Thank you, Karl! Your new camera/microscope is spectacular. You are showing us the universe within us. Though much of what you show us are the invaders, God has created this magnificent world. I can barely imagine what it will be like when He remakes it in His glory. We are truly fearfully and wonderfully made. God BLess.

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Yessir, that new camera Karl brought online for his still images is friggin' fantastic. I couldn't be happier with helping him out by tossing a few bucks his way for such equipment. Money well spent, say I.

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Thank you, too!

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Mr Karl, I have this horrible crazy stuff in my body, I'm losing my hair which used to be long blonde and beautiful however not so much the case now, I itch constantly and don't get me started on my blood that's absolutely terrifying and I don't have the financial support to even keep it at bay, I can't seem to find my niche, I thought I had it and it was getting better but no such luck , I'm miserable and starting to feel like it would be way better to not be here than to try and get better from this nightmare that has totally ruined my life.if you need anyone to experiment with on or whatever I'm available, I don't drive but I'd be more than happy to help. God bless you Sir always Tina Bowden

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Hi, Tina! I've had Morgellons/CDB for fifteen years and I do understand what you're going through. It's the same stuff in the injections and the air and water and food and Morgellons. I didn't want to live like this either, but then something great happened.

I had to let go of the value I placed on my looks. I had to understand I'm not my body. I'm much more than that. I tried so many things to get rid of it but I never succeeded. It was so discouraging and downright heartbreaking. One of the hardest lessons was how people treated me. It wasn't good. It was a huge disappointment to come to the understanding that most people are so ignorant and superficial they would rather turn away than help. But not everybody and those people are golden and rare.

So. I turned to God. There was nowhere left to turn. And everything in me turned, too. He gave me wisdom though I still have Morgellons/CDB and my faith grew. Now I have peace beyond understanding. I have love like I never even knew existed and I would never go back to who I was before I became sick. I actually thank God for it as strange as that may sound.

The world still gives me heartache. I follow Jesus and I am never alone or forsaken. I am loved and though I used to be angry and hate the people who made this crap and have infected every living creature with it, I'm none of those things anymore. The people who have done these things are living in lies and they have lost before they even began.

I hope you find what you need. Don't do yourself in. There are still great adventures to be had just not the kind you probably imagined. Let God in and he'll show you. God Bless.

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beautiful !

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Right On ! I'm with you Studabaker. You lose any vestige of superficiality that existed prior, speaking from personal experience. Now what ya see is what ya get with me. It's refreshing, actually.

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Yes it is. I am becoming who God made me to be through this with no artificiality or superficiality filtering me. It is indeed refreshing. Thanks for your message and I'm so happy you found the same to be true. It's a kind of freedom I hope everyone comes to know.

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I didn’t take the shot but, I too am losing hair. It stopped for a while till I got shed upon by a woman sitting at the next table while I was out to dinner 2 months ago who I over heard her saying she had got her corona and flu shot the week before. I couldn’t move fast enough away from her! But it was too late. 😞

I’ve also lost most of my eyebrows! And the rashes I get are horrific. I’ve gotten to the point I don’t want to even go out.

It sucks, I know!.. but don’t give up. They win if you do! Stay strong Tina! 🙏

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They have already lost and will never win because of people like you, Therisa! God Bless.

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Exposure to radiation causes hair loss as well. We are all exposed because all tech, smart or otherwise emit radiation. And shedding is real. I think you should consider taking potassium iodide (iodine) and find out other measures to protect yourself and maybe reverse the progress. Maybe pubmed or science direct can help. Get rid of wifi, use your phone less. Stuff like that. I'm not an expert at all but I have read some stuff that makes sense.

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It’s definitely from whatever the hell is shedding from the jabbed. I changed shampoo and conditioner to Desert Essence (which scores a 100 on the Yuka app) and it stopped falling out. Of course I stopped going out to dinner with someone who was shedding and where it started. I wasn’t losing any hair on my head for the last 6 months till I got nailed by the woman two months ago. And I have been taking iodine and potassium iodide, among many other things. And I don’t have Wi-Fi.

I did my very first pick up order with Walmart because I was having huge anxiety about going into crowded stores. And other stores I go in late at night where there are usually a lot less people. And I wear a mask heavily sprayed with chlorine dioxide. I also keep a spray bottle of it in my hand to spray where someone crosses my path and my face. So far it’s working. *knocks on wood.. lol

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Go to FM8 on bitchute. If you have not had the shot he can supply some valuable info. Look at his videos first to get a baseline and then contact him if you wish. He is part of a group of people who are well versed in what's going on. His name is Eric. Be careful about the many other things you are taking. I don't use a mask because I don't believe it works. Sounds like you're on the right track. By the way, on one of the awards shows an actor's (don't recall the name) wife was bald and there was an altercation between the husband and a guy who insulted her. The award show was sponsored by Phizer who I hear developed a treatment for baldness. You probably know this but an odd coincidence.

