Your so wrong, and frankly i find it rather insulting. so when this comes out RESPONSIBLY i hope you don't feel bad for pre-judging me or others. We will not be able to hold a monopoly over it anyway. so you are very mistaken. after it his been released we may offer a product. but at this time i do not intend to. It has never been about money for me, it has been about my anguish for my suffering, your suffering, my friends, and my family. yikes.
Rebecca, he has stated that it may not work for all, that he is worried the blood looks MUCH worse, and doesn't know if that may be a risk. Til he figures that out , he doesn't want to say. But if you want to know: sodium Citrate, 3.5 grams 1x or 1 gram 3x daily in water. Something like that. Remember we are ALL experimenting on ourselves and each of u s had different loads of stuff (given the chem trails, the vax jab lots, the food supplies and water, etc etc.) He isn't making money nor does he want to. He just wants to help people. If you research: NAC, plus VitC, plus Sodium Citrate, and maybe a bit of CBD broad spectrum oil, will be very beneficial ... and don't forget, taking Borax Water. All adds up, the question is: how much of what, when and what can be taken together. As for me, I'm going to do 1 week Sodium Citrate 1 gram 3x in water. CBD oil. NAC. Natto Kinase. Vit C, Vit B complex and D3 plus K1/2 . May toss in some Methly (sp) blue drops. If that helps over 10 days? Then gravy, I will do that protocol every 3/ 4 weeks. Because we constantly are being dosed in the air, food, water... never mind shedding from the jabbered...
I have no microscope, only going on how I feel: def. improved my self with less EMF - turning off the stuff around me as much as I can. 2. def. difference with the dirty electricity harmonizers in the out lets (see Stetzerizer in a search engine) 3. def. pee alot more with the sodium citrate water and beer drinking lol. 4. def. feel good with the IVM AND the Sodium Citrate together with above removal of electric. 4. Borax Water does not harm the above. Still lots of peeing and probably junk removal. Additional supplements on and off like Iodine and some alkalizer like hydrogen peroxide mouth rinse and drinking a weak solution in water. I have Cl02 I've been looking in to neural lace and a structure called calthrin triskelion (sp) it reminds me of some of the 'hydra' like things seen in the blood. with rGO (reduced graphene oxide) and exposed to G5 what happens?
About clathrin From wiki:
Clathrin is a protein that plays a major role in the formation of coated vesicles. Clathrin was first isolated by Barbara Pearse in 1976.[1] It forms a triskelion shape composed of three clathrin heavy chains and three light chains. When the triskelia interact they form a polyhedral lattice that surrounds the vesicle. The protein's name refers to this lattice structure, deriving from Latin clathri meaning lattice.[2] Barbara Pearse named the protein clathrin at the suggestion of Graeme Mitchison, selecting it from three possible options.[3] Coat-proteins, like clathrin, are used to build small vesicles in order to transport molecules within cells. The endocytosis and exocytosis of vesicles allows cells to communicate, to transfer nutrients, to import signaling receptors, to mediate an immune response after sampling the extracellular world, and to clean up the cell debris left by tissue inflammation. The endocytic pathway can be hijacked by viruses and other pathogens in order to gain entry to the cell during infection.[4]
Karl stood up for himself just fine. He’s a big boy and I have already stated my apologies. Can we now talk about things like Computational Biology, Synthetic Cells, DARPA’s biological control program, the All of Us Research Program, Jobama’s Brain initiative, Central IRBs???
Seriously, give this a rest! Are you a paid subscriber? Karl has just shared that he has worked tirelessly for 3 years with no compensation and generously shares what countermeasures he feels he can responsibly share. Can you not wait a few hours or days until he feels better?
Thanks, that is kind of you. I didn't even see Rebecca has carried on. I will soon block her for aggressive and offensive behavior. She is not a team player. Her way or the high way with stampy feet afterwords. I wont lie, childish angry behavior in grown ups makes me very irritated indeed.
