A friend of mine and I observed this while exploring rife frequencies to help our morgellons. We saw it that would cause rapid assembly but also exiting the body rapidly. Perhaps they just proliferated and that’s why so many exited. I have a scar on my finger where they came out as a bluish linear arrangement. They appeared under the sling like tattoo ink but when they emerged they were the thin black hairs with the kinky spot in the middle (every morg sufferer will know exactly what I’m talking about.

We were using isochronic tones which are a bit different than rife. 2128 hz and not sure the carrier tone. The m guessing the Schumann resonance and we used purely audio no machine. There was a video on YouTube with a progression of isochronic frequencies.2128 2111 2050 (I think these were the progression 2128 was firs for suret). They nuked the channel that posted it, A channel that posted thousands of videos of tones and nothing else for “violating the terms of YouTube” who knows how they managed to achieve a violation that without ever uttering words on the channel. Idk I’ve had a lot of pharma trolls come after me for mentioning frequencies and alkalization, so there may still be something to it.

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Royal RIFE was hounded to death

Scum today want us all dead

Thank you sir for your help Love and prayers from Queensland Australia 🇦🇺

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Back at ya from QLD

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Which Rife are you using? Are you using the spooky made by Rife's grandson?

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spooky was not made by Rife's grandson to the best of my knowledge. I remember some guy who was claiming to be Rife's grandson a while back he was marketing his own rife machines and I heard him speak on spooky unfavorably....however, I do believe more recently there have been some valid questions as to his authenticity so I will carry on using spooky2 as I have had success with it myself.

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I didn't know all that thanx for the info. Is it OK if I ask what you use it for and what degree of success you have had? I'm thinking about getting one.

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Hi, I sadly had to sell it to pay some bills a few months back, so I don't currently have one either....I will get another one asap though as it did prove to me beyond any doubt that it could work remotely.....and I was treating my dog at the time so it was not the placebo effect either! For myself I was dealing with morgellons-like skin lesions and these were noticeably reduced. Also running parasite killing programs but these are slightly more difficult to judge the success of. Very interesting aye the effects of frequency on these nanotech critters we are dealing with. I am about to purchase a microscope so I can at least see the effects of what I am doing in real-time in my blood.

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energizing the tech as some of our articles showed. Energy is energy to this stuff unless you have the largest amount of power and all the many many frequencies combos to key it apart. No has this or will for an extremely long time. this stuff has too many components and too much complexity to understand all those keys correctly in my own opinion. You don't want to accidentally energize the stuff, some of its material is rapidly bonding and can polymerize very quickly !

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So spooky has helped you expel nano and Morgellons?

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I did not use a machine, just played the tones through a good guitar amplifier with stereo input. That was sufficient to provoke a reaction. Frequencies are quite powerful on their own.

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I’ve experienced similar things with other frequencies and it that caused my skin to expel glitter like pieces. And I don’t use glitter or come into contact with it often

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See I’m not sure if it caused them to evacuate or caused self assembly to proliferate… but yes we would feel a tickling electrical sensation sure enough one of these little nanowires would pop out. The frequency also caused the shelf with the amplifier on it to be covered in a weird crystal ash. Very strange. The house was very old and I believe it contained mold because of the humid climate, which tends to heighten the activity, more life to hijack…

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Wow ,so did the wires start popping out with rife ,do you think its shuts the programming down

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Was Spooky made by Rife's Grandson? Fabulous! I've got one.

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Hi !

Have a look at Tony's simple inventions (Double bucket and Triangle) ! https://www.bitchute.com/channel/gS5E0SSRIbLH

It might help. I don't know.

Take care !

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No way id do it, our experiments have shown this is a very bad idea. all respect to tony but it is no different from all the other energy based devices we have tried. There is no possible way they could describe how there devices would not be inducing currents into the body. They have not designed a complex device, its a coil with a tail light flasher on it. EMF generator ,not EMP! EMP devices are massive if they work properly and also very dangerous to build. Anything else that doesn't have complex wave designs targeted at these kinds of things is an RF/EMF power supply for tech. I understand how the bucket and spike works since I have engineering skills, these guys did not when I asked. I cannot agree here even if I think their intentions might be good. It is not what we have shown under microscope with samples over days watching. We use devices like this in variations to experiment on samples so we can see how much faster they grow. Nothing personal, just my strong opinion backed by experiments and my knowledge from engineering.