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I’m only wearing it, soaked with chlorine dioxide, to minimize being shed upon. It’s better than nothing at this point. I’m not worried about no damn virus. But the shedding affects me for MONTHS 😣

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Apparently my comment did't go thru whatever it was. research fm8 bitchute and he will point you in the right direction because he and his family have issues. You're smart and good luck!

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Yeah, that was Will and Jada Smith.. who DOESN’T have alopecia! She shaved her her hair down to her head. It was all staged. People with alopecia have actual bold ‘spots’ where no hair grows at all. It was definitely a plug for Pfizer’s alopecia drug.

I’m aware of FM8. He makes the copper triangles, right?

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Tina, I feel your pain. So much of what you describe is what millions of us are suffering. The changes with hair, blood, and the god awful itching. Do you have lesions and fibers etc. ? It is all we can do to face another day. I've been at it for 10 years and it never gets easy waking up knowing you have yet another day to face with this nightmare that is morgellons disease. I'm a veteran in this war, but I have no words of counsel. It sucks. I hope you have someone in your life for love and support. Pray you have the strength to endure.

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I will try to help you, but I'm not a medical professional, but do have knowledge of some of the best in this area and could put you in contact with them or try something's yourself that they have used / recommended. Can you provide more information about your symptoms ?

I really need to contact you in private, so will have to figure out something.

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I posted a reply to you, but it did not go through like i hoped, so I'm trying again.

To: Tina Brown and all others needing help with this jab nano whatever.

I will try to help you, but I'm not a medical professional, but do have knowledge of some of the best in this area and could put you in contact with them or try something's yourself that they have used / recommended. Can you provide more information about your symptoms ?

I don't want anything in return, just trying to help anyone in a bad position.

Logging in to this platform is also a chore, it does not work right.

I really need to contact you in private, so will have to figure out something.

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Karl, in image #5 (the single pinkish filament image) I note am almost perfect match in terms of morphology, with much much larger ones I remove that are growing out and away from lesion sites, through flesh, subcutaneous tissue, and skin, almost down to bone, that have to ripped away requiring tremendous physical exertion. In fact on many occasions I have to use pliers to get sufficient grip for the extraction. It's blood all over the place and excruciating pain, obviously, during the ripping away event. When these have to be ripped out and away from the flesh, it's unfortunately necessary eventually when the pain gets too much to bare, and the bastards have to be evicted. Anyways, they are an exact match with this thing you took a snapshot of from the saliva, including the nasty looking blackish colored barb at the right-most extremity of the thing. That microscopic filament can grow many inches long in the flesh, that's what I'm saying. It's gross to state this, but I've kept many dozens of them post-extraction, in event anyone cared or needed to see the damn things. They have the tensile strength far exceeding tendon material......times about ten. The longest I've ripped away from leg was about 7 inches long, and 1 inch wide, 1/8 inch thick, with two twined tendrils / tentacles that were anchored deep into a major leg vein. What I'm saying is there is no limit what dimension these things can grow to, in my estimation. And I gaurantee you it's the same thing you took photo of from saliva.

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Have you ever tried to burn one of those filaments/fibers?

Have you tried to soak them in any solutions such as chlorine dioxide or nano silver solution?

Another thought is to take some borax/water and try to dissolve them.

I see Terrel on ss claims that nano silver and borax inactivates these structures so that they can be eliminated through the urine. I don't know if it's true or not.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Here's the cold hard truth John. I gave up on everything. The fibers frizzle up when you set a flame to them, but the constituent material will not burn, as far as I could tell, no matter how much heat you apply.

Three years ago, when one of my nuts blew up bigger than the size of a tennis ball, twice in less than six months (both instances requiring surgery) I said " F*** it all ". I cannot do anything anymore. I can't even put on a t-shirt without enduring excruciating pain. I have lesions all over my body. 24/7 intense excruciating pain. I bailed out and to be perfectly honest, I'm looking very much forward to shedding this mortal coil. Adios me amigos - hold my beer...ha ha.

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Thanks for replying. I'm so sorry to hear this. I can't imagine the suffering that you and so many others are going through. I would do almost anything to cure you all of it including dying, but that's not possible. Truly, this emanates from the pits of Hell.

