I'm un-injected but contaminated since 03/2021 when the injections started in Western North Carolina. I've had multiple musculoskeletal disorders, sudden onset insulin resistance, and accelerated facial bone loss around the place where a root canal was removed in 2019, and months of hidden blood oxygen deprivation. I know my calcium metabolism is f-ed up.

This link works. In two weeks my gums are no longer receding and have grown back about halfway!!

GROW BACK ALL YOUR TEETH // 10000Hz + 22 Healing Frequencies for Teeth


So that issue is being fixed. This whole thing is so insane. My friend is going to two funerals this week and another friend was going to a funeral last week.

Thank you Karl!!!

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Thank you for sharing, i am so glad you have managed to control the issues. Interesting share. How sad we all see people going the wrong way these days.

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No worries. The fighters know who they are and they will detox. At this point it looks like the lying mainstream media is being removed by their own C19 shots. I read somewhere I didn't capture (!) that globally 10,000 "prominent people" have died on camera...

Good things ARE happening but best not to publish. BIG HUGS!!!

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10,000? Wow, that's headway.

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I have sound files I play when I go to bed. Revelation 5 twice (memorising Revelation, because it's cool) and then rainfall on a loop.

I'll stick that in before the loop.

You say that works? If so it addresses by biggest issue.

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It has so far. The best thing is seeing the gums on the left side start to come back down and the weird nervy sensation is now gone and my face feels stronger (how weird is that!). Remember to drink a lot of water when you do frequencies. I've been doing them since 2017 - like you mostly while I sleep.

I have fixed tons of things with Youtube frequencies. My favorite for immediate relief is the shorter videos by Voff Uggla. She's amazing.

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LOL! Drink a lot of water before I go to sleep. Well, I wake up at least once anyway, I can do that.

It seems like energy, frequencies and vibration are cropping up everywhere as something we should know more about but don't.

Can you share what other benefits you have achieved from this method? New to me.

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You can see from the list all of the crap I have been working on:)))) LOL!






https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJCNPbtnI94 → Sapien Medicine – Version 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQu7-bs0kk4 → Sleep (This is the regeneration one and it's working!!)






https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGbvfZehQzw --> Ninad Music




Tones for Healing


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=er3Z1W8BrnY --> Chimes/Tibetan Bowls

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGbvfZehQzw --> Ninad Music


Rewire Eye Brain Connection Restore Vision | Heal Your Eye Neurons | Brain and Vision Healing Music - This one really works!






https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acQS2Fef8tU (Good for sleeping too:)









https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkWIq3R0hV4 → Silent 45 Hertz








https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5kM7ZoqHIE – sleep

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gynI0wCFAog – sleep


There are more nanobot removal links out there. Get them before they are repressed. Our contamination levels are much higher than 3 years ago. When I listen to these links I get an tingling / itchy feeling all over now... and that didn't used to happen.

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60 Giga...

Have been told about the frequencies...

yet have little trust in Y-tube...

This is very helpful in directing readers to safe sounds/ frequencies.

Had a troubling experience...

Was listening to 'meditative bell' frequencies on Y-Tube...

A week later, the most vile dreams ever experienced...

Quit the bell frequencies

the images subsided...

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Me too. I despise Youtube. I remember when it was great. All of the awesome crazy stuff I used to find is GONE. But there are still a few folks doing good stuff out there... I won't even log in because I remember when I didn't have too!!

I bet those bell frequencies opened up a portal. I too have experienced dreams most vile - some were unforgettable... even though I'd like too. We are not alone. We are in a multi-dimensional universe. And the veil is very thin these last few years...

One thing I have noticed is that Youtube does not honor the loop setting if the video is short. It will loop for awhile, and then Youtube's AI routes me to something I really do NOT want to listen too!!

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You developed receding gums? What happened to your teeth and how did it all start? I had receding gums out of nowhere in late 2021 and my teeth became weak. The dentist told me that nothing bis wrong with gums and I did oil pulling. Nothing changed

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People with dental issues since the C19 bioweapon distribution are common. I've found references to us on Coffee & Covid substack and dental issues are now considered a side affect.

