Thank you for the shocking and utterly depressing info re blood but please please tell us what we can do about it.In words of one syllable 🤔

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Everyone is working on that. but awareness is a start in getting those who can help us further to wake up and do something. We are testing things over time. I am testing some stuff now, but some of it didn't work already, so I clearly assumed the wrong lipid types. I have some stuff that might work. sorry t was depressing, I do not find my work to be a happy thing for me either. I do it in hope to solve an issue and find answers. I am not so well myself, and only degrading.

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Karl, can someone please, please try an extremely hot dry sauna? The kind where the rock steam can get the temperature up to at least 180F? I have been finding this to be beneficial for myself and loved ones, but I do not use a microscope other than my local NP who last told me several months ago my blood looked good. Second option is infrared sauna, better yet- alternate between the two? Best to you.

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I believe logically it is, i have been trying desperately to get to the sauna and have failed each time. I get stuck working in here always. I will try soon ! this week maybe. Avoid infrared since we have been told by practitioners in different fields that blood of those who went to infrared therapies was far worse at one point. Don't know for myself, but it is quite possible. It will be the old coals for me or whatever is infrared free :D. nice suggestion. you are the second person to say sauna helps. thank mate

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Sauna helps facilitate apoptosis. That’s all I know. Oh, and helps by sweating out toxins of course.

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It gives you clear skin, gets your hormones working better, helps you sleep better, improves your mental focus, activates heat shock proteins (whatever they do, haha), and on and on. I don't find the benefits of steam/Roman baths anywhere close to the dry sauna. I drive 45 minutes 4-5 times a week to use one.

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3 day dry fasting works a treat too, builds brand new stem cells. Hard to do but can be done! Check out Dr August Dunning, he told nasa to bugger off! ex nasa, caltech and jpl phd, has more on this topic than anyone. I followed this and my bmi is now perfect! https://www.youtube.com/@augustdunning

You also need to 'strip water' of it's memory by using a monster magnet and running the water around the centrifugal edge of the south pole of a magnet.. Water stores trauma in it's holography and all memories are stored in the room inside the water molecule in the dna itself. So when you eat meat from some dead ass animal, you take on all the trauma stored within it's dna and it plays out in your stomach and bowels as cancers.

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At least you’ve got one you can go to! I don’t have one even 45 minutes drive away! I would go though, if it’s not too expensive-but what price our health?!

I don’t know what heat shock proteins do, but I guess they protect us from heat shock!? It’s interesting that the dry sauna is more beneficial than steam. I could surely do with improved mental focus. 😀

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Every time I think I have an answer like infared I find it is a no go. Glad you said something, bc was read to buy infared hand held device for pain. I listened to a video by Dr. Ana and Todd C. and she was pushing EDTA by Dr. Ed Group I believe. I almost bought that too, but Dr. Nixon said not a fix. Not sure what a dry sauna would do either? Almost bought a pop up style sauna, but it is the hot steam kind. I wouldn't no where to go for a dry sauna. Thanks for your time and efforts. If anything I said is incorrect please feel able to correct.o Jane

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Your natural diet is a fix body id able to detox by itself fruit based diet h202 enema for cleansing pus and mucus full of nano / psyillium husk , citrus and charcoal for cleaning the entire organism have a good day

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A gym, or pool near you may have this type of sauna. I know-who wants to sign up to a gym, just to go for a sauna. And I know gym’s are so expensive, too. Hope you’re well Jane!

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Getting worse actually. I have been researching dry saunas for one or two people and the cheapest I found was almost four grand. I wish I could have my blood looked at, but would probably be difficult to accept. I am working with a functional medicine doctor who knows nothing about this. So, I am taking charcoal she believes for mold and metals. I believe a person can only get better at a certain level. If you have this garbage in your blood, all of the treatments in the world won't solve disease processes. I believe everything I have is related to dental tech and whatever else we have been exposed to. I have symptoms of Lyme's as well, so just take one day at a time and hope for the best. Glad Karl posted again. Jane

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Had sauna yesterday for 40 mins, felt the difference. We are going as much as we can now so we see how it helps over time. Thank you !

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I hope it helps your blood, and if it does, it can be your best post yet that should be spread far and wide. I have been using it for my girlfriend's cancer (unrelated to vax) but unfortunately she has been too weak to go for a few days and is now turning for the worse. I probably need to do fenben every day instead of alternating it with ivermectin. Different cancers, different pathways, different people, different cures.