You cant do that till you something that can show you that you are even warm. And all the papers for different products show these things function or are designed slightly differently. We are studying whats in these products so we know what stops it. Paper snap is hopeless alone, too many products line up similarly to what we could be looking at and so that will not fix anything if one is not blindly ignorant here, that is called guessing via snap. I am working on detection of how the cells and other materials are formed so they can be broken! Finding 60 odd different papers for each stage that may or may not be right will not help, That is your job apparently, and that is what you believe you are good at. So i will use my intelligence to fix problems the way it has always served me well, thank you though! If my work invokes a product paper you think might be useful then i am happy to look over it and see if i can use it or something in it for analysis info if it is even tangible. Clearly i have been open to you, I am still very confused why you attack us all so much just because we do not have your SNAP style image skills.
I do not think others will see what you are projecting. The explanation was clear and logical Rebecca. i am truly sorry that us being responsible makes you feel this way
On the contrary I do a whole lot more than you do, sitting behind your computer screen talking shit to strangers.
I give away bottles of glutathione to people all over the country.
I do real research of scientific literature rather than showcase trial and error methods and pretty pictures.
I attempt to steer this whaccine conversation away from smart dust, quantum dots and pretty microscope art by providing actual nomenclature of many of the microscopic technologies and entities that I showcase.
Unfortunately being generous, which is very admirable i must say Rebecca does not give you the right to tell everyone else they are stupid and lazy when the research work as you put it that you do is hideously unscientific and makes no sense in most cases. You play snap with images that do not even scale or resemble the papers you show often. that is not useful, and if it was i would not be trying to use scientific methods to understand this stuff, surely! I am sorry you are an extremely angry person, and that you are superior to the rest of us. You have this reputation in the Morgellons groups and now it has extended to substack, you are mildly famous for your anger towards others from what i have personally seen. I would say that is an issue you might want to look into. Anyway, what happened to all these just being creatures or whatever you called it in the morgellons groups? Do your own research and leave everyone else out of your temper tantrums, please. I wish you luck, I am very glad you are helping people by sending Glutathione to people. Kudos! Still that is no excuse for you to be behaving so poorly towards others, It kind of undoes the whole kindness and sharing thing you supposedly do and seems very cliche. Go bully bad politicians or people doing harm maybe ? Just another idea. Some of us do not understand why you try to grab our attention and then talk to us like we are crap when we humor you, Pysops maybe ? Some of us are aware that many Morgellons groups are misinformation hubs and that is where you came from right, with the creatures and stuff being your claim to the cause of Morgellons ? One has to ask these questions in the face of extremely odd behavior like this. Best wishes, and warm feelings. I get that life is tough, hang in there Rebecca, I really wish you well!
Maybe vinegar or bleach...Didn't Trump blurb out, "Drinking Bleach." when in one of those Emergency Press Meetings when the MSM were screeching about HCQ being poisonous and Ivermectin as 'Horse Medication' as though many meds aren't used across most, many or a few mammal species.
No not fully IVM, not fully HCQ, not fully Chlorine Dioxide. They all work but more is need to eliminate. Sodium Citrate, Vit C high doses, CBD oil, Borax Water, NAC, Nattokinase..methylene blue and essential oils cinnamon and orange... it is a combo effort and tailored to what you got exposed to via jab, or via chem trails and food/water/air.
Don't know...The more he speaks poorly, the more trustworthy he seems. The others are just so rehearsed and polished with lies; I prefer Trump's little foibles, verbal fopahs and deliberate bleeps in whatever fashion he presents them.
I often wondered if he was referring to hydroxychloriquine. Also there is a nasal procedure that is used prior surgery where they swab your nose and then use a blue light to “disinfect” and prevent infection.
testing the hypothesis/outcomes
He says it’s not a drug, so why not impart the info? Why only share it with a few select individuals?
So they (together) can decide how much to sell the info for.
Mark my words. Prove me wrong.
Your so wrong, and frankly i find it rather insulting. so when this comes out RESPONSIBLY i hope you don't feel bad for pre-judging me or others. We will not be able to hold a monopoly over it anyway. so you are very mistaken. after it his been released we may offer a product. but at this time i do not intend to. It has never been about money for me, it has been about my anguish for my suffering, your suffering, my friends, and my family. yikes.
Thanks for your dedication, the world needs more people like you
Thank you, and happy new year also!
And yet, the rest of us continue to suffer while you and your chosen ones feel better.