My receding gums accelerated after the democide began, but for years only 1/2 of my mouth has had this problem. My last dentist noticed it too. I have some background in acupuncture / the electrical side of us:)))), so I'm thinking I have a key nerve pinched somewhere in my spine/neck that is causing it.

Way back when I worked on a thoroughbred rehab farm, I knew an exercise girl who had horrific psoriasis for years all over her upper body. It was so bad that she wore turtleneck shirts in the summer. After a bad fall, she went to a chiropractor who aligned her spine for the first time and her psoriasis went away completely!

Try this link. Read the comments. I was having a 'shimmering' sensation across my upper jaw from bone loss above a pulled root canal socket... and it has completely stopped after 4-5 nights of playing this frequency compilation while I sleep.

And I noticed that my gums on the bad side are coming back!! I feel MUCH better in general and I really believe that I can grow that pulled tooth back with it. First, I have to re-build the bone, so I'm on calcium-copper supplementation. The C19 shots screw up calcium-copper metabolism and in 2021-2022 there were tons of people with broken bones.

Tooth Regeneration:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQu7-bs0kk4 → Sleep

I do oil pulling too with coconut oil. That saved my teeth from their fragile cracking state a few years back. I think I've been doing coconut oil pulling since 2015-16. Coconut oil pulling will help, but you have to do it frequently. I'm averaging once every 3-4 days, or if I just feel toxic.

Keep me posted!!

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I am listening to your link... my goodness, it is so ugly...

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Feb 16Liked by Karl.C

SC healed completely my lower back pain!!! Only took 2 days or so and have had no pain the entire month.😁 every morning lower back pain so would get on inversion table each day for 1 min which would fix it for the day. Haven’t had to do it since taking sod citrate daily 1/3 teaspoon. X-ray showed disc pushing on anther disc. My guess is SC cleared calcium buildup. Any other guesses? Acid removal ( acid causes inflammation).

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that is interesting, and a good thought for why it may have help. I am glad it has been positive for you!

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Can you provide a link to a good sodium citrate? I found so many on Amazon and I don't know which one works and which one is good quality.

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Great !

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That could be why Borax has helped people that have Morgellions.

There was a post on Substack about Boabob tea.

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I tried borax for some time and never really felt it was doing a great deal. Maybe it does for some others or maybe it people think it does due to the guy from Haarp claiming he was telling us all a secret

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Jorge Flechas, MD - Boron and Oral Health 40:42 min


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That was worth 40 minutes.

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Hello Mario, this the Dutch lady webinar…so very detailed, however she is talking about top shelf/level of Nano Silver Industry standard product:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?=loxFckpUq44 KK

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I believe that I have found it : Terral Croft https://terral.substack.com/p/nano-silver-sodium-borate-how-to


Thank you. Good information.

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Good on ya!…yes it’s worth knowing this seems to be helpful for some ppl

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My mistake, it’s not about Boron. But is Re: nano silver in combination with Boron is a protocol touted by T.Croft. Got my wires crossed there!

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Hi Koppykat. Do you have another link. It is not available. ¨YouTube is not currently available on this device.¨

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No no. I take borax everyday. It's good. There is a video done by a dr md somewhere with a lot of information. I will try to find it.

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

Im wondering if anyone who has been vaxx injured has benefited from SC &/or charcoal. My daughter was injured & not feeling great right now.

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From what i have been hearing back it seems to be helping many there. unfortunately i don't thin it would be right for anyone to answer that solidly and with 100% confidence. I highly suspect it will since that material is what we aimed it at.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 25Liked by Karl.C

I cannot tell you because I never took the shots. After saying that, we know now that shedding is possible and we are bombarded with all kind of chemicals, Chemtrails etc. so better help ourself.

I have ordered on line L-Citrulline Dl-Malate instead of Sodium Citrate, mistake, but I have found out that L-Citrulline Dl-Malate is very good for me. Karl.C seem to like it.

Charcoal is always important to take when you do detoxication because it absorbs the stuff in the blood. Apple Pectin Concentrate is also good.

DMSO is also very good. Chlorine Dioxyde. Methylene Blue.

