Karl - Thank you! ■ Makes me think of Wormwood poisoning the waters at the end. Wormwood is to be credited in killing many (I believe) at the end. Waters can apply to the people/s. There is much unveiling, thank you again. M

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Does anyone hold a working hypothesis regarding the utilization of that which you see? Is there a distinction in function between forms? A purpose in each form aside from murder by injection? This evidently is deep genetic study. We do not know what is an unacceptable casualty number nor what the multiple aims of this Global totalitarian science experiment involving billions. Those who do die in a digital location are to be registered.

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You're a champion Karl. Just watched your interview with Dr Nixon and Maria 👍 Wow. At the end the rain water , 🤪 they started chemtrail spraying Qld in 2008.

The Sodium Citrate 👍 been 2 half days, pee was real cloudy after first and second dose, the cloud would sink to the bottom of bowl. It had the smell. I'm feeling less conductive to EMF, today. Pee is clear on second passing after a dose.

I'm lucky I think my body gets this stuff out quicker then the norm.

The alkaliation of blood and urine sure helps get that nano stuff out.

Oh yeah Im taking 5 to 6grams in 250ml of water. It's a sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, sodium Citrate mix, it's from health food shop, it's a product that alkalises the blood.

Alkala N

From what I read to make sodium citrate, you need 1:1 molar weight of sodium bicarbonate and citrate acid . Then all the other stuff glassware, distilled water, element, oven. It needs to be heated mixed and evaporated.

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Thanks for your experiential input 😎

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“I’m feeling less conductive” 🤣🤣 never thought this would be a thing, but here we are

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May I inquire where you got the sodium citrate and the dosage?

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Health food shop. Comes with scoop. The scoop aproxx 5 to 6 grams. First day I had 1 scoop to 250ml, tolerated it really well. So next day had one cup in morning and one at night.

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I searched Health Food Shop and came up with many businesses, but none specifically under that name. I’m guessing you’re referring to any health food shop.

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Yes any health food shop as it's a product imported from Germany.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Thank you for continuing to look into these bizarre nanostructures!

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Great job!

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Satanic idol at Iowa state Capitol destroyed by Christian military veteran ■ On December 15, Republican presidential candidate and governor of Florida Ron DeSantis announced on X that he will contribute to the Cassidy’s legal defense fund as well.

“Satan has no place in our society and should not be recognized as a ‘religion’ by the federal government,” DeSantis wrote. “I’ll chip in to contribute to this veteran’s legal defense fund. Good prevails over evil — that’s the American spirit.”

Satan has no place in our society and should not be recognized as a “religion” by the federal government. I’ll chip in to contribute to this veteran’s legal defense fund.

Good prevails over evil — that’s the American spirit. https://t.co/p1vmTcl8c9

— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) December 15, 2023


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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Thank you, Karl. I appreciate your work and dedication.

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Quick observational Q about the smaller fibers you mention/picture towards the end: while in immersion, do they bend and sway as a wet noodle would, or do they appear rigid?

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Hey, will haven't tried to agitate them. They are very small indeed

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Okay stupid questions no doubt but are subjects vaxxed or unvaxxed? Was any of this looked at before Covid so that it’s clear these observations are 100% abnormal?


A neophyte

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i am unvaccinated. But it is the same problems we are seeing in both bloods. More since the spreading of vaccines and swab use. They spray too, and are possibly putting it in water. Water is how me and a neighbor first got ill in 2020. Morgellons disease has been noted to share most of these similarities and was a covered up disease for many years. Live Blood analysts have been seeing these same things in morgellons patients who were sold as being delusional for years. The technology is similar or the same. Methods of creating it, or transferring at the very least have changed vastly from what we can tell. Since the pandemic these rarer observations have now become common place and they definitely should not be there. Are nano particles and other man made materials supposed to be in our blood? ill let you decide.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Hmmmm. All that is very interesting. Pureblood here and living rurally but likely not free from harm. Will follow your progress closely.

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stay pure ;), thanks for tuning in.

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This was from chatGPT

Why does sodium citrates degrade graphene hydrogels?


Sodium citrate can interact with graphene hydrogels by forming complexes with graphene oxide, leading to the degradation of the hydrogel structure. This interaction may disrupt the graphene network, affecting its mechanical and electrical properties. The specific mechanism can vary based on experimental conditions, but generally, careful consideration of the choice of stabilizers and synthesis methods is crucial to prevent undesired interactions with graphene materials.

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Urine Color Meaning: What it Reveals About Your Health ■ 12/08/2023 by Brian Vaszily


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I'm curious to see what will happen when the slides are next to a router or mobile phone

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Was thinking along the same lines. I've seen past studies of blood artifacts that react to emf, and wondered what would happen to the same in urine.

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I too was thinking along similar lines. Also curious if they are sensitive to higher temps like around 98.6 and varied frequencies of light like an LED or UV. Also wonder if activity can be arrested in a faraday enclosure.

I imagine you will keep these samples to observe over time.

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More chatGPT

Very interesting.


Are there any other compounds similar to sodium citrate that can degrade graphene hydrogels?


While sodium citrate is known for its stabilizing effect on graphene oxide, other compounds with similar chelating or complexing properties could potentially have a similar impact on graphene hydrogels. Some examples include citric acid, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), and other organic acids or polymeric substances that can coordinate with graphene or graphene oxide.

However, it's important to note that the specific interactions between these compounds and graphene can vary based on experimental conditions, concentrations, and the nature of the graphene material used. Each case may require careful consideration and experimentation to determine the effects of different compounds on the stability of graphene hydrogels. It's advisable to consult relevant literature and conduct thorough experimental trials when working with graphene-based materials to ensure optimal stability and performance.