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So you have tested Tony’s triangle and bucket in regards to nanotech?

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Thanks !

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So is rife not suggested to help morgellions, it came out but they were still reloicating?

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I have gotten relief from rife, but it only seemed to help as long as the frequency was being played. It’s short term relief. I wouldn’t discount its benefits

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The frequencys are so important in this. I've used tuning forks,seems to help with the frequencys

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Thank you for all this work that you and Dr Nixon have been and are doing.

It is important work to get to the bottom of exactly what is in these poisons and with more study and research testing you will enable all of us to better understand what we're up against and ways to clean it out and or render it harmless and not transmitting (as biosensors, antennas or receivers). God bless and keep you safe.

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Has anyone thought of making Tshirts, posters or whatever using some of these photos? Many of them could be considered works of art. Of course you'd be called out as grifters but who cares & you could use income from merch to buy more equipment. You could even ask due diligence & art lady to help you market them.

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Yes, we have talked about making calendars or wall art from them!

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Sasha is the lady, she’s very grumpy lately, people are saying. No idea why. She says she’s busy, I don’t think she’d help, unless she’s cheered up by now. Can try though. No great expectations. (Me saying all this may change her mind)

I’m sure there are many arty people who could do this. I’m not on social media apart from substack, but if you are, you could put out a call. Be prepared for trolls or whatever. Don’t say where the pictures are from, unless person extremely trustworthy!

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Don't bother rrodynmac. I was joking about Latypova!

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Oh my goodness, you really did trick me! I couldn’t think how to spell her surname!

Shame on you kerrylyn, for fooling an old lady!! 😁

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Hello Karl, lucky me I was on a decent PC when you dropped this article ! The word brilliant just doesn't cut it ! Astounding quality presentation of your findings, imagery and video footage. Stunning capture. The crystal clear clarity you have achieved here, brings a tear. ( who needs the big screen )

You have knocked it out of the park this time, .....I'm speechless WOW!

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Hi Kat! I’m new to all this microscopy in the scope of things (ha ha), but they are great pictures! You must have been looking for quite some time Kat. I don’t even know what a RIFE machine is! I only quickly read the text of this article, maybe I missed it, I’ll read again. And look up RIFE if necessary. I get that it’s something to do with radio frequency.

Hope you’re well! I’m good!

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here is an excellent start to understand Rife:


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I am curious what effect a strong neodymium magnet would have on these injectables and the nanoformations.

You can get them for free if you have an old hard drive you take apart but there is obviously an electromagnetic component to this shedding.

I just wonder what effect that would have, or even multiple overlapping magnetic fields from multiple magnets, as I have previously found that back when we were magnetic that I could get a container of urine to fairly permanently separate into bizarre spirals and shapes with various magnets placed outside the cup. It would dissipate and dissolve back into solution once the magnets were removed but would stay in the bizarre shapes for as long as the magnets remained, even for several days.

We are no longer magnetic and it no longer occurs in our urine though.

Just curious. Thank you both for all your great work though, I think we all are the last line of defense for humanity.

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I read about someone saying to get some special type of magnet, a strong one, and pass it down the injectable, needle part up, pass the magnet 3 times from top to bottom, taking the magnet away in between each pass, to get graphene down to the base of the injectable, so then inject from the highest (needle) end, leaving the bottom part in the tube.

I took note of this, as my son is on insulin (type 1, not type 2 where people get it from being overweight -sorry for this clarification, but you wouldn’t believe the comments I get from people who don’t know how type 1 develops), yeah, insulin, but they were talking about graphene in the injectables. I guess this is a bit of old thinking?

I wouldn’t know if we still believe as a collective group, that graphene is still in our injectables?