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I'd say sodium citrate would be hard to top, I can't belive how much that has done for me and others. Email me if you need papers on cancer I have saved 😉 I don't give medical advice but I see your on the fenben and I am happy to give you the link for 15 great papers or so that I have on a telegram channel.

Thinking of you and your girlfriend, I hope for the best.

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Also called Finnish or Russian Banya saunas.

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oh that helps, agreed. dry is what i was thinking of. Cant believe i was thinking of it for months and haven't been once yet :D

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When I heard lately that there was a study that showed mercury decreased in people who regularly use saunas I thought that was amazing! Also, people with cancer should use because cancer does not survive in temps higher than 108F? Granted, it takes a while for our insides to heat up (like a turkey), so stay in as long as possible! I can only do 42 minutes straight, it is really hard, but I think it would definitely help in many areas!

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Wow, mercury detox egh. Alpha lipoic acid also chelates the mercury and crosses blood brain barrier. A scientist who died said that in order for it to work it has to be at least 50% non synthetic and it has to be done at high doses everyday for upto a year or more for a good cleanse to finish. The mercury moves bit by bit around your body before it leaves apparently. Can take a long time. Early withdrawal could remove mercury from one place like the brain, to somewhere like an organ and then cause issues there if not done properly. Just what I read somewhere but interesting to go read if you can find it. Think his first name was Steven, can't remember the last name right now. I'm trying it but I only have synthetic lipoic acid which is less effective by 2/3rds due to the ion arrangement I believe it was. If you happen to find it to post a link here since mercury is hard to detox.

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What about dry fasting ?

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That's probably better for the kidneys so they can get a break, but I think most people drink water on fasts to purge the toxins more. And while doing these dry saunas, I can't imagine not drinking water, I think I would die or get bad headaches.

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This recent post, "Starving to heal in Siberia", was pretty interesting, the story of a woman who was cured from Lyme disease by dry fasting.


"The dehydrated state is also inhospitable to pathogens like bacteria and viruses. Additionally, the body experiences an increase in temperature, which enhances immune function and speeds up metabolic processes."

But i don't think dehydration would create a particularly inhospitable environment for the nanotech in the blood ...

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Sorry to hear buddy... I think distance and clean living is the only solution tbh.. go back to Qld and go north to the sunshine coast where I'm heading.... you can become an aussie easy as, I'll give you a reference : )

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Haha, great stuff. You are still alive.

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Of course I am, Ralos is immortal : )

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So sorry you’re not well Karl. I don’t know how you manage to get all this work done! Thank you so much.

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It's all I have to do, honestly. Thanks brother

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Well it’s so important, what you do! (And I’m female btw) 😀

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Oh wow, sorry, I always read your name as Rodney in short at a glimpse as I rush through here. ADHD trick maybe 🤣

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Don’t worry about it Karl! A lot of people think I’m a bloke on line!

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Hazel (and Karl and everyone else), I run a nanotech detox group on FB where we're discussing some solutions:


If you request to join, please make sure to answer all the membership questions and click on "agree to rules" so we can approve you.

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I am glad to hear about this, but doesn't facebook give you a hard time? I got off of fb because they were so picky. Someone sent me a video to listen to in a private message. I listened to it and it was weird. I was kicked off for three weeks and that has never happened before. The person who sent it no issue at all. Makes no sense. Not sure that I trust what Zuckerberg has done by becoming a libertarian. Think he is covering his backside in case Trump gets in. Not sure... What are you telling people to do? Jane

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I’ve never joined fb, and don’t intend to, but I know there are good groups on there. I hope something comes from Penelope’s group! Good on you Penelope.

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You have to know how to navigate FB. Sometimes you have to disguise keywords. Sometimes you have to disguise links. Certain things you can't say. I've learned from various stints in FB jail what is and isn't acceptable, and it's been over a year now since I've been in FB jail. As for Zuck, yeah, he's a scumbag -- don't trust him.

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I don’t trust any of the ones with money!

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One syllable, dear fellow human being and Child of God:


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Well this is the SHOCK chapter


K k

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Am so sad

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Hey there Pal!

This is so sad and a remainder that a real war is actually taking place at the nano level.

I sincerely hope the blood donors are not too sick from these nanobioweapons and that a cure for stopping their silent, but deadly takeover of their body will soon be found, thanks to your efforts.

Your post is a devastatingly horrific perspective for the whole human race if, besides red blood’s, our white cell also become food for manufacturing more alien invading ones.