Rebecca, he has stated that it may not work for all, that he is worried the blood looks MUCH worse, and doesn't know if that may be a risk. Til he figures that out , he doesn't want to say. But if you want to know: sodium Citrate, 3.5 grams 1x or 1 gram 3x daily in water. Something like that. Remember we are ALL experimenting on ourselves and each of u s had different loads of stuff (given the chem trails, the vax jab lots, the food supplies and water, etc etc.) He isn't making money nor does he want to. He just wants to help people. If you research: NAC, plus VitC, plus Sodium Citrate, and maybe a bit of CBD broad spectrum oil, will be very beneficial ... and don't forget, taking Borax Water. All adds up, the question is: how much of what, when and what can be taken together. As for me, I'm going to do 1 week Sodium Citrate 1 gram 3x in water. CBD oil. NAC. Natto Kinase. Vit C, Vit B complex and D3 plus K1/2 . May toss in some Methly (sp) blue drops. If that helps over 10 days? Then gravy, I will do that protocol every 3/ 4 weeks. Because we constantly are being dosed in the air, food, water... never mind shedding from the jabbered...
Any comment/feedback on your protocol? It’s more than a month out since this posting of yours.
Did it work or not work? Were you able to verify your results with a microscope? Please update for the benefit of myself and others.
Thank you. 🙏
I have no microscope, only going on how I feel: def. improved my self with less EMF - turning off the stuff around me as much as I can. 2. def. difference with the dirty electricity harmonizers in the out lets (see Stetzerizer in a search engine) 3. def. pee alot more with the sodium citrate water and beer drinking lol. 4. def. feel good with the IVM AND the Sodium Citrate together with above removal of electric. 4. Borax Water does not harm the above. Still lots of peeing and probably junk removal. Additional supplements on and off like Iodine and some alkalizer like hydrogen peroxide mouth rinse and drinking a weak solution in water. I have Cl02 I've been looking in to neural lace and a structure called calthrin triskelion (sp) it reminds me of some of the 'hydra' like things seen in the blood. with rGO (reduced graphene oxide) and exposed to G5 what happens?
About clathrin From wiki:
Clathrin is a protein that plays a major role in the formation of coated vesicles. Clathrin was first isolated by Barbara Pearse in 1976.[1] It forms a triskelion shape composed of three clathrin heavy chains and three light chains. When the triskelia interact they form a polyhedral lattice that surrounds the vesicle. The protein's name refers to this lattice structure, deriving from Latin clathri meaning lattice.[2] Barbara Pearse named the protein clathrin at the suggestion of Graeme Mitchison, selecting it from three possible options.[3] Coat-proteins, like clathrin, are used to build small vesicles in order to transport molecules within cells. The endocytosis and exocytosis of vesicles allows cells to communicate, to transfer nutrients, to import signaling receptors, to mediate an immune response after sampling the extracellular world, and to clean up the cell debris left by tissue inflammation. The endocytic pathway can be hijacked by viruses and other pathogens in order to gain entry to the cell during infection.[4]
Karl stood up for himself just fine. He’s a big boy and I have already stated my apologies. Can we now talk about things like Computational Biology, Synthetic Cells, DARPA’s biological control program, the All of Us Research Program, Jobama’s Brain initiative, Central IRBs???
Seriously, give this a rest! Are you a paid subscriber? Karl has just shared that he has worked tirelessly for 3 years with no compensation and generously shares what countermeasures he feels he can responsibly share. Can you not wait a few hours or days until he feels better?
Thanks, that is kind of you. I didn't even see Rebecca has carried on. I will soon block her for aggressive and offensive behavior. She is not a team player. Her way or the high way with stampy feet afterwords. I wont lie, childish angry behavior in grown ups makes me very irritated indeed.
Paid subscriber!? Laughable; I don’t subscribe to paywalled content.
And...the man defended his honor just fine without your help.
Way to go Karl! I’m sorry I underestimated you.
Can we put more attention on computational biology now?