DMSO ( New Roots Herbal)

According to the information that I have found, DMSO is very good for heavy metal detoxification :

¨As a source of sulfur, DMSO aids in heavy metal detoxification. Sulfur binds with toxic heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, nickel) and eliminates them via urination, defecation and sweating.¨ https://vitasave.ca/blogs/news/miracle-healing-power-dmso

What is a heavy metal detox? https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/327317#about

DMSO – The Real (MMS) Miracle Mineral Solution https://www.cre8-health.com/dmso-the-real-mms-miracle-mineral-solution


Apparently CHLORINE DIOXIDE denatures Spike Protein from Covid/Graphene “Vaccine” according to Dr. Andreas Kalcker. If this is the case, a lot of people could be help and at a very low cost, way to speak. To be confirmed 4:28 min https://www.bitchute.com/video/rlPfXIer4Rwk/

Forbidden Cure - Andreas Kalcker CHLORINE DIOXIDE 12:27


Chlorine Dioxide is sometime difficult to find. I bought mine here. I am not related to this company and I do not receice money or bonus from them. Very good price and fast delivery. Two bottles.

Bottle one : Mineral Solution - Bottle two : Activator solution

Mix one drop of each in a small amount of water. Wait one minute for the mixture to activate. Then add water. No more then one drop at the beginning. After few days, follow your feeling.



Methylene Blue: COVID-19 At-Home Treatment - Alive-N-Healthy


EnviroNize® Electrolyzed Water



Mike Adams and Dr. Bryan Ardis sit down again to address some of the top questions about Ardis’ covid snake venom discoveries.



Very important to avoid constipation. I buy this brand for more than ten years. Very bitter. +- one tea spoon a day.

Organic Traditions Triphala Powder (200 g) $10.49


Very important : ¨Triphala promotes digestive regularity. The importance of this cannot be understated, especially for those who suffer from irregular elimination and other forms of bowel disease.¨

¨Triphala is an herbal concoction that’s been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda. Traditionally used as a bowel tonic, it’s often prescribed as a mild laxative. But while its laxative qualities are most widely known, the other benefits of this herb are perhaps even more noteworthy.¨


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The one i have been trying is D-Limonene, undecided yet, will keep on it.

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D-Limonene reminds me NUTRIBIOTIC. Do you know this product? I am using once in a while, the liquid one for +- 30 years.

When I was an airline pilot, long time ago when I was young and restless :), I had always two bottles of water in my pilot briefcase.

One with few drops of Nutribiotic and the other one with Activated Charcoal.

I found myself in many countries outside of America and Europe like, Africa, India, Middle East, Asia, Carribean etc and I was never sick.

Nutribiotic seems to be very good for is antibacterial properties. I wonder if it can do more.

¨NutriBiotic offers various products of grapefruit seed extract (GSE), a natural supplement with antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Choose from liquid concentrate, capsules, tablets or Defense Plus GSE with different potencies and sizes.¨


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Thanks Karl. I will order it today and try it.

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

Do you put it in water? How much?

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Yes with water but not a lot. According to what I have read, maximum for man 1/4 tsp a day. Woman 1/8 tsp. It depends of the weight.

Better take a lot less the first time just to see how you feel. I take a bit less of 1/8 tsp. You put that in a glas of water than add hot water to dissolve it. Cold water will take too much time.

Some people dilute this in a bottle of water and drink this mixture during the day.

I have it right away. Don't take before to go bed. You wont sleep. It stimulattes the brain. I like that. It removes a kind of fog.

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Down with the idea I was looking for a dosage. Thanks.

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Do you mean the Dutch lady presenting all the benefits of top grade use boron?

I have that link if you'd like it KK

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Apology, she is on about the nano silver that ppl take in combo with the boron. It’s a good webinar anyhoo.

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I don't know about her but yes, I would like to see her presentation. I have this one :

Jorge Flechas, MD - Boron and Oral Health 40:42 min


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I agree Karl me too…it didn’t agree with my near perfect gut health these days - wrecked it in fact…have ditched it now. Could just be my oversensitive self/system too. Trying now to claw back where I was before.