The parallel with the parasitic cells of Lyme disease is quite relevant and is part of the multitude of pathogens - infected mosquitos, airborne "vaccines", graphene oxyde, sprayed aluminum, chemtrails, etc.- whose creation and dissemination into human bodies are financed by “elites” as Bill Gates.

There is no doubt about it; some individuals, governments, international organisms, corporations, as well as pharmaceuticals want to terminate us.

Knowing this, why can’t most people see how too soon will be our fate and act now?

My thoughts and prayers are with you, your kins and all the other victims of these criminals.


P. S. Your newest accessories are what was needed for better resolution and light control for your microscope. I encourage everybody to please donate one or more coffees through Ko-Fi.

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Nice to see you back...or me back Danyele. Have you been keeping well? I should be on zoom tomorrow, missed loads of them so far ....eeek

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Are we back?

Hope you’re good. Could you make it to the Zoom?

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Oh, did make zoom. And yea I think I'm back from hiding just in the lab space 🤣 overwhelming work on this stuff at the moment . Everything good at your end ? I do hope so

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I can imagine, without any envy whatsoever, the huge amount of hours bent over the microscopes, screens… and writings! Thank you so much for your and David’s incessant dedication to this quest for truth!

I felt extremely tired lately and, paradoxically, harassed by the ongoing feeling of an underlying urgency to flee far away from here. Snow time should begin within days, so the fatigue is probably due to the diminishing daylight hours and the change of seasons. At least I do wish it is. :)

Take good care. 💕💕💕

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Thank you so much for supporting the work. I hope we can all find a resolve. Best wishes and much love to all.

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Ditto, well said D

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This really inspires me to do more research.

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Our Veterinarian Surgeon just died suddenly (female maybe late 40s early 50s).

These slides show us so much but I can only imagine what will be forming as time goes on. Then there's whatever they're spraying, putting in water and food!!!

Thank you for all your work.

It's amazing and terrifying. God bless you and God bless and help humanity.

May He have mercy on us.

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What to do?

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Do read previous articles on sodium citrate, charcoal. NAC, Quercetin, h202, resveratrol, all very helpful. but no complete solution anywhere yet. Those things keep me from falling back into complete illness again. Cant function without them. But thats what i do ;) cant give any advice.

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Hi Karl - excuse my ignorance but did you take the cv jabs or does your condition stem from manipulating vials, shedding, something else?

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We believe they put it in drinking water in Texas USA where I was. Two of us got ill in two different houses just after we were told to stop drinking the water becauseit was contaminated. 2 moths after becoming extremely ill I got bit by a tick and also got Lyme. I didn't realise till several months later when I saw the spirochetes in my dark field samples.

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How did you clean up the lyme part of things? Only if you feel comfortable sharing. Jane

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It was a nightmare. But I think I know why now. Most people struggle to cure chronic Lyme or treat it. I had to try hucker gram staining of my samples to identify some of the coinfections and spirochetes first. It looked like I had babesia, spirochetes and other stuff, their were gametocytes of toxoplasmosis too. I made the abonormalities in my blood disappear but by bit using different Lyme treatments untill it had gone. I had to do many supplements, antibiotics at high dose for 6-8 months, hydroxychrequin, artemisia tea several times a day, change whole diet, detox, parasite cleanse, and more. It had me disabled and mindless for 4 or 5 months at one point. I wanted to give up, but it was worth the effort. If you can get tests from igenex or the other lab in Germany which is rebound it is the first step in identifying which of the confections you may have. Between 4 and 40 confections are averagely passed by a tick bite if not caught in time before it spreads. Typically, but not always it is harder by extremes to treat and get chance of curing or being able to feel better for some time.

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Glad you got past that and am sorry you had to go through that. My doc doesn't treat lyme or co infections, but is focusing on metals and mold. I was in a moldy house for four months and never got sick, so she might not be on the right track. Mold is in food and that is where I am getting it now at least. Took a heavy metal test and will report findings. Curious what has been added to the list. Take care for stress and pressure can take its toll. Especially, when you are low on reserves. I think the tech makes it harder for people who are sick obviously and age is also a factor. I see so many people doing normal life everyday and am glad for them, but why are so many others dying and are very sick. That is what makes a lot of this so confusing. Also, concerned about substack being tracked like facebook. They track everything, so why not substack? You would probably know that better than I. Take care,


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How about Methylene Blue? I believe that’s what Ana Maria Mihalcea said was one of two detoxes that break down and detox out nano tech. The other was EDTA chelation. Methylene Blue is on my to try list. Haven’t tried it yet. I do understand, I’ve had nafld for some time. If I don’t take supplements or herbs I don’t feel good. I’m working on the spiritual side of wellness—it’s all connected—mind-body-spirit. Highly recommend The Body Keeps Score for anyone who wants to address the spiritual side of physical illness—the author connects trauma with physical illness.

