Tom, I love how you think. This needs more attention. I'm certain whoever designed this wasn't thinking that we could swallow a substance and it would vanish the tech. It would be too simple, and I'm not naive to this fact. These evil ones are arrogant and boast about their toys, the sky and their purse has no limit, it's plain to see in…
Tom, I love how you think. This needs more attention. I'm certain whoever designed this wasn't thinking that we could swallow a substance and it would vanish the tech. It would be too simple, and I'm not naive to this fact. These evil ones are arrogant and boast about their toys, the sky and their purse has no limit, it's plain to see in the variety of structures and multilayered vectors employed upon humanity. But I'm confident we'll find right combinations, some simple, some complex, we'll cobble solutions together. I'm grateful for people like you, who'll throw in, share your wisdom and experience, and what we can manage, slowly but surely, we'll succeed. These ideas you bring up may a part in the path to our triumph. Thank you!
I try Rauwolfia, but this means of communication via substack isn't ideal. Granted, better than nothing, but direct contact feels so much more productive. But - I get it - someone like Dr. Ana likely gets hundreds of emails per day, which simply isn't manageable. So I'm left with venting ideas or methods I'm experienced with, in hopes someone sees it and actually tries it out. I try hard NOT to criticize unless I have a better idea; i.e. constructive criticism. Criticism by itself shuts doors and we can't afford any closed doors when looking for solutions. You are totally correct re: the elite being arrogant etc. But don't forget we have two layers of evil here. Snobs like Schwab or Gates don't get their hands dirty. They don't ever set foot into a bio-lab to actually invent this stuff. Nor do they have any knowledge to actually do this work. They really are stupid people regarding a lot of scientific topics; they have no formal training in the fields they control. However, they control the funding to hire the work out. Sadly, a lot of this funding is likely from our own taxes - after having been laundered dozen times. I just hope their evil ways will catch up to them, soon. I might be blamed for being too drastic, but I do believe a hank of good rough sisal rope would have saved far more lives than all the vaxxines put together. We cannot survive if evil has no consequences.
The Day of the Rope... have you read it? Oh shucks, it can't be purchased any longer, it was sure a good book. Fiction of course.
Back to the idea of the structure, the nature of these microbes, they're life force if its authentic to them or it's ours and then our habitat and exposure that supports them, or is it a machine-microbe that can't' survive if we can cut their charge station off. What are they feeding off of?
We must be as classically scientific as we can. I am not one so I defer to others but I'll think aloud...
A survey with history, what was and is now the body's environment, when did the change in health happen, sleep patterns, emotional shocks, how many hours touching tech, what types, and past exposures to skin punctures of any and all kinds, the treatments that were tried, surgeries. What about partners and their habits with tech, their toxic load. Are there any metal pins in the body, broken bones, what about tattoos or piercings? Where is the router. What about the use LED's? What type of car, EV? Is there a cat or dog that's chipped? Are they in close proximity? Where is the nearest tower(s), radio tower, high school and grade school, fire station, airport? Do you use a microwave? Does your neighbor know about microwaves? There must be a common denominator that would make the difference. These shapes are unnatural, and our lives have become so as well. We've become congruent with our environment and contorted and defaced by those who want to control us, every aspect of what is weaponized in our environment, the whole realm stinks!
What say you? We need specifics, yet, I know with what you can see from your perspective, there is something you are spotting. I'm alarmed that this unfounded configuration isn't sussed out. It can't be that hard... it is probably right under us.
This communication style, it isn't ideal and I try to limit my time, but your thoughts are good ones and I'll be thinking about this all day. We are in a present danger, what would change this? Then, do we have the balls?
Enjoy what's left of our first, (2nd day) of this year when it all turns around.
I used to enjoy fiction when I was young. Westerns, sci-fi, entertaining and somehow satisfying as the good guys always won. Now, I simply have no time for fiction as real life is plenty "fictional".