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Hi Karl,

My daughter is injured from the 💉. Will the SC help her?

She has a lot of nerve pain, & now started getting headaches, tired,

Im very worried about her.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

A dose of Borax solution (3-5 mg) daily unlocks my stiff neck and low back. I believe it helps to push calcium out of the cells. Calcium's suppose to be in the bones and blood stream and not inside the soft tissue cells. It gets inside the soft tissue cells due to EMR, which we can't avoid in high wireless areas like shopping centers, traffic lights, and restaurants. That's where & when my back vertebrae and muscles stiffens up.

Martin Pall's research shows that EMFs open up the voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in the outer membrane of the cell. When VGCCs are opened, he sees increased oxidative stress and decreased ATP production due to a massive influx of calcium into the cell. Morley Robbins says that iron rushes into the cell too. This is responsible for most of the biological effects we see. Because of Robbins, I'm a proponent of copper supplementation, because it's absent from our diet due to glyphosate chelation... unless folks eat liver and other organ meats.

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

To get calcium into the bones, Dr. Leon Shurgers (Maastrict University) has said it’s vital to take in K2, M7 version. Dr. Shurgers is a vitamin K researcher.

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yes this is good ! it is what i hear from professionals too.

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Has any of you experienced gum recession?

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

Is this type of K2 (M7)usually found in Vitamin D supplements?

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

It varies from brand to brand… You might want to call the company if it doesn’t identify the type of K on the back.

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Yes, if it says K2+D3

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D3 = poison ..

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Why do you think this? Do you think they are putting poison in it?

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

I've had a K2 deficiency for years, even with supplementation. What's the natural source of K2? I suspect that K2 is supplied by the gut flora and gut flora is killed off by glyphosate, which is an antibiotic. Spore probiotics and sulfur (like in MSM) clear the gut of glyphosate and help restore the Shikimate pathway for our gut flora, as per Stephanie Senef, PhD, glyphosate researcher at MIT (?). Eat organically grown foods to reduce glyphosate consumption. They are helping me and my oldest horse at the present moment. Returned my horse's manure to normal consistency. There are many things to consider. It's a combination of many things that need to be done. Think and act holistically.

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

I really like Dr Davis' work on making yogurt with certain probiotic strains and he also believes that we were supposed to make it in our own gut but as you wrote above glyphosate etc. I take his recommended K2 and also make his style of yogurt.

I ended up calcium deficient from the EDTA suppositories. I took sodium citrate once and ended up with calcium deficiency. It's the citrate that binds to calcium.


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I’ve also taken EDTA suppositories and have more on hand but stopped taking them due to not being able to monitor my levels adequately. How did you discover your calcium deficiency? I am also taking SC btw, just not intensely as my kidneys are delicate

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I had sudden weird symptoms like canker sores and achey heart the next morning. I started reading about which minerals EDTA can deplete and the symptoms of that depleted mineral.

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Me too. One tablet of EDTA throws my minerals completely out of balance. Activated carbon is fine once in a while. I like fermented milk and water products too. Kifer is my favorite. Kombucha is 2nd in line. Just depends on what my body calls for.

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Robin, thank you for the information about EDTA. I was about to order it.

I like a lot DMSO. It is sulfur. Few info here.

DMSO ( The brand that I take: New Roots Herbal)

According to the information that I have found, DMSO is very good for heavy metal detoxification .

¨As a source of sulfur, DMSO aids in heavy metal detoxification. Sulfur binds with toxic heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, nickel) and eliminates them via urination, defecation and sweating.¨ https://vitasave.ca/blogs/news/miracle-healing-power-dmso

What is a heavy metal detox? https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/327317#about

DMSO – The Real (MMS) Miracle Mineral Solution https://www.cre8-health.com/dmso-the-real-mms-miracle-mineral-solution/

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K2 is concentrated in fermented foods: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/vitamin-k2-foods

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So my sauerkraut is helping my bones out? So easy to make.

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Yes it is true but Boron is also essential.

