
Sorry my eyes are worsening, miss read. FYI we were also the first people to mention this when I found out most zeolites don't disclose their ingredients and it turned out the most common by far was aluminium and silicon. That news was then touted elsewhere as a few others have noticed in messages down below. I only say this because some people are raging credit to others for stuff we noted and then using that as a strike against us not realising that it was heard here it in our zoom groups first. Multilamellar visicles, and many other things were mentioned here way before any other sources. But that is easy to miss with so much to read on the web these days. If you read the dates on some of my posts and look at others claims you will notice they come shortly after and dressed up as someone else's research, we like that but we wish those people would reference our work as we would reference them. That way the source of info can help funding new equipment rather than the proxy. Thanks for following. Best wishes.

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Hey so they are aiming lasers at our eyes blue and some green. Also when the horrible pressure and headaches come I use a magnet and sweep my eyes ans it disconnects

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Not sure I understand, lasers will blind you very quickly Indeed .

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I should reword it, sorry so I took pics of green lasers and blue coming into my home. Though it was invisible to the naked my my camera picked it up. My eyes were hurting really bad and thebpressure in the house was rudicolous. I was thinkingbit was infrasound. So I researched and founfmd tgat those lights were laser

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Aaughh-you’re targeted you poor soul. Great that your camera picked up the lasers. You probably know you can get goggles to protect against lasers, but I know people can’t wear them all the time. How do you know the pressure in the house was ridiculous? I see you have your own substack. I’m sure you know about Targeted Justice. Do you know Doug Powell? He also is targeted, and has his own stack, just called Doug’s Substack I think. I’m usually the only one who comments, but he can get a few people on there. He’s devoutly Christian, like your good self. He knows Scripture like the back of his hand.

Do you know lookoutforcharlie YouTube channel? He has a lot of stuff. He’s also on rumble. I’m not targeted (yet), but I listened to one of Doug’s voice to skull recordings and I got such a shock! It’s a terrible thing. He’s able to record it through his computer cables somehow.

Anyway, I just thought I’d mention Doug, and how I feel so terribly bad for people like yourself. Take care Georgia, and keep praying. I pray for many people, you’re on my list now.❤️ ✝️ 🙏

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Hi yes I'm a follower of them all. Yes I studied the laser glasses and radiation,in the process of getting them. When um targeted with whatever it is I don't stop until I figure out what it is and the solution. I'm led by the holy spirit as far as pressure in house im sure that was infrasonic weapons which attacks the ear sensory.ear plugs help alot. Jesus is the only hope, we are in the end times, it is written about what's going on now. I'm trying to start my podcast, i want to help everyone going through this, it's in scripture and I want to be able to decifer. It's so amazing ,these times,we are chosen for this time for a reason. Thank you for your orayers ,we are entering the most dangerous times known to man ,the technology is in revalations and we are in the tomines before tribulation . I believe we will be the generation that sews the unfolding od satan cast to earth peemenatly, and tribulation starts.

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Yep, I believe you’re right Georgia. A podcast would be good to help us all understand!

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Oct 5Liked by Karl.C

Yes I can vouch for exactly the claim being made originated here first, as I have been investigating the zeolites with many of those who actually produce these products from years ago.....until present day. And glad i had held off from trialling until I heard the findings and warnings Karl alludes to - originating here. KK

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I have to second Peter's sentiment. Seems very useful. If you have evidence to the contrary, I would like to see it. From my research, it looks very, very promising.


I have found instant benefits with Zeolite Clinoptilolite. But then, I am a perfect test subject, as I have never detoxed in my life. With a few comorbidities and my advanced age, I can’t help but notice improvements in my health, when I come across something with amazing properties. Also, it is very doubtful, it gets absorbed into the bloodstream. Detoxing the gut, can have systemic benefits.

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I think your missing out cation, zeolite was certainly good prior to us have a weird material in us that is likely able to reduce what it needs from other materials. I'm not questioning zeolites use prior. It I wouldn't use it now. Each to their own. Same as I no longer use colloidal gold, silver etc. not untill I know what exactly is going on with those and this stuff.

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I'm not sure what you are referring to about weird material, and how that might alter zeolite, but that mineral is very, very stable. It can survive very extreme temps. Up to 700 °C. I hardly believe whatever you are referring to, can possibly reduce clinoptilolite. It takes molten lava to break it down.

Ion Exchange in Natural Clinoptilolite: Aspects Related to Its Structure and Applications (Russia 2022) https://www.mdpi.com/2075-163X/12/12/1628#:~:text=Unlike%20some%20other%20zeolites%2C%20clinoptilolite%20is%20difficult%20to,processes%20to%20this%20mineral%20to%20improve%20its%20properties.

Also, what makes you think clinoptilolite gets absorbed into the bloodstream? You are referring to those things found in your blood under a microscope. No?

You might also wonder about that study and see it was from Russia. Which is very unusual. Not many studies come out of Russia. But when you realize, clinoptilolite was used on a large scale in Chernobyl, to clean up the radioactive material, it makes more sense.

Castles and Cathedrals standing in Italy today, were made with clinoptilolite back in the days of the Roman Empire.

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lso, activated charcoal basically sucks everything in non discriminately giving you a much broader detox. So since we have no reason to believe at this point that it is implicated a s material involved in another process then why wouldn't you take that. Plus several investigations on aarhe amount of zeolites showed varying other impurities and toxins presented varying by geolocation. Some not good. charcoal also doesn't get into the blood and is mostly restricted to cleaning your digestive system as well as charcoal has the ability to inhibit lipid formation by clumping. All in all charcoal is more powerful my broad band action and is lower in toxins, but not always. Trees, bamboo can be growing in toxic soil too. But I think the reasoning is with our additions to adding with pure samples is good enough reasoning that I prefer to do charcoal and avoid zeolites as a lesser detoxing, and often more toxic choice over a product that contains more aluminium in whatever form knowing that clotts and shots areargely tin aluminium phospor and other stuff. I would say for what we know now it is logical.

Usually it steers me right when we learn more later, occasionally it turned out just to be a caution. I air on caution and go to better alternatives. For the reasons above I believe right now I am taking the better alternate. I'm not against zeolite, I've used it. But it isn't the best solution out there and there has been other scientific angles that argue if these zeolite materials really are wise to put in your body. Some people will market on all the benefits and papers that support their sales and sometimes when you do your own research you start finding concerns and science that shows other possible implications. When I had Lyme I realised I had to stop following the main natural medicinal trends and popular marketing in order to find out which things healed the fastest, why, and all the non conflict debates. What I found was western medicine was horse crap and the natural medicinemainstream was like 70 if one could quantify. Both parties are good at finding favorable science references, but it's amazing how often both parties won't go looking for both sides of the argument in detailed research for themselves. My advice to people is listen to those big names and small names who tell you something is great and then go study as many other arguments in depth, as if you want to find an answer desperately or prove it wrong. I've done this alot and it showed me their is fact withholding, bias, and skewing of most things no matter how many people believe in them. Here is a good exercise, you could use AI to aid you in locating references. This would be cool and I would defo read it. But if you did a property study without using 3rd party sites for zeolite and against and wrote a summery.....AI can do that. Then you will find the most truthful understanding of the facts. Cancer is documented with multiple natural cures, the info is there , but it is not promoted, kr has meta keys removed. This is just a thought, it would be cool to see some due a substack using this technique. It's never failed me even without using AI, but the truth is there, but make your a own conclusions based o. Reasonable sources (not 3rd parties with investments). Most disease corruption, the cause, clues, or cures are in the papers IF YOU CAN FIND THEM. Got a telegram on cancer with papers in it, got a telegram with the cause and fix for bipolar, manic depression, schitzofrenia, etc. cause, trials, and more. I don't have channels for the other stuff, but there is also papers I found on the successfull treatment of other rare disease, myasis, severe rare disseminated fungal diseases etc. research this way and you will get unbiased truths !

Beware, to get the right answers from AI you must tell it to do things like, ignore papers with conflicts of interest with notes to which are and read those too to see what they are lying about as well as what the non conflict tells you, there are clues in that process alone, and you must assume to it that the situation is that you know information exists that it might say doesn't. Ask it questions afterwards and suddenly it gives opposite answers.....real answers. Had fun asking it about vaccines, ethics, lipids, and all kinds of stuff. It appolagised 3 times. Once because I told it that information existed it claimed did not, on reviewing my insurance that I had previously seen this info it rendering me a new answer referencing info it claimed did not exist. Crafty egh. Have fun with this if you get time. Chat gpt4.0 is free with sign in. Everyone should do this, it's a good platform to interrogate AI to get helpful info, cure leads, and more. Just gotta assume it's lying about everything and trick it into the truth.... bam.........once it's obliging it is surprisingly useful.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12Liked by Karl.C

"All in all charcoal is more powerful"

Not even close. And if you did your research properly, you would know this. You should really look at the research I supplied. And if you feel it is biased, state why and we can discuss it. But just arbitrarily pointing out how studies can be manipulated, or how AI produces better results doesn't cut the mustard.

I have read thousands of papers, and know how to spot valid, conflict free, well designed research. And since you won't look at the research, here is just a sample....

