Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Hopefully this information will help someone - I just had a live blood analysis done, that was eminently interesting - how revealing blood is! Starting the next day, I embarked on a blood cleaning mission using doses of EDTA, a Candida/ and parasite cleanse (many ingredients), Bamboo charcoal, Serrapeptase, and Calcium Hydrochlorite. In just 24 hours I felt hugely better than I had in a while; though I will continue this program for 4 weeks, and have my blood retested. God is so good! I had only been studying these aforementioned cleansers, when the whole live blood testing program came on my radar! Then, I was just telling my son yesterday that I'd test my blood again in 2 weeks,.. and within a minute I happened to get an email from Elizabeth Clemons saying when we do a blood cleanse.. to wait one month to do a re-test - to allow the protocols to work and be evident in the blood! ! Can't wait to see the results!

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The calcium sounds interesting as I haven't tried that. Ordinarily cleansing results can take some time in blood. However EDTA, charcoal, and other binders can have very fast visual changes. But it is a good idea to wait a month so you can see how it is really going. Why waste a visit too soon. I'm really glad you feel better. I am going to try the cheaper EDTA suppositories and see if they help. Wish I could afford I but then some say the suppository works quite well too. So I will have to see.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Karl.C

I use the EDTA suppository. I made it using coconut oil and about 1500 mg calcium disodium EDTA and 500 mg reduced glutathione. Been using it 3 times a week for two weeks. So far, didn't notice anything.

From what I read, even with IV EDTA it can take 5-6 infusions to notice a difference. Considering that rectal bioavailability is about 30-35% (from what I read) that would be like 15-20 suppositories until you feel something.

What I'd like is to someone with a microscope to test the whole thing. Someone using the suppositories, and checking his blood before and after the treatment. Maybe that person could be you? ;-)

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I'm already noticing a difference. But then, I'm using an entire program, not just EDTA. My 'affliction' has been chronic fatigure. One full day of treatment (yesterday) and today I feel fantastic. Can't wait to see a month's worth!

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Could it be placebo? I've been trying EDTA for over two weeks now and absolutely no difference.

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Hello Louis,

In the first place, it's difficult to answer not knowing what we are comparing.

In my case, my complaint was fatigue. A debilitating fatigue that came upon me only this year.

In my substack post, (theparalleluniverse.substack.com 3 posts on fatigue) I brought up the possiblity of several causes, including Candida, heavy metal poisoning, 5G radiation (I got a 5G phone only this year), stress (location location - this is a very stressful place though I've been here almost 7 years), and spiritual reasons.

We are complex beings, physiologically and psychologically. So our ailments may have many causes. So also though, there may be many remedies.

Back to you, having no idea what you're suffering, it is difficult to guess at why you are not seeing results. EDTA is great for cleaning the blood, but is that what the need is in your case?

EDTA is also just one of many things that clean the blood, including Garlic, Vitamin C (ascorbic Acid) Cilantro, Charcoal etc.

Though each of these things needs to also be used correctly.

For my part, I look to the Lord Jesus Christ for guidance, which is how I put together my own program - and frankly - it's working amazingly well! I would not normally be writing at this hour.. I was using late day energy to write. Yesterday and today I have felt like my old (energetic) self!

I hope this was in some way helpful.



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Aug 29, 2023Liked by Karl.C

How much time did it take to get your energy back? Fatigue is my main complain. I can barely make it. Feel so tired from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's because of what's in my blood, or maybe because I live close to G5, or maybe other reasons. Anyway, I did not notice any change so far using EDTA rectally maybe 7-8 times. I will try longer.

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EDTA oral will likely do nothing much, suppositories i think probably are around a 30-40% cleanse, IV is where it is at and from what i've read over time and heard from those who have done it should help many. But until i've tried i cant say. Many things are said to be effective, some will say it wasn't and some will say it was.

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Yeah rectal EDTA is like 35%, so basically for every 3 times it should be like one IV. I'm still trying. So far nothing is changing. But I'll keep trying.

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I will try. I will look at getting some Next month. Just seen some For 100£ for 30. I'll see if I can afford them. Most of the effect. I'm looking for right now is in the brain detox since the blood doesn't look to bad unless I stop nac, zinc, Astaxanthin, etc, and iaslong as I don't eat too many remade food products. If you go drinking I find it always raises the levels of the junk in there too. So I don't bother anymore, also I think I am completely allergic now through Lyme disease and this crap.

