I bet the makers of these watch your videos & can’t believe you figured this out. Also, that you are helping others see the truth. I even saw your Substack & Dr. Ana M. mentioned recently in an Epoch news reply post. Good for you! Keep up the exploring and continue confirming the evil activities of these wanna be leaders. We won’t comply! We won’t forget! We will win!

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Thanks for the encouraging words. I won't forget for sure! This all flipped my life on its head 3 years ago.

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Oh wow. Hope it was good news and not bad news. Lol

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It was very good! It was full of references to your posts. Good stuff! 👏🏼

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Please share a link of you have it. Thank you kindly. Curious as to what sizzle is going down over there in comments. Thank you.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Fascinating. I find it odd that these images look like images produced by NASA of "deep space," nebulae, galaxies, star clusters, and the like.

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Yes it has come to my mind many times too as ralos says. From the micro to the macro almost but more from the mega massive to the mega minor in size

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Karl.C

From the micro to the macro

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Hahaha yeah right!

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I wonder if you could just film good images of these "swabs" under UV light.




“[in 2015] Günter Oberdörster and co-authors published what is possibly the most comprehensive review of carbon nanotube toxicology studies to date.

"This study demonstrated significant differences in the type and degree of pulmonary responses to MWCNT in mice between bolus-type IT instillation and inhalation, with higher doses deposited in lung by inhalation resulting in only moderate effects compared to severe lesions induced by instillation of lower doses. (!!!!!)" INSTILLATION !!! This is what "Covid" is!!!!!!!!!! These people have been poisoned and those behind it MUST be held accountable!!!!!!

Li et al. (2007a) compared the pulmonary response of mice exposed to purified MWCNT by IT instillation versus inhalation.

Intratracheal instillation produced inflammation and severe destruction of alveolar structures, while inhalation predominately resulted in moderate pathology consisting of alveolar wall thickening and cell proliferation but general alveolar structure was retained. This study demonstrated significant differences in the type and degree of pulmonary responses to MWCNT in mice between bolus-type IT instillation and inhalation, with higher doses deposited in lung by inhalation resulting in only moderate effects compared to severe lesions induced by instillation of lower doses. (!!!!!)

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023Liked by Karl.C

We are the Big Bang. Just spectacular. I know we are looking at something horrendous, yet God is in control and I have no fear. The similarities between what we call "space" and what's going on inside us should tell us something about the true nature of "space" as well. Thank you and God Bless.

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CV Swab, General/Multipurpose Swab, or Applicator Swab?

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It is the Rapid antigen test from the previous post sir ;)

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I can't keep up with all your post 😊 Thanks

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Hehe I'm on the bench lately too. Lol just doing odd bits while travelling

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Here, we investigate the extent to which single- to few-layer GO sheets of different controlled lateral dimensions translocate from the nose to the brain following intranasal instillation.

So, quantum dots are delivered to our body, including our brain – with NO REGARD human life. Do these so-called PCR tests give viral results?

No, they provide quantum dots, graphene oxide and/or other nanotechnology. They

cause the so-called COVID-19 graphene toxicity because of delivery of nanobots by olfactory nerve.

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Very true. Damn youeft me a lot of stuff to go over. And I will. Thanks

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Visited and commented. Thanks, it was a great article and I certainly left you a comment

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That would explain the anosmia some people experienced via olfactory nerve/bulb and inferior frontal lobe migration.

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U.S.-based quantum dot producer QMC (Quantum Materials Corp) declared its blockchain-based QDX HealthID for transparency in disease testing and immunization for infectious diseases. The aim is to assure the authenticity of health data and aid individuals to re-join the workforce soon.

Quantum dots are nanoparticles made up of semiconductor materials that transmit various colors when illuminated by light. This color depends on their dimension and the way they were produced. QMC has built a track and trace solution utilizing quantum dots and blockchain to confirm the creation of products and counterfeiting.

The authentication solution is blended with QDX HealthID for monitoring and tracking the mutinies of diseases, like the COVID-19. The solution validates individuals being tested, the persons conducting the test, and the test kits.

In more simplistic terms, QDX HealthID warrants that testing data is safe and not tampered with. Recently, health reports and medical certificates are being issued on paper, which makes them simple to forge.

“Not only does this service facilitate improved health outcomes for patients, but it also underpins back-to-work certifications, sometimes referred to as immunization passports,” said Stephen B. Squires, President & CEO of QMC in a statement.

With the health data supported by blockchain, governments and health agencies can form new plans and security measures to hold the spread of COVID-19 and other diseases. Additionally, individual users can evaluate their immunization passport, utilizing a mobile application. The app highlights color-coded indicators — yellow, green, and red. If the app displays the green indicator, the individual has the authorization to interact in social and work environments. This indicator can be bestowed and authenticated by others utilizing a QR code.

