Keep up the good work. Hope to help you out in 2024, but no guarantees with everything in neurowar these days. Grateful to be alive and will keep posting finding as well. Target is by 2050 Human 2.0 with significant population reduction for those who don't make it through the transition (willing and unwilling) with end game AI BCPS enabled nations with noninvasively dosed BMIs and defenses including cyber and neurosecurity for civ and mil.

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Thank you Brandon. It is interesting that lately i have been seeing papers for different methods of data storage on polymers. I am undoubtedly going to end up testing for electrical criteria at one point on the fine engineering scale just to make sure. But i think given the 5G timing and what we see here it will likely turn out there is Nanopore HDD storage technology being using via DNA here.

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XNA not DNA as DNA is not durable enough. Read up on Craig Venture... when I was in La Jolla CA in the underground labs, one of which was synthetic genomics, Craig had left Synthetic Genomics to work on XNA... that would be the only thing more promising than a quater billion funded venture in La Jolla down the block from Salk Institute and many more

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Definitely ties into the 5G . Even before with 4G people were fighting the Telecom companies to stop them from placing towers and masts near schools and housing. The head of the FCC is a former attorney for Verizon Wireless, and refused to listen or even updated the almost 30 year old safety standards for EMF radiation. During the lockdowns they were busy installing 5G in all the schools... How convenient.

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It is crazy how bad this stuff is for us without tech in us. Crazier with it inside of us though!

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Karl, I am pleased to see that many in the microscoper/researcher group begin to aggregate experience and evidence. Kindly share with your colleagues please, and reward me by telling how to change the screen to light background. Am 78, with eye condition.

Asaik, the group considers no torsion field (TF) factor. Re. crystals, a 2017 article says:


"Whether the crystal will find the right number of torsion field particles needed for binding, when growing, is still to be determined, but it is known that the growth of a crystal [small or large] strongly depends on the presence of an external torsion field. This is a well-tried torsion field detector [...] the forces here are very short range, as in atoms. In the case of photons of radio waves and in the case of teleportation, we have in turn long range interactions – metres and kilometres. [...] When we pour deionised water into two beakers, filling each one with a hundred millilitres, move one of them aside for a few metres, and introduce into the other homeopathic information [TF particle "imprint" on water structure], we will find in both beakers identical information, with identical radiation ranges. [...] torsion fields, still underestimated by official science, can completely change the image of our physical reality – and much faster than we might expect."

A 2019 address to Poland's parliament:


"Torsion field particles sent over the Internet. Remote genetic manipulation. Radionic methods make possible more ambitious projects of transmitting whole genes by radiofrequency links, and transferring them to living organisms for gene therapy, or, on the contrary, for selective covert murder [...] Torsion field particles make possible copying, in the form of torsion field, DNA’s original chemical form. Transfer of the particles to human body causes cheating of natural mechanisms and re-construction of the transferred DNA in cells.

The first succesful reproduction of DNA from a torsion field signal sent over the

Internet accomplished Nobel Prize winner, Luc Montagnier, a few years ago. Gene 16S of Borrelia burgdorferibacteria, causing Lyme disease, sent as torsion field, was re-produced in so-called PCR reaction. The analysis result using electrophoresis appears below (fig. 8). Fig. 8. PCR product re-produced from torsion field. (Luc Montagnier)"

A newer paper on c19 bio-weapon (Dr. Michalcea featured it w/o contact with the Author) states other mechanisms than EMF or TF:


"My work below: "WIMPs and the biological nuclear reaction in the highly human body", thanks to the use of advanced research methods unknown to the official science, shows three important elements of the pseudo-vaccine: forcing a biological nuclear reaction to take place in our organisms, the production of dark matter particles uncharted by official science, and the expression of prion-like proteins capable of catalyzing a nuclear reaction."

No sustained collaboration with the Author ensued. Maybe you guys could do it.

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By 2019, govt's of countries (USSR, Poland...) with "communist" telecom standards thousands of times safer than what the West had, forcefully embarked on legislation to pave way for 5G. Before c19 jabbing, a Polish chamber of death commerce squibbed at foil-hat anti-5Gers and anti-vaxers in the same lombasting piece.

This reminded of post-March 11, 2011, sudden but quiet change of ionising radiation allowable levels by factors in the hundreds to thousands, depending on the isotope.

Operation of 5G or other EMF is no proof that the frequencies trigger the xnanobiotech. According to torsion field (TF) science, it's non-energetic TF particles carrying info that determine state of health of all Life. See below my post to Karl.

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I'm amazed that everyone is not already dead. How is it possible that human beings can be full of this material and still remain alive? Worse yet, what's the probability that there is one universal antidote given that the source(s) of the intentional contamination is endless?

It's so disturbing. This is an ELE. It reminds me of Christ's words:

"For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved: but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened.” Matthew 24:21-22; Mark 13:19-20

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It's mind blowing to think hey!