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Some notes I shared with folk around here, I do a mix of the below:

Cleaning it out (from cheapest to more expensive):

Reduce intake (reverse osmosis water, eat organic homegrown meat and not too much, avoid big commercial food/drink products, eat as naturally as possible)

Drink structured water: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zar7AuMJwP0 Water should be reverse osmosis filtered and then remineralised and alkalised

Helpful herbals for detoxing parasitic energies: horsetail, nettle, artemisia, dandelion leaf

Eat more cholesterol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNId2oQoUHc

Stay alkaline, better for elimination

take Bentonite Clay has a strong negative electrical charge to bind and draw out toxins through absorption like a powerful sponge to remove toxins such as lead, mercury, aluminum, barium, strontium, cadmium, chromium, and other heavy metals.https://eatbeautiful.net/how-why-drink-bentonite-clay-radiation-detox/ buy from https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/302556340132

Sodium Citrate away from food (as per Karl), keeps you alkaline and helps eliminate it – but please read the article first and make your own decisions on whether or not to take it and how much

3 pinches of Borax in water every days stops/slows the synthetic biology from growing

Take https://www.maxone.info/ to build up glutathione levels (VERY IMPORTANT) and if you take it with ASEA then glutathione levels are boosted even more

Fulvic acids and Shilajit: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24857237/

Mallic acid (natural form): https://au.iherb.com/pr/swanson-malic-acid-600-mg-100-veggie-capsules/118374

Apple pectin and chaga mushrooms (also helpful because of high melanin content) help to clean out radiation (that is increasing in the environment):

2 drops of grapefruit, 2 lemon and 2 cinnamon essential oil in a veggie cap each day dissolves the hydrogels

Methylene Blue to reduce clotting and provide the blood cells with electrons, fires up the mitochondria so helps with brain fog and fatigue: https://earthharmony.com/products/methylene-blue

EDTA: https://globalhealing.com/products/calcium-disodium-edta

IV EDTA chelation with 15g vit C

I go for IV once a month then take 400mg daily, and 5g vit C daily

Dr Ana M says EDTA is the thing that dissolves the hydrogel and gets the graphene out so stick to the EDTA (can say for getting rid of heavy metals)

More sustainable way of doing things, train the body to recognize this stuff and eliminate it with Dr Monzo: https://www.well-beingbydesign.com/atb-coherent-restore

Tom Cowan and Andy Kaufman on turpentine (pure gum spirits) - this is really helping a friend of min, I think it would dissolve the hydrogels


In Aus buy it from: https://holisticeden.com.au/ols/products/100ml-100-pure-gum-spirits-of-turpentine-organic-pine-resin-pinus-elliottii-3oz

• after dinner start with 1/4 tsp turpentine and 1/4 tsp castor oil

• next day 1/2 tsp

• next day 1 tsp for 4 days (can stay on it longer if desired but better to give it a break and repeat) - max dose 7 tsp but not advised to go over 1 or 2 a day

• can keep repeating each week, 1 tsp for 1 or 2 days a week

• need to be well hydrated

• need to be having 2 - 3 bowel movements a day

• may be even more effective at full moon time as parasites cycle with the moon

• may be more effective on an empty tummy in the morning, but can be explosive!

For parasites can be cycled alternately with: artemisia tincture and/or https://au.iherb.com/pr/nature-s-answer-black-walnut-wormwood-fluid-extract-alcohol-free-2-000-mg-1-fl-oz-30-ml/5445

• Go Hungry - Intermittent Fasting gives the body a chance to clean out and repair, try to eat your meals in a 8 or at most 10h window with water fast days a few times a month

• Nourish - eat clean nutrient rich foods, avoid processed foods and GMO foods, supplement (good advice re supplements in the attached Detox protocol)

• Movement - get gentle exercise every day, walking great for your health while connecting with nature – lymph drainage essential

