Thanks so much for keeping us posted!

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The three pics of the spheres look oddly enough like eyeballs or lenses?? Thanks for posting, as always, be safe.

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Hello Karl, this is a first look at skin tissue isn't it? will be interesting to note where the samples were taken from too. Interesting how much stuff (dots, gels, threads) there actually appears to be throughout the tissues, and a bit sad too....we've been wondering.

Keep exploring, man against the microbes KK

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I've been experimenting on myself for the best way to get this stuff out of my skin. I was taking detox baths but am now convinced that the public water supply co's (if you don't have your own well water) in some areas may be involved. I believe a better way to detox is with a portable steam sauna...you can get one for less than $200. Here's what I've found after using mine: after 15-20 minutes I get out and lightly scratch my fingernails over various parts of my body (you do this while your skin is still moist). I then take a nail clipper and scrape under the nails and view under a microscope. This has an added advantage as it allows you to see what parts of your body where most of the nano accumulation is. After taking a quick hot shower (scrubbing my skin pretty firmly) I dry off and put coconut oil then aloe vera gel on, I then take a paper towel and wipe up the water that has accumulated on the floor of the sauna - that directly dripped from my skin. Well the debris I found on the damp paper towels and on the skin scraping removal was pretty eye opening. Lots of black specks, weird shapes and filaments. I find if I do this every other day the frequencies I've been hearing in the form of low intensity ear ringing go away. On alternate days I'll use activated charcoal and sometimes edta cream or suppositories. I no longer use commercial soap or processed bath products. To clean my body skin I use a tetrasodium edta formula- 30% TE and 70% distilled water in a spray bottle. On my face I use witch hazel and a protective formula that Tony P has on a video. Everytime I go outside and come back in I will wipe my face with tea tree oil and distilled water on a thin cotton pad. EVERYTIME there filaments under a microscope whereas when I've tested this indoors....not so much....except in the am when I wake up. Which leads me to believe they are doing more spraying at night - perhaps bc ppl are starting to notice (i.e. wake up). Sorry for the long ramble. I hope this helps someone - bc that is why we are here - to help each other.

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No apologies, what you have provided here is absolutely helpful and thank YOU for going to the trouble of documenting your results. Yours are very thoughtful approaches to this issue too. Yes I'd say Earth's entire mains water supply lines are fully contaminated by now and would have been a primary source of it since decades ago. Soaking in baths in all these wonderful components is helpful but then your body is just reabsorbing all that came out. Catch22. Sauna would seem a better choice. Infrared too.

I love your methodology with no commercial soaps, etc. Thanks for sharing the products you've used. I will look into trying some of those myself.

Just a caution, and would you mind trialing something for us? ( I am not set up with scope as of yet)..some time ago a concern basically hit me in the face - where I noticed how just about every product imaginable for personal care use on supermarket shelves suddenly had "new" marketing splashed all over it - with the newly rediscovered aloe vera added TO EVERYTHING. I couldn't unsee it. This correlated with the rise of open warfare on us post scamdemic.

I can't ignore the base fact of Aloe's being a natural "gel" form substance. And yet again a perfect candidate in which to hide nefarious hydrogel in question. Would you take a look at your aloe gel under the scope and make some observations on it for us? It was just such a deliberately suspicious blatant smothering of all products with it - all at once. And no new discovery miracle-component that'd been found. Post some images for us too - would be so beneficial (if possible).

Yes they are spraying around the clock, I film and record it (years now).

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Yes - I will look into the aloe vera gel. I get cold pressed organic and hadn't thought about looking at it under a scope bc it's so gelatinous...which is why I believe it actually protects the skin. Oh - BTW I don't have some crazy expensive microscope set up - I use a jewelers scope. I'm not a sports person. But I have to think - does humanity act in a defensive or offensive position? I am no longer interested in what this crap is doing in my blood. I am only interested in keeping it out of my body and protecting my humanity.

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Hello Juan, thankyou for your contributions here, please don't feel under any pressure from myself - I did assume you may have been "into" studying these interlopers. No problem, I get you - follow that rage where it takes you - and - I say take both offensive and defensive, all the way. You are an interesting individual who sparked my interest. Best wishes.

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Heya Juan, what part of the world are you in? I wear a big brimmed hat when outside, on purpose, for obvious reasons. Thanks for your post, it is very interesting.

Can you photograph the black dots and put them onto here somehow please Juan?

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I live in the United Corporations of America. And no - I won't take the time to photograph anything. Bc Time.... Do your own research DC.

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I do.

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Sorry DC,. Didn't mean to be harsh. Please forgive me. But I am not set up to photo this nano - I've already spent thousands trying to heal myself and I just feel at this point we are well beyond the "show and tell" portion of our predicament. I want justice and accountability at this moment as well as offering any of my experiences that could possibly help another fellow human.

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No problemo- wish I could say, "Hasta La Vista evil stuff" one day we will! :) Take care matey.

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Thank you for sharing this.

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Hiya KK. One of the samples came from myself and it was from the side face of index finger facing toward my thumb. I’d been experiencing significant little itchy bumps mostly on the palms of my hands that turned into blisters then into a type of lesion before healing. Was getting flaky skin under nails. The other individual sample was also from a hand by memory.

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Hi Caroline ! thankyou for the feedback, I was really surprised to see Karl's sudden delve into the flesh (so to speak) as so far, mostly unchartered by any of our fearless micronauts - other than Matt's microscopy. Just too much else of concern to cover.

