. One Substack says take or do “this”. Another Substack says “this” is poison, take or do “that” instead. Apart from Tony, I’m starting to take a new approach by looking at every Substack blogger as possible controlled op since this feels so hopeless. 😞

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If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, Ask Holy Spirit to show you. Also muscle testing is how you can know anything about what is good and bad for your body!

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Muscle testing is a great discernment tool. But there's no way to know 100% for sure about anything. Everything has an implied risk and an implied benefit. And everyone has a different set of unique circumstances. For the reasons you state, I purchased a microscope so I could monitor my own blood. I can also monitor my blood using a virtual biofeedback program.

Tony P.'s information is 2nd hand speculation and he's got no proof. His testimony would not hold up in a court of law. Remember that correlation is not causation. We don't know what other factors were in play. We need more evidence to show what killed them. And... current Spooky2 users are reporting positive results. But when in doubt, be cautious on the safe side. If I had one, I'd still use the Spooky2 programs, but make sure I used them correctly. And that takes experience using the device. You might try using it on one of your sick outdoor plants?

I'm debating right now if I should replace my inoperable Indigo biofeedback device with a Spooky2. I miss being able to use the Indigo box on our farm land. I've got to really look at what I have on hand that can replace the Indigo.

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Good point about the spooky. I have a live blood analysis coming up soon with a naturopath but I’d like to monitor my own blood like you. Which microscope do you use?

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Two women died from Spooky2? Nah ...

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Hi Tracey. I've been using spooky2 generators since they started just as a preventative measure really. everything always has a flip side to it and can be used for good and bad just like frequencies. Healing frequencies - higher vibrations are not what is being fired at us its the negative and destructive ones. So by using it to detox things such as chemtrails, morgellons and lyme detox, pesticides, heavy metals etc biofeedback scans with spooky pulse, also the cold laser and PEMF coil and the healing ones it will always be doing what it should be doing (my theory anyway) also the graphene oxide removal MW setting and the essential oils setting for plastics. dont forget the audios frequencies too !! By working on raising YOUR vibrations (which could be through mind, audio's, meditation, high energy life giving natural foods and doing that you love doing you will be less likely to be effected by externals and the lower ones

always go with your GUT its the knowing source self x

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It depends on the wave form. Did they use a destructive wave form or a healing wave form? Also what duty cycle and amplitude was used?

Download the free Spooky2 software and check out the programs and settings tabs.


They have preset programs to destroy many the detrimental elements of the clot shots.

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That’s what I was going to ask as well! What frequency was used?! Rife goes from MHz to THz.

What needs to be done is to find out what the frequency(s) of these structures are and hit them with the square H Bomb at the same frequency(s).

Not everyone understands how an opera singing can shatter a glass with her voice. EVERYTHING has its own frequency. EVERYTHING! Even the chair people are sitting on right now reading this has its own frequency. And so does the glass. When the singer hits the note (frequency) that matches the glass the glass shatters. Same with something like parasites. You match their frequency and it kills them!

I love my spooky2. It hears the rashes I get from shedders twice as fast as it did before it. I’ve also treated my cat who was having intestinal issues. Hadn’t ate for three days. Only water. Three to four runs of a customer created program and she was slowly back to eating a little at a time in 24 hours. By day two she was fully eating.

@Karl.C What frequency did Dr Nixon use? This is very important to know. If you guys can find someone who is well versed in finding frequencies of things, they can find the ones that will destroy this shit!

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You are 100% correct. The Spooky2 products have helped me and my family on multiple fronts. We have several GX Pro and the central/plasma unit. I'll be adding the scalar unit next. Also making colloidal silver.

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I’m sure it was working, the evildoers have been compromising everything good. I was targeted before ( reporting a registered sex offender & they g s me ) . Look into FM8 and Tony P ( I can’t remember how to spell his last name). I haven’t gotten one yet but they make or have instructions how to make a triangle device. I’ve heard good reports.

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Tony Pantelleresco, web: http://augmentinforce.50webs.com

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Thanks. He’s on substack too . Appreciate this! (& prayers for Tony)

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What were the toxins you were targeted with, if you don't mind my asking?