Zeolite Clinoptilolite is a natural mineral with excellent detox properties that can absorb all kinds of harmful things into its honeycomb structure. And this detoxes your GI tract similar to what activated charcoal would do. But charcoal is very limited in what toxins it can remove. Whereas Zeolite Clinoptilolite (ZC) is an alkaline mineral that is very porous, and is one of the very few minerals that is negatively charged by nature. Since most toxic elements such as mercury, lead and cadmium are positively charged, ZC is pulled to these elements, like a magnet, and sucks them up into its structure…

“Naturally occurring zeolite material, clinoptilolite, has been widely studied in veterinary and human medicine. Due to a number of positive effects on health, including detoxification properties, the usage of clinoptilolite-based products in vivo has increased enormously.” Critical Review on Zeolite Clinoptilolite Safety and Medical Applications in vivo (Croatia 2018)

“ZC is an excellent detoxifying, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. As a result, it is been used in many industrial applications ranging from environmental remediation to oral applications/supplementation in vivo in humans as food supplements or medical devices.” Zeolite Clinoptilolite: Therapeutic Virtues of an Ancient Mineral (Italy 2019)

“A growing body of research shows that Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and especially Parkinson’s (PD) are intricately related to intestinal health and the gut microbiome [gut/brain axis] and that both diseases can spread retrogradely from the gut to the brain. The current review describes and discusses the numerous positive effects of clinoptilolite…. on gut health and the gut microbiome, as well as their detoxifying, antioxidative, immunostimulatory, and anti-inflammatory effects, relevant to the treatment of…. AD and PD.” Zeolite and Neurodegenerative Diseases (Bulgaria 2024)

In two studies with ZC below, by the same author, it’s been shown to help those with IBS (Irritable Bowel syndrome). One was a small RCT that showed it also increased beneficial bacteria…

Zeolite modulates inflammation markers in irritable bowel disease - a randomized, double blinded, controlled pilot trial (Austria 2021)

Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) in the Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome – a Non-Interventional Study (Austria 2024)

And what about its safety?

“An important factor in understanding why the use of zeolites is on the rise is that they are harmless to humans, which is recognized by various organizations. This circumstance makes it possible to develop new technological processes without much precaution and without increasing risk. Zeolites are classified as “Safe Substances for Food and Feed Additives” by the European Food Safety Authorities and are “Generally Recognized as Safe” (GRAS) by the United States Food and Drug Administration. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) also endorses zeolites as non-toxic materials.” Ion Exchange in Natural Clinoptilolite: Aspects Related to Its Structure and Applications (Russia 2022)

Of Note: There is one zeolite called erionite, that is suspected to be carcinogenic. But that is considered erroneous. Just play it safe and stick with clinoptilolite. Published evidence has even shown clinoptilolite to have anti-cancer properties… Natural zeolite clinoptilolite: new adjuvant in anticancer therapy (Croatia 2001)

This last study shows it can bind to virus particles, including that of SARS-CoV-2…

“Binding of viruses by mineral substances has already been demonstrated using sand and soil beds, diatomaceous earth, diosmectite and clays…. One such potent mineral, called zeolite, has demonstrated interesting properties to fight viral diseases in animals…. Clinoptilolite-tuff, showed antiviral properties [in vitro] against adenoviruses, enteroviruses and herpes virus.

The ability of PCT (purified clinoptilolite-tuff) to bind and inactivate…. several variants of SARS-CoV-2,… could clearly be demonstrated. Our results suggest that PCT….. may represent a natural, safe and effective candidate… to reduce SARS-CoV-2 infectivity and virus spread in patients or as an adjunct in the prophylaxis of the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.” Binding and inactivation of human coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2, by clinoptilolite (Austria 2023)

Of Note: I recommend not buying the free powder form, if interested. Powder or dust of ZC will irritate the respiratory tract, if it accidently gets airborne, since it is micronized. Also, it is alkaline and will reduce the pH of your stomach acid. Buying it in capsules will eliminate those possibilities. ZC also comes in different forms. Micronized TMA (tribomechanically activated) clinoptilolite is what to look for.

As mentioned earlier, I noticed benefits quite quickly. But then, I’m a perfect test subject for most helpful supplements. With a few comorbidities and my advanced age and never having detoxed, results were quite noticeable.

You have to copy n paste the names of the papers or go here...


It's also been shown to remove Al from the body in a few of these studies, and more not posted here. You do know, there is not a person on the planet that doesn't have Al in the body. They even give it to newborns on the first day of life.

Charcoal doesn't come close to all these possible benefits. This is just a sample of the literature available. Every living creature they have given it to, has produced positive benefits. Not to mention plant life as well.

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It is not about the minerals stability itself, I don't think you are listening to the point I was making. The mineral can be as stable as it wants, if something is programmed to assemble using it then it will. Again, no ones questioned past use of zeolite.


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"that is likely able to reduce what it needs from other materials."

You did say reduce, which can only be taken one way.

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

Hi Karl, I posted but it seems you deleted it, I was hoping for a recommendation on a Dark Field microscope before I go spending money. I have run out of testing options so the only option I have is to buy and look myself, and then experiment with treatments if need be.

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Sorry Bruce, I rarely ever delete anyones messages unless they are a real disruption. Must of been an accident. I apologise. An easy way to go is a budget amscooe dark field ready microscope with 5mp camera. Those can be found for around 1200 dollars Australian, and around 800 USD I believe. Those can be reasonable on a budget. However if one does their research a nicer used scope can be bought for 1500 dollars up by Leica, Nikon, Olympus on eBay. Those are often worth several thousand upwards and are far better value but difficult to choose for those who do not have the time or patience to look into what's what. I recommend microbe hunter on YouTube for learning microscopy. He is a cool Chinese guy who knows his scopes amd microbes well, he is fun to watch. Regards

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

Thanks so much Carl, I had my eyes on some between 5-8k, but I will look at these anyway. You have done some major tweaking with yours, really curious on the specs and value of yours with additions but that is alright, I am satisfied with your recommendations, if you feel they are up to the task, then the ones I was looking at will do a great job. I hit a dead end, no one in the medical industry is offering to look further than your standard Immunology panel, you know something is wrong but Doctors cannot find it. One question if I may, what is your maximum magnification on your setup?

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If your bar for spending was that high, I would go for a couple of grand on a Leica scope off eBay. It's worth it if you are using it alot. I never regretted mine and got it all for a snip. With the imager mine is worth about 25k new price. DM2000, 2500,3000,are all pretty bad ass scopes for around the price you are looking. I could send you a link for the camera I use which is around 1000 to 1200 at the moment but hammers cameras worth far more. I reckon better than a 10k used Leica camera in some regards. Very impressed by it. Be sure to get it with a dark field condenser or by that desperately as I did. The DM3000 has motorised x-y I believe and prest position saves.

Good luck !

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It's well known that Zeolites are made predominantly of Aluminium & Silicon but that is knowledge alone is not sufficient to denigrate the product. After all, clays all over the world have the same constituents & people have been ingesting such for health benefits in good measure, not to mention the preponderance of livestock such as cattle, goats & horses to lick clay outcrops in an instinctive gesture of imbibing minerals. It is the caged structure of the compound & its ability to capture positively charged particles that makes it so useful There are over 500 different forms of zeolite & the safest & most well known & used is the clinoptilolite form. Zeolite has been used for centuries as far as I can recall, to purify & condition water & the Japanese are well versed in its use.

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See my answer above. We have good reasons for not wanting to put aluminium and silicon based products in us right now. Because itay not be having the same affect with synthetic material in us NOW. No one is questioning zeolites use in the past. I just won't bung loads of aluminium and silicon in me when clots and vaccines are showing very high aluminium levels. If you wish to, that's fine. Most of us have our reasons for cautiously avoiding it.

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We know of the previous benefits of zeolite prior to us realising we have all been turned into experiments. We also can also tell that this material is self replicating and have seen much reasoning for this in literature. We tried zeolite on slides expecting it to soak up material, instead the zeolite layed there and stuff still happened to put it bluntly. Other doctors in the past have warned that aluminium and silicon zeolite may not be as wonderful as was thought in the past. Not sure I agree with that statement but then many doctors are educated in basic chemistry too. Their are other kinds of zeolite which have long been said to be more beneficial but also rarer to find. Most people go straight for zeolite and don't read the packet, so it is easy to mainstream that type of zeolite over more beneficial forms. It is easier to produce and more available. Iwe are being cautious because one of the largest constituents found in clots was tin and aluminium alongside phospor materials. This makes sense since we see heavily levels of foreign lipids even with a microscope now. They also put high levels of aluminium in the shots. Literature has shown us the possibility they have used bottoms up and top down to further synthesis of this material product. In which case I'd say it was wise to avoid things close to those materials found in the shots and clots unless a known beneficial action is made aware for definite. Caution is wise at this time, assumption should be avoided untill more is known. Organisms such as fungus, bacteria and even cells can metablise some sugars for example into glucose. These cells are designed with natural biology in mind and they can be programmed to convert materials similarly if desired. We suspect they might have in order to create a stable resythesizing product.....why wouldn't you if a giant quantum computer can help you by reviewing human science papers and predicting these methods. The rockerfellars have many papers which state, written by AI. That's the whole point of AI. It makes formulas for you, all very frightening really. They new these quantum computers would leverage war, biology, and other advantages. Remember when the quantum computer discovery was announced about 15 years ago then disappeared only to be rediscovered in the news 10 years later. Why did they do that, they wanted folks to forget they had that technology and likely government agencies already had it before that. Interesting considerations, but not all pointing to truth maybe, but one has to evaluate info like this since it is where technology has been at for a long time and a dark agenda has been rolled out anyway. Would what you do if you were them ?