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If you have had Lyme disease, you would do well to investigate Chlorine Dioxide. It not only can break open the biofilm and get to the Lyme bacteria, it fixes a lot of other ailments as well, and it's dirt cheap. Email me and I'll send you some information. thetyrannyofmasks@proton.me

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I have taken Chlorine dioxide for a long time and stopped. Same as methylene blue, colloidal silver, and much more. After killing many pathogen issues using the worlds greatest combos i have found everything is now down to stuff in the brain. Not much passes the barrier, just a few things so far, and i feel it is partly the tech that gets in there that is the real issue. This would make sense since it is not mostly pathogenic bacteria and fungus, but other toxic material of many different materials. It sounds like that is where it is drawn to most because of electrical activity. Studies showed how these kind of gels and Q-dots can penetrate the brain barrier very well. Conductive and electron interfering material will play hell with your neurons, etc. I think chelators and detoxers that can work in the brain may possibly be some of the best help. Funny that when the pathogen related meds lost effect it was the adding of more and more antioxidants and cleansers that seemed to help most from there. every now and then i go back to adding in pathogen killers because this stuff appears to interfere with the biome and chemistry in a way that will continue making you vulnerable to infection and mutated organism as we see now with the sudden surge of mutant candida, aspurgllis, Cryptococcus, and much more. drug resistant fungus is on the overload globally. Clifford Carnicom shows the presence of this material in question as the ability to mutate and disfigure normal strains. the balance of everything is disrupted by something and it isn't just us. RF radiation is also known to affect wildlife and organisms cellular organization out in the wild. mutations of bacteria and fungus have been shown using RF emissions in many studies.

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I would agree that this is a very difficult and challenging scenario. They're coming at us from many different corners, and I can just say 'thank God' he has supplied.. from the beginning.. many different antidotes! My strongest suggestion is the one that I live by.. get in touch with, and in harmony with the Lord Jesus Christ! He has guided me through the Minefield of life for 67 years. He will show you what specific things you need. And, find a minister that actually practices the ministry of Deliverance and healing. When I had the covid demon afflict me last year I was in a terrible state. The only thing that worked... not chlorine dioxide.. not nicotine.. nothing worked except for the warfare prayers of three different saints, 2 here in the US and one gal in Kenya calls and prayed for me over the phone. That's what put me back on my feet.. no medical interventions, no hospitals, no doctors. There is a minister in Tennessee by the name of Greg Locke that I plan to visit within the next month. He has a powerful Deliverance Ministry. I do believe that most, if not all of this, is spiritual. These are voodoo recipes and you cannot fight spiritual battles with carnal weapons. Get into Your Arsenal a number of spiritual weapons and spiritual warfare partners and you will overcome in this challenge. Ultimately they will all be defeated they are fools of the highest order that are attacking mankind.

God bless you,


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I have amalgams, & I correct in assuming I should not take EDTA?

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I don't know the answer to that question but I would do everything in my power to get the amalgams removed

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Agreed. I want. Mine gone. But I'll still try edta. I detox regularly so hopefully any mercury will get cleaned up to. Who knows. Wouldn't advise it to others.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Have you got a practice to analyse your blood? Or are you able to do it yourself?

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I do it myself. There are secretive practices in the UK, but live blood analysis has been frowned upon since Lyme disease. It would seem to be because Lyme usually can be seen in dark field microscopy where their tests are diabolical. Most in the Lyme community deem this to be intentional. I personally feel the same, since much better test have been designed since and they use the worst out there meaning people get wrongly diagnosed often. Also very well known to the Lyme Community. Say that to a doctor and They will disagree, strangely enough.

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I went to a wonderful practitioner out of my state. I will supply their contact information to ayone who reaches out to me personally. I don't think I'll publish their name as there is so much opposition to alternative treatments and practitioners. But this one is stellar. I can be reached at Proton mail at: thetyrannyofmasks.proton.me

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Karl.C

That's fine. I'm in the UK and can't find anybody wise to this inbthe medical professional field.

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Really only ones self or a. Modest analyst will do it. The UK jumps on people who do this. Matt substack mentions about microscopes as he has recently gotten into it himself. A cheap compound amscope used off of ebay with dark field filters is all one needs. The just some time to figure it all out.

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I can turn you on to someone in the UK.. send me an email: thetyrannyofmasks@proton.me

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Nice VJC, I'm not wanting to get into that much controversy yet myself. I have enough on. ;)

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I was replying to Edd, in the UK. There are people in the UK doing live blood analysis. I can share that information by email to anyone who wishes to know. My email is: thetyrannyofmasks@proton.me

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Do you mind sharing what your candida & parasite cleanse consists of?

What does the calcium Hydrochlorite do?

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I will be posting a lengthy Symposium of information on the protocol on my substack page theparalleluniverse.Substack.com

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Very nice

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For lack of time for so many things at once (in the world that we live in), I am posting regularly on the subject of oxydative therapies on my substack blog. Look for anything in the title that refers to healing, and/or oxygen. theparalleluniverse.substack.com

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Thanks for sharing. I was just asking if people are seeing anything in saliva. We are traveling to see Dr Ana and I plan on documenting her analysis of my “pure” blood.