“The world must have a system that eliminates the fears and anxiety of not knowing who is able to return to work,” said Les Paull, CEO of QMVT, the unit responsible for sales and marketing of QMC’s innovations in a statement. The solution is hosted on the Microsoft Azure cloud and can combine with existing EMR systems. It is based on the Hyperledger Sawtooth enterprise blockchain, and for smart contracts, it’s applying the DAML (Digital Asset Modeling Language).


Quantum Materials Acquires Bayer Technology Services Quantum Dot Manufacturing


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Please, READ THIS!!!


The Federal Drug Administration (“FDA”) has issued emergency use authorization (“EUA”) for medical tests that diagnose Covid-19. The FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring safety, efficacy, and security of all human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices. With regards to medical tests, the FDA usually does this by making manufacturers meet rigorous guidelines in an approval process that can take many months. During an emergency, such as a pandemic, it may not be possible to have all the evidence that the FDA would usually have before approving a medical test. If there’s evidence that strongly suggests that patients have benefited from a test, the agency can issue an EUA to make it available. One of the minimum requirements for granting EUA is that the known and potential benefits of the test outweigh the known potential risks. However, this is a minimum requirement and not the standard. The minimum standard can be met and EUA is still not given; there may be additional requirements, such as the test meeting reasonable thresholds for safety and effectiveness and/or people in urgent need of care based on a diagnosis. EUAs are only given during a declared emergency; outside of this, an EUA is never given.

Major Market Segments

Life Sciences. The life sciences industry was one of the early areas of adoption of QD technology, especially for QDs used in fluorescent markers in diagnostic applications. This includes both the in vitro use of QDs for marking (illuminating) particular cell types or metabolic processes for understanding diseases, and in vivo imaging made possible by QD fluorescence in near infrared that can be detected in deep tissues. The fluorescent qualities of QDs provide an attractive alternative to traditional organic dyes in bio-imaging. It is estimated that QDs are 20 times brighter and 100 times more stable than standard fluorescent indicators. QD technology is also being used in place of colloidal gold nanoparticles in lateral flow test kits such as those used in the rapid Covid 19 antigen test. QDs have been reported in literature to exponential improve the sensitivity of these test enabling earlier detection.


In 2019 the Company developed the QDX Ledger, which is based on technology acquired the blockchain-based technology assets of Capstan Platform, Inc. to provide an immutable, scalable and shared data store for consistent tracking and visibility among participants in a product supply chain. The identity and access credentials of participants, be they individuals, corporations or machines is also secured on the platform, providing mechanisms to control and restrict the supply of products as might be required by regulatory mandates and socially conscious business practices.

QDX Quantum Dots can be incorporated into almost any physical product so that its authenticity can be verified and tracked from point of manufacture through to sale to an end customer. Unlike existing approaches to establishing product identity, including QR code stickers and RFID tags, we believe that QDX Quantum Dots are more tamper proof, resistant to environmental extremes and low cost. We believe that they may be incorporated into products as diverse as auto parts, consumer electronics, apparel and luxury fashion accessories, industrial IoT devices, bank notes and even liquids, such as gasoline and lubricants.

In early 2020 and in the advent of the Covid 19 pandemic, the company recognized a need for a secure method for the validation and reporting of the Covid 19 testing process. The Company leveraged its existing QDX Ledger platform technology to launch the QDX HealthID later rebranded the QMC HealthID and is operated as a wholly owned subsidiary of Quantum Materials Corp.

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What's the purpose of the crystal structures (looks like graphene nanoantennas, the same kind of self-assembling structures seen in pfizer vials) in the swabs, in relation to the quantum dots ?

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There can be many purposes to those structures or any of them actually. sometimes the crystals can be a defect instead of an intentional crystal too. very interesting stuff, but a nightmare to solve the question you ask. trying though.

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Ok. Just for the context this is one of the videos i had seen of the crystallization process:


I wonder what the shiny dots are.

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That is a very cool video. I have seen various processes like this and they do not always repeat the same way. It is slightly confusing. They seem to be similar to the dots which look interchangeable between many structures. there are some other technologies that seem to be working side by side here and it is all a bit of a mess. But we are learning bit by bit and putting some of the puzzle together.

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While i find the images disturbingly beautiful, ( or beautifully disturbing?) In an almost astronomical fashion? There is little doubt there is *some* kind of program or controlled agenda in their activities and various constructions, imhoo.

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Agree with all those statements!

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023Liked by Karl.C

This if by far one of the most fascinating videos you've captured. How did you set this up with the swab? Did you take a small sample of the end and apply liquid to activate it in the slide? Did you apply a cover slip? Feel free to reach out to me...I want to know how to replicate with my scope.

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I did almost that as you say. But in this case I used an aerial light ring which I custom made with adjustable power supply. Thank you for the compliment.