Jorge Flechas, MD - Boron and Oral Health 40:42 min


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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

May I inquire what you mix the borax solution with? Filtered water, distilled water, etc.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

Reverse osmosis filtered water, which includes filtering fluoride. Carbon filters will not remove fluroide. Distilled water is fine too. Avoid tap water at all costs. I've been RO filtering our kitchen water since 1988.

Borax solution = 1 tsp Borax per 1 liter of water. Start with 1 tsp of Borax solution daily. Or supplement with 1-3 mg of boron daily. Go slow at first or you can detox too fast. Be slow and methodical about it.

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I have a reverse osmosis filter, I just use that for most things rather than distilling water.

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I use a pinch in clean water 3 times a day

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Hesperidin is an iron chelator, use with Vit C or just consume plenty of citrus rind.

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I come at it from mineral salt balancing rather than taking synthetic substances. Copper and zinc are key for the body to make SOD. SOD imo chelates excess iron, plastics, and chemicals. When my body makes hesperidin, that's OK too. I do supplement Vit-C to chelate toxic heavy metals; and I'm not opposed to eating citrus rind.

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Both zinc and vitamin C lower copper which then lowers ceruloplasmin. I cringed when all alt doctors started recommending lots of zinc and vitamin C. Anyway, I think people need more copper if taking both zinc and vitamin C.

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I agree, Lisa. I take a lot more than the RDA of Cu. I want enough copper to make the SOD I need. I appreciate what Jason Hommel has taught me in "The Copper Revolution". I dose based on feel. When in doubt, I muscle test. Based on my energy status, I know I do not lack ceruloplasmin.

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I'm in the group as well. Learned years ago (the hardway) with my son's autism recovery. The first nurse practitioner insisted he had pyroluria and put him on zinc and many other supps. His ceruloplasm ended up shockingly low when I started running the tests after researching this. Susan Owens of Trying Low Oxalate's read his organic acid report and insisted that he may have Wilson's Disease and told me to put him on high dose zinc. I ran away from that disaster.

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Very interesting thread more food for thought. Too much zinc in human gut interferes with Copper absorption. So I had a alkalizing vit C zinc day followed by an alkalizing minerals copper day.

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Do you suppose a copper drinking container would work as well as a supplement?

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I use a copper water bottle along with glass water bottles, but it's not enough. Check out Hummel's website. Do a search on Copper Revolution to find it. His book basically describes the checks and balances in the body that prevent copper toxicity. Then you have decide how much is enough for you.

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Thank you

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It’s been difficult trying to find a basic copper cup (it isn’t pure copper or it’s aluminum lined).

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What's Boabob tea, & how does it help?

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

Hi Karl!

Can you please explain in more detail what you mean by questioning Bartonella, which I have , as well as lyme & babesia.

Thanks for your tireless work. "An angel among us. "

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I cant really go into any detail other than that many of us question things about Lyme. It is not my main study at this point but I have suffered Lyme disease and watched it under scope for endless hours. Some things did not make sense and now that I am beginning to understand about artificial cells, polymer forms, and hydrogel's among other things i start to see some similarity in a few things i see now doing this work and what i saw a few years back.

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

wow- so you think this is all related to lyme? I have had symptoms since 1988. But they probably overlap with mold illness. This is crazy!! But antibiotics work for many? What does that say?

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

I have been told that fibromyalgia is a mold issue. I was tested and have major mold issues. Just need to be treated properly. Also, believe lyme disease is an issue. Been sick so long don't know anything different.

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I read that chlorine dioxide could be used to cure lyme disease.

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Absolutely not i am afraid, never worked.

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Plum Island was monkeying around with genetically modified parasite vectors so we can’t rule anything past these psychotic death cult members and their evil science. I made comparisons to leishmaniasis and morgellons symptoms early on in my search for wellness, and sandflies are the parasitic vector that causes the often fatal condition. I do recall how Dr.“the science” Mengele/Fauci was torturing beagle puppies using same parasitic vectors. GOF translates to GMO when it comes to any organism that can get covertly “under the skin” it’s great plausible deniability. Mr. Harari has drooled and lectured about this topic over and over.

