Sodium Citrate, Hydrogels, And Calcium.
Interesting possibilities for why the Sodium Citrate is so relieving for some, and what might be going on with leeched calcium. Also Lyme, and Morgellons Q's.

I was recently sent this clipping by a friend who also took great interest in why Sodium Citrate seemed to be so effective for some people. We know that there has been huge problems with bone, teeth, and hair loss in the last 4 years not really seen before. We see many relating to these symptoms now from all categories, but more so in others, the vaccine injured groups on FaceBook and other places show those symptoms to frequent more and more, I have previously lost hair, I have relatives who are still losing hair. Long Covid, vaccine injured, and even some none vaccinated people now seem to be noticing differences in their health.
If you go back to my original post on discovering Sodium Citrate it speaks of Sodium Citrate being a chelator of Calcium as well as a reduction agent and many other beneficial things too. Calcium which appears to of been either misplaced in the body or leeched from the body by what could be Hydrogel or at least one of multiple hydrogel’s possibly used in the recent nightmare products seems to show in the blood as an increased presence of fibrin spicules after oral Sodium Citrate as observe by microscopy. This was observed after oral SC and seems to be a that most likely it is misplaced calcium or leeched calcium released from hydrogel’s.
A recent and brief pole just raised and still taking respondents has shown that so far over a range of 100 participant researchers Sodium Citrate has had a notably positive effect on those who had used it. Furthermore many are trying the SC and activated charcoal combination or separate use of which seems to reduce the gel’s present when performing live blood analysis. I have an update coming from someone with images to show their experience which was similar to mine a while back where I posted about charcoal. We can also see the responses seem to indicate positive effects where charcoal is concerned in the above chart. Not all are symptomatic relief and maybe some did not notice benefits at all which may take time. On the other hand placebo must also be taken into account, but no figures for that will be produced at this time since that would not be an easy task with the survey being online.
The above examples of Hydrogel morphology are taken from Peer review studies on Hydrogel having used Alcian Blue for Alginate based hydrogel. The forms should be familiar to anyone performing dye procedures on these kinds of products such as swabs and injectables. Links will be provided at the bottom. But now let us look at what happens when I dye samples of the Swab solution in appropriate percentages close to the order of 0.1 %.
We can clearly see in the work I performed above with the swab solution and Alcian Blue dye added that there is a resemblance of not just all morphological forms when comparing to literature, but also our Dye is indicating a like for like exhibition of adoption by these suspicious materials found in what should be a test kit. It is unclear yet whether the spheres are a microcapsule but the fact these form later on are suggestive that this is highly possible or even very likely the case. microcapsules have previously been found in blood and urine, which is suspicious since these are man made constructive capsules. Obviously this is not a test, it is still a delivery system for which visually explains itself as a form of evidence for such implication.
For reference we see more forms of gel presented from a paper showing both wet and dried gel forms. If you have ever seen any good studies buried away concerning Morgellons disease you may have also seen attention drawn to structures the same as these in others work. Melinda Sarte on Researchgate has a vast image library going back some several years on the study of her illness, worth a look! But this also could explain why certain institutes pushed for delusions where Morgellons was concerned rather than a systemic illness for which it ever so obviously was and has been proven to be in unbiased scientific studies. The studies which supported skin disease and delusions were absolutely hideous and extremely biased. I now personally question the Bartonella forms seen with Lyme disease most often and the self replicating cells seen in the blood via LBA. These have been noted for years.

As shown previously in posts, using multiple dye’s gives an implication that there are other gel types present. This is likely why many of these structures do not stain when using only one dye. The info here is all just snippets since Substack has limited post length. Larger presentations will be distributed by various sources later on, the topic’s involved are extremely complicated.
Links to above articles used for images:
Just a mention, everyone’s help so far has been incredibly supporting to my findings. Please consider helping with KO-FI donate below. I really appreciate all the awake people who make the humane family like community, Love to all!
SC healed completely my lower back pain!!! Only took 2 days or so and have had no pain the entire month.😁 every morning lower back pain so would get on inversion table each day for 1 min which would fix it for the day. Haven’t had to do it since taking sod citrate daily 1/3 teaspoon. X-ray showed disc pushing on anther disc. My guess is SC cleared calcium buildup. Any other guesses? Acid removal ( acid causes inflammation).
That could be why Borax has helped people that have Morgellions.
There was a post on Substack about Boabob tea.