Dear Karl; I totally sympathize with your last release 100%. Rants are a necessary pressure relief. I have thought about the issue of somehow deflecting or neutralizing all this technology, but its a tough nut to crack. We cant simply drink sulfuric acid to wipe this stuff out or we get wiped out to. The constraints of our living bodies is exactly what protects these things.

The only effective solution I've come up with is more of a Neanderthal approach. Some of Russia's newest S500 surface to air missiles would clean up our air space, very quickly ending the chemtrails program, and a few hanks of good old fashioned sisal rope would truly dampen the spirits of those promoting this garbage. Its apparent that mass-murder of the populace is now a condoned activity. Nobody lifts a finger to stop this and the culprits are awarded medals. So, do we now need to erect a large monument HONORING those strung up in the 1946 Nuremberg trials??? Pardon me if I'm confused.

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Tom, you said : "Nobody lifts a finger to stop this and the culprits are awarded medals". Right on. This - in yer face travesty - of lauding and awarding the demons responsible, is foisted on us by the gatekeepers for the elites and is meant to tweek the noses of us that are awake and aware of their crimes against humanity, as if to also say, AND THERE'S NOT A DAMN THING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.

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Wellll... you gotta realize the elite are - simply put - completely freaked out over we the people, which is why they're trying their best to decimate us by any means possible before we roll up our sleeves. The French were pretty successful with nothing but a few pitchforks, shovels and their guillotines. In spite of happening over 230 years ago (1790), this still strikes bone-chilling fear in the elites today. They know whats coming if they lose control. However, today a different game is played as the American elites now have scalar weapons they aren't shy of using against us (911, Paradise Cal, Maui, etc.). These type weapons are far worse than the biggest atomic bombs, but the public is still unaware of what they are. The old USSR has had them since the 1950's. We the people are toast unless we can get help from "our enemies" who have similar toys. At this point our Second Amendment toys are almost worthless / outdated antiques. No different than a knight in shining armor getting wiped out by a musket ball. The reason for the "in your face" bravado is they now have a trump card weapon that we don't have. FYI: we can all now get vaporized in an instant; there is no place to hide. But, unpredictable stuff happens. Don't forget that Russia helped us /we the people gain independence from the Brits. Perhaps some day they will help "we the people" again as they only clash with our (globalist) government, not so much the people. And, there are others that still have a 75 year old bone to pick with our empirical government. Its hard to predict global power plays and losing hope isn't warranted just yet.

But I digress, and did not intend to get off track from Karl's Substack. Apologies, Karl. I simply question our efforts to counter this technology when we cannot stop its source.

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Tom - no problem sir. Great expose there. I understand it and agree with your assesments and conclusions.

I had the great privilege of visiting with Col. Tom Bearden at his home in Hunstville, AL in 2012 awarding him the Sagnac Award for lifetime achievement from the Natural Philosopher's Alliance - the NPA - and Tesla Tech, specifically for his work developing free-energy devices, i.e. the MEG Motionless Energy Generator. However his legacy of astonishing peaceful scientific endeavors was overshadowed by his secret work on scalar weapons for the Navy. He was free to discuss zero-point energy developments, but not at liberty at all to discuss anything related to weather weapons or geoengineering, which I was keen to discuss. Oh well. I still appreciated the opportunity to meet the man. And I get the impression that Karl is happy to see enlightened and aware discussions such as this on his SubS, unless he tells us otherwise.

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Greetings William, Getting to meet the late Col Bearden was indeed something special that you wont forget the rest of your life. I can imagine he was up to his eyeballs in weapons development as he was truly one of a kind in understanding scalar energy. But to the best of my own understanding, we still don't have a functioning MEG. People have done their best to make it work, but COP is still <1. In Bearden's last book, he sketched out a design he said would work, but to date I've not seen this concept fly either. However, I have seen other designs, stationary and using moving parts that apparently work. We know its possible as its been done before (Moray and others), and it would not surprise me to learn our "intel" already has it in a usable form. I've penciled out some designs myself, but am a bit shy of building it, as the power levels that result can be staggering. I'm "allergic" to that much power shorting out thru my body, lol. I might scale down and try to build something that only produces 12v. My biggest challenge is lack of shop space and lack of a lab for microscopy. Lab work often necessitates using nasty chemicals and acids, which don't belong in a kitchen and are difficult to manage outside when its -20F here in the "arctic" of North Dakota. We have likewise "enjoyed" the fruits of weather mod numerous times, causing me to buy a commercial duty snow blower. "Weather" is now a function of the mood of the guy running the joy stick.