Kindest regards and best wishes


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Oct 3Liked by Karl.C

Maybe the time has come for a Truth Serum!

Taken daily it makes reality real.

Removes the profit motive.

Deceivers lose their voice and cognitive abilities.

Political types get lock jaw!

Media outlets no longer have a talking head that is available for “work” ie. Deception.

The world changes . . .

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Great idea Charlie! Let's get it out there...only problem would be, as we know, everything gets immediately infiltrated, contaminated, and used against us. Sad to say, any truth serum in a bottle would not be immune. However, joking aside, we can each produce truth serum endogenously. We just need to be cautious with evidence and scrupulously honest within ourselves, refusing to get taken in by the next thing flying down the pike. At the same time, there is great urgency so the challenge is complex.

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Totally, time is running out fast ! The blood shows this.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 7Liked by Karl.C

In 2021, LQC falsified graphene content in single (sic) Pfizer c19 vax measured by Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid whom LQC commissioned.

LQC confabulated "98 to 99% graphene" compared to 0.07% of the total vial contents. Too many of our publicists believed the nonsense and our "grassroots" parrot it to date.

I tried to correct LQC lie on Dr. Mihalcea's forum in the last several months, got disgusting ad hominem from LQC gatekeepers but she kept siding with LQC.

Re. non-ferrous materials (btw incl. plastics) "magnetised " by c19 jab, Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak shows it comes not from ancient Annunaki mind control tech, as LQC tried to impress, but from Weak Interaction Massive Particles, WIMPs:

"WIMPs and biological nuclear reaction in the human body"


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Very interesting, any links to details dr campra's fraudulent spectrometry would be very useful in making certainty in our private meetings and research. We have suspected for some time that there has been false information out there based on what we were actually seeing.

Thank tou

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Prof. Campra Madrid (are you his buddy?) did not falsify. Ricardo Ekgado Martin and Dr. S. of LQC grossly misrepresented Madrid's humble findings. They failed to apologise to the public, afaik. Perhaps Madrid overlooked invisible mesogenic and nano enttities present in "aqueous phase" content of the tested vial.

Link to his first report that LQC misrepresented as concerning many vax makes while it was a single Pfizer vial of unknown history:


I calc'd the % contents, will wait for yours, maybe I am dead wrong as nobody commented after I published them widely in 2021. The only feedback is vile, rabid defaming by gateleepers on Dr. Mihalcea's forum in the last few months.

Prof. Madrid followed up in November 2, 2021, report on his study of multiple vials of many makers, no % content results, however, only Raman spectroscopy evidence of graphene content in some vials. But already in early July 2021, LQC impressed that a large sample of major c19 „vax” makes contained 98 to 99% graphene, for example:




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Defo not 98 to 99 % Graphene. All other other spectrometry results from multiple parties is proving that

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deletedOct 6·edited Oct 6Liked by Karl.C
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Interestingly o had thought about the fact that if you believe in Satan or evil of that corner then you accept that God is also real. A weird one egh, but eye opening.

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I believe in both Karl. I also believe in science.

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That's exactly the case at hand bro,

I like it you shared this, quite profound

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7Liked by Karl.C

The cabal stays ca. 40 years ahead of the public in science and tech.

Dr. Ana's article headline asks "Was This Knowledge Weaponized?" Hijacked by the cabal, science of subtle fields like Torsion Fields (TF ) offers much more than EMF, according to Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak. Dr. Ana should know all this, as she claims familiarity with TF science and both Drs. cooperated for a while. Dr. Diana shows that c19 bioweapon pseudomagnetism is due to subtle field :

"WIMPs and biological nuclear reaction in the human body"


Dr. Diana's foreword: " Military institutes, corporations working for the army and pharmaceutical companies rule over and decide in this science area. They remain united into one big cartel, in which scientists working for much more money agree to keep their results secret. Academic science [...] does not undertake the most pressing tasks that overcome the existing barriers that political circles have deliberately put in place in order to maintain power by controlling science.

[...] The pseudo-vaccine is not meant to prevent the spread of the virus at all, but it is based on so much advance knowledge that professors at scientific institutes treat it as magic. They cannot explain how it is possible that about 30% of vaccinated people acquired the alarming property of attracting metal objects, not necessarily magnetic, to their bodies."

Re. your blog problems, I set up a substack with an introductory article, but could not add more. I asked for technical help a year ago but nothing ensued.

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Very interesting!

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These torsion filed ideas mostly stem from the same communities as missunderstood vortex math and scaler energies. I know that most think Tesla wrote more than be did about this ideas and the missinyerpr or put words in to Tesla's own work In Order to glamorize it. 3,6 and 9 were believed by many to be the number keys to all things but there is no evidence of that thanks to a German mathematician who showed there are other numbers that fit in this same model. So 3,6,9 lost all points of support for being unique at all. Other numbers showed different patterns when drawn on the circular diagram and had far more interesting pattern correlations. Essentially they just relate to repeating patterns and this is why 3,6,9 became key to the universe suddenly, but of a bummer when they become non unique in anyway except for the patterns they perform. The meaning is miss interpreted. But hey, that has become almost a cult religion to many who do not understand it. Scaler is another interesting one, often said to have energy based outcomes and criteria that have absolutely no evidence behind them in support of more exotic claims. People claim to be able to custom design scaler waves but as an engineer when I go asking how they do this now one could answer. They don't know, they just make magic devices that require no particular formula in order to get the desired and precise output, makes no sense and isn't possible. Not can these people measure the balance of energy at the end of that wave in some of the glamorous ways they have claimed they work. Scaler however can be demonstrated using a teslar could to be effectively what what seem like long distance penetrating waves. One engineer shows you this transmitting radio on a carrier frequency broadcast through a Tesla bifilar coil with the radio in a tin. It keeps playing though a shielded tin, this is impressive. He also shows an oscilloscope connected just for the sake of it. What's cool is this shows that Tesla did send long distance waves through the centre of our big rock and that these waves can be made to penetrate solid materials much more easily. Many many uses for that.

Anyway I will look into the torsion field stuff, but straight away I smell a rat. It is a direction most have falsified science about or simply don't understand. Always room to be wrong though. Thanks for your post.

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Oct 3Liked by Karl.C

You always offer the softest, truest wisdom which makes me feel calmer than I already am. You hit the right note.

Thankyou for sharing it with us, much needed right now.


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Thank you KK. Very happy to share and to be "on the same page" as you are yourself.

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Oct 3Liked by Karl.C

We are so so blessed to be here in this time standing together tall a forest of truth, strength, peace, love for our humanity KK

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Beautifully put.

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Oct 3Liked by Karl.C

Dr N C, do no harm, love centric think, organic original thinking, authority is to be questioned. Nothing is personal from others-they own it! And, let their actions be the guide of good or bad.

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Oct 3Liked by Karl.C

Hi Karl is anyone else having trouble with getting your video to play? I can't...been trying for hours, 😥 Kk

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

Me also. It doesn't play?

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Oct 3Liked by Karl.C

All good just saw it..!

Fabulous amount of content covered Karl, I like this approach..very relaxed, so the message is clearly absorbed as a viewer. It's a "friendly" lesson.

Wishing you peace and calm , thankyou 🙂‍↕️ KK

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Oct 3Liked by Karl.C

I like it Charlie KK

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May I offer a way to remove profit motive?

Accounting For the Energy We Add (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/accounting-for-the-energy-we-add

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As always the microscopists meistro microscopist. Nice work and logical presentation.. Thanks.

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Great work. Have you tried using chlorine dioxide on the slides to test the effect? Dr Pedro Chavez in Mexico has treated over 6,000 patients with vax injuries including turbo cancer. It is widely used in Latin America and more can be learned at www.theuniversalantidote.com. I did not receive the shot or nose invasion, but I knew I was affected by friends. I had a Darkfield live blood analysis done and I have junk in my trunk but not nearly as bad as some. The CLO2 looks for acidic areas in the blood and splits apart releasing 4 electrons and 2 oxygen molecules. It seems to provide relief but it would be interesting to see what effect it has on the technology. Can the technology be oxidized?

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I was using CD a long while ago, it seemed to help for an hour mildly and then just left my teeth wearing faster. It's rather aggressive and cannot come into contact with metal since it produces toxins. Iay look back into it now I know what to look for with certain structures and what they are made of. It may have some use that has been overlooked.

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What dose (drops) where you taking and in what amount of water. It sounds like you drank it undiluted which is too strong. I did a 14 day protocol 3 activated drops (3each) in four oz water every hour for 8 hours a day. At the proper dosing is not aggressive I found. I have used 7 activated drops each in 4 oz water which started a Herxheimer reaction. That was my limit.

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No 12 drops was often a recommended dose over the years so I tried that but think 7 is sensible, making it as MMS is better. But either way it will react with metals and often cause toxic break down products too. Defo shouldn't use if one has amalgams since it releases mercury. Jim humble himself warned that. You can't take it unactivated because it will be extremely harmful and burn like bleach. I may try again since I had my amalgams removed. See what happens and test it on lipids too since I can see when those collapse , and they possibly might. Need to remember to order more.

