The current state of blood and what's in it. Also see that whites cells are now at major risk due to alteration.
As promised, some of my latest work looking inside altered blood.
Before we show you a major breach of our immune system I want to show you some random images from recent work. These images are from 3 or people, including myself. Of these 3 or 4 subjects I have been lucky enough to do their viewing 3 times in 8 months. The blood has rapidly worsened in everyone I have seen. This is what others are definitely seeing too, even if the dont know what it is. It is not just
and myself been seeing this consistently. Those who cant see it are either lying, or under an influence of some kind. I find this very angering as many others do.
Yea, we have all been shocked to see it is getting more obvious that there are Lyme like cell structures forming in most blood. Also these are structures that had poor scientific understanding about them in previous chronic diseases such as Lyme. given it is common knowledge to most Lyme sufferers that Lyme was shown to be biowarfare, one has to relook at the science papers we have been finding, what’s being seen here, and what we were told in the past, (book: Bitten is a great reference to Lyme).
The image above shows a horror of missed foreign structures. Liposomes, a huge multi-lamellar structure forming liquid materials, liposomes, and other material. Most of these RBC’s are abnormal. The white cells are braking down very quickly
Another structure filled with part colloidal LNP’s. the surrounding cells have been altered and are forming complex foreign material inside.
More lamellar structures in blood using various degrees of iris setting with a 40x Reichart oil iris objective. How these structures reveal themselves is very different depending on your technique. In bright field of course little detail can be seen at all.
What can be seen here is absolutely shocking. I am starting to see the lipids forming inside of the nucleus of white cells. This is my blood here, this had never been seen before until this week. Its always getting worse in everyone’s blood. This image has been enlarged and had the scale bar cut and pasted over to scale.
Here we can see neutrophil white cell trying to deal with lipid structures it has mopped up. They always fail, and the white cell dies often on a slide.
Lipids forming in a multi-lamellar structure, in the centre there are polymers solidifying as a result of hydrogels. External to the structure is an area filled with foreign particles where RBC’S were before reactions triggered as usual.
More recent samples we have taken have been displaying this more densely packed material internally as well as lipids, etc. Note part of the blood often begins to go deep purple, deep blue, as well as showing other drastic differences. How are they hiding all this ?
Nothing to see here, just another structure in the blood brewing complex material and exhibiting complex chemical changes denoted by the blue and red colours. Notice the iridescent rings of what is likely a concentration in those spots of colloidal materials.
I am actually nearly at email length here so I will do multiple posts again. Soon multiple websites shall showcase large databases of images and work. Hopefully people will be joining us there also for full access to extensive work and libraries of hi-quality images. I shall make another quick post showing formation of foreign material in sped up video clippings.
As always, thank you for supporting the efforts made here.
Please share, comment, and help out below with KO-FI if you can.
Thank you for the shocking and utterly depressing info re blood but please please tell us what we can do about it.In words of one syllable 🤔
Well this is the SHOCK chapter
K k