Many of us have been targets, myself stemming from DNA, blood type and work with security clearances (all unbeknownst to me at the time.) I almost died! Radiation, heavy metal, bacterial, you name it. But the most ubiquitous is microwave radiation, it's everywhere. My PEMF bed (QRS) helped clear the electro smog.

Now with graphene and assembled bots in body, I'm using Tony Pantalleresco's device as well as an AMD ionic foot bath.

So it all depends on what the toxic load is you're carrying. Course we all have graphene and bots in our bodies now. Morgellons are exactly this! (Tony says they're misnamed.)

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Hi Karl and all. yours and david's work is just beyond words. I'm speechless looking at those pictures just WOW. I use spooky2 rife and have for years. Just contacted them to see what their thoughts are about it all. One picture just looks like micro chips for sure perhaps for sending / receiving / storing DATA and communication means without consent !!!

thats is really interesting on david's last picture of post Lignocaine re-visited after sodium citrate its really promising it just looks similar to Dr Emoto's water crystals doesn't it with higher vibrations & good intentions such as prayer and nice music !! Got a good feeling about that

I've tried all the stuff you are david have suggested on and off sodium citrate, activated charcoal, bentonite clay etc etc etc along with endless alternative stuff I already do and using spooky2 24 / 7 remote and contact. Can't say I've noticed any difference coz I feel bloody amazing all the time (I think half of that is because I'm constantly detoxing all the stuff energetically and physically) but my main tool is my mind for sure, along with everyone elses. all your findings are at the forefront and will be helping alot of people for sure so on behalf of all of mankind THANK YOU SO MUCH

I think everyone's top job is to keep their vibration HIGH. Because although I can feel they are doing it all behind the scenes frequency based (as I cant feel stuff) POWER always wins over force

INTENTION IS 'AS GOOD AS'. So everyone get really creative with the mind and you're half way there

bless everything you eat and drink and yourself with pure light and love and purified source energy. keep grounded and protected. Live from love not fear or you will be feeding the monsters

there is nothing more powerful than an idea who's time has come. that time is NOW

lotsa light love and reiki to all x x

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lovely post, need more of em

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Great response Vick. I too thought of contacting Spooky direct... Please can you update here when your hear from them? Would be helpful to hear their take on it. Can I ask what pre-sets you use for detoxing the tech? Awesome you're feeing great all the time. The power of the mind here is half the battle. Thank you :-)

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Hiya yeah I will let you know soon as I hear. Honestly I have been asking them quite a bit recently about all the nanotech etc and sending links from karl c, david and ana and they are really vague and I told them so. They just really seem to be telling me the obvious and what I'm already doing. I can understand it though if we are dealing with NEW things there is no reference to

programs I use detoxing morgellons detox program one alot remotely as many have said its morgellons related. the the detox settings various ones of those

I do weekly biofeedback scans for killing with spooky pulse and also then do both cancer biofeedback ones (which was just random last few months) then law and behold the turbo cancers surfaced !!

I then use shit loads of various programs with the empty shell grade I think its called still biofeedback scans spooky pulse setting. basically those run through as many programs as you want mega quick. So for example I put loads of parasites ones one which would be around 15 hours worth and its runs through all those picking out relevant ones super quick about 20 minutes. then save top 10 sometimes 15 hits

I do the same shell grade programs biofeedback scans spooky pulse the same for

morgellons and lyme


nano bacteria & loads of bacteria programs another

all viruses

fungus and molds

and while all thats going on during the night I'm listening to audio frequencies or self hypnosis with headphones !!! lol

all that doesn't take that long for around 15 hours total programs for some of those it runs through in about 20 minutes. Otherwise you could be there for hours running programs not relevant to you so they do make sense really. I then save them all and run on kill contact all night contact while other generator is running on detox or something else. then daytime both remote one usually always detoxing. I think chemtrails is a big one if you spend quite a bit of time out doors

there is also setting for graphene oxide remove on co vid setting, along with the essentiall oils settings for the plastics that ana mentioned (i put all those on another post somewhere)

you also have the remove MW settings remove and emulate frequencies under empty preset shell contact I usually run all stuff for emulating with that one on contact for things to help elimiate parasites etc ivermectin etc and other stuff

you also have the frequency sweeps you can do remotely. Always follow your gut on things