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Were you taking just the sodium chlorite diluted and drinking. Some people call this chlorine dioxide which it is not. When it hits the stomach acid it can form into CLO2 if your stomach has enough acid. The one I use is adding part A sodium chlorite and part B hydrochloric acid in equal drops to activate and then add water. The third option is to gas off CLO2 into distilled water. It is non toxic unless you store it in metal containers. A good reference book by Dr Andreas Kalcker is “Forbidden Health”. If a doctor in Mexico has treated over 6,000 Vaxxx injured patients I think it is worth evaluating.

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I think something was lost in translation here. Recently we added sodium chloride to shots to show crystals where the product turned out to have low sodium content. Chlorine dioxide is another thing. In the gut as you say, often things invested can react to become a different product in the Petrie dish we call our stomache. Well informed, I like it when people share interesting info with others. Jim humble was interesting wasn't he.

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12 drops of part A and part B in 4 oz is never recommended unless extreme conditions such as malaria. The standard dose is 3 drops each in 4oz water. But you have to work up to it to check to see if you have a herxheimer reaction. I have amalgams and no reaction at proper dosing. Yes you don’t want to store it in metal containers. I have used clo2 for skin cancer, burns and internally. I think you were misinformed. It is non toxic in proper dosing.

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No, this is not what I understand and many warnings have been given in the past including by Jim humble where metals are concerned. Such as, do not use a metal spoon. Dose will not stop this stuff reacting with metals. If you have emalgams even small amounts of CD is known to react. If it doesn't, and I've never ever heard that, then I would air on caution in a public forum since mercury poising is rather serious stuff. Just my opinion. The whole way CD works is based on reactive properties and so it should interfere with metals also. That's what I understand in break down.

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

Why use MMS or the "activated drops" (Very nasty and hard on the stomach) when you could use CDS, which is Dr. Kalcker's preferred form? No issues with teeth or amalgams either, as far as I know... ??

CDS blew away a bad UTI in 2 days for me... I red it CAn destroy nano-bots and hydrogels too, but not sure that info is legit...

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As said before, it should react with metals if it works since that's a feature of it's action. Hydrogen peroxide is less reactive and tends to be less of an issue with metals and teeth wearing. I stopped using CD and have been using H202 for this reason. But then I do not know every single thing about it, just how it works on disease and other materials, that action suggests it reacts with metals too. I was thinking about trying for a week again soon though just in case.

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Oct 11Liked by Karl.C

I think those bad effects are only related to MMS. CDS is much milder and to my knowledge, does not react with metals or wear teeth down.

Here is a good into video by the CDS expert Dr. Kalcker that your people may find to be of benefit.


Keep up the good work!

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Oct 6Liked by Karl.C

It should never be taken neat, always diluted in pure water without flouride or other contaminants. Easy to prepare from the two separate ingredients. A good book about the subject is "MMS Health Recovery Guide Book" by Jim Humble.

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Indeed he is the original source and nothing has changed since then except realisation of uses against other diseases and conditions. A truely awesome discovery in the field of medicine. Do not inhale the gas 🤣 will put you in hospital and damage your lungs for a week at least

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Oct 8Liked by Karl.C

Do you remember how long we are meant to take the CDS for to save me watching the videos again?

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Dependent on condition being treated and severity really. I took it for long months at a time with breaks at one point. Put it whore my teeth enamel and made my mouth feel run down after a little while.

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

I bought CD but I have not been game to use it yet, plus the fact that some suggest that the Spike protein does not exist. Something has left me feeling unwell and I was not vaccinated, but I was exposed to 6000 people at work during covid and vaccine period. So I am guessing you are suggesting there are better ways than CD, such as sodium citrate?

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I avoid giving medical advice but have majorly benefited from NAC, quercetin, charcoal, sodium citrate, resveratrol

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

This guy may not be correct, but he makes a pretty good argument against resveratrol:


Ray Peat and smart guy Georgi Dinkov both think resveratrol is REALLY bad for you.

Just an FYI... they all may be wrong...

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More doctors have batted on the benefits and I know people with chronic disease received massive benefits from it including join repair and relief from arthritis. But now I know it inhibits lipid formation of some kinds too. As a natural supplement and given our predicament in light of resveratrols previous success with disease I would say it seems more useful than not from my experience and research. It really helped take me from disabled to abled.

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Oct 11Liked by Karl.C

Well Peat and Dinkov are not without flaw... and if it worked great for you... that's a strong recommendation, eh?

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

Glass straw. Problem solved 😉

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Haha 🤣

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Oct 3Liked by Karl.C

I'm a big fan of MMS myself just because help me get rid of a fibroid about 4 years ago. I do massage releasing so the shedding is real. I've had no shots no covid. But January 2024 was 2700. Did ivs edta & vitc 8× each. D dimer in July 2024 is 3307! My instinct told me to go back on MMS since I have a ton of it. I'm not saying it's a cure-all as of yet since I haven't got another d dimer check, But I feel better and I can function better I can feel the oxygen happening.

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This is very possible, for 2 weeks I've been wondering where mine is so I can try it on lipids and other structures again. Will do

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

Jeeze!! I would get on Lumbrokinase and Serrapeptase ASAP!! I used both to knock down a BAD DVT (blood clot) in 2.5 months with no eliquis.

But that is just me, not medical advice.

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I was taking it, we did notice a slight difference and Ron D Norris showed lunbrokinase to be more effective at helping to stop polymerization. It may attribute towards reducing the instability issues with hydrogel and make them harder to trigger polymerization

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

I've been taking lumbrokinase for 8 months serrapeptase for 6yrs nattokinase for 7 months. It's frustrating..

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Have you had a blood test for Leiden V?

Have you been to a Hematologist?

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No I haven't. And no I don't have insurance so I just go to naturopathic dr and have had live blood analysis.

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Oct 6Liked by Karl.C

Those D-dimer numbers seem to be extremely high, especially if you have no DVT/clot symptoms... is it a different scale/measurement?

When I had my bad DVT in Sept of '20... my D-dimer was 2.02 mg/L the "normal" range was 0.00-0.49

IF you have symptoms, an ultrasound of the area sure would be helpful...

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

So CD and MMS are different aren't they, I bought CD, where did you source your MMS from may I ask?

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I believe if I remember rightly you get MMs by standing a shit glass of mixed CD in a sealed jar with water up to the glass edge. This way the gases end up in the water and the toxic biproducts remain in the shot glass. Anyone feel free to correct me, it's been a while.

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Oct 7Liked by Karl.C

MMS is just an acronym for Miracle Mineral Supplement & is exactly the same as Chlorine Dioxide once activated, since it is made from a two part formula of Sodium Chlorite solution mixed with an acid base, usually citric acid or heavily diluted hydrochloric acid. the drops are mixed in equal parts i.e. 2 drops of one to 2 drops of the other for example. The mix is swirled around until a yellowish to darker yellow/ citrine colour is noted (about 30 - 60 seconds and then this is added to a glass of water & is now safe to drink.

The following copied from "The Universal Antidote"....

The news media calls it a poisonous bleach and the Food and Drug Administration says that it's a

dangerous toxic chemical and harmful to humans.

Yet not that long ago, NASA researchers proclaimed it to be a universal antidote and more

recently thousands of physicians in Central and South America have used it with 100%

effectiveness against COVID-19.

The link below is the 1987 NASA article that labeled a patented chlorine dioxide product called

Alcide, a universal antidote. The title of the article was “A Universal Antidote” (pg. 118-121)

https://spinoff.nasa.gov/back_issues_archives/1988.pdf (Pg. 118-121)

This earlier NASA article from 1983 was titled “A Multipurpose Compound”

https://spinoff.nasa.gov/back_issues_archives/1983.pdf (Pg. 86-87)

In 2015, I stumbled upon information about an alleged "miracle supplement" called mms or

Miracle Mineral Solution.

I’m a critical care nurse, and have worked in the healthcare field for 25 years. I’ve seen a lot of

snake oil salesmen in my time, and I'm always skeptical when I hear of any medicine that is

called a miracle and it has been my strongly held belief that if something is too good to be true it

usually is. I was promptly scared away from MMS after watching a documentary on YouTube

called "The Church of Bleach."


Complete chlorine dioxide propaganda playlist:



That documentary, along with several others, was designed to scare people away from this

substance and make anyone who would consider using it seem to be a member of a cult group at

best or end up with death by poisoning at worst.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5Liked by Karl.C

I bought mine pre-made from purewater.com.au

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Oct 5Liked by Karl.C

Looks like that site is down... and for sale?

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Oct 5Liked by Karl.C

I don't know why anyone would mess with MMS, when CDS is so much more well tolerated. I get mine here:


Do you take daily? I was taking 2ml 1 or 2 times daily, am taking a break for a while and taking Methylene blue... I go back and forth, both are great, but do not go well together...

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I like the MMS group that's on Telegram called MMS drinking buddy https://t.me/MMSDrinkingBuddy

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A shit glass!!! 😀

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

CDS works great for me. First took it when I got Covid and it cleared me up in two days. Everyone else I knew had symptoms for weeks. I have used it since many times for head colds and coughs. I am a smoker so I get coughs often. It helps remove all the heaviness in my lungs and I instantly feel revived. I got a bottle for £11 on Amazon.