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Very good. Please do. I have other friends who have done this. And it helps the rest understand more. I hope you have fun with Dr Ana

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Are we sure this isn't normal pleomorphic endobiont activity which naturally occurs in all of us. It only goes haywire if infection occurs or the body's pH becomes increasingly acidic. In your samples shown above it appears there are profit veils, accompanied with spheroid symprotits. These are regulatory and congestive phase endobionts. I'm new to this area of study. Currently on the training course encouraged by Dr. ANA MIHALCEA. I use a Neogenesis Systems HDMI 9W LED trinocular microscope.

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Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023Author

Id like to think so, but the chemical and spectral analysis done by Clifford and Dr Ana suggests there are many unnatural materials within. You should have a look at Clifford Carnicoms work on carnicominstitue.org . it will take a lot of reading, but if he is correct none of the materials seem to be normal to us. I did write work up on Pleomorphism when i was investigating my Lyme/Morgellons disease a few years ago. It seemed there were many scientists and docs who had mistaken this pleomorphism as also a part of the Lyme pathogens itself. It is actually more due to the fact that most chronically ill patients have angry pleomorphic organisms degrading their blood because of the altered chemistry surrounding it, as you say. took me a long while to clear this up and decide what it was really. However, non of this is appearing to behave that way at all. it matches non of the usual signs of pleomorphism. And then you have the Quantum dots we are seeing. see the fenbendazole post i did showing a comparison of quantum dots in blood and fenben with papers on Q-dots. this is just one example. Sounds like your on a good journey learning helpful stuff. keep looking into pleomorphism in blood and you should see the difference. its usually very consistent in its presentation. Cells splurging out gloopy tentacles, protits getting large, chains of pearls, broken blood cells, strings of what western medicine says is proteins stripping from the RBC's. It will rapidly get worse on the slide within hours if it is a really ill persons blood. Now it is always possible that protits have been altered or are behaving unusually as part of the mix. but very hard to tell with my limited tools and analysis skills.

forgive my loose terms, i am losing my memory and it has been intense studying everything for a few years. seems i remember little about my life before i got ill now.

Thank you for your suggestions. always welcome. ;)

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Thank you I will certainly check out Dr. Carnicom's work. Thanks for explaining a lot. I'm very new to this stuff. Once I better understand the pleomorphism normal activity then I'm sure like you I will better identify when the activity is abnormal. I'm certain there are quantum dots in our blood that are now building circuitry within us which is further becoming operational as more and more biosensor infections, ELF and other external factors are applied. Thank you for all your hard work and I look forward to more findings of yours that help wake up Humanity to the contamination within us.

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Thank you for the kind compliments. There isn't enough visual material explaining pleomorhism. But eventually if you keep looking you will find enough. I don't have my older files with me now or I would send you my comparison article of Lyme pleomorhism to pleomorhism if that makes sense. But picture for picture it shows the same thing in each stage of morphology. I hope you enjoy your microscopy ventures.

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All this stuff is extremely new for me. Learning about pleomorphic while coming from an allopathic medicine career and big pharma is a change in perspective for me. I mostly plan to search for nanotechnology on my family's blood and provide service for that. Many are concerned in my community of contamination of food, water, air and medicine and I plan to try to confirm or deny their fears with microscopy. There is a lot to learn so any sources would be greatly appreciated. My biggest concern is parasites. I want to know how to find differentiate those. Thanks for your support Karl.

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Agh no worries. See if the duke university offer anymore free or certificated parasitology courses online. I did one free and the certificate version is only 150. I had no money at the time, just time Itself. Study haematology and disease papers online, and visit articles from by just Parisitology clinics. Here you will learn that these people see parasites and tropical parasites all the time in many countries, contrary to what western hospitals keep saying to patients. "Why would you want a Parasite cleanse, have have you been to Africa" hahaha. Heard that myself and seen others tell that story a 1000 times.

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That's sad. Other countries encourage parasite cleanses every 6 months. Thank you for the resources. I will certainly look into all that.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Karl.C

If Carnicom et al I think it was early 00s found what he found re Morgellons, that suggests to me it would take a few years to settle into public/medical notice, a few years that is after the deployment in N.A. of mass cell telephony infrastructure around 1997. Suggested is concurrent atmospheric & other deposition, under cover of addressing experimentally climate disruption mitigation possibilities. (The cover extends especially to now with apparently directed energy generated "wildfires", judging from odd behaviours and results, at least since the one around Fort MacMurray, Alberta 2016.)

Around 10 years later mass wilan "wifi" began to appear, and around then as well "smart" utility meters. Apart from already existing electropollution, the contribution of MW & khz (from spurious frequencies emitted, "dirty electricity") may be decisive as part of the plot to taint & injure & control.