Lets face it this crap is in pretty much everything. you'd need a dive tank on your back to go out walking to avoid that and although I have one I'd rather not !!

something else that brilliant bearing in mind any kind of infection or bad bacteria especially oral will keep going into the system when swallowing. So something I started using when I feel the need is small spray bottle with either hydrogen peroxide OR organic oregano oil and clean water breath out then taking few sprays and deep breaths in to clean stuff. When I'm outdoor any length of time it starts effecting my throat with all the crap in the air. Thats the first place I notice stuff personally

MIND is more powerful than anything else on the planet when directed and used correctly. I'll let you know soon as I hear back from spooky !!

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Ahh brilliant. Thanks for the comprehensive overview. I'm struggling to find some of the more alternative progs ie snake venom, graphene oxide removal, detox chem trail etc. Where do I find them? Also what is "remove MW settings" you mentioned? Spooky themselves should be testing frequencies to obliterate the tech. They have the resources. If they could provide proper research similar to Karl / Davids above. I look forward to hearing their response & thanks so much for both updating me / info. :-))

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hiya not heard back from spooky yet. venom and graphene are under the covid setting on first screen. the MW settings to remove or emulate are under empty shell setting I use contact for those then just untick all items that are not MW to eliminate. you have the essential oils as well you can run for plastics. make sure you always keep uptodate with the spooky2 updates as there are always more settings / programs being added on

chemtrails think thats under start settings empty shell and just search for detox or chemtrails and they all come up then for remote or contact mode. If I'm running programs other than detox I tend to use empty shells and put the programs in. but with the biofeedback scan results I just run those on various kill settings

I do keep probing spooky and asking for more info and sending all the stuff from karl, david and ana yet the responses just remain vague.

years ago I also bought the Berkan labs spooky radionics machine I've not used for years !!! I think its time to get creative and start trying absolutely everything at this point just out of curiosity. I will let you know soon as I hear back

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Hi Vick. Thanks for the reply all of that is so helpful!!! I read a little on radionics a while back with the Orgone generators. Fascinating stuff but my tiny mind is a little blown by it all. I guess it starts with "faith" in these things first and then just putting it into practice. Has been good listening to peoples experiences here. No worries on response spooky will wait to hear! :-)

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Hiya. Well found email this morning. as you can see not helpful in the slightest. here is my email to them & their reply

Hi just wondered what your thoughts are about all this ?????? VERY alarming to say the least that RIFE is making problems WORSE not better in some cases. is there any way you can easily remove the low frequencies from searches to stop this happening ?



any suggestions ? HOW on earth would I know which are those lower frequencies on ANY programs I'm using ? thanks

my reply back from spooky sadly no help or use whatsoever

Thanks for your information.

I am sorry that there is no smart way to delete low frequencies in spooky2 software. All are factory setting. But you can create your own programs which doesn't have low frequencies. 😊️ Here is a demo video on how to create a program: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me1GEFvpZxk&t=29s Hope above information helps.

Best Wishes


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Spooky2 is where it's at @!!

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Brilliant work! The secret is in the secret squirrel source 😂

Now we can confirm the electromagnetic nature of these NP's, fantastic deductions!

Now to find the frequency that proliferates growth and perhaps put it out of phase or disrupt it someway.

Super big hugs


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Super research & factual documentation photographic analysis evidence

We are at the point now that we understand these are

electronic nano particles

So we need to find a energy field that now obliterates them ..

Ie ..

EMP PULSE / strong neodymium magnets 🧲.. made in to a

bracelet / ankle bracelet by placing them inside something like a

sport injury support strap

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Many have tried these things thinking they work onlyater to stop doing it and change their minds. 8 have not so far seen any huge affect by adding mini magnets to the samples. A very small amount of material seems to be attracted unfortunately :(

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Tony P's PEMF bath devices break up the nano bots. In a salt mixture bath, they are eliminated.

Have to keep it up though, we're filled and are filled with nano's.

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back when I was REALLY bad off ... I put neodymium magnets in hat that I wore at night. Sounds extreme but my symptoms were extreme.

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Are you wearing them? I haven’t used them in years.