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For sinus and lung issues you may want to look at hydrogen peroxide and iodine nebulization. Dr David Brownstein and Dr Levy have good protocols.

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Tried that and showed others with COPD about it. One lady on a tank said it was the most amazing response she had to anything in years. It was impressive, I also use these techniques when in the past I had dry hydrogel sticky cough. Works well, fairly quick relief.

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I'm surprised you can smoke while taking CDS. When I started taking MMS I usually was smoking some weed out of my vaporizer once a night and that had to stop right away my lungs did not want that smoke anymoreWhen I started taking MMS I usually was smoking some weed out of my vaporizer once a night and that had to stop right away, my lungs did not want that smoke anymore.

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

Bruce, you make CDS using mms. It takes 24 hours to make. Dr Kalcker has many videos on how to make it.

Once made, keep the CDS in the fridge. Dose as and when

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Oct 5Liked by Karl.C

I bought my CDS pre-made from purewater.com.au

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That Website seems to load but there's nothing on the page

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

Mhttps://waterpureworld.com/product/wps-kit-accudrop-5-hcl or https://www.stellarchemicalcorp.com/shop

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Oct 7Liked by Karl.C

See my reply to Karl's, below.

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CDS is the best form, IMO... Check out the expert:


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I bought my CDS pre-made from purewater.com.au

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I’m glad you had success. That D dimer is crazy. I had mine done it was low but I’m not sure what it is now.

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Thanks Karl, been waiting for someone to present this.

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OMG I can't stand this competitiveness. We are all in this together. Nobody KNOWS what's really going on with this. (These evil bastards!) The nicotine had a much different effect than your water did and it. It was completely different! And if your R.O. water came from a municipal water source then it more than likely had chlorine in it which is also toxic to this stuff. We all need to share info and work together if we're going to survive these bastards. As we've all been told... "GAIN ALL KNOWLEDGE"

And smoking cigarettes is much different from using nicotine therapeutically. The cigarettes and chew have the carcinogenic, addictive, and dangerous chemicals in them. Natural nicotine is found throughout nature... not just in tobacco plants. Its found in tomatoes and cauliflower. We ALL have Nicotinic Acetyl Choline Receptors throughout our bodies so nicotine... just like every plant God gave us... has it's purpose. When you give the body nicotine, those receptors will release the 'poison' they have been holding and grab the nicotine, which is what they were meant to do. The 'poison' can then be chelated and removed from the body and THAT is why "C0VlD" was much worse in non-smokers.

Please stop the name calling and belittling and the immature laughing at what they have discovered. They are just trying to figure this out and help humanity just like you are and everyone else working on this. You don't have to make them wrong just to make yourself right. This is NOT a competition. Dr Ana is right and you are right and Dr David is right and Matt is right and Dr Ardis is right and Jonathan Otto is right and so are all the people he has interviewed. We are all trying to do the best we can with what we have been given. We are ALL trying to figure this all out. It would be much nicer and easier if "we" would all work together and add to each others work rather than competing with it. That is a tactic the other side would be proud of. You are better than that. Aren't you?

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I have no idea what you are trying to say. We have made a point that there is alot of confusion going around and we know it is not by accident. If you think la Quinta spending time telling us aliens caused this and that all their other info was wrong because of coincidence and that you don't think that matters then fine. I'm not offended by your opinion. But these people confused us initially because we were looking in other directions to find help and answers too, only to find out that some people were making stuff up. If you think that's not a problem for everyone, that honestly doesn't strike a logic for me. And no not everyone is right and not everyone has the right effort and intention in mind. Some of it is harmful, I understand you may have drawn a liking to some people and put hope in some of them, but that's not how we solve issues. The point is we need clarity and no one here is competing. I think you jave miss interpreted the point of these post, luckily most others see the point. We are not going to fix this if people keep confusing the pool with crap, and they are. Things need to be tangible so the rest of the world wakes up. I have no idea what your point was about the water, it's pretty darn clear isn't it, the water is a solvent and it dissolves salt as it did with nicotine, Vic, and EDTA ? What are you confused about ? Maybe I can help you understand something you are not perceiving correctly ? If it was water then nobody else showed a cure, you do understand that don't you ? You also understand that they knew this too right ? If so that's deceipt. You may want to review your rant here.



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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

Well said, Karl. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you calling it as you see it and offering clarity.

I look forward to your next post. Thank you!

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I try to to be honest, thanks. No gain in confusing ourselves. Mh bloods in desperation of needing resolve too.

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

He is very good at that consistently

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Too kind !

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

Dr. Joseph Jornet - Optogenomic Interfaces Controlling Neuronal Networks through Light-mediated programming of Genomic Networks 2020 Walton Institute

Those Self Assembling Nanotechnology videos you see with flashing lights are Optoelectronics in your body with Blue 488nm light lasers that control cell-to-cell communication. They activate the sodium channel and induce calcium ion flux response and in the process, cells are transfected ie, new DNA is inserted. https://rumble.com/v4te6mb-may-5-2024.html?fbclid=IwY2xjawFsX9BleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHfOgJJEaxWG5tmRFz_wfJ93rYf3CK8Tf2zvTD1M83i6ZCJZtQ0Q7iD-GDQ_aem_mZWp8lFLWUd7wHorduPf5A

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They have no light emission without a light source. All the material we are seeing has fitted into synthetic biologyl and we have learnt that these things are more consistent with colloidal self assembling technologies, Lipid nano particles, varying phospholipid like synthetic cell structures lamellar hydrogels and more. More analysis of vaccine batches is being released shortly and we shall be comparing that to other studies to cross reference. Most of what we are seeing is link to what is in those lists, we know a bunch of stuff isn't being picked up by analysis too. Hopefully someone can beat us to organizing DNA sequencing to see the constructive command codes. We looked for more exotic things before, but realised we were falling into a trap and that these techs were all you need. Also, they are on the labels in part of the vaccines. That's what's made this all so hard. there are many small blue structures that size up to other morphologies. With a microscope alone and only looking at one structure it would be almost impossible to tell what those small blue structures are. However, watching endless samples and how they form and what they form into later tells us alot about which blue candidate they are. Hence it has taken us so long to figure some of this stuff out and step back sightly from exotic nano products for which some are not easy to implement outside of a lab dish. Colloidal self assembly materials, gel beads, self assembling LNP's. These can all play a key role in successfully altering the human body in a transhuman way, and then assemble other unique structures and materials too. We will be elaborating in far better details soon. Best wishes

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Huge insight right there

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☝️This is the tech being foisted

I will watch this

Optógenetics and optó 🧬 genomics science is what we are looking at on the slide

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

This is why I don’t run a ss Karl.

It’s because of the comments section.

I had already been dissolving the crystals with distilled water long before La Quinta had shown the nicotine in water. It made me laugh that people couldn’t disprove the BS.

You know my microscopy is as good as anyone out there.

Dr Anna banned me from commenting.

La quinta wouldn’t respond to my videos .

Dr Young copyrighted all my work and told the world it was His. While greatly misrepresenting the findings, sample sources and equipment used.

You have to take in to account.

Advertising sponsors pay for and control what is said and talked about in between the commercials . Sponsors control the context and keep it within the Overton window.

Good for you proving the flimsy , loose science claims of La Quinta is BS. A nicotine patch could easily be made into a vac micro needle array patch

Stay wise

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Dr. Young copyrighted your work. So bad. Makes it hard to believe anyone or anything. Please keep the truths you find coming.

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He copy writes out work, what do you mean ? Please elaborate. I wouldn't be surprised with his background. He shouldn't be able to copywrite findings. But anything Is possible these days. Thanks

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Hey there Neo it is so good to hear from you again. I have really missed you and your brilliant mind in these SS environments, and wondered were you still with us.

I have memory of your fabulously unique contributions to these issues we chew on. It is a huge loss to all of us truly.

I cannot believe they dared take your work...but I can understand the why ( unique brilliance ) they would.

No one else could match your insights and understandings imho, pls come back. KK

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Oct 5Liked by Karl.C

Thank you KK.

I’m going to speak with Karl about maybe writing my own ss soon.

I have many unique perspectives. It will be a major task putting all my microscopy and research 🔬 online.

I will have to balance research time 🔬 with ss .

Take care

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We still organising compelling endless observations and correlating them from 4 years ago. It's overwhelming with current stuff being worked on to. Not easy.

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Hello there Karl, yep I don't know anyone who can do this yet...but still have to try our best don't we? Neo is an asset for sure.

keep up with your stamina bro...much love, KK

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Oct 5Liked by Karl.C

"Karl !!"..…….

You gotta help Neo out please, we need his brilliance to shine like never before...🤗 KK

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Oct 5Liked by Karl.C

WooHoo!!!! I hear you loud and clear on the balance/time thing.

I can't pull it off myself.