Can anyone answer this question for me-obviously it’s of utmost importance to me. Maybe using a magnet would help with whatever is in these injectables? I’ll give it a go anyway. I can’t remember what type of magnet they said, if indeed they did say. Has anyone else tried this?

I don’t have a microscope to look at the stuff though. I was following Dr Ana Mihalcea’s newsletters, but she’s become a bit too technical for me, and she is pushing EDTA for detox-too expensive, and Karl has said it doesn’t get into the brain to work there anyway!

Bee Gee, also, how do you know we are not magnetic anymore? Are metal objects just not gripping on your arm or forehead, or whatever?

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Any answers on this yet? I need a ton of dental work on lower & have put it off for over a yr because of this ☠️in all of it. I’m convinced it was the catalyst in my mothers death after months of extensive dental work last yr😞

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No answers from me-some people are using detox protocols, but we’re not doing anything special. My son is still just using his insulin. We try not to worry about it. I don’t even have teeth, so in a way I’m lucky. I didn’t do the magnet thing. We pray a lot !

I’m sorry about your mother though. 🥺

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Thank you. I will just continue to pray for us all. Just evil beyond comprehension.

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Sure is.

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Hallo rrodynmac did you get an answer for your question about the magnets and the graphene?Regards Aminata

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Hi Aminata, no, I didn’t get an answer!

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I’m not very smart but I’m good at researching to get answers. A friend of mine is using a Rife machine for an atrial flutter. Will this cause problems in his blood if he’s been affected by shedding? He’s 75 and otherwise healthy and didn’t get the “shot”.

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We are only beginning to understand the effects of frequency on this stuff, but even with or without shedding, it's showing up in everyone's blood since it's in everything now.

Rife was designed for biological remedy not synthetics, so the effects may be less than desirable on synthetics. That's pretty much what Karl is showing in his videos and slides. The synthetics are using the frequencies to assemble and "work" faster in whatever in the hell it is they're doing.

Since we depend entirely on electric currents to run everything in our bodies, it would be wise for your friend to call the manufacturer and see what they have to say if anything. They want to sell machines, so....there's that bias though maybe they've had these questions and will be honest. There may be chat rooms with Rife users who are addressing your questions. idk.

Your love for your friend is wonderful. He's blessed to have such a friend and you are for being one. I admire it. God Bless.

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Thank you. I appreciate your answer and I appreciate your kind words. He’s our priest and good friend and I’m trying to help him stay healthy as much as I can. I will look into information from other Rife users.

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Hello Nona, Our dear intuitive Pirate has perfectly answered the core importance of your concerns. I have left my response to yours and Lisa's further questions below.

Pirate has covered my thoughts exactly, I say the same....

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Nice response pirate, I really wanted to try RIFE in case i had any neuro effects left due to lyme. But I am defo never ever gonna be on the RIFE, PEMF, or anything else that isn't proven to NOT energize this stuff having seen the effects. I am gutted because when i had lyme i really wanted to try RIFE, now i have 3 in the lab and worry if i use them on samples i am watching while being present. But what can you do egh.

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God is watching over you Karl, especially as he put "you" to work on solving this awful riddle of riddles. Pray for healing protection. Along with all our prayers lifted for your safety and well being, I'd say you're in very good hands on that score! xx KK

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I’m not medical but love to research. And am open to ideas outside the box. That being said, my husband starting experiencing occasional, mild flutter, tugs, rapid heart beats in December. He is 66, fit, a runner, unvaxxed. We finally looked into it further. All heart cardio related labs came back excellent. Including d-dimer. The outlier was the Duke treadmill where he scored in high risk group. Based solely on the treadmill score, not factoring any other tests. I’ve studied Dr Ana’s work and we are now planning to do edta chelation. In the meantime as we wait for that appointment, we are following Dr. Levy’s (a cardiologist, functional),protocol. It’s relatively inexpensive, although the vit c is pricey if you get the brand he recommends. But my husband and I have had very good results with it, 1 week in. He has not felt any tugs, Afib, etc. I have much more energy. You can find the interview he did with Ana on her substack. Dr. Ana Milhacea. We will still pursue edta chelation. Thanks Karl! One more thing, I think these polymers, whatever can become/are sentient. Thus, I think our thoughts, words can impact them. Such as, get out of my body, I will not permit you to remain. And with that, no fear. But authority. Far fetched I know.