It's worrying how many many odd new symptoms/conditions are becoming the norm. The dermis is a prime target being the largest organ we have (yikes), I hope it is responding to a better state and healing, and I have seen and heard of many suffering skin issues just the same. We aren't in a conducive environment to heal no more. KK

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Hey KK

Hope you are doing well.

Just wondering…can you source tobacco seeds by any chance? Given that you may be able to get the leaf, thought you may be able to get seeds?

Did you end up foot bathing with them?

Where are you based?

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Hello again ! I am doing great thank you,...I hadn't any replies to my tobacco leaves searches yet, oh that's interesting SEEDS...didn't think of it myself !

I might go back to a post where all the smokers were yelling at me.... and try asking them. I will want to chase that up too...good idea will let you know if I find anything out. I'm in Adelaide, down south from you. Your climate is probably very conducive to grow it too. You've got me all interested again. Perhaps we need to get onto the dark web....seeing as everything is being banned . KK

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I have just sent off another request to someone who has already done this with their students as an excercise - nicotine leaves foot bath. Will let you know if I hear of a viable source, ciao ! KK

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Hello again Caroline, I have just confirmed the students experiment using natural tobacco leaves did produce positive results !! This is great news (how could it not do) they are always after me to do their training…maybe it’s time. Will be looking into this now. Also keep hunting for sources for the leaves and seeds. Don’t often get good news. Wow ! See you when I have any more news, KK

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Hey KK

Well it was certainly interesting doing it 🤣

I think we just decided to cut off some skin. I had some flakes of older stuff before he arrived but couldn’t find it. Never mind.

I’ve got some crusties on my feet now, back on the SC so we will monitor this. Toxins seem to excrete from hands and feet so let’s see how we go. Plus we are on RO water.

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yes it will be very interesting to monitor ie like your skin issue resolution or not in relation to good results using the SC action and good h20, etc.

I agree especially the feet is a major doorway for healing and effects. I am looking right now for some natural tobacco leaves to do a steep/footbath approach - to the same end. Smokers yelled at me to not try drinking it though - as a tea. I believe them! Can see we may all end up in some kind of full body 5G-preventative space suits one day, cheers, have fun with it, best, KK

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I have mutant ticks, spiders, bug wings in my Morg. Also dots and other structures. Am I still human?

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Of course you are !

we have been seeing many examples of this in the micronauts sample studies.

You are still one of us, hope you stay !

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BTW, is anyone keeping urine, while using sodium citrate, and then doing microscopy on it? I am keeping it, and I keep sequential photos of the unsterile specys/. The amount of sediment is a lot less than in end of Janurary, when I started taking Sodium citrrate. I also take diametaceous earth 1tsp 3 times a week, and nicotine patch, 3.5mg daily, and IvanMectin, 18mg daily. Feeling great. :)

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It came up in one of our meetings that no-one has yet looked at lady pee. We need to have more ppl do this as there may be significant differences in the genders samples.

It sounds like you are having success at reducing your load - and now tapering off. Good report, good for you. Karl will see this post of yours and take note. Did you see his survey post in last month or so? I think the idea is to expand on the parameter of questions in further surveys too.

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Hi Koppykat. Thanks for your reply. I do think that documentation is critical, they guys are doing suuch a great job in their methodology and recording. It is very time consuming, but so rewarding when you can go back and see exactly what happened, and then be able to replicate the experiment, with everyone on the same page as well, and no guess work. I'm thinking, that if a wee sample is taken every day, not necessarily at the same time, but documented in relationship to the taking of eg: Sod.Cit. So first wee on rising, where you should get a good concentration of anything, then if ppl get up to pee overnight, that could reflect the effect of the pm dose of Sod.Cit. Also, I was not using sterile jars, and I still won't sterilize them, but will have them as clean as possible, and will use lids as well of course. I wish we could put pics onto here. Thanks Koppykat!! I should try and catch one of the Sunday 6am meets. ;)

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check out the CHAT function on SS. It looks as though you may be able to download pics on there, KK

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check out Notes on substack, I recall someone saying it would be possible to put pics in there, i haven't checked it out yet. Take pics anyway and we may be able to access them someway. Good to do it for your own reference. Cheers KK

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we were just talking about sterilisation methods and at how hard it is to get 100% clean anything. I think you'd be alright as yours is observational - and not going under the scope. Unless you do this work - and came up with alcohol and ethanol for "slide" prep - sample viewing.

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Thank you karl

.. ever professional & explorative as always we all really appreciate you

God bless

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Has anyone sliced up vegetable, to see what is in them yet? Don't analyse Gin and Tonic, I could not bear to hear about greeblies in it! (mind you, have another one, and you may not worry about it!!) hehe

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👆🏼🎯🤣 "the borg"...

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Hi Karl,

I'm studying live blood and love to know how you determine whether something is hydrogel. Has there been conclusive documented analysis of this? Thank you!

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Hi Karl, please is there a way that we can financially support you, without using paypal, to buy you Kofi? :)

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https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068922816380&sk=reels_tab These people are finding awfully weird stuff as well. Thanks for what you do Karl D :) Virtual hippy hugs for you!!

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Thanks Karl

I appreciate your work and would like to connect at some stage

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You're the best! Thank you for looking and posting.

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