• Rest - make sure you get plenty of good sleep

• Detox/Purify

For cancer prevention and to address inflammation: https://holisticeden.com.au/ols/products/dandelion-leaf-tincture-extract-herbal-liquid-taraxacum-officinale-wild-harvest and https://www.mercolamarket.com/product/2313/1/berberine-and-micropqq-advanced-90-per-bottle-90-day-supply


• Reduce phone use, switch it off, put it in flight mode, put it in a faraday bag, don’t keep it on your body, don’t hold it to your head, don’t sleep with it near you, don’t use it in the car, don’t use Bluetooth airpods, charge phone well away from you or in another room

• Switch off the wi-fry as much as possible, hard wire your devices so wi-fry not needed

• Set wi-fry to lowest power setting not full-strength factory setting

• Wear grounding shoes: https://www.earthingoz.com.au/earthing/earthing-footwear/

• Wear shielding clothes: https://www.earthingoz.com.au/emf-protection-clothing/ - google for other options

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Maybe IP6 (I get IP6 Gold Amazon, IP6 Gold shop Mango Passionfruit ) might help? I've seen very positive blood work results from a patient taking it during chemo. No idea what if anything it might do in this case. I am not a doctor this is not advice.

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Thank you for continuing to share your observations. At this point, does it appear that sodium citrate, which you previously indicated showed some promise, is no longer working?

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its helping tonnes of people with symptoms and far worse. It has definitely been continuing to do what was seen before. However it does not seem to be able to clean the blood out. At this stage it looks like the blood is very densely soiled for everybody. I continue to take it because otherwise I get ill and neurology, etc kicks back in. I get brain fog and cant think. I have had great feedback from seriously ill people lately from their experiences. But I try not to elaborate too much on the level of success others have had since one has to be careful these days.

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Thx for taking time to reply. Dr. Ana Mihalcea has indicated that EDTA and Vitamin C, especially in IV form, can break down the nanoparticles (comparing blood vials before and after).

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It's hard to tell, because most of these people are not doing clearly demonstrated experiments to show for it, mostly is based on trust. Vit C helps though, but for the lipids mostlyedta pulls out metals but doesn't reach blood brain barrier and has mild toxicity and contaminated saline mixed with it. I will see if I can get some EDTA to view on the scope. EDTA is not a bad idea, but based on the above I personally won't did it, gave the suppositories a try but I am maybe a little sensitive to the toxicity of EDTA, some are fine with it.some people cannot tolerate it well at all. We shall be bringing some interesting updates in the near future.

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Dr. Mihalcea has indicated in several interviews that the EDTA chelation and vitamin C combo helps improve symptoms in her patients, if not completely eradicate them. About 10 years ago, I myself went through a check for heavy metal contamination by taking EDTA pills. I couldn’t believe how many different types of metals were found in my urine afterwards. One caution about taking EDTA regularly is that it can pull out good metals as well, like magnesium, potassium, etc. These should be replenished daily, hours after taking EDTA. Here’s a study done in Milan, Italy, where it was used to assess heavy metal toxicity in people with neurological conditions like MS, Parkinson’s, etc. They all had serious contamination. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7460255/

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I believe it helps, it is a non discriminate chelator,with mild toxicity. But it doesn't clean out the blood noticeably from what I've seen. Not seen clean blood images now for ages.the power of EDTA is known. It has provided useful among other more toxic chelators which many physicians don't use anymore because those are too toxic in their opinion. I think dmsa is one of those. As I was saying EDTA is a multiple visit treatment in order to be effective and is too costly for most including myself. I was hoping someone would have shown dated microscopy of improved blood by now via EDTA, but so far we we have not seen any from anyone doing EDTA so far. We like pictures, it shows us what we try to show people when we are explaining something. I try to show proof so others know more. Some fun videos coming soon. It is worth noting some people who had EDTA noticed no difference, it may be because some had more toxic metals than others as well sythetic biology to remove. Many variables to consider.

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Here’s a link to a recent Substack article by Dr. Mihalcea showing images before and after EDTA & Viramin C … using a dark field microscope: https://open.substack.com/pub/anamihalceamdphd/p/pfizer-bion-tech-covid19-bioweapon?r=xqakk&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Yes, and Methylene Blue

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Nobel deserving Research that should be disseminated by ALL who happen to be made aware > not unlike the 25+ Years worth of Research Carnicom Institute has released gratis into Public Domain.

Biowarfare being systematically carried out on ALL Life evidently not important enough for the Masses to address.

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Just a thought-NAC can be given IV. It’s actually the antidote to paracetamol (acetaminophen) poisoning.