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Not really far fetched-an authoritarian strongly worded phrase can do stuff against these evil things, as all the bad stuff happening in the world is controlled by satan, and the spirit of antichrist. You don’t have to be a believer to have a go at sending these things packing, but it does help, if you have Jesus in your life, you can say out loud things like “No weapon formed against me shall prosper, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

It’s like saying stop, in the name of the law! Although these days I’d be trying to not stop in the name of the current law we’re all experiencing.

So keep at it Carol, good thinking!!Say it out loud, yell if you want to!

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How about: "Stop in the name of the LORD"!!!!

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Very good!!

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Psalm 91

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I think it would be good (even simple...who would of thought it) for all to say dinner/meal, grace/blessings at the table again. I believe you are correct about words making an impact on this mess. Words are power.

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Tell him to use heart calm on Amazon. Read their reviews. It’s a game changer.

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Everyone is transfected.

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Which Rife is he using? Is he using the spooky made by Rife's grandson?

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I know it’s an old one. It has the tube that glows and it looks like a box. I’ll find out more information.

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sounds like the BCX

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For clarity, when someone say's they have a "Rife Machine" and it's a contact device, i.e it has electrodes that contact the skin and introduce frequiencies . It is not a true Rife device. Rife broadcast his frequencies through a Phanotron plasma tube ....http://billsplasmatubes.com/

Contact devices were originally introduced by John Crane.



Figure 8. (a) Rife’s phanotron is a gas-discharge diode, where an electron beam produces at 90˚ a beam of EM waves. (b) An electric signal of fixed high frequency F is combined with pulses at a particular audio-frequency f to produce sinusoidal oscillations of desired frequencies f'.

frequency f. Since avalanche phenomena distort these signals, the resulting EM wave is equivalent to a superposition of sinusoidal waves of various frequencies f' by Fourier transformation.

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In this case the contact device was a proper RIFE device with correct waves, but the output transducer was not a phanatron/helium discharge tube. The energy was still transferred as direct RIFE energy. You cant stick big needles in your body to transfer energy and so RF and EMF are more practical but need larger RF amplifiers to drive the transducers.

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"In this case the contact device was a proper RIFE device with correct waves, but the output transducer was not a phanatron/helium discharge tube."

We will have to agree to disagree. As soon as it becomes a "contact " device , it is not Rife's original working device. Really to be fair (accurate) the original device should be called a Rife / Hoyland device (https://oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/kt1489p8z4/hi-res.jpg). But these days, any thing that put's out "Rife" frequencies is immediately called a Rife device. I have even seen a PEMF device with programmable frequencies called a Rife device. IMO, a contact device should be called a Rife / Crane device. It was John Crane that pushed Rife to create a contact device.

When you say "correct waves" , I'm not sure what you mean?

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As usual BRILLIANT WORK by all you guys Love from Queensland Australia 🇦🇺

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ditto from Tassie

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Hi Karl, I found this which is similar to rife tech but uses ac/dc pulses rather than a dc constant current.



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That is actually very much like RIFE reinvented. The side bands on a RIFE machine should sip across the 11th harmonic and others. RIFE is usually an AC carrier wave or sinusoidal wave, and the significant therapeutic signal is often Square wave, triangle, or sawtooth. DC is like a constant square wave that never drops back down to ground unless it is pulsed in a duty cycle.

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These are bubbles I was seeing in food last summer under my microscope. I was suspicious, but wrote them off as just bubbles. They aligned and formed long lines and were strung together like in your pics.

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oh no! thats them

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Darn, and it was inorganic vegetables and fruit. We have to eat something, right?!

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Hi Karl thanks for these amazing photos again. They just keep getting better & better. You say that “In effect various electrical experiments have very strongly suggested that RIFE, RF, EMF, Coil devices, or any electrical device which can induce even the smallest currents will serve to do nothing more than worsen the situation”… can I ask if you have tested other devices such as Spike / Triangle and if they also energise the tech?