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

Have you ever done comparisons with potassium citrate instead of sodium citrate? Biochemically might have similar effects. Hope to receive a reply. Thank you for all your work 🙏

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I did and it did not provide same results. instead more large structures appeared. But the articles at very top imply it is sodium citrate that has the perfect de-linking action if we are indeed seeing alginate hydrogel as being one of the main constituents.

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

thank you for your intense efforts Karl. I also am wondering about Citrus oils? Lemon, Lime juices ...if they were to have similar influence as the sodium citrate? Am a layperson and when I see sodium citrate I am thinking salt and citrus? Am NO biology or medical student here! LOL Could these have an impact?

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We have wondered , it seems one of our micronuaghts might have found something else interesting so keep your eyes peeled for that soon. He is trying to repeat and replicate his results to be sure. so are a few others. I shall not mention anymore since it is not for me to do so as it is not something i am personally working on and we are not sure what is the ingredient that might be having said possible effect yet. But it does something different to sodium citrate and likely would be good as a combo if it works.

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Hi Karl, thank you so much for your work! I have been taking SC moderately and feel improved but do feel a bit of strain on my weak kidneys and was searching for alternatives. I had a convo with Steve from Biomedx about SC and he asked me if I knew why I felt better and pointed me to Zeta Potential which led me to discover the work of TC McDaniel and his Zeta Aid crystals. Are you familiar with that product and its makeup? It does contain potassium but, according to what you’re saying here, it’s not the zeta potential but something else in SC that makes it effective against hydrogels?

Also, I have been making a detox lemonade as I call it with charcoal, lemon and a bit of cayenne but really just because I’ve been working with solvents and stains doing home improvements and not specifically for hydrogels which I am confirmed to have. I had not thought of taking it all together and usually just toss a 2.5g scoop of SC back with water.

Btw I am in LBA training and just bought an older Biomedx modified Olympus with 150 watt light source but haven’t set it up yet due to dust from said improvement projects. Should be ready in the next few days and I look forward to contributing in whatever way I can. Thanks again 🙏🏼

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wow, nice scope. 150w light source too. Yes if i were you I would not mix Sodium Citrate, Charcoal, or any other chelator or detoxing agent together. It wants to save all its branches to attach to stuff in the body, not to anything you mix it with. Some things will be fine, but that is another hobby with need for a chemist just to work out and so its simpler to just not mix it in my opinion. The sodium C is more than a zeta thing. It has reduction properties, chelating properties, and strong mitichondrial boosting benefits.

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LBA = ? Please define.

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Live blood Analysts.

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(Chuckle) I'm with you with my dark field scope, but I'm not publishing my LBA results. I still don't recognize any patterns and what causes them... other than EMR exposure. Still studying my RF/EMF meter readings to understand what they are telling me. And studying "safe" exposure to electricity/magnets. My health is good for 73 yrs. The balancing act is constant.

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indeed, life is more complicated than nature made it for us. wish it wasnt so. i am very glad you are healthy ! obviously a wise fox.

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The sodium potassium pump's effect on what goes into the cells and what comes out needs to be considered too. Sodium has a huge effect on every cell and system in the body.

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As previous posts show, there is great mitochondrial benefit. I would think this suggests that it works beneficially here. But their are variables.

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

Wow ok. Thank you so much 🙏

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Feb 16Liked by Karl.C

Karl, when you say "more large structures" appeared with potassium citrate, you mean in the blood or in the urine?

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as a blood drop with added lab grade borax solution. i did 3 drops of 3 different citrates and sodium citrate also looked more promising on that test

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Karl, so is it that sodium citrate was more effective or that the potassium citrate wasn't effective at all?

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more so it had an entirely different effect which just left large fibers everywhere and polymer lumps.

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Karl, so was it clumping them or just ignoring them? And does the sodium citrate remove the large fibers and polymer lumps? I was under the impression that SC could potentially lump things, too.

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i dont thin it is all related lyme, i just wonder if lyme used some similar concepts knowing their were odd synthetic looking cells in those old samples too.

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

I have small fiber neuropathy. There are like 10 causes but my neurologist just wants to give me a pill. A doctor in New York is treating SFN as lymes. I tried to contact him, but no luck. I have had fibromyalgia for 30 years and SFN for 5. I believe it is all lyme disease and am getting worse all of the time. Can't take supplements the best, so don't have a whole lot of hope getting past all of this. Appreciate everything I am reading.