What drives this tech? Near as I can tell, it is mostly driven by electromagnetism on a very minute scale, and also influenced by pH and temp which can determine what q-dots turn into (strands, liquids, solid crystals). The particles involved are tiny, 1 to 10 microns in size, but given a bit of charge they line up like a string of magnets to form larger structures. The material they're made of, mostly carbon tubes, make these structures very hard to attack. You can take pure carbon fiber and put it in sulfuric acid and it sits there happy as a clam. Its as inert as many plastics that also cant be dissolved by solvents or acids. However, chelating agents can attack these things, as well as several other compounds like tri-sodium citrate (USP quality), etc. The problem with chelating agents is their physical size - huge molecules - that can have tough time passing thru kidneys. It takes very high osmotic pressure to push these particles thru, which if done incorrectly can be rough on kidneys. We dont want to trigger renal failure; moderation is key. The problem is the constant bombardment of the "raw material" for all these artificial reactions. Its not just the vaxxines... but the billions of quantum-dots that we inhale (chemtrails) and eat from contaminated food (m-RNA vaxxed meat). Air quality is likely the prime culprit. Get a hi-quality air filter for your quarters, with sub-micron hepa filter. Mine happens to be Air-Doctor. Yes filters are $$$ but best health care you ever bought. Chemtrails or "geo-engineering" is a federal action that affects all of the public. As such, its required to have an EIS study of potential effects. But guess what - there is no EIS for this. Why not? Because the Air Force and intel already knew it would never pass muster. So - EPA and Congress look the other way for last 25 years. These q-dots are added to the bulk of chemtrails which is re-ground fly ash from coal power plants. Yes, the very same material that EPA requires to collect in huge bag-houses before exhaust gas goes up the stack, gets purchased by intel by the trainloads, gets ground in ball mills to fine dust, then loaded onto Air Force tankers to dump into our skies so we can inhale it to shorten our lifespan. This can trigger silicosis (ash high in silica), lung cancer from radioactive components (coal is often slightly radioactive), heavy metal poisoning, etc. As result "chemtrails" is all "conspiracy theory" and it never happens. Its not an admitted federal activity to this day. As it doesn't exist, we don't need to do anything about it. Pretty slick. There are ways to counteract, but... Target has yet to sell Russian S-500 surf to air missiles in Blue-Light Specials. Our intel tried spraying Chinese air space once decades ago... but a Chinese version of the S-500 spoiled their day and the plane and crew were never found. For some undetermined reason, our brave chemtrail pilots have refused to fly over China. Why is a mystery. Perhaps they choked on some bad chow mein.
There might be a thousand compounding factors like you mention, but those are all indirect factors of relatively minor consequence. The two culprits we need to focus on are: stop the m-RNA vaxxines (this is underway, sort of) and chemtrails - which has not been addressed as of yet. The geoengineering program belches more CO2 into the air than all US traffic combined. Not saying CO2 is a problem (its NOT), but the dual standards are glaring. Taking on the Feds, when the program isn't even admitted to, is a tough nut to crack. Can be done, but not easy. And... it can cause suicides with two bullet holes.
Lastly, q-dots are always observed to move in a jiggling motion. This has still been observed in blood from patients who died 6+ months ago. My take on what drives this is something called Brownian Motion. No sooner than I post this message, when Dr. Ana pushed out an article re: q-dots movement controlled by a weak electrical field AND light. Lots of light (laser) = lots of movement. Laser off = almost stopped movement. Ok, so that turns movement on/off. This disproves Brownian Motion, but how do the particles move? And do they still move in our bloodstream thats always pretty much dark? Thoughts of a Crooks Radiometer??
Hope that helps Rauwolfia, its all the time I have.
I thought you might like some good old Western music. Jim Reader - musician, songwriter, storyteller extraordinaire from Canada. Bar H, the album has his name as Tim Reader but there it is, free for all to enjoy- 14 songs. and they're like movies set to music, he's just the best.