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Hey Karl, it's a good thing sometimes to just lay it out there how one feels, especially those seeing this monstrous stuff up close, and quite personal as you are. I hear you and feel the frustration you feel at times, wanting desperately to do more, but just can't any more. Nonetheless I'm very fortunate, given the extreme severity of my morgellons condition, to be in a stable situation. So many are so horribly devastated by these man-made "diseases" and from consequences of the bio-weapons shots that they have lost their permanent homes, personal security etc. and thus no longer have a safe harbor in which to try and stay and fight, as it were. So do what you can do mate, and just hope others in better situations with more resources can carry on the struggle where you cannot. Do all that you can do, but no more than you can or should do. There are now hundreds or even thousands now looking at this nightmare closely as you are. The work WILL get done.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Karl.C

My question is..how are the ‘elitists’ keeping safe and all their minions? Or don’t their puppets know?

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Good question. Can you make your question more toward Ivermectin? She is offering to answer Ivermectin questions.

I'd like to know the answer to your question. I imagine they are not safe as every one is getting infected. The hollywood stars, athletes are considered elites and they are dropping dead pretty fast. Maybe they do not have any protection. My Angels told me years ago, if the luciferains in political position of power were allowed to go on as they have been, they would turn this world in to a floating rock in space devoid of all life. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN PER HEAVENLY FATHER AND JESUS.

I've noticed the BioWeapon seems to have changed. It seems more contagious, harder to detox from. This is why hubby and I are taking Pau d Arco, Ginko biloba, Turmeric with Black Pepper and Cat's Claw tinctures. Since we've been taking these tinctures, we do not get infected from shedding when we go to town. Nor do we get infected when they chemtrail us. We've been detoxed and clean for over a month now. We still go to town with out getting infected. This is huge as we were constantly getting infected when we'd go to town. Infected, detox, go to town, infected again, detox again, go to town, infected again etc. We detox in about 1 week as we take the necessary tinctures of plant medicine, AntiShedding tea, our well water is alkaline which is helpful.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Karl.C


Pau d Arco. we take 20 drops under tongue 3 X’s day. and you please?

Also take homemade Cilantro tincture as it too is a blood purifier.

your thoughts? thanks 😊

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I am so happy you are taking Pau d Arco and Cilantro tinctures. Way good.

This is a site from India owned and operated by medical doctors of India. They treat their patients with herbs and conventional medicines.

The following are the tinctures we take daily and the 'maintenance' doses we take daily:

4 ml twice per day of Pau d Arco: https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Pau-D-Arco-Cid2608

2 ml twice per day of Turmeric with Black Pepper in it: https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Turmeric-Cid387

2 ml twice per day of Ginko biloba: https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Ginko-Biloba-Cid1314

4 ml twice per day of Cat's Claw: https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Cat's-Claw-Cid2264

Currently we are taking a 2 week break from our Morning AntiShedding tea. While on break we drink hot chocolate with Chaga mushroom powder, Guggul herb and Maca root.

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Blessings to you and yours ♥️

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Thank you. The same to you, but more of it❣️

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Cilantro aka Coriander a super heavy metal remover and it does more than just that:

Coriander/Cilantro: https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Coriander-Cid216

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Cilantro is an AntiMutagenic herb. That mean it stops mRNA from mutating your cells in to Spike Protein factories and Super Cancers. Stops mutations. It is also a good anti-inflammatory, immunity booster, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, and so on. Cilantro binds with heavy metals in the blood stream by means of a chelate, a compound. The heavy metals are expelled from the body via urine. Good, good stuff.

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Thank you for the info..

I was going to order the IVM here in N.Ireland..don’t know if customs would let it thru? But it would be very expensive..like $36 + 49$ shipping..so about £86..and in pharmacies before a package cost about $2.00 before?

Also..how do you know it’s safe if it’s labelled for pets?

Everything is very complicated in purpose..🙏🏽 God will intervene before humanity is totally erased..🙏🏽

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My Angels told me Father God is going to intervene when he Activates the New Adam and Eve 2 Witnesses, soon.

Hang in there and be patient with our world situation. Heavenly Father wants us all to see, really 'see' the luciferians in political positions of power, abusing their power for their impotent, loser god lucifer.

When our Father 'Activates' them, try not to hate on them. The luciferian msm will lie, exaggerate, cause us all to fear them. They will call them aliens trying to take over the world. Don't believe the luciferian msm lies and propaganda.

THE 2 WITNESSES are ADAM and EVE reverted 💑: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WW3m3pnOM84&t=128s 12:00 min.