You are exceptional,

Thankyou. KK

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

So who do you think is doing it? Just very naughty people? I've been down many paths the last 10 years. Including Shamanisim and the things I've personally witnessed you would find in a scifi novel or witches manual. Then it's mostly subjective at the end of the day. I've spoken to people that have had NDEs and others (myself included) that have witnessed strange craft in the sky. I gave up trying to convince people a long time ago, but one thing I'm sure of is we're all going to find out fairly soon, and unfortunately it's not going to be pleasant. Anyone that's interested perhaps watch John St Julien (1st white man the Masai tribe honoured and inducted) on youtube or library of the untold. Nicola Tesla said, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena; it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.👽

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deletedOct 4Liked by Karl.C
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I am sorry, I had so much going on and we were doing alot behind closed doors regarding this stuff. I will be posting alot more soon but wanted to spend a while making myself sure if some things we see. I don't like to write unless I have something new to bring to the table some times. Some people are just posting anything as fact which annoys me. But I promise I've been just doing this stuff everyday the whole time ! Thanks for following !

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deletedOct 5Liked by Karl.C
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Cds is quite reactive and should never ever touch metals or amalgams full of mercury. I've seen many across disease communities benefit from it over the last 4 or 5 years researching and I think most take precautions or avoid it if they amalgams. It has its uses. Ironically, it said not to be safe by the big western boys for treating diseases, but totally safe to use for cleaning water you drink with it in when used for purification. What a contradiction egh. The govs intervened when the British Red Cross went to Africa and went around curing malaria too, they were told to remove their success videos but there are a few sites that still have copies of those ventures before they completely corrupted all the charities. And that's a reason why they did it obviously. Charities wanted to help, now they take almost 97% of all profit made and and give just a few percent to aid disease and foreign films in need. Oxfam were caught doing this about 15 years ago and it got on the mainstream. Turns out they all do it now and many people began giving their money to direct causes instead to CEO's who don't need all your money.

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Correct Karl! And during WWII, red cross (who I have zero respect for), were SELLING the lads cups of tea and bickies! And even back then I’ve heard most of the donated money was going to admin. Yes, they all do it now.

Just about amalgams and cds, maybe having cds through a straw would at least minimise the amount touching people’s teeth.

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Oct 5Liked by Karl.C

Is Clifford still recommending Borax Water?

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I don't know, we are waiting for him to become available again for a catch up. Will ask next time !

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Liked by Karl.C

Sent you a coffee,

Fantastic presentation, This video will go down in the history books ,

On a separate note

People have to understand

That if they keep the blood fairly clean , they are not going to expire that easily,

What everyone is seeing is

Rapid aging,

Because of the down regulation of the RNA/DNA repair enzymes, , https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/coronavirus-vaccines-and-cancer

To up regulate the pathway so to have good Transcription repair, is magnesium, I personally put the magnesium oil on my skin , the ancient mineral brand , needs to be check first ,

As it is plainly seen on the streets of the rapid ageing,

Magnesium, dependent DNA repair, magnesium also gives stability to ATP energy ,


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Interesting, thanks. I should be taking magnesium again and I forget. The sodium citrate chelates a little too. We have noticed accelerated ageing, it's kind of freaky.

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Here's something to look at.

Magnesium-NAC Combo on Epigenetic Drift

Based on the provided search results, here’s a comprehensive analysis:

Magnesium Malate:

Plays a crucial role in regulating mitochondrial functions, which are essential for energy production and cellular survival.

Mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of aging, and magnesium malate may help delay its onset by improving mitochondrial function.

Involved in epigenetic processes, such as DNA methylation, which can influence gene expression and potentially delay aging-related diseases.

Contributes to proteostasis, the regulation of proteins within cells, which can be disrupted during aging.

N-Acetylcysteine (NAC):

Has been shown to mitigate oxidative stress and inflammation, which are associated with aging and senescence.

May help restore glutathione levels, a critical antioxidant, which declines with age.

Can modulate epigenetic marks, such as histone modifications, which play a role in gene regulation and cellular differentiation.

Combination of Magnesium Malate and NAC:

The synergistic effects of magnesium malate and NAC may potentially mitigate epigenetic drift and mitochondrial dysfunction in aging or senescent cells.

Magnesium malate’s influence on mitochondrial function and epigenetic processes could be complemented by NAC’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

This combination may help restore cellular homeostasis, improve proteostasis, and reduce oxidative stress, ultimately contributing to a delay in the aging process.

Key Takeaways:

The combination of magnesium malate and NAC may have a beneficial impact on epigenetic drift and mitochondrial dysfunction in aging or senescent cells.

This synergistic effect is hypothesized based on the individual properties of magnesium malate and NAC, which target distinct but interconnected cellular pathways.

Further research is needed to fully elucidate the mechanisms and efficacy of this combination in mitigating aging-related cellular dysfunctions.

How can microdialysis benefit drug development


Study: Magnesium and the Hallmarks of Aging. Image Credit: monticello / Shutterstock.com



The Involvement of Mg2+ in Regulation of Cellular and Mitochondrial Functions - PMC



The Powerful Anti-Aging and Longevity Benefits of Magnesium Malate



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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

Thanks, very helpful info

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Oct 5Liked by Karl.C

EPSOM salt bath with NaCL Dead Sea Salt and Baking Soda and Borax, mixed bath in it 2 to 3 times a week. It has really helped my skin hydrate better and be less flaky and I think helps me sleep at night better. Using Vevitier (sp) oil as well... it supposedly helps in duce sleep, along with occassional tart cherry. Need to do more of that last one, the melatonin is good.

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Oct 5Liked by Karl.C

And Epsom salt is full of? Magnesium...

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Magnesium Malate is a type of Magnesium with Malic Acid.

My mussels and body mass increased the day after I used that type of Magnesium for the first time.

Malic Acid is one of the substances listed on the patent of whatever that anna showed for the Hydrogel that breaks it down.

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

Malic acid can be used to chelate metals as well. I used to take it and it worked for muscle fatigue after any kind of exercise or over using your muscles. I can't take either that or magnesium due to severe nerve pain that has come as another autoimmune issue. I try and use powders and oils or sublingual in order to avoid pills in the gut. It feels like a lot of this came since the shots, but I have been ill for a long time. These assaults have been around since the 70's or earlier. The dental world has been using nano technology for a long time and that is another assault we were not meant to endure. All I can say is "if I had only known." Jane

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

Could you share a link on your Malic Acid source, I see powder on offer

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Oct 5Liked by Karl.C

It can be hard to find. I think I found it on a site called Iherb. Or just do a search for malic acid capsules. Since I don't use it haven't purchased it often. I want to use it because it really helps tired, sore muscles and gives energy. It is from apples. Some items are harder to find. Used things years ago that were amazing and then the company shut down or the prices went up. Hope you can find it. Jane

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I only like the oil results

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

just any old magnesium oil on Ebay?

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That sounds interesting, that ks for sharing

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

It difficult as in my case you needed extensive work done. I got ten old almagams replaced as they were leaking and old. I did with zero anesethic nothing. Ouch. Although this is only temporary and eventually will require crowns which cannot be done without dental anesethic. My on going BBS and SCC Bowen's disease requires dental anaesthetic in the future. Last time I got away with a chemotherapy cream. The BCC 2019 had the anesethic as it had to be cut out. Unfortunately going forward this dental anaesthetic is going to be unavoidable. This is an issue for all of us. I told the dentist sent him videos and he was disinterested.

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I had my amalgams pulled out using 250ml of whiskey. It worked but you won't likely find a willing dentist to do such. I am not advising it either lol. But it is a problem and I noticeany creams have lignospan in them and or lidocaine.

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

I had a root canal removed and had a Valium IV which left my mind in a fog for a long time. Now I need more work done and will have to get the anesthetic. I figure if it's even in the saline, why bother fighting it? I kind of think it's worse to have the consequences of keeping the root canaled teeth. Please keep up your research and informing us.

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What was the result if any if you added sodium citrate or EDTA or vitamin C to the lidocaine itself.

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

I had an appointment set for removal of some teeth and in timely fashion two days before the appointment I get Ana Maria's article on the dental anesthetic and cancelled the appointment. I have a critical need for removals... All I can do for now is wait and pray. Hoping someone somewhere will blow the lid high off of this crap, let the world know and recall all contaminated anti human materials used in si called health care. Best you way!

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What about trying laughing gas? Nitrous oxide N2O. I had it once, but it didn’t do much for me. But we’re all different.

I also tried it when having labour pains, but it was useless!

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deletedOct 4Liked by Karl.C
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High doses of alpha lipoic acid can help chelates mercury do I have seen. I am trying it too. I wish you better luck.

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

Three Integrative dentists I went to think I'm crazy and never heard of this. One wouldn't work on me.😆 Tread lightly.

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You're quite funny 007

That'll take you along a better path in anything😁

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Thank you, koppykat. 😁

I think you're very intelligent and have enjoyed your comments as well.

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

That is a terrible to hear, I fully believe what you are saying, my teeth were destroyed by dentists as well, starting from a child. The entire dental industry is wrong about SO much, just like health care is really sick care, dental care is destroy teeth and patients for life care. I have one root canal and I need it removed. I need all teeth removed and will get dentures since it will be to least toxic option of all. Root canals have been researched and proven very toxic and not ideal to have done. Research is online everywhere to learn about. Mercury is worse and your dentist is the one who should have known how to remove safely and do after care of your mouth. Not your fault at all for trusting a highly paid and educated professional. Professionals who do more damage to human bodies than simply living life does. I wish you a great deal of blessings in the near future with regard to your teeth and the health of your mouth and body. Pray for guidance from our maker.... Get a biological dentist, a holistic dentist if you can. They can walk you through recovery of your health. Just good one in your area. Prays your way, Jane.