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A German study found clear evidence that if discrete nanometer diameter particles were deposited in the nasal region (in rodents in this case), they completely circumvented the blood/brain barrier, and travelled up the olfactory nerves straight into the brain (GRAPHENE-BASED “PCR test”: https://particleandfibretoxicology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12989-016-0168-y

GFNs (graphene-family nanomaterials) can be delivered into bodies by intratracheal instillation, oral administration, intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection and subcutaneous injection.)

inhaled carbon nanotubes can suppress the immune system by affecting the function of T cells, a type of white blood cell that organises the immune system to fight infections. (“masks”: Nose-to-Brain Translocation and Cerebral Biodegradation of Thin Graphene Oxide Nanosheets - ScienceDirect https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666386420301879 The nasal route represents a means by which nanomaterials can gain access to the brain in exposed individuals. Blood-air barrier

The lungs are a potential entrance for graphene nanoparticles into the human body through airway. The inhaled GO nanosheets can destroy the ultrastructure and biophysical properties of pulmonary surfactant (PS) film, which is the first line of host defense, and emerge their potential toxicity. https://outraged.substack.com/p/graphenenanotechnology-in-masks-and)

carbon nanotubes as hazardous for repeated or prolonged inhalation exposure and for carcinogenicity.

Such small particles can penetrate deep into the lungs and may move to other parts of the body, including the liver and brain.

A major study published in Nature Nanotechnology in May 2008 suggested some forms of carbon nanotubes could be as harmful as asbestos if inhaled in sufficient quantities.

Other forms of nanotechnology being developed include tiny sensors called nano-units, of which some simple types are readily available; 'smart materials' that change in response to light or heat; 'nano-bots' - tiny mobile robots that have yet to be developed but are theoretically possible; and self-assembling nano-materials that can be assembled into larger equipment. These are being actively developed. Australia's own CSIRO, for example, has developed a building material that with nanotechnology, is able to repair itself multiple times.



contactless near-field communication via a smartphone application

http://web.archive.org/web/20210227025421/https://www.grapheal.com/about-our-solution The solution TestNPass | Grapheal


GRAPHENE FAMILY NANOPARTICLES can be delivered into bodies by intratracheal instillation, oral administration, intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection and subcutaneous injection. GFNs can induce acute and chronic injuries in tissues by penetrating through the blood-air barrier, blood-testis barrier, blood-brain barrier, and blood-placenta barrier etc. and accumulating in the lung, liver, and spleen etc. For example, some graphene nanomaterials aerosols can be inhaled and substantial deposition in the respiratory tract, and they can easily penetrate through the tracheobronchial airways and then transit down to the lower lung airways, resulting in the subsequent formation of granulomas, lung fibrosis and adverse health effects to exposed persons.

Administration route

The common administration routes include airway exposure (intranasal insufflation, intratracheal instillation, and inhalation), oral administration, intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection and subcutaneous injection.

Blood-air barrier

The lungs are a potential entrance for graphene nanoparticles into the human body through airway. The inhaled GO nanosheets can destroy the ultrastructure and biophysical properties of pulmonary surfactant (PS) film, which is the first line of host defense, and emerge their potential toxicity. The agglomerated or dispersed particles deposit on the inner alveolar surface within the alveoli and then be engulfed by alveolar macrophages (AMs).

Intratracheally instilled graphene can redistribute to the liver and spleen by passing through the air-blood barrier.

Blood-brain barrier

In addition, graphene quantum dots (GQDs), with a small size of less than 100 nm, can cross through the blood-brain barrier.

Blood-placenta barrier

A recent review suggested that the placenta does not provide a tight barrier against the transfer of nanoparticles to foetuses, specifically against the distribution of carbonaceous nanoparticles to and in the foetus.

Much attention had been paid to the developmental toxicity of nanomaterials, and reports showed that many nanoparticles did cross the placental barrier and strongly influenced the development of embryos.

Distribution OF GFNs

The different administration routes influence the distribution of GFNs, for example, intratracheally instilled FLG passing through the air-blood barrier mainly accumulated and was retained in the lungs, with 47 % remaining after 4 weeks.


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Thanks, i will look at these links when I am better rested. These look interesting. Good work. Keep it up! Keep at it.

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I don't recall the "authorities" ever providing a reasonable explanation at the beginning of the plandemic for why the deep nasal swab probing was necessary. This (GQD brain placement) no doubt is the reason why.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Astounding find mate! Almost identical to orbs captured in the sky. There is definitely an engine behind those things, they're not moving naturally in liquid they're on a mission.. It even went more spaz around the fibre at the end. Same as this, orbs captured in melb by ufo lou https://youtu.be/9XlSMInP1xk?t=49

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Wow crazy stuff brother. See if you can lasso one soon for me. I don't have a car.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Karl.C

WOW!!! I am constantly blown away by all these images. Thanks for all your efforts.

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Thank you em

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Q-dot murmuration!

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