The best way you can prepare is with food and water. Gasoline will continue to go up in price. So will food. We all need about a 1 year food supply for pets and people. Next summer we need to grow food gardens, raise back yard chickens for eggs and meat. Try to prepare your harvest to get you through the winter.

#85 Storing & Preserving Homegrown Vegetables for Years | Countryside Life

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jaMHiV0GL8&t=857s 17:00 min.

God Bless you and yours Pat.

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Thank you..

Yes..I believe the time is approaching for the 2 witnesses in the Holy Land..I do not believe in alien nonsense..

My home remedy is I pray..3 or 4 times a day..I have faith only in God to see me thru..

‘God said..I did not give you a Spirit of Fear..but of Power and Love and of a Sound mind’..Praying for all Humanity now..🙏🏽

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I can tell you hubby and I take Ivermectin Horse Paste for over 1 year. We have never been able to get Ivermectin people pills.

Karen Kingston says Ivermctin Horse Paste and Ivermectin people pills are the same exact medicine.

Thank you for your comment and questions. I added your question to the list.

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there were reports that the horse paste was contaminated a fair while ago

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Really? We still take horse paste and we are detoxed. We live in horse country and no one is complaining about sick horse so far. Do you have a link to these reports, please? I'd like to take a look at them. If it is tainted, I want to let the horse community know about it. Thanks for your comment.

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It was a fair time ago, will let you know when I can locate it. I think it was a verbal acknowledgement, most likely from someone who'd viewed it's contents. If I find the source I'll let you know. Glad you're doing well despite all.

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Why not fight fire with fire and PRAY? Isaiah 54:17

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Stepping back looking at all info that seems credible, especially considering the protocells.. I don’t think it’s outta the question that they are using our blood and bodies, to construct artificial blood, artificial blood vessels, artificial organs, artificial light and changing and controlling the brain and “new body”.

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A sobering reality check : Even if all of the independent research were suddenly validated and we could rapidly overwhelm the false mainstream narrative somehow, and it could be openly discussed in every quarter in the human realm, and we had a proven successful protocol to cleanse the human body, the onslaught will still continue unabated, from all vectors both environmental and biological. I see no reasonable expectation that even 1% of the global population is in any position due to circumstances or finances, existing disabilities and health issues, or level of awareness / consciousness to maintain a protocol long enough to be able to defeat the BEAST MACHINE. Rather, I see the greatest benefit from continuing the effort to raise awareness and doing the necessary independent research, if for no other reason than to help others see the diabolical madness, and give them a chance to make a choice to exit the delusional artificial reality we live in, and embrace genuine reality and truth, even if it means swallowing the black pill. There is great merit in helping others out of the MATRIX.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Karl.C

my brother said “this is not my world. i’m ready to exit”

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Hi Karl. This is off topic, but Dr Aranda and I are doing a paper together on IVM. I am collecting questions for her to answer. Do you have any questions about IVM for Dr. Aranda? Maybe questions about tainted Ivermectin. Thanks.

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I don't really have any questions on ivermectin. I have used it, tested one product to find titanium Dioxide quantum dots in it and more, have read many papers on it, and understand that before nearly all pharmacy products became tainted that it was considered a wonder drug. It is a shame that it's uses like many other drugs are now being rendered a catch 22. If it helps in one way it will also dump a whole load of junk in you too likely. David Nixon and others have tested many brands of ivermectin but found them to all be tainted, I watched many of these live microscopy sessions and was disheartened by every sitting. I'm not sure what the use is in promoting drugs that are no longer available without the contamination present or if it is a good idea. Is it not like getting bitten by the same hand that already harmed you?

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Hi Karl. Thank you for your answer. I don't know about IVM people pills, we could never get any. We have always taken IVM horse paste 1.87%. We have been taking IVM horse paste for over a year now. We have not noticed any problems with IVM horse paste. Do you know if IVM horse paste has been tested?

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If you look back through my articles there is one on horse paste. Itt contained Quantum dots in high numbers. They penetrated my check cells and were embedded everywhere. The article shows a comparison to titanium dioxide Quantum dots from a peer paper. The label ingredients states titanium dioxide also. I have not seen such thing as a clean pharma product in all the testing yet. Even La quintas spin off group are posting contact lense solutions and allsorts as having stuff in them. Very sad

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OMGosh Karl, really? Why aren't the horses sick around here? Could it be that we are in Washington State where there are a lot of horses? Does it matter what state you are in? I will look for your paper so I can alert the ranchers around here. It is really sad. There are natural ways to rid the body of graphene and Spike Proteins such as Bentonite Clay, may be Diatomaceous Earth. Thanks Karl. I would have never believed it, had you not said something.