Tom, I love how you think. This needs more attention. I'm certain whoever designed this wasn't thinking that we could swallow a substance and it would vanish the tech. It would be too simple, and I'm not naive to this fact. These evil ones are arrogant and boast about their toys, the sky and their purse has no limit, it's plain to see in the variety of structures and multilayered vectors employed upon humanity. But I'm confident we'll find right combinations, some simple, some complex, we'll cobble solutions together. I'm grateful for people like you, who'll throw in, share your wisdom and experience, and what we can manage, slowly but surely, we'll succeed. These ideas you bring up may a part in the path to our triumph. Thank you!
I try Rauwolfia, but this means of communication via substack isn't ideal. Granted, better than nothing, but direct contact feels so much more productive. But - I get it - someone like Dr. Ana likely gets hundreds of emails per day, which simply isn't manageable. So I'm left with venting ideas or methods I'm experienced with, in hopes someone sees it and actually tries it out. I try hard NOT to criticize unless I have a better idea; i.e. constructive criticism. Criticism by itself shuts doors and we can't afford any closed doors when looking for solutions. You are totally correct re: the elite being arrogant etc. But don't forget we have two layers of evil here. Snobs like Schwab or Gates don't get their hands dirty. They don't ever set foot into a bio-lab to actually invent this stuff. Nor do they have any knowledge to actually do this work. They really are stupid people regarding a lot of scientific topics; they have no formal training in the fields they control. However, they control the funding to hire the work out. Sadly, a lot of this funding is likely from our own taxes - after having been laundered dozen times. I just hope their evil ways will catch up to them, soon. I might be blamed for being too drastic, but I do believe a hank of good rough sisal rope would have saved far more lives than all the vaxxines put together. We cannot survive if evil has no consequences.
The Day of the Rope... have you read it? Oh shucks, it can't be purchased any longer, it was sure a good book. Fiction of course.
Back to the idea of the structure, the nature of these microbes, they're life force if its authentic to them or it's ours and then our habitat and exposure that supports them, or is it a machine-microbe that can't' survive if we can cut their charge station off. What are they feeding off of?
We must be as classically scientific as we can. I am not one so I defer to others but I'll think aloud...
A survey with history, what was and is now the body's environment, when did the change in health happen, sleep patterns, emotional shocks, how many hours touching tech, what types, and past exposures to skin punctures of any and all kinds, the treatments that were tried, surgeries. What about partners and their habits with tech, their toxic load. Are there any metal pins in the body, broken bones, what about tattoos or piercings? Where is the router. What about the use LED's? What type of car, EV? Is there a cat or dog that's chipped? Are they in close proximity? Where is the nearest tower(s), radio tower, high school and grade school, fire station, airport? Do you use a microwave? Does your neighbor know about microwaves? There must be a common denominator that would make the difference. These shapes are unnatural, and our lives have become so as well. We've become congruent with our environment and contorted and defaced by those who want to control us, every aspect of what is weaponized in our environment, the whole realm stinks!
What say you? We need specifics, yet, I know with what you can see from your perspective, there is something you are spotting. I'm alarmed that this unfounded configuration isn't sussed out. It can't be that hard... it is probably right under us.
This communication style, it isn't ideal and I try to limit my time, but your thoughts are good ones and I'll be thinking about this all day. We are in a present danger, what would change this? Then, do we have the balls?
Enjoy what's left of our first, (2nd day) of this year when it all turns around.
Beauty to Come.
I used to enjoy fiction when I was young. Westerns, sci-fi, entertaining and somehow satisfying as the good guys always won. Now, I simply have no time for fiction as real life is plenty "fictional".