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Please see a good Lyme literate doctor who does testing AND live blood viewing. That is your best bet and honestly vital if you believe you may have it. It is very common today

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Can’t find anyone willing to do a live blood analysis unless I’m dead, and then it’s not even alive anymore.

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Just found someone who is willing to at least test me. She is very aware of lymes, but don't know about what we are learning here. You can treat for whatever, but if you have all of this other garbage in your body it almost seems pointless. I know it isn't, but what I am seeing and have been sick for so long it seems impossible. Without people like yourself I am not sure what the rest of us would do.

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Feb 16Liked by Karl.C

can you get to a lyme literate Dr?

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

Thanks for sharing this info. Anything that can or might help is welcome.

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

I bought sodium citrate but don't know how to take it. Please advise as to amount to take, etc. Thanks in advance.

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Please read the previous posts on Sodium Citrate so you can be aware. If you have any liver and kidney function issues it may not be for you and so what i will say is it is wise to always start with 1/4 teaspoon or a tad less just to get a feeler before going to higher amounts. I take 3-4 grams twice a day mostly (whole teaspoon). I have no liver or kidney issues. just felt a slight ache on day 2 and 3 which went away by day 4. Seemed to pull the most out of me when i first started and that was heavy on the renal system, but now i have no problems on same amount. Someone with renal issues would have really hurt doing this and so caution must be taken due to the amount of junk that wants to be dragged out as it is toxic material we are removing. I don't give medical advice which is why i as people to read the previous notes fully in order to be aware of ones own choices.

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

Thanks so much for all the information. My liver and kidneys and fine so I will start slow. Thanks for all you do.

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My blood looks clean but I take a pinch in a cup of tea daily, about a gram, preventative.

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

Should we be supplementing with calcium in your opinion?

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I was advised not to by a specialist in nutrition of over 30 years. They believe a balanced diet gives the small amount of calcium you need still. We assume, assume being the operative word, that the calcium SC is foremost affecting is leeched calcium or calcium mainly in the hydrogel. Too much calcium intake can have very undesirable affects on the brain, and hardening of arteries. This also might attribute to why some feel improvement in part.

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I was thinking of asking him that, good question. With an informative answer.

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yeah I take EDTA. I did have some Sodium Citrate but it's gone now. I will have to get some more soon.

Borax taken internally is poison aint it? I use in my bath water along with Epson but I won't drink it.

But and it may just be because I was hydrated but I burnt like hell peeing when I took it Sodium Citrate every day for a few days in a row. But I gave it few days and took it again and didn't burn so???

But then I gave up on taking all the pills I take at one time too so??

I try to intermix Water and cranberry juice to help not burn so bad. I got a gallon of it and need to get another one. Ebay I got mine from.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

Just a question.

Cellular biology shows transporters or channels (sometimes also called cellular pores) on the cell surface (lipid such as phosphoidylcholine).

These transporters have vast impact on cellular health to function properly.

One problem slowly being identified is that cellular uptake (endo) versus exrecreting too much of an element (exo) is really somewhat of a competition between key competing biomolecules that can become antagonistic .

Generally by example too much calcium competes and possibly deletes magnesium.

Too much Sodium in cells (rather common because are diets are full of it) can become antagonistic and create too low pottasium.

The reality although science is far from perfect or clear, is that the cellular transporters SHARE certain key biomolecules. The sharing can become antagonistic similar to the antagonistic mechanisms in cells of either ZINC or COPPER . (Most are low or deficient in copper because Zinc supplementing is antagonistic to copper uptake. It gets really complicated because low copper levels is often diagnosed as an iron or ferritin problem.

For instance Sodium and Potassium.

Or another calcium and magnesium.

So finally the question.

For those taking relatively large daily doses of Sodium citrate, has anyone noticed a POTENTIAL and opposite decrease in Potassium?

Of course without a comparative blood analysis this would be difficult to speculate on.