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Here is the post link. i dont know that it has all the same material as the shots. i just know it has the Q-dots in the product i tested. The injectable ivermectin is the same. https://open.substack.com/pub/managainstthemicrobes/p/now-lets-compare-the-q-dots-in-blood?r=2o2hpu&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Thank you Karl❣️

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Wouldn’t an mRI show these polymers ? And I thought EDTA AND VITAMIN C WAS THE CURE

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I might have found the ANTIDOTE; we need somebody to test it with live blood analysis. The cure is supposed to be directly from the creator of the COVID19 Dr. Ralph Baric. Every Bioweapon is created in tandem with an antidote or else it cannot be released for fear of killing the people it released in the first place. You can start the thread hear and decide for yourself. https://t.me/DrrpbertYoungchat/13594

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I’ve said that so many times “they don’t create anything to harm us without creating the antidote for themselves”

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Karl.C

thank you Karl C.

wonder if those who never had a shot of any kind and are healthy so never hospitalized or taken prescription medication would have this in their blood. has anyone like this been tested?

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Yes, it’s in the blood of the unvaccinated too

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Karl.C

yes, but everyone hasn’t been tested correct?

do you know of anyone who has tested someone who has never had a shot of any kind, never taken prescription drugs, never had to go to hospital or have dental work?

I Don’t recall them having their blood checked yet.

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Maybe there are some unvaxxed children like this.

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All factors of our environment are polluted with various kinds of nanoparticles - https://t.me/miraalmicroscopio

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Karl.C

When you mention tainted IVM are you referring the pills?

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Hi Carol, pills, horse paste, either or.

According to Karen Kingston, they are the same exact medicine.

Your questions are welcomed.

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I’ve heard otherwise, but who knows nowadays what is true.

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Karl has physical proof the IVM is tainted. I trust Karl. That means that the IVM horse paste is tainted. Maybe we got lucky and bought an untainted case of IVM.

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I think we have to look in to things for our selves. I do not have a microscope, but I have eyes and ears. Hubby and I have been taking Ivermectin Horse paste for over a year now, we are detoxed and fine. No one's horses are sick and we are surrounded by horses, cows, dogs, cats and so on. Ivermectin for animals is the number one seller around here. None of the breeder animals seem sick.

There are natural things that can take the place of Ivermectin as far as a binding agent to the Spike Proteins, (SP). Ivermectin binds the SP and removes from the body. Cat's Claw, (CC) is an AntiMutagenic herb. It stops the mRNA from mutating the cells in to SP factories, CC also stops the super cancers, such as Spinal Tumors. It removed a spine tumor from my mother's spine. It took about 6 to 8 weeks, the tumor was completely gone. I suspect CC will bind to the SP and remove them from the body, but it is much slower than Ivermectin about it.

If Bentonite clay, BC) can remove graphene oxide from the body, why not remove the SP as well? I believe it does.

Bendonite Clay for the Removal of Graphene Hydroxide from the Body

BC essentially “seeks” toxins in the body to bind with due to its chemical composition. Then it acts like a magnet and sponge, absorbing harmful substances so they can be removed from the body.


Best wishes.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Karl.C

XNA are synthetic genetic polymers associated with synthetic genome. I think.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Karl.C

xenobiology is a subset of synthetic biology.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Karl.C

living organisms utilize nucleic acids in storing and transmitting genetic info. the creation of a synthetic self replicating organism that can incorporate a 3rd base pairing x-y must exclusively b paired with each other in the helical structure as well during nuclic acid synthesis by polymerases. when dr ana talks about polymerases is it synthetic genetic polymerases aka xna.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Karl.C

looking online synthetic genetic polymers aka XNA are engineered and grow / develop.

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Please, watch this whistleblower, Winston Smith, from New Zealand. This holds for every countries and all their hidden statistics :


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The people who developed this technology, are they in on this? Or are they unaware that it is being used in sn evil diabolicle way to destroy life on Earth?

What I don’t get is, if they are destroying life, & only some will remain alive as slaves- what happens when these slaves then die? This is all just temporary- or are they merging tech with humans to eventually become 100% tech in the future?? But nothing lasts forever.

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They’ve been working in cloning techniques for a very long time.

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this is the problem


how do you fight this?

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Appreciate the follow. Pass all intel on to all. Was interviewed by Sean P Maguire out of ireland. Thats awesome. Thank you for your prayers. Prayers not needed signatures needed

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