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"WIFI ADVANCES ITS GROWTH" 👈Let that sink in as we are blanketed in 24-7 ubiquitous wifi. I get relief by sleeping in a faraday. There is a new LOW EMF Community housing development happening in Nicaragua called ISLA, we need to do this in the states as well.

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For protective clothing and other gear, check out Advanced Tachyon USA.

Sleep in linen sheets; wear linen.

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What Rife frequencies did you use? I am using the spooky 2 rife machine and the programs I am using are plastic removal, luciferase removal, PEG removal, Heavy metal removal, Morgellons, graphene oxide removal, chem trail detox 1-3, EMF detox, blood purification and other detox programs all at the same time. Also using Fulvic acid and chlorella orally.

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This is where i lost my faith in spooky 2, they cant know this removes PEG, Luciferase, Morgellons, etc. they all seem to be the same thing anyway. So, Morgellons is all these things combined. I would like to know how they have confirmed these things. Makes me very suspicious. I highly doubt the RIFE will REMOVE the structures but may disassemble or hinder the tech for a short moment. It is actually more complex than this, on the other hand if anyone can prove they are getting huge benefits from RIFE i completely welcome the results or study with eager anticipation. :D :D :D i hope so :D :D :D

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Karl I get what you're saying I also think OUR belief about anything (like placebo) is creating / part creating the outcome for sure. its a shame you can't study me !!! lol I'd be up for that. I feel anyone staying the same right now rather than being overwhelmed with all the shit flying at us is doing a great job. If one can maintain, or the best job you can to try and maintain being overwhelmed with the constant bombarding by constantly detoxing so we dont get to a tipping point (either energetically or physical) is half the battle

I live on cloud 9 and refuse to buy into anything out there as the only thing that really MATTERS is whats going on internally. (this isn't coming from a place of denial its coming from a place of bliss and higher vibration) chose not to live in that vibration out there and decide your own then work on that each day (thats what I do to keep raising it and maintaining it) if people focus on that and be aware of how they feel you will notice whats helping and whats hindering.

where there's a WILL there's a WAY !!! x

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Me too, I have the same affliction of Positive Energy…it works !

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Hiya. definitely been doing it for a couple of decades I'm addicted now. feeling amazing is my natural high lol

Law of attraction works every time / cosmic ordering. I've got it down to a T. I order my weather, I order parking spaces, whatever I fancy. I'm fantiastic at giving I'm just not great at receiving certain things (i'm working on that) lol

The best thing we can all do for ourselves and each other is keep our vibration high. I'm on it 24 / 7 all day every day its part of life now. I know what I send out I get back tenfold therefore its always light and love and healing and it just keeps on coming back.

Once I peak my energy daily I stretch my aura around the universe and beyond through all time, space, dimentions and realities and send out healing and raise the vibration of everything and everyone. Raising their consciousness, awareness and vibration. then follow that with find and remove anything unlike their godself and replace with only godlike qualities and only the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I also started claiming removing the blinkers and open 3rd eye and strengthening intuition (inner knowing and higher self) as we all arrived here with those qualities. finishing off with deliver us from all evil and thy evil one. in the name of jesus christ our lord so be it and so it is. amen


When I do that at the top of the hill I walk daily once i've finished and open my eyes and WOOOOOOWWWW its incredible better than any meditation. its like an outer body experience while being in it. The observer witnessing

I'm not religious in anyway (I know that sounds the opposite like I'm a church goer or something) but from what I've experienced its working so I dont knock it.

dont forget to zip up the central meridian line (SO IMPORTANT) stop any unwanted energy coming in - zip from based chakra to bottom lip and lock it as often as you feel. If that is open you will be much weaker. Along with grounding and protecting

keep up the positive high vibes because its automatically making a difference X

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I too think we have this power. What I’ve been thinking lately is that everything is “all that is” so even all this stuff we are trying to fight or are afraid of is “ all that is” maybe we are looking at it the wrong way. On the opposite end of the scale I would still snipe a child trafficker or bad guy in the balls 😂 and I still have people in this world that I meet that I choose not to be around or bring home to live with me. So that’s what I wonder. We can “make things happen or manifest but then there is all the things we choose not to. I guess we are also dealing with other peoples will and maybe that’s what it is. Our will is fighting their will? Someone has this agenda. Isn’t all of it “all that is” and part of this magnificent whole?