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Tremendous work and actually beautiful stuff. So we need to stay away from most electrical stuff if I understand this right. Not so easy when the whole world is supposed to be reset on el.....? The connection....

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If I understand correctly frequencies energizes this process? Does that mean a micro tens unit would increase the hydrogel process to increase? A doctor by the name of Carol McMakin used a unit on me after a car accident. She used graphene gloves and set the machine according to your needs. She said it could kill virus's, bacteria, mold, etc. etc. After a car accident it worked beautifully and even tho I had whiplash it wasn't as bad. She left the area and have no idea where she ended up with her machine. That was years ago and am wondering if these frequencies would be similar to the RIFE? I was also told that my tens unit could cause cancer (another medical person). How to escape frequencies? I have talked to people who know about their blood (not vaxxed) and said nothing you can do. Hopefully, with new information it can be reversed. If I am misunderstanding the frequency issue please feel free to correct. All a bit overwhelming. Thanks for your work Karl.

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Why graphene gloves, do you know Neil? I guess they would be magnetic. Did she massage you with them? Were they for her protection? I don’t think she’d need protection from a tens unit.

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Just found out more info. Dr. Carol McMakin is still treating patients and lives near me. She no longer uses the gloves and they were graphite not graphene. I am waiting to make an appointment. It has been years since I knew where she was, so this was really exciting. It uses microcurrent and hope it won't make things worse. Seems as if all the rules have changed.

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Hi Jane, seems everything has worked out well for you-I knew someone with fibromyalgia, and she used a tens unit. She said sometimes it didn’t help. I’ve got chronic lower back pain, after a surgery that failed, so I know what you mean when you say you can’t live without it. I’ve been looking at getting a tens machine myself. Sometimes the pain trumps everything.

Let us know how you go.

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My pain is not only fibro unfortunately. Had back surgery as well and have way more pain than before the surgery a year ago. The tens unit barely takes the edge off. Need myofacial pain release and apparently it really makes a difference over time. Not cheap. New study just came out of Spain and the result was that myofacial pain release techniques last the longest and in some cases resolve pain issues.

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Right. I’m same with back pain, had surgery, pain got worse. I’ve tried physio, but that just gives me more pain! I suppose if I kept at it, things would improve, but it was getting too expensive, and I could do most of the things at home, but I lost motivation. Will try again, sometime.

I don’t really know anything about myofacial pain release. I can figure from the word it’s muscle or nerve linked with fascia part of the bone, but I don’t know anything about technique.

So, are you saying the tens unit doesn’t help your back at all, but can help the fibro?

Gosh it would be great to not have pain issues. I’m not the sort of person who can”power through it”. I can for a short time, if I know I can lie down soon, trouble is I end up lying down for half my life!

And money is a big problem for me too. Like it is for most people. But we spend what we can save on things that may help, and I’ve spent a fortune on things that haven’t helped at all!! I bet you’ve been there also! Life can be bad, then it get’s worse.

But I do know that there are so many people who are much worse off than me. At least I’ve got a bed to lie on to get some relief. While some people are starving to death.

When are these loud yakking billionaires ever going to help world famine? They don’t even pretend they are helping anymore. I’ll just speak for my own opinion, but I know they want these people, almost all of us included (westerners) they want most of the world to die.

Pray against their evil ways, against all who are linked with satan. I know satan is scared of Jesus Christ. So all you satanists-suffer!!! In the Name of Jesus Christ!! Amen!!