And yep the great and terrible day of the lord is the pole reversal mate.. We got down to only 30 fertile females 12000 years ago from a 1 to 10 million strong population, that is an ELE. Each one is too. The days do get shortened too as the planet's rotation stops and reverses and we also get pushed further out into orbit too. It's a complete 'Sun of God' solar system reset.. They were trying to show you what the SUN does.. Why the oceans go missing in the bible, why the enormous flooding worldwide. In fact the noah flood event of 6000 years ago is now verified in the journals too, so there is no question something very very terrible takes place.

The sun novas at the same time, it takes 18hrs for the matter shell to hit the planet, travelling at 5.4 million mph it cooks the planet facing the suns shell, evaporates hundreds of feet of ocean water in a single go worldwide, which then causes snow to fall for 40-100 years non stop (also in the journals) and this is how we get the repeating glaciations of the planet.. It's the sun, this is the only mechanism that can cause the glaciers as you cannot get the snow to fall for that long without the equal amount of heat calories on other side of the equation..

Now go back and look at all the ancient iconography of 'holy people' with gold spherical halos around their heads, some with arrows and beams shooting out.. Those were the 'illuminated ones' who knew about the solar micronova and end of the world. They were not space helmets lol, not a holy glow from god haha, nope, they were trying so hard to tell you what is coming. It's all thru the torah and many other books too, the egyptian book of the dead has even more. Fun times ahead ; )

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Thora and so on = load of shit ! I an a celtic I do not by those oily scriptures !

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Cool story to whomever made sense of that lol

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buy not by

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Karl; Thank You once again for all that you are doing.... Will $ee what I can come up with . You are making significant progress and the comments are aligned with that endeavor. Have you seen any of the follow up to the recent seminar that Dr Ardis did?



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Not yet, will have to look when less tired. Thank you

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Karl, have you got a way to receive funds other than using PayPal? I tried using DC/CC option but then down bottom had to accept terms & conditions of PayPal. I refuse to use their services due to their terms and the fact they can deduct money from your account if they don’t like things you say/support etc

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I asked a simple question ; is EDTA infusion safe ? (I am sson going to a clinic in Germany) One guy told me it is also full of nanotech ! Why do I not get any answer ?

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As far as I know edta and all p harma products have the junk in them. One person said they have edta and now sodium c. They Said the sodium c seems far more effect. The properties of the 2 are different

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what ??? why is there no video about EDTA nanotech ???? You mean dr Ana is lying ? So why no one warnt us from EDTA just whan I have paid a clinic for this ? Please give me an answer !!!

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I would like to say that I cannot say Dr Ana is lying and I do not know what her claims are. I just know what I've been hearing and seeing elsewhere.

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Others who checked edta said it had the same stuff that was in all the other products they tested, including Saline, injectables etc. See Matt J. O. B, DAVID NIXONS, AND ALSO THE SPANISH GROUPS ON telegram who have been show casing all the products. People say the edta seems more effective than the contamination in it. Someone said they felt better results from sodium citrate then the edta they have been taking. That's all i know.

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But why dr Ana does not talk about it ? and what about Vit C ? How can the nanotech stands in a product that destroys them ? I have ordered some SC... I shall ask to see the edta on a microscope ! would you have any link ?

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This is a great idea, do share the brand of the edta and images on substack. I don't know Dr Ana doesn't talk about it. I just know others talk about it. Dentists have been checking their anaesthetics and found they are all also the same. I do not have a reference post to hand. This is old news now to many of us, we now assume all pharma products are this way. Which is why we were happy to see that sodium citrate was clean and could be mixed with which ever water you choose. I normally use reverse osmosis water since that cleans the water of the dots but not much else does. It is very annoying. Almost depressing, but I don't let it get me down if I can avoid it. Stay positive!

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I shall ask the doctor to show me my blood ans also the EDTA under a microscope. So far, the problem is WHY NO ONE IS NOT ABLE TO SHOW US PICS OF EDTA AND VIT C INFUSIONS UNDER A DARFIELD MICROSCOPE... ??? WHY ? One can accuse dr Ana, but what about others ???

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Can anyone offer guidance for taking the Sodium Citrate?

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Karl issued detailed guidance and precautions, together with dosage instructions a week or two ago. You will need to check back through his substack to find the document.

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Thank you so much! I've been reading all along - or so I thought, so I'll double back now. Gratefully, Rachel

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You're welcome.

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I am so glad I never stuck a swab up my nose, much less let some idiot ream me with one. Amazing, scary, but amazing images and videos. Thank you, Karl.

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Is this microplastic?

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In part. Synthetic polymers formed by synthetic proteins and likely DNA crystals or something similar

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Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your efforts to fight the good fight and get the word out. Is it possible to tell the difference between microplastic from environmental sources, which according to one study (linked below) is found was found in 77% of blood samples, and synthetic polymers formed in vivo? Sorry for the awkward question.


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I think that is a smoke screen for this stuff. There are ways to tell, but it would take proper analysis of two different types. Very similar in some realities. Of course different in other ways.

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