Nowadays, I dont put it past eye floaters to contain q-dot products. HOWEVER, under normal conditions, eye-floaters are NOT any sort of debris on surface of eye. Floaters are inside the eye, or in the eye cornea. They are usually capillaries that have been damaged, and they eventually dissolve and vanish. Floaters have been investigated …
Nowadays, I dont put it past eye floaters to contain q-dot products. HOWEVER, under normal conditions, eye-floaters are NOT any sort of debris on surface of eye. Floaters are inside the eye, or in the eye cornea. They are usually capillaries that have been damaged, and they eventually dissolve and vanish. Floaters have been investigated by leading optical companies like Leitz/Leica and Zeiss, thinking that their optical systems were at fault. Only to find out that floaters are not something they can address as its in the eye itself. Like others have touched upon, floaters are likely a symptom of lifestyle and stress, which also affects eyes.
Nowadays, I dont put it past eye floaters to contain q-dot products. HOWEVER, under normal conditions, eye-floaters are NOT any sort of debris on surface of eye. Floaters are inside the eye, or in the eye cornea. They are usually capillaries that have been damaged, and they eventually dissolve and vanish. Floaters have been investigated by leading optical companies like Leitz/Leica and Zeiss, thinking that their optical systems were at fault. Only to find out that floaters are not something they can address as its in the eye itself. Like others have touched upon, floaters are likely a symptom of lifestyle and stress, which also affects eyes.
isn't it just normal degradation process?
You mean a function of age? Yes, thats a major factor.