But not very practical-who can find a doc. who’ll give IV NAC to see if it helps their blood?!

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NAC is the precursor to glutathione which a person's body can actually make. You can be low, but I believe it is an antioxidant produced by the liver. I don't think an amino acid would do anything to remove tech. It will support detox and immune, but it seems nothing removes the tech permanently. Do you know of anyone who has had their blood checked after a NAC IV? Just curious. Jane

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No Jane, I don’t know of anyone who’s had blood checked after IV NAC. It was just a thought that occurred to me. 🙂

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Love your scary work! As an unvaxxed, I’d like to find a practitioner in the Yardley, PA area who uses Darkfield blood analysis. We’re near Philly(dangerous for seniors now) and Princeton, New Jersey. Thank you. I’m using a good EDTA liquid for nano particles I’m sure I received during extensive dental work last summer.

How do I send my email privately for an answer?

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do you have amalgams?

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Mine are gone now

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Hello Karl.

Have you shared with Carnicom your discoveries about the presence of foreign material inside erythrocytes? It would be very good if both of you could collaborate together trying to find out what exactly is being introduced into the erythrocytes to modify them. Could it be related to CDB?

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We communicate, he is a nice fellow. We have discussed CDB and the possibility that it is rich in DNA of several kinds because of the possibility of DNA being used as constructional messengers or bonding keys. They may appear like bacterial because the grow, or morphology occurs, but it is likely all just the self assembly of programmed material being observed. Ess you too

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It's great that you both collaborate together!

So what you observe has nothing to do with CBD? Could it be that "they" have updated the method by which to transhumanize us? Or perhaps the two ways (CBD+nanotech) could be combining?

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more so that CDB may have had the western signatures of bacteria but is likely DNA doped material. That is complexly evolving.

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Karl - very briefly, I've emailed you couple times now some time ago, but I wonder if you ever got it???

All the best, Tom S.

PS: Dr. Ana Mihalcea swears by coated EDTA (to get past stomach acid which destroys EDTA) with high dose Vit C (>10k units/day). I took this for 2 months w/o ill effects.

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This is beyond disturbing to see with our own eyes, although I can’t say I’m surprised. On the plus side—at least your RBCs are still round-looking and don’t appear to have taken on the rouleaux formation 🙂

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I'd much rather have rouleax if I'm honest. That's got to be better than non human cells making dark materials inside. But yes, disturbing it is. Hope your are well

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I had a Darkfield exam of my blood 2 days ago. No nano was seen, but my red blood cells are clumped together. My oximeter reading was 97. Any ideas why this happens and how to treat?

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If the scope used is not of high enough standard with a good enough imager then alot of this stuff can be hard to see. We haven't seen anyone without it in over 300 blood samples plus all the ones people share to us in zooms. Not since August last year. If you have clean blood then please do share images to my email. We've been searching to find someone who has clean blood for a year now. The clumping is a major feature of this material in the blood, smudge is often seen, occasionally rouleax, but I suspect the scope used wasn't able to pickup most of the particulates and foreign material. This is why I have kept modding mine. Sodium citrate, charcoal, nach, quercetin, resveratrol, h202 all seem to be the best things I've found. Others have done very well with it too. But the blood still seems to get worse.

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How do people get samples to you? Feels like a dumb question, but would give anything to see what our blood is doing. Giving blood is no big deal, but having the right equipment is the issue. Would asking for a d dimer test be a way to see what is happening without giving blood? Sorry lots of questions and few answers. Jane

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Where are you based, might be someone local to you ? We know people all over some places

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I spoke to the trained person who was present and she said the rouleaux hides. So I don't know if my blood is contaminated, but she feels that nano is so ubiquitous, I likely have it.

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Rouleaux doesn't hide, it is a rather fast paced charge related process. This is why your blood can be fine in one sample, but then have a quick ciggerette or marijuana and you will see in that sample rouleaux within as results. Smudge and other tight binding that do not look like rouleax coin stacks are more serious. FYI, not saying I've tested marijuana but I watched a guy do it and it causes rouleaux too.

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So, you are saying that CBD or THC is not a good plan? If so I am in trouble. I use it for pain and it works. Either that or take their drugs....yikes. Jane

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I would stick to the cannabis lol. I smoke so I have rouleax anyway, it's usually only for a short period, so as long as you don't chain smoke all day you should have rouleaux for much less than that. No rouleax is of course better, but not better than pain. Sorry to hear about that.

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