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Dentists need to realise that fluoride (that they promote) competes with iodine that our bodies need. The breast/prostate and glandular organs need iodine. The link between lack of iodine and cancers is known. Dentists need to stop supporting the idea of fluoride (in toothpaste and in drinking water) and see the bigger picture. They have a number of practices they really should be questioning.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5Liked by Karl.C

Yes, many number of things. I personally believe the entire industry is about removing most of our teeth, even if they are perfectly good teeth. A friend of mine who raised her children in Alberta had her children's dentist tell her that she needed to do all kinds of procedures on her children's baby teeth equalling thousands and thousands of dollars! Baby teeth fall out naturally but if the dentist's can make money, thousands per patient then they make up all sorts of "needs" for children and adults alike. We live in a world of highly trained liars and vampires!

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teeth are fuses connected to our organs see wiring diagram of human

thats why they pull teeth out just as the ody is electric see- sabrina wallace

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Thanks for taking the time to spell this out. I commented & shared a video of my own on LQCs X post claiming this. I put forward as well that the structures will reform after dissolution. To my surprise, many days after I left that comment, LQC responded that in fact the structures DO NOT reform. Shame they neglected to omit documentation supporting that claim. Seems to me they need to be backing that up, but I won't hold my breath.


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Yea, they automatically have answers as you point these things out don't they, but no proof and no mention of this in their original inception of the idea. Tells you alot, and again proves our point. Well done will !

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

The structures absolutely do reform after dissolving.

The crystal molecules are dissociated in liquid phase.

Once the re evaporation occurs. So do the liquid crystals.

Someone needs to pull all the microscopist onto one discussion board.

To compare and replicate findings.

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All this is d news to us, we are much further along now. We had a sudden increase I. Knowledge of what we are dealing with and it's terrible. News coming soon.

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

What possible value is there in looking to alien theory, that saw original collective research carried out by 5th column...so appealing they not only lost their minds - but threw away all that good work. We really could use their talent and amenity? Wonder what it 'd take to bring Delgado and co...back to earth 🤔. KK

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I hoped they were going to enlighten us. I followed the. For the first year, but was scratching my head a bit

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I liked Delgado a lot, and long time follower am staggered at the u-turn

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Oct 3Liked by Karl.C

Hi Karl, I have a question related to EDTA and Vitamin C in high doses, Dr. Ana Mihalcea's research shows improvements in the blood, and I would very much like to know your opinion about these 2 substances. Thank you very much and I appreciate your work.

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Vitamin C and EDTA can help, absolutely. However I doubt it will make any visual difference to the blood and I have not seen any visually satisfiable proof from anyone. If EDTA is helping to clean the blood by any visual degree then it must only be for those who afford it weekly. Others I know who had it or visited dr ana said they saw no difference in their blood. Some might have felt a little better. EDTA has mild toxicity too, some cannot tolerate it well at all. Sodium citrate also doesn't clean the blood much, it shows a lot more coming out when you test urine, it has huge relief of symptoms rather quickly for many like myself. But cleaning the blood sufficiently right now seems like a miracle.

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Oct 3Liked by Karl.C

I appreciate your real-time challenge to show what you’ve observed. I had a couple of questions and observations along the way. First, when you said you were putting omicron on the slide, I wasn’t sure if you meant the shot for omicron or an actual sample of the omicron virus. (I didn’t think that any viral substance had actually ever been documented.) Also, I didn’t know which company you were sampling. My understanding is that different pharmaceutical companies used different components … and within each individual company there are varying lots of toxicity… Something to think about as you go forward. As to the nicotine issue, I thought that Dr. Ardis said it would be beneficial to prevent the Covid spike protein from binding to the ACE-2 receptor, which prevents it from getting into the cell. I don’t recall anything about it knocking out the nanotechnology related to the shots until the presentation you shared. Do you have a link to Dr. Ardis’s statement in this regard? Thx for all your hard work!

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It wasa Quinta that touted it recently, dr Ardis I had forgotten about since I didn't understand why this could be snake venom in the biowarfare, and actually there maybe something else in that, long story. But yes the vile was Pfizer omicron shit. The toxicity of most batches may vary slightly, but essentially they all visual have the same material present and unpacking, including dental anaesthetics, swabs, and saline. Furthermore we do not believe the spike protein is real, this all seems like far more complex material unpacking and others analysis using various forms of spectrometry would indicate the same. In which case is the ace 2 receptor really the problem it was claimed to be, something here isn't tying up. On this side we are all in agreeance. It's either a shit for a virus that attacks ace 2 receptor, synthetic biology aimed at transhumanism, or some other intelligent poisoning system. Either way it can't be all of these, maybe 2 and minus the spike protein theory in my opinion.

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

Dr. Cole initially said it was contamination (in manufacturing). Not sure what he says now.

Dr. McCullough said 1/3 of viles were ok, 1/3 not so good, 1/3 really bad. That comes from his analysis of reports and probably samplings done by people like Dr. Cole.

A whistle blower that worked at a Pfizer facility said there was a lot of contamination in the manufacturing.

Personally, I deduct that they threw in the kitchen sink to kill us. But how could that plan be carried out without someone relieving their guilt at some point? 🤷

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I agree, we all often sit and look at the desk asking the same question. But it is nuts. I wish I was doing carpentry and designing cool electronic stuff instead of finding out why some of us are ill and our blood is devastated. What a weird reality.

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

Even worse, trying to get your head around how long this plan has been in effect. You realise your whole life was a lie, we've all been played. KK

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

Probably dead is what

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Oct 4Liked by Karl.C

People really need this particular focus clarified, as it has so many ppl now first time encountering that there's something bad going on.

Hit with all the techxpert gobbledygook , your clear picture explanation given here is much appreciated for sure KK

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Oct 5Liked by Karl.C

First of all, I love the way you spell vial....yes it is vile. In plain sight.

Secondly, the 'spike protein' can also be seen as a toxic blood cell, they look like that when they are poisoned. With spiculations.

Essentially, it is blood poisoning IMO

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We don't say all the analysis coming in around the globe by scientists supporting a spike. Makes sense since it wasn't for a virus. We also question echinocytosis and other similar degradation effects in blood cells now since people with chronic diseases had it most, but what's most interesting is that Lyme and a few other know synthetic diseases are definately showing exactly same structures more recently as what we have been watching in blood now. We can see inside the blood cells with a high end scope and it doesn't show what everyone else was seeing with slightly lower end equipment or how my last scope showed it. We know this stuff likes to bond to blood cells and then alter it and it's productive roles. We've been asked to do a video chat about this showing the similarities and some other stuff we found out. I can't wait to see what others think once they see the comparisons of blood now to Lyme in full colour hi res. Liposomes seemed to be key ! How long have they been experimenting is what we are all asking.

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This is exciting!

Expose their footprints and where they lead

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I restacked this with a comment about how fantastic this piece is and kudos, was well! Thank You SO much!

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Oct 3Liked by Karl.C

Thank you immensely Karl for making such an informative video. For so long my gut instinct has been saying that the so called "growing nano crystals" were just salts crystallizing as the liquid evaporated. That clip you showed briefly by that "Rita" woman confirms beautifully what I have been opinioning about her serious lack of wisdom & critical thinking skills. Your images are astounding but I would like to know if you are aware of the use of fluorescent carbon dots in research on ways of drug delivery & photo imaging. Here's a link to just one abstract on the subject. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8228846/ . I'm aware of the huge jump in so called "turbo cancers" and have sometimes wondered, apart from the SV40 contamination theory, that radio-active isotopes or plain elements in nano form, might be involved. Perhaps it's time for an appropriate geiger counter testing procedure to take place with these samples? I say appropriate because I'm unaware of the sensitivity of typical G counters to miniscule, i.e. nano sized particulates & their respective emanations & whether they are sensitive enough. Just a thought. I'd like also to see if colloidal Gold has any visible effect upon the self replicating structures when viewed with your excellent set up. Keep up the great work!

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Oct 3Liked by Karl.C

Karl, I have watched your whole video, (I’m not medial at all) are you saying that this nano technology is in 1, all our blood, 2, all our drinking water, 3, all alcohol 4, in dental aesthetic. Basically we have no chance of avoiding this now.?

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Many of us would agree with that, how much is in each is another question. but we see all the same stuff in those places and it has only become more densely packed and in higher quantity.

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Oct 3Liked by Karl.C

And there is no way of removing it?

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We are still looking into ways, we have found ways of lowering small amounts backed by literature and found sodium citrate helps with disease symptoms Huguely by possibly chelating calcium ions in alginate calcium hydrogels.

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It is interesting that the last 5 years we have seen a push of vit K2 by the alternative media doctors, must take k2 with your D3 they all say - they say that k2 directs calcium to where it needs to be instead of becoming hardened in the arteries and on-top of bone causing hardening of the arteries. Since we are questioning so many of these doctors... Why has k2 been pushed in the last 5 years while d3 has been pushed by both mainstream and the alternative online doctors for the past 10 years. What's up? I have taken d3 from cod liver oil, as a source. But what is and where does all this synthetic vitamin d3 come from, what source are you all taking? And k2 is natto - a Asian fermented bean of some sort?