Thus I continue to be particularly interested in not only, e.g. as well displayed by our host, Karl, ELF, but how these lower frequencies up to khz are carried/caused and their differential effect, and moreso what is coming OFF, i.e. not only AT, the dots etc to induce actual blood clotting (apart from hydrogel masses confusingly called 'clots' as well by Dr Ana M) - the blood clot effect induced by particular xenobiotic e-activity I believe is at the core of much injury and demise.

I am actually reluctant for now to apply the edta cream my spouse has been successfully using (as recommended some time ago by Dr Ana) lest i lose my ability to sense who is a toxic transmitter and who not, as I suffer clots when near shot up people and even 2nd hand exposed people for sometimes only seconds. I suffer known symptoms when exposed for long enough (also can be seconds) to certain e-pollution, eg if I remain stationary in a strong enough field from common cordless phones, I quickly display cognitive disruption in verbal mix-ups. (I strongly urge lion's mane fungus, now widely available, as neural regenerator helper, I use for decades, very effective.) Speaking of Karl's apt impression about mycelium-like appearance, one wonders if some fungus possibly edible or in extract of some component thereof, cans serve to degrade the nitrile-containing hydrogel. (This came to me after filling a bag with scaly vase chanterelle mushrooms, not really edibles I did not know, but have been researched for serious anti-fungal activity.)

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Insan Bamboo Salt is vital to cleansing blood cells. It detoxifies the organs and stimulates cellular metabolism.


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Thanks new to me., will into that too. Saving screen shots lol

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Someone I know uses photonwave biophoton therapy & says it can clear nano technology.

Im wondering if this is true?

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Honestly I'm not sure as I haven't tried it or looked. Into it deeply enough. I know photonic technology can help. But medical devices often range from useless to the real deal and some Just have no idea. Most RIFE machines on the market are weak and poorly designed, only a couple. Like the Mopa GB4000 seem to be the real Deal with the right waves and power being used. Many good, scientifically backed devices out there and many more terribly bad devices out there with no real science behind them and no care about the workings inside.

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Just read this one.

There are other studies about foods and Hy Gels on the same webpage.

Any information shared about health is appreciated.

Thank you.

Surimi is considered a new base ingredient in special dietary foods because of its excellent gel formation properties and nutritional value. Cross-linked network structures are the basis for the formation of protein hydrogels.


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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Karl, activated charcoal did not give you any cleanup on this?

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Interesting actually because i just looked at my blood right now and it still seems very clean since that day i did the charcoal. i don't go out much. too ill still with the cognitive issues, and so i dedicate all my energy to this stuff knowing my fix is somewhere here. Hopefully for others too.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Karl.C

It is very interesting, given what you are seeing in the saliva samples. You wouldn't think it would be possible but it looks like this stuff can be restricted to localities.

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I think the body wants to clean it out, but the mouth area just gets way to much food and air in it to keep it under control. the interesting part for me was just seeing that most of the electrical phenomena from blood could be seen from samples elsewhere, just not the fleshy clot material it produced in blood. that seems to only happen there so far.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Karl.C

It's probably programmed to be opportunistic given that this contamination is being sprayed on the planet.

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it seems opportunistic to say the least lol.

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It certainly did in the blood, without any doubt. But as Clifford seems to indicate part of this stuff seems to embed in the oral cavity. I get a yellow tongue sometimes and i have to brush with charcoal to remove it. It seems to really hold on and flourish there for some. I will do the charcoal brush later because it actually hurts. The fibers are insane in the mouth with the gels. I am just happy when my blood is clean these days. Ive struggled to keep it out of the mouth. Food and other nutrients that have not been filtered yet into the blood seem to really give it strong hold. And of course its in many products we consume, so it is the first port of settlement.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Karl.C

There is a probiotic dental supplement with a microbiome that cleans your gums and teeth overnight. It's been working well against any morning unwelcomeness for me. I will send you the link

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hey thanks David.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Digging up the info now

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Check your email

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do you have a link for the rest of us please? thanks!: )

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Ref. 3276.8

Please see this video (24 min.) : https://drdavidnixon.com//1/en/topic/david-mat-shimon-230506

I don’t know if Dr. Nixon had applied any current or salt.

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Well in fact, t I started the cleansing program two days ago.. the first day after I felt great unusually restored then.. today, the 2nd day after starting, I was tired again.

My blood analysis practitioner said that: [Quote] "You're not ready for the EDTA."

I will have a conference with her tomorrow on Zoom and find out what that means. I'm not exactly sure.

Anyone who wants to visit this analyst should email me and I will provide her contact information my email is:


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There goes french tongue kissing.

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