You cant do that till you something that can show you that you are even warm. And all the papers for different products show these things function or are designed slightly differently. We are studying whats in these products so we know what stops it. Paper snap is hopeless alone, too many products line up similarly to what we could be looking at and so that will not fix anything if one is not blindly ignorant here, that is called guessing via snap. I am working on detection of how the cells and other materials are formed so they can be broken! Finding 60 odd different papers for each stage that may or may not be right will not help, That is your job apparently, and that is what you believe you are good at. So i will use my intelligence to fix problems the way it has always served me well, thank you though! If my work invokes a product paper you think might be useful then i am happy to look over it and see if i can use it or something in it for analysis info if it is even tangible. Clearly i have been open to you, I am still very confused why you attack us all so much just because we do not have your SNAP style image skills.
calm the farm...this is all respectfully being paced to be certain of the findings = normal due dilligence
Talk about insulting.
I do not think others will see what you are projecting. The explanation was clear and logical Rebecca. i am truly sorry that us being responsible makes you feel this way
On the contrary I do a whole lot more than you do, sitting behind your computer screen talking shit to strangers.
I give away bottles of glutathione to people all over the country.
I do real research of scientific literature rather than showcase trial and error methods and pretty pictures.
I attempt to steer this whaccine conversation away from smart dust, quantum dots and pretty microscope art by providing actual nomenclature of many of the microscopic technologies and entities that I showcase.
In 2017, I started my own pages on titled and and https://Chemtrails or
I posted over 300 actual videos of my microscope work on
I have my own substack where I share personal and substantial evidence of government malfeasance
I call my senators at 202-221-3121.
I am a USMC war veteran.
Unfortunately being generous, which is very admirable i must say Rebecca does not give you the right to tell everyone else they are stupid and lazy when the research work as you put it that you do is hideously unscientific and makes no sense in most cases. You play snap with images that do not even scale or resemble the papers you show often. that is not useful, and if it was i would not be trying to use scientific methods to understand this stuff, surely! I am sorry you are an extremely angry person, and that you are superior to the rest of us. You have this reputation in the Morgellons groups and now it has extended to substack, you are mildly famous for your anger towards others from what i have personally seen. I would say that is an issue you might want to look into. Anyway, what happened to all these just being creatures or whatever you called it in the morgellons groups? Do your own research and leave everyone else out of your temper tantrums, please. I wish you luck, I am very glad you are helping people by sending Glutathione to people. Kudos! Still that is no excuse for you to be behaving so poorly towards others, It kind of undoes the whole kindness and sharing thing you supposedly do and seems very cliche. Go bully bad politicians or people doing harm maybe ? Just another idea. Some of us do not understand why you try to grab our attention and then talk to us like we are crap when we humor you, Pysops maybe ? Some of us are aware that many Morgellons groups are misinformation hubs and that is where you came from right, with the creatures and stuff being your claim to the cause of Morgellons ? One has to ask these questions in the face of extremely odd behavior like this. Best wishes, and warm feelings. I get that life is tough, hang in there Rebecca, I really wish you well!
Maybe vinegar or bleach...Didn't Trump blurb out, "Drinking Bleach." when in one of those Emergency Press Meetings when the MSM were screeching about HCQ being poisonous and Ivermectin as 'Horse Medication' as though many meds aren't used across most, many or a few mammal species.
do not take actual bleach lol and no it is not Chlorine Dioxide or ivermectin or we would all be sorted by now. ;)
No not fully IVM, not fully HCQ, not fully Chlorine Dioxide. They all work but more is need to eliminate. Sodium Citrate, Vit C high doses, CBD oil, Borax Water, NAC, Nattokinase..methylene blue and essential oils cinnamon and orange... it is a combo effort and tailored to what you got exposed to via jab, or via chem trails and food/water/air.
I believe that Trump was referring to chlorine dioxide.
i believe you are correct Rebecca, that makes sense. What a bad way he put it egh
Don't know...The more he speaks poorly, the more trustworthy he seems. The others are just so rehearsed and polished with lies; I prefer Trump's little foibles, verbal fopahs and deliberate bleeps in whatever fashion he presents them.
Absolutely Certain you're correct.
Throwing a bit of humor out into the ether.
Whole situation is beyond the most bizarre nightmare imaginable...
So, best to find the humor where possible.
I often wondered if he was referring to hydroxychloriquine. Also there is a nasal procedure that is used prior surgery where they swab your nose and then use a blue light to “disinfect” and prevent infection.
Yes he was but because those in Ecuador had already found great success with it and the pres of that country called him.
Chlorine Dixoide
Yes...As in what we use to disinfect pools and public Jacuzzi's.