What drives this tech? Near as I can tell, it is mostly driven by electromagnetism on a very minute scale, and also influenced by pH and temp which can determine what q-dots turn into (strands, liquids, solid crystals). The particles involved are tiny, 1 to 10 microns in size, but given a bit of charge they line up like a string of magnets to form larger structures. The material they're made of, mostly carbon tubes, make these structures very hard to attack. You can take pure carbon fiber and put it in sulfuric acid and it sits there happy as a clam. Its as inert as many plastics that also cant be dissolved by solvents or acids. However, chelating agents can attack these things, as well as several other compounds like tri-sodium citrate (USP quality), etc. The problem with chelating agents is their physical size - huge molecules - that can have tough time passing thru kidneys. It takes very high osmotic pressure to push these particles thru, which if done incorrectly can be rough on kidneys. We dont want to trigger renal failure; moderation is key. The problem is the constant bombardment of the "raw material" for all these artificial reactions. Its not just the vaxxines... but the billions of quantum-dots that we inhale (chemtrails) and eat from contaminated food (m-RNA vaxxed meat). Air quality is likely the prime culprit. Get a hi-quality air filter for your quarters, with sub-micron hepa filter. Mine happens to be Air-Doctor. Yes filters are $$$ but best health care you ever bought. Chemtrails or "geo-engineering" is a federal action that affects all of the public. As such, its required to have an EIS study of potential effects. But guess what - there is no EIS for this. Why not? Because the Air Force and intel already knew it would never pass muster. So - EPA and Congress look the other way for last 25 years. These q-dots are added to the bulk of chemtrails which is re-ground fly ash from coal power plants. Yes, the very same material that EPA requires to collect in huge bag-houses before exhaust gas goes up the stack, gets purchased by intel by the trainloads, gets ground in ball mills to fine dust, then loaded onto Air Force tankers to dump into our skies so we can inhale it to shorten our lifespan. This can trigger silicosis (ash high in silica), lung cancer from radioactive components (coal is often slightly radioactive), heavy metal poisoning, etc. As result "chemtrails" is all "conspiracy theory" and it never happens. Its not an admitted federal activity to this day. As it doesn't exist, we don't need to do anything about it. Pretty slick. There are ways to counteract, but... Target has yet to sell Russian S-500 surf to air missiles in Blue-Light Specials. Our intel tried spraying Chinese air space once decades ago... but a Chinese version of the S-500 spoiled their day and the plane and crew were never found. For some undetermined reason, our brave chemtrail pilots have refused to fly over China. Why is a mystery. Perhaps they choked on some bad chow mein.
There might be a thousand compounding factors like you mention, but those are all indirect factors of relatively minor consequence. The two culprits we need to focus on are: stop the m-RNA vaxxines (this is underway, sort of) and chemtrails - which has not been addressed as of yet. The geoengineering program belches more CO2 into the air than all US traffic combined. Not saying CO2 is a problem (its NOT), but the dual standards are glaring. Taking on the Feds, when the program isn't even admitted to, is a tough nut to crack. Can be done, but not easy. And... it can cause suicides with two bullet holes.
Lastly, q-dots are always observed to move in a jiggling motion. This has still been observed in blood from patients who died 6+ months ago. My take on what drives this is something called Brownian Motion. No sooner than I post this message, when Dr. Ana pushed out an article re: q-dots movement controlled by a weak electrical field AND light. Lots of light (laser) = lots of movement. Laser off = almost stopped movement. Ok, so that turns movement on/off. This disproves Brownian Motion, but how do the particles move? And do they still move in our bloodstream thats always pretty much dark? Thoughts of a Crooks Radiometer??
Hope that helps Rauwolfia, its all the time I have.
Love you Tom, you are a treasure thankyou for sharing
I thought you might like some good old Western music. Jim Reader - musician, songwriter, storyteller extraordinaire from Canada. Bar H, the album has his name as Tim Reader but there it is, free for all to enjoy- 14 songs. and they're like movies set to music, he's just the best.
I need some time to look at this. Thank you for your time for all to read, the kidneys were my main concern which you well confirmed. We only get two.
Again, thank you for thowing in.