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Hi tami. WE ARE THE POWER THEY ARE TRYING TO MANIPULATE AND STEEL. the further you stand back the darker you can see an even bigger picture. I dont live in this vibration I just occasionaly step in and witness it but I use things from here to help myself and pass it onto others who had shots (I didn't and would have a bullet to the head before I EVER had another shot as long as i live for anything) read vernon colemans truth about vaccines OMG says it all really. Just a bloody con all of it and a way to make us sick from birth

I'm also really offended by peoples energy at present. its nothing personal they are definately emitting something offensive to my energy for sure. its not effecting me its just annoying in their presence

Here is what made it a bit clearer for me. I've not seen the hunger games but you can just see where its all going with this.

Can you survive the “Hunger Games” of the Living MATRIX?


'what is' is all there is and all there ever will be. my weapon is knowledge and information and no matter what I'm getting it out there and posting it. I dont care if people want to know I'm just giving them the option should they chose to use it. everyone I come across is told whats going on. I'm over whether people think I'm crazy, stupid, potty or whatever else they may call me. I dont take it personally from someone who's asleep because on a subconscious level they ALL KNOW it went against their own gut. But having investing 4 years of their live into all this bullshit their ego wont back down and they will defend the mind progamming as they dont know any different bless em

its not even a case of dealing with anyones will they are just by passing that with frequencies aiming to control their minds - that way will thrown in free for them. have a llok at mark steele 5G LED guy. I went to one of his talks at a truth thing a while back. he's a weapons expert telling you about all the stuff. honestly its just all ridiculous what they are trying to do

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Vick, Being grateful and giving thanks for the ability to create our reality is important too. After studying homeopathy for years, I came to the conclusion that everything is manifested based on placebo, which is faith. All homeopathic potencies greater than 10x have none of the original mother tincture in them. It's just energized water; therefore, it's just faith based placebo or a strong thought form imprinted on the water. Jesus said after every healing he did, "Your faith has healed you. Now go and sin no more." In other words, correct your actions by correcting your thoughtful intentions.

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hiya robin. absolutely thats one of the most important I usually always mention. for if we are not grateful for what is and what we have then we are not getting any more !! if we could only have the faith of a mustard seed we would have all our desires instantly (should we remove all programs running opposing them) and have a strong enough burning desire packed with powerful emotions behind it and big enough pay off and rewards to ensure we continue past the point of getting

joseph murphy is great to read.

sins are mearly wrong thoughts we are taught they are wrong deeds and we must be punished and crucify ourselves for them. Its all part of living and being human we ain't going to always get it right !!! In my eye's sins are nothing more then bad decisions that we learn lessons from

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Thank you for your inspiration!

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Sorry to post again but I was just listening to some healing sound frequencies that are 10,000hz which raised some questions. I came to you as I know you are well researched on frequencies, talked to Marcello Allegretti etc. Also I hope some-one else here might have an answer maybe even Karl?

So.. I’m so confused with it all. Karl said they used “Hoyland wave @40hz-40mhz on 3.1mhz carrier frequency”. I assume 40Mhz = 40,000,000hz. So if nano tech is energised through the application of 40-40,000,000hz for only 40 minutes (? per day X 2 days) then listening to this music surely will energise it? (1 hour a day x 2). The same goes for Solfeggio frequencies, tuning forks, sound bowls, ingesting homeopathy, essential oils. What about other sounds? Air conditioner 60hz, fire alarm 520hz. Sounds we can’t hear? Bass music that reverberates through your core. Anything / Everything?

All the “healing” frequencies bar Schumann resonances & those <40hz would cause the tech to energise, grow & morph? Am I right? Wrong? or have I just missed the point completely. Do you have any knowledge on this Paulette? Or anyone else please?

40-40Mhz is such a wide range & perhaps would it be at all possible to look at more specific frequencies under the microscope and as comments suggest find the one that destroys rather than proliferate.