Your comments make me wonder what kind of elements are impervious to the heat of fire.

I would still like to figure out what this technology really is and how to remediate it without resorting to treatments that are not scalable or affordable. I want to know what evidence exists to prove Terrel's claims, if any.

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No worries mate. I'm tough'er than nails, and uglier than a sack full of a**holes tied together with cat gut. Just ask my wife ! The most important issue for me, is that chaps like Karl, David Nixon, Mihalcea, La Quinta Columna etc. are willing to do this investigative research, hopefully eventually shining enough light and drawing more and more attention to the trans-humanist BS. My heart goes out to those who get hit with god knows what form of evil from it and have no clue about it's origins, vectors and so forth. Ignorance of the truth and reality sucks, in my worldview.

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Karl , il try keep this sort ,!

There would be some methanol in the saliva ,! From ( pectin )

Methanol is bound to pectin fibre of fruit and vegetables by law of nature,

Just so people Don’t freak out and don’t understand, the methanol is bound to pectin fibre, and humans don’t digest fibre, and humans don’t have the enzymes to break the pectin bonds so it goes right through us , without negative effects, if you cook the fruit or vegetables you break the bonds and free the methanol,

This is why I eat all my fruit and vegetables, mostly raw or very lightly steamed,

Nutritionist , melbourne

Just got word back from a biochemist, Woodrow Monte

The methanol is colourless

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me too...wow, very interesting info Keyesgood. I am a huge fan of Pectin myself...it literally is all it's touted for in terms of it's binding abilities. I have a chunk of it everyday (green granny smith apples pectin)....am a happy little clam for it.

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Raw is optimal meaning fruit and veggies, I cook meat , fish eggs , to kill the bacteria, I lightly steam rice and potatoes. There’s not much disease in nature because there are raw , if I eat processed foods in Tetra pac packaging , tins , bottles, jars , old fruit and vegetables, the methanol de- bonds from the pectin- fibre. Where it is free methanol,! This is dangerous,! They go blind drunk , this is why people end up on a Zimmer frame , and are half blind ,!

Eat fresh my friend,!

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Karl, you never fail to impress with your findings, photos, videos etc. Positively amazing stuff my friend.

I want to comment on a specific image, which I'll get to in another comment, but something I've been meaning to suggest is, if it's possible could you please label the still images and videos in your article, with just "image1" "image 2" "video 1" "video 2" etc. This would make it easier to comment on a specific image or video and others, and you as well, would know precisely which image is being referenced in a comment.

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Wow your new 3d picture rig is taking some of the best photos yet!

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Cholesterol crystals never looked so enticing! Great work, Karl!

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You are on top of this. Eric can make a triangle or he can teach you how to make one. It is not copper and a guy named Tony Pantalleresco and long gone buddy created this device to pull out the metal or tech that is set to assemble at some time in the future if it hasn't been already. Tony stays away from injected people. I suggested Eric because I am on the east coast of the USA but if you were to purchase a triangle choose somebody who is close to you due to shipping charges. If youu are handy you can do it yourself. Always do your research. Never get sold by anyone. Don't do something out of desperation. Keep a cool head.

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I haven't had that poke either and I never will it changes your DNA, and when you do that the lord cannot see your pure of heart,I honestly believe it, absolutely god will be our ultimate savior without a doubt, I am not perfect nor have I ever been vain, if you don't like me for who I am then that's not my fault,we choose our own paths,we choose to do right or wrong, I also believe that there will be a special place for the ones who have played god, the ones who do good things, walking with Jesus and our heavenly Father above is very important to me, I want to see my mother again someday , it's not our place to judge,in due time everyone will be judged for the things we've done in the physical world, I am going to take the advice of a couple folks on here, I thank you for your suggestions and kind words, take care and stay safe

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These pictures remind me of the statue in the Old Testament Book of Daniel which represents political systems of Babylon (head) followed by Persia, Greece, Rome, Holy Roman Empire (legs are divided into east or Byzantine and west ruled by Rome). The feet that are of mixed iron and clay are the FINAL attempt at a brutal political system and this makes me think of the merging of tech or iron and clay or humanity. I believe we are at the final system that is trying to absorb people into a machine, not the other way around. Sort of a prison. Iron and clay don't mix. Not natural. But your pictures show there is an all out push to merge. Read it for yourself. We are at the end.

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Hi Karl, brilliant images and details. Are any of these artifacts the microplastics they report we are all consuming nowadays ?

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