BUT and this is important, a low Potassium biomolecule in overall cellular health MIGHT show up or be likely in a CHANGE of HEART health etc. since Potassium /Sodium channel imbalance levels often first show up in things like blood pressure and health .

After the heart, kidneys too are sensitive to the Sodium- Potassium balance.

Anyway, my request for comments if you have knowledge or observations, is that many of you are far sharper, and knowledgeable in key areas, and thus if you wish to comment PLEASE DO.

Potassium/Sodium balance levels especially ALSO impact kidneys, in event you noticed changes in urination.

FWIW - Many men as they AGE complain and notice they pee/urinate more frequently at NIGHT disturbing sleep.

I have speculated , and suggested, that this may be a Potassium/Sodium imbalance whereby adding EITHER (but not both) Sodium citrate or Potassium citrate as a supplement before bed could help this excess urination in elderly men .

It is quite amazing that a single biomolecule , once supplementing begins, can work very different ways in health issues.

It is great that Sodium Citrate is helping some.

Thank you KARL.

I have always been a big believer in activated charcoal. I just don't take it on a prolonged period, especially if supplementing, because it may impact absortion of other needed nutraceuticals.

Best in health .

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I would say potassium intake might be good for the reasons you state. But the citrate form may be why the polymer structures formed on that blood sample. Maybe other forms are fine. Maybe if taken orally with the sodium citrate it does not have the same affect inside as it does out.

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Feb 15Liked by Karl.C

I read the answer above. Thank you.,

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Question: Could you try running a blood analysis on an individual who has been fasting for 3-7 days. No food, only water. Fasting is notorious for cleansing and purging the body. This is also extremely cheap and efficient to do. Please consider this.

Perhaps not feeding the proteins causing the problems will cause them to be flushed out of the system.

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Could problems with calcium also have to do radiation disruption to calcium ions? These days when I drink organic milk, I feel almost immediately healthier *in the brain* in a way that never happened before.

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Hello Karl.

In this Swiss video in French A. Stuckelberger now recommends sodium citrate, following your discovery.

Thank you Karl.


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Has anyone tried Masterpeace? Its nano zeolites (is that a red flag?) combined with marine plasma.

This is copied & pasted from Fakebook;

Helen Ericsson when we tested it in actual blood we were able to remove 65 to 90% in 35 days with MASTERPEACE. I did a reel on it.



Before and After labs prove it removes up to 90% in 35 days.


LINK https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=4283

5 drops under the tongue twice daily away from food and drink.

Tap the bottle on your hand to wake the product up.

They are real humanitarians at this company (rare!!) and for oversees customers to cover shipping they send a bottle free.

This will sort the GO and hydrogel inside BUT please keep your EMF, radiation, electrosmog low by detoxing from everything frequency and GROUND.... get back to nature as much as you can to help lower your electrosmog.

Turn WiFi off at night

Use EMF phone blockers

Don't charge you phone in your bedroom

If in a loaded frequency area, take shoes off and ground...this helps so many of the vax injured we treat.

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Honestly, it looked like an elaborate scam to me based on only a few custom screen prints for evidence and their say so. Zeolites are quoted to aid the light properties of NP's significantly just by adding it. I see more NP's in this stuff than Graphene i reckon, and I say no positive affect for hydrogel absorbing into the silicone under scope while the solution is wet which is obviously not good if you are wet inside. but those are my vague thoughts on it right now without going down those rabbit holes. they do not seem to me to be great leads over other stuff.

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Feb 16Liked by Karl.C

The entire Zeolite industry is so full of scam artists marketing their particular brand of Zeolite in some special, shiny way that I kind of get the sense Master Peace is another variation of that. I could be wrong, but that's just my sense.

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I was watching a video on this. Did u test it and it's not good I was fixing to order that. I'm so confused. I'm really not doing well I pray for the right way to go. I' just started the sodium citrate but I made it with citric acid and baking soda did a very small amount and my urine wasn't cloudy I used like a pencil eraser size, and not sure I made it right lol. Ugh will I feel like I have the flu coming on ,I've been feeling achy.

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I'm actually ordering it I'm wondering if we can take it with sodium citrate

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