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It is not that simple as such. Audible waves due not penetrate well at all without immense power. ultrasonic sound waves can do this. I would personally say that AUDIBLE audio frequency waves are unlikely to result in any significant current being induced anywhere in the body. I would relax and pound out any beats you wish for the time being ;)

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Thank you! "music to my ears".. ha! hard not to go crazy with this stuff. Really wish I'd trained as an electrical engineer as a youngster with a masters in physics.. oh & a bit of microscopy along the way

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I would love to say, I know all the answers to these questions, but I don't. There was a post of Dr. Ana's that talked about 10,000 htz or? but I can't find it. With all this being uncharted territory, I feel that everyone should get a microscope and continue to look at their blood. The microscope doesn't have to be a darkfield microscope, the filaments can still be seen in a regular scope. They are easier to see in a darkfield but again, any scope will work, even a student one which are inexpensive. That way when you try something on your body, you can see what is happening.

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Great suggestion thank you. I have just purchased a simple Amscope darkfield microscope & am about to start using it. Hadn't thought of testing it in line with say 10,000hz music but your right.. only one way to find out. Wish me luck. I have a spooky as well but not used it yet. Yesterday's post scared me but I'm still curious and want to try it while looking at blood. Will update you!

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Thanks and good luck.

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Hi Paulette. I've been following your Substack & appreciate your work. I remember not only did you have excellent results clearing your blood but you also noted some of your subscribers comments with success in November. Can I ask... in your view treating clients & witnessing others using Spooky for at least 4 months now are you a) having the same results ie 'clearing' the blood and b) has anyone that you know of suffered any ill effects? In my reply to Tracy below I questioned that if Spooky does indeed "remove" the tech does it matter if the tech is 'energised' as it is getting it out of the body. That would obviously depend on the quantity it is removing ie if clearing it continuously then great but if lots of tech still present that's energised not so good. Hope that makes sense. Thank you.

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Honestly, I recently had a dilemma. I took a plane flight, was in a room for an event with more than a hundred people all vaccinated. Came home and looked at my blood and it was flooded with filaments. I realized that the frequency treatment that I had been running to protect me while I was traveling was missing the plastics detox, the PEG detox and the chem trail detox. I have changed it, it has ran for 5 days and I will test it later this week when I have time. But to answer your question, no, I haven't had issues as long as all those programs run together. I really feel that what matters also is food choices, personal care products, etc. But we will see when I pull my blood again. So swamped it's hard to do it all.

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what food products & personal products are safe?

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That would be so helpful. It feels like everything is bad, but you have to eat. We started eating a lot more veges, and buy meat from a local farmer. Have no way to test any of it. Not fun.

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I'm actually doing research right now on organic food, will post it when finished. For personal care products, I prefer the Young Living essential oil products. With the research that Dr. Ana put out about essential oils, these would help instead of products full of PEG.

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Thanks Paulette I’m grateful for your reply I know this terrible affliction is incredibly time consuming. Great to hear you’ve not had any issues bar the time of your recent travel. I hope your next blood draw is clear and stays that way. Look forward to keeping track of your progress :-)

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Energized tech is NOT GOOD. Let me repeat, energized tech is NOT GOOD.

Good for you and others in this conversation to watch this:


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Thanks Peg. Have watched upon your advice & great video. I don't think it particularly points to the issue of being 'energised' or not though just that the tech in everyone is emitting RF & what to do about it. FM8 is probably one of the cleanest people out there with his protocols. He also knows the most about EMF's/frequencies etc so I doubt that the tech in his body is any more energised than anyone else as he certainly takes all pre-cautions to reduce EMF/frequency. I agree that energised tech is not good and worse than 'not energised' but have to weigh it up with getting it out of the body also. No definitive answers yet. It'll come with time I guess. Thank you :-)

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This result reminds me of a study I saw maybe a dozen years ago. The researcher put a petri dish with a few pathogens in it next to her computer and another one further away. The pathogens close to the computer exponentially multiplied compared to the distant one. Both were checked after the same length of time. It’s eerily telling that a seeming non-life form would do the same when close to this type of frequency.

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It's not exactly a non-life form. We just don't understand its life parameters. It's alive and aware though.

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"We will be transformed from the inside out", as Klauss said from the WEF.

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