Greetings Carol! THANK YOU so much for what might have been the kindest and most sincere complement I've ever gotten in my 71 years. I was a scientist with the US Forest Service for 33 years, before ending my career to care for my 95yo father. Becoming a scientist started early for me, when my father, a veterinarian, taught me microscopy…
Greetings Carol! THANK YOU so much for what might have been the kindest and most sincere complement I've ever gotten in my 71 years. I was a scientist with the US Forest Service for 33 years, before ending my career to care for my 95yo father. Becoming a scientist started early for me, when my father, a veterinarian, taught me microscopy when I was barely 10. My background took me through an MS degree which helped me immensely throughout my career. During that time, I also became a certified EMT who took the hippocratic oath - first, do no harm. My commitment to being a scientist was always and forever, while also adhering to the hippocratic oath as applied to all of nature. I believe this is exactly what God expects of me and I hope I live up to His standards. When we / humanity got hit with this evil nano-technology, I didn't think twice about springing to action to use my skill set to do whatever possible to help find solutions. Perhaps my input isn't the most critical, but rest assured that I can't rest until we find viable solutions. This evil technology is about as opposite to my morals as it gets, and I cannot ignore it or let it go until knowing we have killed the monster. I have faith that we will get there. God bless.
Once again I thank God that there are people in the world like you Tom who have high moral standards and want to do the right thing. May God bless you & keep you safe.
Your work is greatly appreciated. I just finished a LBA course and have been researching on a very small scale. I’m an acupuncturist and broadcast the truth to anyone that will listen. I find I need to keep stepping away temporarily for sanities sake... but then realize that pretending all of this isn’t happening is Not the sane choice.
I actually don’t ever pretend it’s not happening... I just compartmentalization it for a while... then the cover comes off the scope and it starts again🤪🔬
Greetings Carol! THANK YOU so much for what might have been the kindest and most sincere complement I've ever gotten in my 71 years. I was a scientist with the US Forest Service for 33 years, before ending my career to care for my 95yo father. Becoming a scientist started early for me, when my father, a veterinarian, taught me microscopy when I was barely 10. My background took me through an MS degree which helped me immensely throughout my career. During that time, I also became a certified EMT who took the hippocratic oath - first, do no harm. My commitment to being a scientist was always and forever, while also adhering to the hippocratic oath as applied to all of nature. I believe this is exactly what God expects of me and I hope I live up to His standards. When we / humanity got hit with this evil nano-technology, I didn't think twice about springing to action to use my skill set to do whatever possible to help find solutions. Perhaps my input isn't the most critical, but rest assured that I can't rest until we find viable solutions. This evil technology is about as opposite to my morals as it gets, and I cannot ignore it or let it go until knowing we have killed the monster. I have faith that we will get there. God bless.
so good to know we have your expertise watching over and weighing in, please stay
Once again I thank God that there are people in the world like you Tom who have high moral standards and want to do the right thing. May God bless you & keep you safe.
Your work is greatly appreciated. I just finished a LBA course and have been researching on a very small scale. I’m an acupuncturist and broadcast the truth to anyone that will listen. I find I need to keep stepping away temporarily for sanities sake... but then realize that pretending all of this isn’t happening is Not the sane choice.
I actually don’t ever pretend it’s not happening... I just compartmentalization it for a while... then the cover comes off the scope and it starts again🤪🔬