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Totally understand what you are saying. The tens unit would probably help you, but I am concerned at this point even with that. If currents from a battery can charge the nano particles in the body why use it? I am also reconsidering going back to this amazing doctor. She has always used this machine with great success. She probably isn't aware of what Karl and Dr. Nixon are studying. I can go to someone else who doesn't use the machine. Myofascial pain release techniques are done by a specialist and typically not covered by insurance. Some physical therapists know what to do. It also depends on what back surgery you had and what is creating the pain? I had two or three herniated discs, bone that was creating stenosis or narrowing of the spine and had a numb right upper leg. After the surgery the numbness went away, and then the pain hit. No pain at all before surgery. Just a numb leg. The surgery created another monster and bc of fibro and a nerve condition I will heal a lot slower. I have lived in pain for 30 years, and have learned there are many kinds of pain. I have never had intolerable pain until now. The only thing that calms the nerve pain is Capzix Cream off of amazon. If you use it wash your hands and don't touch your face. I also use another pain gel by the gallon called Cold Therapy Sombra. Both will help muscle pain as well. Sombra used to be reasonably priced, but not anymore. You could buy a small container and see it if works. I buy if off of ebay, but for a smaller size try amazon. Don't ever get it in your eyes.....There are modalities to choose from, but each person is different. I am not going to use the tens unit (it does help fibro) and can relieve some of the lower back pain. I believe the micro current will affect the nano in me. I'm even wondering if my nerve pain condition was caused by all the root canals that I have. Lots of questions and very few answers. Been going to chiropractors for years. There is deep tissue massage and many types of massage. Many people swear by acupuncture. Yes, lots of money potentially. I have tried so many things over the years and magnesium and malic acid actually helped relax my muscles, but with the nerve condition can't take either. It causes nerves to be on fire. Magnesium chloride 200-500 every day and can take more if you tolerate. My surgery was a year ago and by now I should be fine. I had another MRI and there was no new damage. Had seven trigger point injections and they usually help. Made it worse. I have been reading about lidocaine and anesthesia aren't good either. Nano particles have been in dentistry for years. They use both of those items. I think my health issues are related to all of it and am just waiting as calmly as I can for answers. If there are none then we try and relax and do what you can when you can. A person never plans on long term pain....changed my life completely. Had no compassion for anyone before because I didn't have a clue. Also, I stretch every day and have for years. Very specific stretches. PT helped with that but that was it. If you work with a practitioner that doesn't understand pain or has never been in pain it is hard to do what they want you to do. Sorry this is long. Also, there are capsaican heat patches that work, but they are strong. Sometimes that can stop the pain loop after a few days. Also, I use lidocaine patches 4% on my feet due to the nerve pain. It could also be used on your back. All bandaides potentially, but better than nothing. I have also used magnets with some success. I used to buy a product from a company called Nikken and think they have a back pad. I believe they still have a website and if you can't find try ebay. I will pray for you. Pain is exhausting and learning to relax in spite of does help. Not easy though.....the stress from the situation everyone is in really tests one's fortitude and faith.

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I checked it out! Thanks

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It's a good start.

Next go to Spooky2.com and download the free software package and start checking it out. They provide more than 60,000 programs.

In with the software download is a 235 page .pdf instruction manual that is extremely helpful to understanding the equipment and how it works including modes of operation,

Then you can sign up to use the facebook forum to see what thousands of others are doing.

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I'm not sure why, but protection potentially. It worked beautifully, but probably would be an issue now. Yes, it was for massage. She is probably retired. On a trip to the midwest I ran into her on a plane and that was the last I saw of her. I use a micro tens unit for fibromyalgia pain. Also, I'm Jane not Neil. We will try one more time to get email to get it straight. The tens unit is run by a battery and it very low frequency. Am hoping it won't harm me because I can't live without it.

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Did it hit you as unusually familiar?....the strange elongated X shaped...colloidal dot formations showing inside of the bubbles as in the image below the 1st video?

What jumped right out to me was )( )( )(.......human chromasomes, the diagramatic symbol of

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Definitely looks like DNA bits inside them nanoparticles and Q/dots ,

Great work ,

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Is the scale of what we're seeing consistent with dna ? If we had some real DNA in the slide, would it be the same size as the tech pictured ?

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What the world needs is a whistleblower someone who knows how it’s made and more ,

It will happen we just need to wait ,

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No, we can only see DNA via microscopy when it is aggregated and a dye is used to indicate the presence as a cloud or inside a structure.

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Karl , what is the Brand and model of your scope , ??

It’s just amazing,

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Leica DM2000, With 10.1mp Industrial full size CCD imager. It is nice isn't it.

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