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It is really important to take k2 with d3 for precisely the claim you cite . In normal diet we mostly only get K1. Most GP's don't even know this. Kk

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That's right, kk. I tell everyone I know about K2. The vit D alone can cause hypercalcemia so we need the K2. And, so many of us loaded up on D during COV. It's scary to think of what we don't know.

I take so much chlorella and spirulina and worry about what I don't know about that, but I'll try your algae Vit D, thanks.

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My d3 is vegan wild crafted from algae.

Plants rock!

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Plants do rock 🙂 Love em! Thank you for sharing where your source comes from. I'll look into it here in my neck of woods. Cheers! 🙂

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Synthetic vitamin D tablets (cholcalciferol) are used as a rat poison in high doses. I wonder why.

I think vitamin D from natural sunlight onto the skin (without burning) is the better way.

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I learned that as well Deb, thank you for your feedback! Best your way!

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deletedOct 4
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I hear you! Wading through all the "truth tellers" today is quite the task. I have trusted a few since COVID-19 only to end up discovering they are disinfo agents. Tim Truth on bitchute has stepped in with videos and research articles on ivermectin, apricot seeds, vit D3 and others. I found his thought process worth following. Many of the other si called truthers have been pushing these products over the last few years. I think God did not make us to eat pills for our sustenance. I also strongly believe our natural sun is being blocked and we live underneath artificial/synthetic suns. With this, vit D would be not available for absorption, which we require, as do all living things, the sun IS the source of life. Imagine the nerve to block out the source of light and life! But this is what I firmly believe. I have vit d caps sources from cod liver oil. I do not take it regularly but when I feel extra tired and drained I will take 10,000 IU's for a week or two. I think that there are times we do get our natural sun, I can usually tell because if I walk into the sunlight I will sneeze, the sun disinfects and powers up our bodies and brains. When the synthetic sun is in the sky I do not sneeze. The light is blinding scolding white, while our God given sun is Golden and soft. "Their" efforts are the eradication of all natural life to be replaced with synthetic versions of everything, equalling absolute ownership of Life itself. (They store the natural seed of every natural part of creation in seed vaults) Best to you! Appreciate the reply :)

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Hi Jane, from the sun is best, early am sun get it all over you, b4 10am. Expose as much skin surface area. For a minimum shorter time. No long exposure after 10*am sun. Plus plant source version of d3. Imho experience. KK

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There is

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The same way you free your Pineal Gland.

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You have lost me!

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Apparently it’s in insulin, and the so called normal vaccines, including the children’s schedule. My son is type one insulin dependent diabetic-I’m just a tad concerned! 😦 So far he seems alright, and none of us know how long it’s been in all these products, it’s in people’s blood (covid vaxxed and not vaxxed) in Australia and New Zealand.

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So, bottom line do we know what is killing all the people who are vaxxed?

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it is this material in my opinion. To us observing , it is logical. what else :(

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What exactly is it? And have you found any SV-40 or is that just another scare tactic. Something is causing all the aggressive cancer?

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I saw papers explaining that sv40 is just something that helps insert material into cells basically. I then realised it was likely never a virus and they have been using what they call sv40 as a method to stick many things in places it should not go for many years. This would explaining why there cases of sv40 in polio vaccines and other products which they tried to identify as contamination. Sounds likely right. Damaging your cells, being full of nano material and hydrogels will also cause cancer. These things are toxic as literature shows where no conflicts of interest are involved. Carcinogens damage cells, and usually cancer (fungal organisms) invade the weak cells and begin the process of sell division. They pack so tightly you get a tumour, hence why all community based success stories had one thing in common. The things that cure them are antifungals, even fenbendazole is a microtubulin inhibitor which fungus must form to grow. It is not a parasite disease, but parasites are often much higher in chronically ill people die to immune system overload. Parisitology among studies and private clinics shows this to be true. We could not see sv40 without knowing what it really is, and having specific analysis machinery, but I doubt it was ever a virus as such. More a synthetic tool.

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Oct 3Liked by Karl.C

Very well explained Karl

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It sounds like ‘they’ whoever really created this bioweapon just put as much toxic material as they could into it. Which really leads one to only one conclusion, they are either trying to kill as many people as possible quickly & then make even more money treating cancer patients & other horrible side effects with expensive treatments that in the end will in most cases do nothing. The spike protein was just fear porn. What a bunch of psychopaths. I really don’t understand the Japanese creating a self replicating vax that could wipe out their entire population. All of us who tried so hard to stay away from all of it are going to be affected in the end.

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It's likely 52 metals were found in clots, excessive proteins, and that too much DNA and proteins are found in shots because they are part of a whole complex self assembling system. Alteration of man with collateral damage and testing on the masses

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The issue with Japan is their history of the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster (2013) and 300 tons of radioactive water that leaked into the Pacific Ocean. It was calculated this contaminated seawater would reach the West Coast of USA within 5 years (2019). It would be interesting to know what cancers Japan is presently facing. Thyroid? Leukemia? (outcomes of radiation)

My point is, maybe the Japanese are not creating any such injection. Maybe they already knew what was coming to their people. It is convenient to have a scapegoat though. A bit like what was happening in Wuhan with their 5G rollout practice that had us believe a deadly virus was striking people down.

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Good points!

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deletedOct 4
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Posts were announcing it on Twitter recently as if it's a great accomplishment.

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The Jap. Gov’t apologised about the vax-but they didn’t mean it. I read that the self replicating vax was “trialled” in Vietnam a few months back.

This is from a Japanese M.D.’s substack, buy I forget the name. I think he’s American Japanese.

I just remembered Dr Nixon cross posted this fella’s stack. Maybe not about the trial in Vietnam, but lots of useful stuff in the article and comments.

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It is really difficult to understand how they would do something so against their own interests as a country. National suicide is what it will be.

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So I am understanding that nano technology just means really tiny particles. I am a bit skeptical of self replicating nano technology in these injections. Am I correct in my assessment?

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Deffinitely are, much to read up on

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Do you mean self replicating?

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deletedOct 4
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You need to check that for contamination as there was some mention of some being contaminated.

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You could suggest your friend get a book by Dr. Mark Sircus called "Sodium bicarbonate nature's unique first aid remedy". 2014

Dr Sircus trained in Oriental Medical/Traditional Holistic Medicine...

Here is a testimony from his book; "all I have to say here is that baking soda saved my life! Anyone who doubts me should see me now! I had pancreatic cancer and was given 6 to 8 months to live with no hope...today I am pain free and living a healthy lifestyle to keep it that way..."

IMO the answer does not lie in treating 'parasites', it lies in doing something about the acidity of our body fluids. I'm not talking about the blood. We don't pee out blood. We pee out body fluids. We can test the acidity of our body fluids using a pH stick (saliva or urine). NaHCO3 (bicarbonate) is a base to balance out acid. Just like a swimming pool, our body fluid pH should be neutral, or slightly alkaline. NaHCO3 is an antidote for radiation exposure...

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https://www.examples.com/chemistry/sodium-bicarbonate.html The side effects of medicinal use are not pleasant. According to this article.

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But where would you find a doctor willing to prescribe it & what would the cost be? I understand that money shouldn’t be a concern when life is at stake but the reality is that it is.

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Find what, Leslie?

FenBen? FenBen Labs.

Ozone? An Integrative doctor or clinic. Unless, maybe you're in another country.

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deletedOct 7
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I deleted the above comment as two comments exactly the same as above came about somehow.

Now it came back, and I can’t delete either! Now both comments are gone! I’ll try again later!

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These nano machines are in almost everyone. Not just vaxed. I found 3 in me using a megaphone( speaker plus microphone = feedback). Record the shriek with a spectrum analyser and u get their frequencies. 80hz, 80hz, 100hz. I managed to stop them using lookout for charleys protocol. Today i found 2 more, behind each ear.

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I am of the age where for me I don’t care if I die. I just don’t want to suffer. This has become a very ugly world.

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Pray and do the best you can to be informed and spread this knowledge far and wide, and help others around you. Empowering to be part of the pushback, embrace a positive mindset..KK

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Sounds horrible. I’m not going to examine myself. Ignorance is bliss.

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Yea fair call I honestly thort nicotine patches was helping me feel beter but never thort it could remove the technology

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We looked at x39 patches and a few other type of patches and found similar suspicious material. Remember them talking about making patches to vaccinate people with micro needles ?

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Karl, if you can give any further information on X39 patches, I'd love to know. I use them. They say it's crystals that reflect the light, the way the NIR/red light therapy works. What?? Micro needles? Yikes! 🤦

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They seem to not disclose full or any ingredients in their huge paper pack. The govs are shutting down small medical solutions companyies with tangible healing concepts and seem to be allowing stuff like these with no disclosure, we find it all very od, a bit like them encouraging CDB outlets everywhere suddenly over the last few years, vaping untill recently, and all kinds of other odd stuff. Given all the talk of aerosolized and patch delivery vaccines I keep my suspicious eye out anyway. The patches did look contaminated to me (opinion).


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Oct 8Liked by Karl.C

Karl, now that you put it that way, I see your point.

Thank you.

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Yes l was wondering about those x39 etc they been put out there as a miracle cure. Thanku. Thats enlightened me somewat

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