So sodium citrate is degrading to hydrogels, but it can aid in the formation of complexes with graphene oxide?


Yes, that's correct. Sodium citrate can have a dual role in the context of graphene-based materials. On one hand, it is known to stabilize graphene oxide (GO) by forming complexes or aiding in the dispersion of graphene oxide sheets, which can be useful for various applications.

On the other hand, in some cases, sodium citrate may not be ideal for the stability of certain hydrogels. Its chelating or complexing properties can potentially lead to interactions with the hydrogel structure, causing degradation under certain conditions. Therefore, the impact of sodium citrate on the stability of hydrogels can be influenced by factors such as concentration, pH, and the specific composition of the hydrogel.

It's important to carefully consider the intended use and characteristics required for your specific graphene-based material and hydrogel, adjusting the formulation and synthesis conditions accordingly.

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Hey Karl!

The nanotech structures found in your urine is quite different than what was seen in your blood.

The nanotech might have accumulated in other organs or have integrated the tissues, thus remaining unseen. The interstitium is also a major carrier.

Kidneys are filters and your spectacular pictures might be the proof of what had accumulated and grown over time; more elaborated and specialized structures.

If urine evacuates some nanotech, it has still to be proven that this is the result of CS intake and not because of the shedding phenomenon or a surplus of production from humans who would have become their manufactures.

As this nanotechnology can be found in rain water and snow, in distilled water and isopropyl alcool, according to Will The Micronaut, I’ll say that it has already contaminated everything on Earth, period. And, at the moment, there is no way to prevent these critters to invade all living organisms.

We are electrical bodies and the nanotech has frequencies/light mechanisms. Should the only way be to short-circuit them and shut down their power supply?

Isn’t it about time for all alternative radio stations and TV broadcasters to diffuse more love and healing good vibes 24/7 through their antennas? :)

Happy Ho!Ho!Holydays!

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Really appreciate your awakening! Does emf radiation 'unlock' the bio material. I think in terms of spores that under right conditions explode their spores to migrate and reinfect again.

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Why are they aggressively depopulating us with this technology? The best hypothesis of why the powers that be are doing this depopulation control is for a coming micro nova sun event and here is the evidence.

From the 1969 Moon Landing, they confirmed that a solar radiation event caused the glass surface on the moon. Review NASA research paper and findings. Pay attention on who supported this study and how important it was. Make a copy! https://an.rsl.wustl.edu/apollo/data/a11/stationLM/csp/docs/csp_psr.pdf They released fake moon landing (you can’t see the stars) while on this shared link, real images of the moon landing shows how glossy the moon actually is and you can see the stars!

They then established establish the WEF in 71. The moon landing confirmation changed their plan and they realized their global control was required.

The sun micro nova event, is the single greatest threat to their existence and survival. They know that there will be competition for resources if there are too many people on the planet when the lights go out.

Man made climate change narrative is a way of describing the massive change in weather events that we are beginning to see from the earth’s weakening magnetic field and solar events. Censorship in scientific papers removes the sun cycle variable from climate change discussions. Man made climate change does not explain why most other planets are also experiencing recent climate change.

Look for the evidence in coal beds closest to the surface. Coal consistenly only occurs in certain parts of the earth and that is because of the cataclysm cycle. There are layers of coals and sediments. The sediment layer contain some sea fossils. They control the narrative about coal telling us it comes from very old peat moss under pressure which is impossible to replicate. Coal has striation and rings from trees that have burnt and been deposited homogeneously at the same time. Lignite deposited are unburnt trees from the same event. A solar event (likely micro nova) burnt all the forests facing the sun and a large portion of the oceans forcing condensation into the atmosphere. The loss of water mass temporarily destabilizes the rotation of the earth and it takes 2-3 rotations to wobble and flip 180 deg and rotate the opposite direction. The ocean water continues the original rotation which causes 1000’-4000’ waves over some parts of our continents which brings sediment and charcoal to deposit in the same catch basins. Look at sedimentation deposits across the earth with this new perspective and you can figure which portions don’t get hit with the big wave.

We are coming into a quiet period for the sun and will therefore have more earthquakes and volcanic activity. The volcanic activity aside from the sun’s cooling , also cools the earth. In these times we will struggle for water resources, food from seasons changed etc. Look at what happens when we have an earth facing coronal hole blank spot on the sun, we get earthquakes and volcanoes’ going off.

When the sun goes quiet it typically then builds a shell around it, to rid this shell and become active again it needs a massive release of energy or “micro nova”. It has done this forever on a cycle which is likely believed to be 12 000 years.

WEF and whoever is at the top are deliberately coming up with a number of schemes, COVID, ESG, wars to depopulate and control. They don’t want us to take them down as we threaten their existence. They all have bunkers for long term survival. They are speeding up their plans because they misjudged when things would start ramping up. The US also built their underground shelters in the wrong location which they realized in 2017 and spun off the DARPA subterranean challenge to find live people in their wrongly built bunkers.

Everything is about them wanting us gone and they don’t care about the state of the planet as it will go through its own renewal. Take us out with vaccines, spraying, CBDB, financial collapse and control the food/food supply. Importantly they don’t want western fighting age men to be around or women to breed. Take protein and animal fats out of a man’s diet and he becomes weak. It is the same for women for the potential to bear a child.

How do you prove this cataclysmic event cycle lengths? You take coal from the top 5 layers and carbon date them. The carbon date length of time between 2 layers should show the length of time between 2 full cycles. $3000 for carbon dating and access to coal beds for a grab sample can prove this.

The biggest threat is us people figuring out their biggest lie of the impending sun micro nova and standing strong for our place on this earth.

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